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  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Last week was so long and tiring! We had special meetings at church and I was straight out there after work every night. The worse though was Tuesday. A normal 40 minutes bus ride took 2 HOURS!!! There was an accident that majorly backed up traffic, even after it was cleared up! I ended up being late, but that's OK because the speaker got caught in the same traffic and was late as well!

    Friday night was the awards night for the kids program I work in . I shed tears as I watched the sixth grade girls I've worked with for two years graduate from the program. Next year they are off to the teen group. I'm going to miss them! I also got emotional with my 1st-2nd graders! The second graders leave my room next year to go to the next room. I am so proud of all the kids in my class and the hard work they all did this year.

    By Friday night I was drained. I slept a good eight and a half hours Friday night! It felt so good! I had fun on Friday. I watched my nephews in the morning and in the afternoon I went to jewelry party. I will have to show you a picture of what I go when it comes in.

    Work went pretty good last week. He didn't seem to get to mad at me last week, which is a good thing. However, he also didn't give me much work to do, which left me bored. I'm finding things to do (organize and updated the office manual) but eventually I will run out of things to find to do and then I don't know what I will do! I am still keeping my eye out there for something else.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    I stayed in my night gown until after 12:00 noon :) I was talking to my sister on the phone for at least an hour or longer. I hadn't talked to her in over 2 weeks. Then I got dressed and went to sit on the deck with my book to get some sun and Vitamin D. Hot and humid but I was out long enough to get a little color and enjoy the day. Once I stared to drip sweat I came in. I just made hotel reservations for a trip to Grand Forks on Sunday 7/5 to visit Rory. We will be in northwestern MN for July 4th at Russ' brother's home for a BBQ. Hopefully his Dad will make it to the weekend event. If he doesn't, I just booked two nights in Rhinelander, WI so we can drive over there on 7/6 and stay for two nights and see him. Either way, we need to see him. Russ talked to his Dad today. He is having a biopsy due to finding a spot on his lung. He was a chain smoker for his whole life until 3 years ago. He quit so we were told but we aren't sure if he started again. Even so, it would be a miracle if he evades lung cancer. Russ hasn't seen his Dad in almost 4 years. His Dad never calls his sons and doesn't come to the cities. We asked to visit him two summers ago and he told us no, he was too busy with house projects. They are a weird group of males. Russ' mom is gone and his Dad has minimal social skills and ability to relate to his sons or his grand kids. Sad! He lost one son to lung cancer but didn't learn a thing about keeping relationships with your family. He doesn't know how to relate.

    I have paperwork to do tonight but am putting it off as long as possible. I suppose I will have to do it soon.

    I hope you all had a great weekend.

    Ang- I'm glad your speaker at church was late too so you didn't miss anything. I hope a new job opportunity arrives for you. What is with your boss? Are you his only employee?

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good Morning everyone
    I go home today but I'm a ball of nerves . Marla , I don't think I am able to let this feeling go but I'm not angry anymore ,I think I liked angry better than this depression I am feeling . what the heck ? I know we'll be ok but Like Jenny was just saying about the father in law with poor social skills- mark my husband down in that category too.
    He doesn't get it that he could have possibly hurt my feelings . One day will not be enough and I thing maybe that's why I'm so depressed .

    But not to bring everybody down for too long ...I should get to meet my new grandson if all goes well and she doesn't run late .

    Keeping my fingers crossed .

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello ladies,
    We had a good time yesterday. We picked up Dave's mom and took her to the sailing club for Sail Past. She was able to
    get on the boat which was nice she could see the whole experience. We had a nice wine and cheese party afterwards.
    It was a beautiful day and the temp was perfect. Just sitting and talking to her on the chairs before we went out for our
    sail I got some color. I will show you some pictures.

    Today is laundry and getting things done at home. Its a rainy day and cloudy. Tomorrow two apt. and will try to squeeze
    in some exercise. Today was yoga and I tried out my new meditation bench which Dave made for me. It worked out great!
    Some of the gals like it too so now they want one. Ha!

    Ang- Glad you had a good week and hope you find another job.
    Jenny - You will like Yoga if you have a good instructor. I hope you guys like it, its part of my life now.
    Amy - Sounds like your feeling may be something to talk to your hubby about. Hope you have a good time off.
    Marla - Hi! I know you are running around like a chicken.

