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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy belated birthday Ang! Good luck on the new job!
    Jenny - Sorry about your Father in law, very sad. I hope Russ made his peace with him after all this time. <3
    Marla - Sorry about your leg problems. My MIL has the same thing and has to wear compression stockings
    with capri pants. At 89 who cares. :*

    Hi everyone I am back from the cottage and no Wi Fi so I couldn't check in. I have lost all my days but that is okay because I will be leaving again in another week for sailing so I will just do what I can to post this summer. It will be a busy one.

    We had a great time at the cottage our friend Tom came with us, he lost his wife and my best friend in November. He loves the lake and the cottage so he had a great time fishing. We caught 15 fish but could only keep 10 due to slot size or some bass which were not in season yet. We did have a fish fry at some friend's house we know up there and they cook 40 fillets for all of us. Delicious! The weather was good with only one day of rain.
    We ate well except some cheese, crackers, ice cream and cake which Tom brought. I will not weigh in yet for
    a couple of days. We took my MIL up to her cottage, she is 89 and really misses it. She said she won't stay
    there alone anymore. Another trip this summer will be planned too.

    Today I tried to get in a Yoga class but no one was there at the studio. So I will have to email and find out
    what happened today. I know some power was out in the area due to a wicked storm we had last night.
    Today I am doing laundry and catching up on the computer. I tried WI FI at Tim Horton's but no luck. It said
    it was connected but my Tablet just didn't preform. My Fit Bit is not syncing to my tablet either. I think we
    will uninstall and reinstall the app again.

    So I hope everyone is doing well and hope I can catch up again. We stopped to see Isaac on the way
    up and on the way back. He is getting cuter by the day and bigger.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Welcome back Shirley! Glad you had a nice time at the cabin and it was nice that Tom went too. We had some bad rain storms with high winds while we were in Wisconsin. No damage to our home.

    Today I stayed in my robe for quite a while and ate a late breakfast of eggs and veggies. I went out and began to weed my front garden and did a little around the house. My knees hurt so walking in the grass and on uneven ground is difficult. I'll have to weed a little bit each day until all the areas are done.

    We met some friends for dinner tonight at a restaurant that we like quite a bit. It's quiet enough to talk and the menu is great. I had poached salmon with asparegas. I asked that they give me extra asparegas instead of the rice pilaf. I'm trying to eat more protein, fruit and veggies right now and minimal carbs except fruit. I need to cleanse my body and start to drop some weight. I've upped my water too. We'll see if I can continue doing this for some time.

    Tomorrow I will get a pedicure and call my sister. I have some cleaning to do and want to be outside to get some Vitamin D while I weed. We will have yoga again on Thursday and then we will go to the local park to listen to a bluegrass band. It's a free concert in the park all summer on Thursdays. They have a different type of band each week.

    Well getting late and I'm still tired from our weekend in WI.

    More later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Hey gals -

    Jenny - sorry for you and Russ. Glad he was able to make it there in time - prayers for peace for all of you

    Ang - hope your new job is all you dream for it to be - good luck! Are you still visiting with your guy friend? :>)

    Shirley - sounds like lots of summer fun your way

    still very busy running the boys (especially Zach) - trying to get something for fair done - no luck with that - I'm just so whipped at night. Did a family reunion this weekend - which was fun- but was several evenings getting ready for - gone for a whole day and then just shot Sunday from being too hot. I have real fear there won't be any projects this year and then the big disappointment look from sis - yeck.

    auditor in counting today - hellz week here - gotta go - hugs luvs
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Animals let me sleep until 8am. Yay! I drank my tea on the deck in my robe and talked to my sister for quite a while. Then I showered and went to get a pedicure, wash/vacuum the car, and buy grocery items for dinner tonight. We are going to grill pork chops marinated in zesty italian dressing. I'm going to make mashed cauliflower and corn on the cob. Mashed cauliflower seems to be the craze lately so we are going to try it in place of potatoes since I'm cutting those out of my food choices.

    We are both still tired. At least I haven't had to go to work. Russ is beat. This weekend we have a retirement party to go to and then we are going to the farmer's market and out to eat with Jeff and Iva. They leave for Croatia on the 10th through the 24th to see her relatives over there. We want to see them before they leave. Rory is coming home to go to a concert with his friends. We may see him for a few minutes. He told me he "won't be around home much". We'll see him the weekend of the 4th.

