NSV's = Non-scale Victories



  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    sunman00 wrote: »
    NSV - my eyesight through my driving glasses has gone blurry so I went for an eye test today; turns out that after my weight loss my eyesight has improved! so I don't need that strength glasses! so I've got a sparkly new set of weaker lenses in my frames & the world looks good again; cool or what???

    That's totally more awesome than wearing smaller shoes!!!!
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    sunman00 wrote: »
    NSV - my eyesight through my driving glasses has gone blurry so I went for an eye test today; turns out that after my weight loss my eyesight has improved! so I don't need that strength glasses! so I've got a sparkly new set of weaker lenses in my frames & the world looks good again; cool or what???

    What a nice improvement and I had not heard of that. Congrats!
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,078 Member
    I've had the same thing happen, to the extent I've had to look in my contact case to figure out if I'm wearing them or not
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,078 Member
    Another odd thing post heart attack and weight loss/fitness fanatic; I used to have sinus infection trouble for a couple years. In fact, I was heading for a specialist appointment the morning my heart had other ideas. Since the pump rebuild, I've had zero sinus issues barely had a cold in two years. Dying briefly seems to be the trick, but you need to time it carefully. Too long brings other complications
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I hadn't thought of it, but I haven't been sick since I lost weight, other than my stupid thyroid, no colds, flus, etc.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I'm still getting one cold a year, but they haven't really been bad at all! You guys are luckier than I am!!!

    But, I do have a NSV today. I've been trying to run a little more every day since I can't swim right now and I need to do something for cardio. I've never really enjoyed running and I hate the treadmill (they call me "Tripper" at the gym so you can imagine why I hate it), so I've been running around the basketball court the 3 days a week I'm at the gym and running a little more every time. I've also been running when I'm out with the dog in short bursts.

    Today, I went out without the dog and ran 2.1 miles of my 3.5 mile outing............that's not only a first, but it feels a little bit like a miracle! And I enjoyed it thanks to the song "The Dog Days are Gone" which I had on repeat the entire time......LOL

  • Mccmack
    Mccmack Posts: 195 Member
    Been doing a lot of running on the treadmill and have been experiencing pain in my hip. After I workout, I have a hard time reaching down and putting a sock on my right foot. Well I just walked 4 miles in the snow and I took my right sock off and put it back on with very little pain. Hope this means my hip is getting better. PT"s call this an ADL (activities of daily living). I call it an NSV.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Mccmack wrote: »
    Been doing a lot of running on the treadmill and have been experiencing pain in my hip. After I workout, I have a hard time reaching down and putting a sock on my right foot. Well I just walked 4 miles in the snow and I took my right sock off and put it back on with very little pain. Hope this means my hip is getting better. PT"s call this an ADL (activities of daily living). I call it an NSV.

    Hmmmm, I'd call it a tight hip flexor!!! Stretch that puppy out and foam roll it if you can!!! Go at a slower pace on the treadmill or wherever you run in the meantime.....

    Check out hip flexor exercises and do them............It's a very common injury for runners......especially us older ones!!!
  • Mccmack
    Mccmack Posts: 195 Member
    edited January 2016
    I stretch before and after running. I'll spend 30 mins in the pool doing stretches after running. I know it's tight and needs stretching, but I can't make it stretch overnight. It's been a process. I will add that I used to do carpets when I was younger and this right hip needs a makeover.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    I just started adding running to my walk, so thanks for the info on the hip flexor exercises!
  • Mccmack
    Mccmack Posts: 195 Member
    I was going to lift heavy.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    A few I haven't updated on.

    Made it through the holidays at maintenance weight, which was my goal. I have a birthday tucked in there too, and ate what I wanted as well as us having a New Years party with plenty of good food and friends. I intentionally avoided the scale through several weeks, and weighed in real close to my low weight.

    Set a new personal record on my last bike outing on one segment I train on some. It's not that long, but one of the few places I can avoid traffic and push some pace. Had no issues hanging with someone with far superior equipment, and smaller. Looking at the segment on Strava, there is only one person that is outputting more power than me on that segment. I can't wait to mess with the smaller, lighter, younger crowd with better equipment once the warm riding season comes. I love the look of shock when an "old guy" on a crappy old mountain bike can hang with them!

    Been keeping up on the elliptical as a method to cross train, and making improvements on both pace and endurance capability. Did 10 mile equivalent yesterday in 10 minutes per mile or better pace. I know the elliptical work pays off when I get on the bike, and I'm hoping it translates well when I start running again.

    I'm convinced that older doesn't handicap us much. My cardio level is approaching that from when I left the military over 25 years ago. Though I have had some back issues and some joint problems, I can work around them. And I will.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    robertw486 wrote: »
    A few I haven't updated on.

    Made it through the holidays at maintenance weight, which was my goal. I have a birthday tucked in there too, and ate what I wanted as well as us having a New Years party with plenty of good food and friends. I intentionally avoided the scale through several weeks, and weighed in real close to my low weight.

    Set a new personal record on my last bike outing on one segment I train on some. It's not that long, but one of the few places I can avoid traffic and push some pace. Had no issues hanging with someone with far superior equipment, and smaller. Looking at the segment on Strava, there is only one person that is outputting more power than me on that segment. I can't wait to mess with the smaller, lighter, younger crowd with better equipment once the warm riding season comes. I love the look of shock when an "old guy" on a crappy old mountain bike can hang with them!

    Been keeping up on the elliptical as a method to cross train, and making improvements on both pace and endurance capability. Did 10 mile equivalent yesterday in 10 minutes per mile or better pace. I know the elliptical work pays off when I get on the bike, and I'm hoping it translates well when I start running again.

    I'm convinced that older doesn't handicap us much. My cardio level is approaching that from when I left the military over 25 years ago. Though I have had some back issues and some joint problems, I can work around them. And I will.

    Sounds like a great holiday season and happy belated Birthday.

    Sounds silly, and the apple shaped people out there will understand. My stomach no longer precedes me into a room. Small, but it made me do a little happy dance when I noticed.
  • clynns54
    clynns54 Posts: 346 Member
    Couch to 5k this a.m.-week 5, day 2
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    well done clynn! keep at it!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited January 2016
    I shared this on my newsfeed already but I thought you "slightly younger than me" friends would enjoy it. Had my ortho appt for my shoulder this morning and it went well............cortisone shot, PT and Tramadol.........should be back to full function in 2 to 3 months............but............here's the NSV. Doc told me it's been years since he's seen a 65 year old as healthy as I am.

    Moral of the story, don't tell yourself, or let anyone else tell you, that at our age we can't still improve our health and overall fitness. I was at death's door four years ago and no one would ever know that now. I worked hard but so can you!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,129 Member
    Kudos, luluinca!! That's a great NSV!!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    UncleMac wrote: »
    Kudos, luluinca!! That's a great NSV!!

    Thanks Mac.........I feel 2 months younger than I did yesterday....LOL
  • clynns54
    clynns54 Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks :)

  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,078 Member
    Fantastic comeback! We oldies rule. I got similar comments from my caridologist who told me I was fit enough to deploy with the military.