    Here is a pic of Dave at the helm and some of the boats that were decorated for Sail Past. This is what starts the

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Dave looks very hansom! Why is he wearing a suit and tie on the boat? Is it a more formal event? I forgot to sign us up for yoga today, yikes! I must call tomorrow. It starts a week from Thursday. I've taken yoga from this instructor before. She is very good. I hope it helps both of us with our aches and pains. In the past it was very helpful for my arthritis.

    Amy- I'm sorry you are in a funk. Hang in there! I agree with Shirley that you and hubby should chat before you leave for LA. Dinner together or a long walk?

    I had two appointments cancel today at work so I got some paperwork done. Tomorrow is a paperwork day for everyone so that will be nice. The speech clinicians are holding a luncheon for one of our own that is retiring. She was one of the people who was honored at last weeks retirement party. Whenever a speech clinician retires we always have a luncheon with just our group and give an additional gift to send them into retirement.

    Russ and I went Nordic walking after work at the county park that has lots of trails. It is only a mile or so from our house. The wave pool and water park was open with lots of people swimming and picnicing. We also saw lots of tents and campers in the camp ground. Definitely summer for some people. We went to Costco to pick up some things. I bought more of the smoked salmon I like so much and fresh fruit.

    Well I have some things to accomplish so signing off.
    Hi Marla and Ang!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Isaac is such a cutie Shirley - love all the pics
    Jenny - that sounds great about trying a yoga class together - can't imagine Bernie doing that - sounds like fun - I really like when the workouts I do incorporate some of the yoga stuff in

    yesterday was insane for Zach - golf, football camp, piano, weights and umping for four hours. He did not want to get up today. Buddy - I feel you - but get up anyway! I'm really proud of how hard he is working and hope he can continue. He has so much talent.

    Take care ladies - I'm here just crazy - but lurking and loving you on from the background!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yesterday's interview went great and sounds promising! They talked about bringing me back to meet the two younger lawyers that I would actually work with. The position is doing property ALL DAY LONG! I've wanted to do nothing but property for awhile. I love property! Within two hours of me leaving the interview, they were calling my references! (I know this because he called me and told me!) I am so excited about the prospect of this possibly working out. Fingers are crossed! (Well not literally, will make typing to hard!) Best part is they do offer benefits! I haven't had benefits in nearly 5 years. It will be so good to have something to help cover all those dental bills I keep getting!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Oh, Ang I am so excited for you. It does sound promising!! Good luck, fingers crossed.

    Jenny - Yes, the Sail Past is a formal event, the old English way of a Yacht Club.
    Anyway, some of us do dress up, I had a sailing blouse on, white pants and a blue blazer with my sailing shoes.
    Some don't bother at all.

    This morning I just finished making sauerkraut with sausage and carrots in the crockpot. My contribution to the
    pot luck dinner Saturday night. We are leaving tomorrow for our first sailing club cruise and pot luck dinner.
    They are predicting some rain so we will have to see how it goes and what time we leave.

    Today is my hair apt. and picking up some things I bought at the drugstore, the sales girl is saving my goods for
    today so I can get the Senior discount. Nice when you live in a small town. After that trying to see some carpeting
    for our downstairs. We are still checking out places and quotes for that. I still have to pack for the weekend and
    maybe ride my bike or get a walk in. So busy day for me.

    Have a good weekend, I will be tracking my walking while I am gone.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have a follow up interview today at 4:00 from Wednesday's interview! I think I just may be getting an offer! I hope I do! We made next week my last week here where I am now. If offered the new position, I will be starting June 22 (probably) which will make an excellent birthday present! (and an assurance I will never forget my work anniversary date!)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    good luck Ang - hope it works out for you!
    Hey all!! made it through another crazy week - hoping for some down time this weekend - the house is a pit already - needs some scrubbing

    have a great weekend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Crazy, busy week so I haven't checked in for awhile. I went to a play on Wednesday eve and had book club last night.

    Congratulations Ang! I hope you get an offer. Does your current boss know you've interviewed? Benefits would be fantastic! Fingers crossed for you!

    Hi Marla! Wow, Zach is going, going, going! Better busy than sitting around. What about Caleb? How are you doing?

    Hi Shirley! Bon Voyage, sail away! I hope you have good weather for your first sail. Our yoga class starts next Thursday.

    So glad it's Friday! Tomorrow I get my hair colored and foiled. It's been awhile. I was going to let it turn gray gradually but it looks so dull and dark so I need it brightened up.