    Marla- you sound like you are having full weeks. Is Caleb happier now? I liked your reunion picture on FB. Big family! What side of the family was your reunion?

    Amy- love your new hair cut! Great picture on FB.

    Hi Ang and Shirley!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Yes, love the family reunion picture on FB, Marla. You do have a big family! Looks like you had a great weather day.

    Jenny - You sound like my girlfriend who had knee replacements. I know that is probably the final decision. She
    used to complain of uneven ground and walking in general. Has your doctor suggested that yet?

    Well all laundry is finished and ironing done, I even managed a 45 min walk yesterday. Today is an apt. with the financial
    advisor for Dave's and my money and see where to you put it. So many decisions, it makes my head spin.
    That will be at 12:30 this afternoon.

    I will be packing today for the wedding in Michigan we leave tomorrow morning. My oldest daughter, Kristina,
    will be calling tomorrow before her week trip to Argentina. This will be a vacation trip. My daughter the traveller. :)
    She just got back from a week in Quebec City for work . She had all kinds of pics on Facebook.
    You probably have seen them, she has long hair and bangs.

    I have a video on my phone of Isaac cooing and trying to talk. It is so precious. When you are down just look at
    that picture and it makes you SMILE!

    I will have my tablet with me to track and check in this time.

    Have a good weekend!


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Shirley- Docs aren't recommending knee replacement yet. I haven't been back to check in with the doctor because it always feels futile getting them to do anything. We have yoga tonight and I'm looking forward to the stretches. Feels good! Russ likes it too, yay!

    I'm fighting a sore throat, sinus head ache and sneezing since we returned from WI. I wonder if I caught something in the hospital while visiting Russ' Dad? I sat on the deck with my green tea this morning and relaxed but haven't gone back out to weed a little bit. I really should do that. I just want to nap.

    I've been changing what I eat this week and doing well so far. High protein, carbs through veggies and fruits, fish, nuts, eggs, and lots of water. Lost .8 of a pound the first 24 hours. This may help me jump start my weight loss and to feel better. Too many carbs when we were in WI and I felt lousy.

    We had a paleo mashed cauliflower last night with grilled pork chops and corn on the cob. The cauliflower was a pretty good substitute for a baked or mashed potatoes. We liked it.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    good job Jenny - keep pushing forward - I actually like the mashed cauliflower but found it to be a hassle to prepared - but think I saw somewhere recently that is a frozen version out there - may have to look for it and give it a try again. Feel better!

    Shirley enjoy your weekend and baby time

    Hi Ang and Amy

    hoping to test a couple of muffin recipes for fair this weekend - plus if my legs don't hurt - really really really should work out HUGS!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    oh - and the family reunion was my side - my grandma (moms mom) has two sisters and a brother and that was the cousins and kids from the four originals - very surprised at how many were there - that was the first time in over 30 years I saw Mary and John from Illinois - my mom loved it - I got too hot - but made my mom happy.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Family reunions are always interesting. It is fun to see relatives you haven't seen in a long time. Good luck with the muffins. I'm sorry you have achy legs Marla. I know what that feels like and it really zaps your energy daily. Let me know if you find any answers or solutions. I'm trying to back off Tylenol and Advil for awhile. I'm afraid my organs will become damaged.

    Yoga felt great last night. Why did I ever stop doing it? This time I need to stay with it if it helps me be stronger and less pain. Just being more flexible will help the overall body aches.

    My cold is full blown. I had to sleep in the recliner last night and I took Nyquil at 3:30 in the morning. I'm tired and groggy today. My ears hurt and only sipping water makes my throat feel better. If this persists I'll stop by the Minute Clinic and get checked. What a whammy of a first week of my 3 week vacation. Family death and getting sick from my travels...

    Amy- no baby yet? I hope you get to meet the little one.

    Hi Shirley and Ang! How's your new job Ang?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Our weather has been beautiful! We went to the farmer's market with Jeff and Iva and then out for brunch. I had a vegetable hash and fresh fruit with a bloody mary. The food was so good! Iva and I have plans to go antiquing and out to lunch on Tuesday.

    Russ leaves early tomorrow morning to go back to WI to start sorting his Dad's stuff. He has to apply for probate with the county courts and begin to decide how to dispose of stuff. He will be gone until Tuesday eve. I will meet friends for coffee tomorrow morning and then another set of friends for happy hour tomorrow eve. I'm not going to WI due to the dogs. We will be kenneling them this weekend but didn't want to put them there for an additional two days. Jean wanted us to bring them to WI but she doesn't have a fenced in yard. They won't stick around and would be stuck in the house or on a tie out. The has a yard of beautiful perennials and annuals she works hard to maintain. They would pee on everything and eat her shrubs. We didn't want to chance they would ruin any of her plants.

    I think my new eating plan is helping me feel better. I lost 5 pounds this week, much of it fluid retention. My knees don't look puffy and my joint pain is less intense. I'll stick with this and hope to make it my way of eating. Hopefully I'll be able to reclaim some of my life and be more active.

    Well I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    way to go Jenny! keep it up :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will try and catch up later, as you see a busy time. Today cleaning and laundry.


    I just got back from Yoga class and now back to reality of laundry and cleaning since I was away for the weekend.

    We got back from Michigan last night, 6 hour drive and we were tired. The wedding was great, it did pour rain
    all day Saturday so much so the tent where it was held was beginning to get soggy. So we changed our plans
    on clothes and went shopping with another couple and I bought some pants and a top instead of my long
    dress and new shoes. The ceremony went off outside with no rain but cloudy skies and wind. Some of the
    bride's plans were cancelled due to weather. The food was good and we did have dancing inspite of the
    slippery floor they layed down. The Johnny on the Spot was only one and it filled up fast. Yuck!
    All in all we had a good time. It was too bad the next day the sun was out and it was beautiful and warm.
    They provided heaters in the tent because it did cool down. The sun did manage to come out around
    dinner time.

    Now back to reality and laundry today and cleaning. I did get on the scale this morning and of course I am up
    b ut that was expected. I did record it and will be chipping away to get back to my ticker weight again. A
    real challenge this summer.

    We will be leaving again on Thursday with our club cruise and our sail boat and will stay for a while after the long weekend.
    Our boat engine is fixed and hope all goes well on our next venture since it will be a 5 hour crossing on
    Lake Ontario.

    I will try and check with you all this week before I leave. I will have my tablet on the boat with me since Wi Fi will
    be available at all ports.

    Have a great day!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi ladies. I know I haven't posted in a while. Work is crazy busy and when I get home I'm tired. I will let you know more tonight. I just finished breakfast and need to finish getting ready for work.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    go ladies go!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A chiropractor apt this morning, my usual, but in time. On the way home from the wedding I was getting a pain down my
    leg so I needed a treatment. Better now, I still have TO put heat and cold on it.

    Doing ironing today and tomorrow packing. I picked up some groceries for a few days while we are away but forgot
    a few things that weren't on my list. So I will have Dave pick them up. I also gassed up my car and my usual
    pump place was being renovated so I had to go elsewhere. I also picked up my soaps from a lady who used to
    have a booth at the farmers market but I found out she will be moving to Northern Ontario. I got 4 bars and one free.
    I went to her house, it was beautiful and big and back in the woods. She said she found a place on the water,
    I wonder how much that cost them.

    Yesterday while doing laundry I went down to get things out of the dryer and there was a back up of sorts and water
    all over the floor. What a mess! Dave called the Town and they came out to check it out. They said there were
    some roots they saw so they will come back in a few weeks and dig it out. I went in the shower this morning and
    some of it was there too. It seems to be back to normal, they figure something was clogged and it gave way.

    I will be going to a restorative Yoga class tonight. I have been missing so many classes because we are always
    away. Good thing I paid for 20 classes, I did catch a class yesterday morning, my usual.

    Well have to get ironing.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Ok just lost my post. I love you ladies but hate this site.

    I'll be brief...
    Sorry to hear about your water problem Shirley. I hope your sailing trip goes great.
    Ang- anxious to hear about your new job.
    Hi Marla!
    My first week of vacation last week was a bust with my father in law dying and being sick. This week is great. Coffee and happy hour with various friends, antiquing with Iva, Jeff's significant other, yoga, relaxing and reading, etc. We will be out of town this coming weekend.
    Russ came home this evening. He's tired but got some things accomplished with his Dad's stuff. I can tell this is all going to take awhile. He moves at his own pace and his brother will be no help. I just hope we aren't housing his parents' ashes forever. I have a feeling we will be. I'm also guessing Russ and his brother will never get a celebration of life gathering planned for their Dad.

    Well have a nice evening and getting ready for the weekend. It will be July 4th Independence Day parties for us in the U.S.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015


    Happy 4th of July to all my American Water Cooler Friends !!!