    Hi Amy! Safe travels and have fun!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    A JOB OFFER IS IN THE WORKS!!!!!!! :smiley::smiley::smiley: I should hear more over the weekend (I told them it was alright to call me on the weekend.) My boss does know I've been looking as I've taken time off for interviews. He told me yesterday that he wasn't to happy I had been looking. I told him I couldn't wait to the end of the three weeks in the letter I gave him to start looking, and he said he understood. We declared at that time that the 19th will be my last day there, leaving me free to start my new job on the 22nd. Talk about the perfect birthday present! (and a guarantee I will never forgot my work anniversary date!) I am so excited. The two lawyers that I would be working with sound like great guys to work with (and they are both good looking guys as well - I know I shouldn't say that with me seeing someone right now and all but it's the truth!)

    Slept in this morning as it's Saturday and I have no real plans. Besides it rained all morning and I wouldn't want to do errands in the rain anyway! I had a nice big yummy brunch. Egg, bacon, hashbrowns, and an english muffin with jam on it. It was very good! I've got laundry in now and when it's all done I'm going to run some errands today. Typical Saturday. I hope to get a run in later today and I need to get mom's birthday card made. Not sure when I will see her this weekend (her birthday is Monday) but I still need to get her gift together.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Hi! One more week of work then off for 3 weeks. I can't wait! It's even hard to go back tomorrow. I love weekends.

    Congratulations Ang! Sounds like your current boss is handling your resignation well. I hope this next place is a better fit for you.

    We took the dogs to the dog park this afternoon. They ran and watched the horses across the fence while we read in the shade. We were the only ones there so they had the whole place to themselves. Beautiful day! Russ and I just got back from seeing the movie Spy with Melissa McCarthy. Crude but funny! Why do movies have to use the "f" word so much? I don't get it!. The lady laughing behind us was hysterically funny. Sometimes I was laughing at her reaction more than the movie.

    I have to pay some bills so signing off. Have a great Monday!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2015
    We had a great weekend but the weather was iffy. The sail there the water was lumpy, a day you might need something
    for your stomach. I was okay and we got there okay and tucked into our dock for the weekend. It was one of those
    weekends when rain came and went and sun appeared here and there.

    Our pot luck dinner was awesome with so many choices. My sauerkraut was received as really good and some people wanted
    to know the recipe. It was simple but cooking it in the crockpot made it better. The next morning we had peameal bacon on
    bun with Mimosa's. After that most of us packed up and got on the water home. They were predicting rain again so we
    got a head start.

    We started out great and it was calmer than the day we got there but alas we had some trouble. Our engine quit and we had
    to be towed in. Luckily the rest of the group started out after us and they all came to our rescue. Some of them stayed
    with us to make sure we got in okay. We were about 3 1/2 miles out from our club to be towed in. One of the guys
    suggested using a dingy to tow us in. This was a first experience for us. So Dave tied up the dingy to the side of the boat
    and I took the helm and steered. Dave stayed in the dingy and rode us most of the way. Then when we got closer and we had to think about docking, I said I didn't think I could do it with this situation, so we slowed and I got into the dingy and Dave
    steered and I guided the boat in the dingy. Surprising what you can do when you have to. Then another guy came into
    the dingy and I got back on the boat and he guided the boat the rest of the way.

    We got in safe and sound and everyone was there to help us. Such a great group of people who help each other.
    We finally got some lunch and then packed up our stuff and headed home. I started laundry when i got home because
    we are leaving again for a week at the family cottage starting tomorrow. We ordered chinese food for dinner and I just
    kept on going. Now today I am not feeling so great so I passed on Yoga Class and i have to take down laundry and start
    packing again. I just wanted to let you know that I will NOT have Wi Fi at the cottage and I will not be able to communicate
    with you all. I might try going to Tim Horton 's in the city and maybe use their Wi Fi we will see.

    I will get to see Isaac going and coming back from the cottage so I will be happy to get my hugs and kisses.
    We are also delivering the new high chair for Isaac too.

    So see you in a week and I will be tracking my food and exercise by paper, the old way.

    Ang - Congratulations on the job, good luck!

    Hi to Marla, Jenny, and Amy!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Shirley- I hope your sailing trips get better from here. Nice that your friends were able to help. I hope you get R & R at the cabin.

    Busy week at work. I have no home visits tomorrow. My one visit cancelled so I can get things done. Glad to have the paperwork time. I need it. Knitting tomorrow eve and yoga on Thursday. I'm really looking forward to yoga. Russ has been wanting to try it to see if it helps his pain from his fall off the roof a few years ago. Now we are going to do it. It use to help my joint pain when I did it before but now I'm so much further along in my arthritis we'll see if it is effective. Either way, I need to stretch my muscles. We did Nordic walking after work for 35 minutes. I can't go very far due to my knee pain but a little bit is better than nothing.

    Raining tonight. I hope it stays steady through the summer so we don't have to water the lawn or plants. Today was a beautiful, perfect day with sun and low 70's.

    Well have a great Wednesday!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Shirley - sorry you had boat issues - but so nice that you have a great group willing to help out - what a wonderful reassuring feeling. The food sounded great!

    Jenny - so you're almost at your three weeks off. So jealous!Can't wait to hear about yoga. Did you decide to seek out any new doctors for advice?

    It has been raining here so much too. Ball was cancelled last Thursday and the make up time for Sunday ended up cancelled. Zach finally got to play 'open' golf in the sun yesterday. That's the first nice day they have had since it started. I took a last minute appt at the massage place I was going to a couple of years ago (mostly for my wrist and headaches) but this time I am hoping she can help with my legs. The last couple of weeks my legs have been giving me such trouble. I fear it's mostly a genetic thing. My mom (and grandma) have/had awful pain and swelling in their legs and I seem to be following. My legs are just aching like crazy - I even bought some compression socks - I have worn then a few times at home. I think they help some - haven't been brave enough to wear them to work since I am already wearing capri's - so fashionable!

    Caleb is at "Camp Invention" this week and loving it. Thank goodness. He is really struggling with all of Zach's busyness and it seeming like everything is about Zach and not him - and last week with no activities for Caleb made for a sad week for him. This week, so far - so good! The schedule is horrible trying to get everyone shuttled - but when they're happy - I'm happy. Next week... feh - nothing on the books yet for Caleb. And it's Bank Auditors Monday so that will suck.

    better get back to the mayhem.

    Congrats to Ang - hey Amy and all!!

    Have a great day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Well bad news happening here. Russ' Dad called a week ago and said he had spots on his lung and needed a biopsy. The biopsy was last Monday and he got the results today. His partner called and she said he has small cell carcinoma in the lung, liver, and lymph nodes between the lobes. They can't do chemo because the liver is what filters the chemo from your body. It's terminal and advanced. She also said he hasn't eaten or drank anything all week and is very weak. She called 911 and they took him to the hospital today. Russ hasn't seen his Dad in almost 5 years (long story there) so if he passes before we can get there he is going to have enormous guilt. He made his choices and was very stubborn regarding his Dad but it will be hard on him. We are taking the dogs to the kennel tomorrow afternoon and heading to Wisconsin on Saturday morning. It will be a 4 hour drive. Russ is going to call the doctor tomorrow to get info. We may end up leaving tomorrow if needed.

    We went to our first yoga class. It 's the same teacher I've taken from before. She's good. Russ liked it and said it felt good. We both have very tight muscles. The class is a "gentle stretch yoga" so the goal is flexibility, relaxation, balance, and meditation. It felt good and painful.

    We have two graduation parties to attend this weekend and will get to one or none. I'll drop off cards and money if we can't go.

    Marla- sorry your legs are bothering you. Mine swell also and it can be painful, especially at night. Sometimes I wonder about my heart and circulation but my echo cardiogram was normal. I still think I may have vascular problems that aren't detected.

    Well I need to book a hotel room in WI. We don't want to create work for Jean at their home. She's a mess and also a fuss budget. She would feel she had to make the bed, clean the house, prepare food, etc. She wouldn't let us do it.

    I'll report more when I know more.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Jenny - sorry to hear about Russ' dad - praying you can make it to WI and Russ can hopefully say goodbye - prayers for peace for whatever journey is ahead. It will be a challenge - but hugs coming your way.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Sorry to hear that. I will be praying for you.