    I took in Yoga restorative class last night. Gentle postures but holding them longer like 10 min or so. I felt great after
    that. I have been stressed lately due to being gone so much. I have to pack again today for a week on our sailboat.
    I like going away don't get me wrong, but I also like some down time at home and putter around here. I have not had
    that opportunity since my husband retired. He is a go go all the time.

    I will be packing today and then do some other things. We will be leaving tomorrow morning. It rained here again last
    night and it is so soggy around the house. I hope we have decent weather while away. We have our club cruise
    over the long weekend then we are on our own after that. I will have my tablet to report in
    everyday on the Newsfeed.
    I may catch some fireworks tonight depending how the day goes.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited July 2015
    A day off and time to get caught up on some things! This morning was nice and relaxing. I went to the local Canada Day parade with some friends. It was really good! (and a decent length parade as well.) I've got pictures uploaded to my Facebook that I've been trying to do for awhile and am currently trying to upload some videos.

    My new job is going great! And very busy! My first day there I had two property closings! I've had 12 in the last 6 days. That's about how many I averaged on a busy month at my first paralegal job! (Not the last one I just left.) I have made a couple mistakes and feel bad about it, but the lawyer I mostly work with (Lawyer P) is very understanding and forgiving. He's a great guy to work for. The other lawyer I will mostly work with (Lawyer M) had only 1 property transaction since I started, so I've done very little for him. I ended up going in last Saturday and working. I feel so far behind as I can only take these transactions one day at time. I had someone call me yesterday to verify numbers for a closing next week. I was half an hour late getting off yesterday trying to get all of yesterday's done, never mind what's next week! I also took the time last Saturday (when it was quiet) to clean and organize my desk. The person before me definitely wasn't and definitely didn't care! It's finally to a point where I know where what things are. Still don't fully know what some files are and what needs to be done, but I just haven't had time to do them!

    I'm still fighting on my old boss. It took forever for him to finally get me my last pay. Even when he finally got my cheque ready, he still wouldn't send it to me, unless I signed my termination agreement, which stated that I confirmed receipt of my payment! I told him I can't sign something that isn't true! Eventually I had to send it via courier and our courier came back with my pay. I took it straight to the bank before he could do anything. On advice of one of the lawyers at my new office, I made some slight changes before sending it back. He cut me off a day early and wanted me to confirm I was paid in full to the 18th. No I wasn't. He owes me to the 19th. I am looking at filing a complaint. However, reading the Labour Standards for Nova Scotia, I"m not sure there is a whole lot I can do. I can only see.

    Things with J are going well. He was down last Sunday for my birthday and we and my brother and his family all went out to my parents after church. It was a good day. I've attached a pictures of the two of us.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    nice picture Ang - sorry for your hassles with your old boss - sounds like your new place is helping to look after your interests. That good to hear. Hope things keep going well with J -

    Hey Shirley enjoy your weekend

    Jenny - I feel much the same way about the site too much of the time - the changes are - ugh

    busy, busy and more busy - fair is next week! Only one project done for Zach and that's because its an essay he wrote for school I am recycling for a project. This should be our baking weekend but with the 4th we are supposed to go 'blow stuff up' at my dads farm - and just ugh. How am I supposed to get stuff done! It will be hot - no a/c - no running water either. I think I feel a migraine coming on and the boys can without me

    High fives! Hugs!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Busy day here! I got the oil changed in my car for our weekend trip to see Russ' brother and our son Rory. I went to the bank to put some things back in our safe deposit box and then to Costco and Cub Foods for some grocery shopping. Tonight I made tortilla crusted lime tilapia (Costco fish), copycat Chipotle cilantro lime rice, black beans and mango salsa for dinner. It was tasty.

    Ang- J looks like a nice guy. Fun picture!
    Marla- Busy lady, busy family! How did your baking work out for the fair? Is Caleb doing a project too? I hope you feel better.
    Shirley- Sounds like you need a breather at home soon to just relax and regroup. Enjoy your sail. I hope you have nice weather. We are suppose to have great weather on the 4th of July.

    More errands to do tomorrow, go to the dermatologist for my skin cancer check, pack and get animals situated. We will leave early Friday morning to head to Russ' brother's house and our hotel. We plan to hike at a state park and use the pool and hot tub at the hotel. We'll see his brother and wife on Saturday.

    I hope you have a wonderful evening!