    Thursday I was on my way home from work when I got a text from my boss. He said his old bookkeeper had called and could start tomorrow. He didn't need me on Friday. Friday was to be my last day on the job. There is no way in the space of an hour she randomly called, found out I was leaving and said she could start the next day. I don't believe him. He either was talking to here before or he lied and just didn't want me to come in the next day. Now I'm down a day's pay. At the rate I get paid, it's a significant amount to loose. I tried to make the most of it. I ended up going out for a 20 minute run followed by a walk for over an hour. I couldn't wrap my head around what he did. I think now I am glad I am done there. I couldn't decide to be happy I was done or upset about what he did and how he did it. I spend Friday doing some errands.

    Saturday was the celebration for my middle nephew's graduation from kindergarten. I can't believe he will be in first grade in the fall! I ate WAY to much food at the BBQ! There was hamburgers, mini pizzas, salad, fruit, chips and cupcakes. Saturday night I was out to my pastor's. We have one of our supporting missionaries here that I've been writing the wife for the past year. We combined having them over to eat at their place (since I have no room here). Out there we had another BBQ. I had another hamburger, chips, salad, strawberry pie and cake. The only good thing about eating that much food on Saturday was that when I went grocery shopping after, I was to stuffed to the gills to even look at what wasn't on my list!

    Today was my church's 36th anniversary celebration. We had our morning service followed by a potluck. My church is very good at bringing LOTS of food and is full of really good cooks! Plus my birthday is tomorrow and one of my students made cupcakes for the class. (I've always made cupcakes for them on their birthdays) So I had lots at the potluck plus a yummy cupcake. After our services (one our anniversary service we have our regular service, followed by a potluck and then an afternoon service. We got out at 4 and were done for the day.) After that we (me, my brother and his family and Joseph (my new friend) who came down to see me) and we had a BBQ (chicken this time) for Father's Day and my birthday. So even more food there! I ate so much this weekend, that I feel I've eaten enough for four days!

    Tomorrow I start my new job. I am so excited for it. It's the best birthday present! (Even though I got some nice things today.) Nothing can beat a new job doing the area of law I love to work in - property! I can't wait to get started. I need to get to bed earlier, as I need to be leaving earlier for the bus. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. I have to take a new route and I just hope I'm not late! I need to take two different buses now. Since it only gives me 8 minutes to make the transfer, and I need to go down a busy road to where I need to make the connecting bus, I'm going to try to take the first bus 15 minutes earlier then what they say to take, that way I have about 25 minutes to make the connection. I could either arrive really early or just on time! It will be trial and error for the first little bit until I find something that works.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    We made it home today. What a weekend. I woke up Friday morning and had a strong feeling that Russ and I needed to get to WI on Friday, not Saturday. I called Russ from work and said we needed to leave work, get the dogs to the kennel and get on the road. He didn't fight my decision like he did the night before when we first found out how quickly his Dad was failing. He insisted he needed to work on Friday. When I called he seemed pretty glum. Russ talked to the doctor Friday morning and his Dad was failing quickly. Talk about a rapid turn of events from the day he got his biopsy. He was grocery shopping a week ago. Anyway, we made it to Rhinelander, WI by 6:15pm and went straight to the hospital. His Dad's appearance was a shock since it had been years since we had seen him. His liver had shut down so he was jaundiced and breathing rapidly. Lots of pain meds but still aware of people. He could give one word responses to questions and make one word requests. Russ was able to spend some alone time with his Dad and talk to him. We sat vigil Friday night and all day Saturday. He died Saturday eve at 9:40pm, peacefully. His partner, Jean, was a mess the whole day. We had all gone to get some sleep and he died with the nurses in the room. They called Russ and he and I went back to the hospital to get some info and see his Dad at peace. We spent Sunday with Jean at their house, took her out for a nice seafood dinner, and Russ went through some of his Dad's papers since he will have to take care of his affairs. His brother never came to be with their Dad. Jean and I both were frustrated by that. Bob doesn't make sacrifices for others. His life and work comes first. He was also very close to his Dad compared to Russ. I imagine he couldn't handle seeing him die. We all have to do things we don't like in life. He doesn't live by that rule. Russ will go back to Rhinelander next week to help sort his Dad's stuff. He may need to make several trips this summer. We met with the funeral home before we left to take care of paperwork for cremation, obituary, etc. His Dad was not religious so we are going to have a celebration of his life by August sometime and invite surviving family members and close friends.

    Ang- Happy Birthday! How was your first day on the job? I'm glad you left your old job. Your boss didn't seem like a very nice person to work for. How is your relationship developing with Joseph?

    Hello Marla, Shirley, and Amy!
