Dec 1-Dec 6 Check In Challenge Thread



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Thanks Beerbikegirl! Now maybe if I see it on my phone, I will remember to check in everyday! :D
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Hey everyone! I was disconnected a bit over the weekend, so I didn't get to keep up with John's challenge and I ate terribly, but here I am for December!

    Thanks for the tip to add it to the home screen. It's always been a little annoying to use the forum part of MFP on a phone, but maybe it'll remind me to check in.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    I'm super excited to read everyone's posts! Thanks Kristin. Hoping it is bloat!
    Welcome Sandra & welcome back Stacy!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    December 1st... yeah I definitely need this challenge. Trying to get motivated, but the last month or so has been bad.

    Join the club Kevin!!!
  • nickptac
    nickptac Posts: 2 Member
    First day on the new plan. Feeling good about having a plan, but feel like I failed. Had a deep fried hamburger for lunch. Okay, two but they were only $3 a piece. Just gotta stick to no food after 9. So I guess it falls into the plan.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    GOOD NIGHT Nick!! Well, for folks that don't know Nickptac is Nick Humphreys from the practically tactical podcast.
    We recorded the show last night and Nick is going to try intermittent fasting.
    You know what Nick? One thing at a time I guess. You were just going to try to stay within your eating window for two weeks, so you're right. You can always tighten up the quality of the food later. Congratulations for checking in & starting a plan!
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    It's time to lose weight I hope.My family I had pizza I had turkey let's roll
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    OK, Day 1 of the December challenge. Another typical ULC day ... 5 more until CN.
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Day 1! Ran 3 miles today. Slow pace 25:33 8:31/mi. Broke my fast at 1:30 today and had leftover turkey, ham, and brussel sprouts. Haven't eaten dinner yet, but I'll keep it before 9! Have a nice blister on my left foot and right hip flexor is tight! Fun day
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Carol, it's too soon to weigh yourself after carb nite.. Relax. You'll doing great making lifestyle changes.
    Tinder, you sound like a pro in working so maybe you've heard what I'm about to say... For blisters use kinesio tape instead of band aid. Use the tape on spots that you are prone to have blisters as well. Use Anti perspirant on your feet and wear non cotton socks. I went to a class on blisters at REI because I am prone to blisters. There's a great book on how to take care of your feet and blisters for athletes. I have been blister free ever since I switch to the minimalist footwear. It fixes my stride as well. If your hip flexor is right or sore. It could be a form issue or your pelvis is tilted. Why I know all these? Because I'm a banged up former athelete who overtrained and abused my young body when I thought I was invincible! Lol now I'm paying the price but throughout my healing journey, I've learned stuff
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome Nick and Jeffrey!

    Nick, you are being self aware and that's progress! Focus on the good stuff and don't dwell on the bad.
    I was listening to the podcast and you said you want motivation? Go to dietbetter. Com. Everybody puts in $20 every month or whatever amount( it depends on which game you join) and you bet that you will lose 10% of your weight In 6 months. They also have goals every month to win small amounts. If you hit your goal you get to split the pot with everybody. I bet there will be a big pot in Jan since everybody wants to lose weight in The new year haha. So you have 2 motivations. If you don't hit your goal then you lose money and if you hit your goal you win money! I think the average net winnings is $200. There is another site that is similar,
  • kc9ljo
    kc9ljo Posts: 19
    Just getting back, into tracking what goes in my mouth. BTW is this a once per day thing or once per week?
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited December 2014
    Wow - went through a whole page in one day! Jammin'! Welcome Everybody!

    KC - Yep everyday for the if you're in for the challenge. As often as you can if for support and motivation.

    Thanks Kim for the link up info,

    Great Podcast Carol and Nick. This one was a mirror image of conversations I've had with friends and co workers about this process. The interesting part of it which you didn't address is that often times we do not know how much of what we do affects others in the world around us. We get some glimpses now and again, like the co workers that you barley know call you out when they see you eating bread at lunch, you might think they are a butt head, but truth is they admire your discipline and are watching you for cues on how to get where you're going. Not to mention your children. My son and I had a conversation about this on my birthday. The lad is 31 It was my initial loss of about 70 lbs that got him motivated to start cutting his trail through the jungle of fitness and health, and like a good son never asked me much about how to do it, nor did he announce the start of his journey. Followed the words of Yoda, "There is no try, just do or not do."
    So here is a poem I have hanging on the wall at home. I got it from my Grandpa Smith, after he died, it was hanging in his house, and will be given to Dan on the birth of his first child.

    "The Little Chap Who Follows Me!"

    A careful man I want to be;
    A little fellow follows me.
    I do not dare to go astray
    For fear he'll go the self same way.

    I cannot once escape his eyes,
    Whate'er he sees me do, he tries.
    Like me he says he's going to be;
    The little chap who follows me.

    He thinks that I'm so very fine,
    Believes in every word of mine.
    The base in me he must not see;
    The little chap who follows me.

    I must remember as I go
    Through summer's sun and winter's snow,
    I'm building for the years to be;
    The little chap who follows me.
    Author: Unknown

    Have a Happy Tuesday Folks! Gotta go get a work out in before my Thermogenisis shower. Gonna do a Hammer Jammer Happy Hour! Hoooah!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Great blister advice. Even if Chris knew it, it's news to many of us. Thx Heron.
    Also thx for the encouragement but I just feel like I'm not making any progress. I know I'm having too much protein. Will keep at it.
    Love hearing from Jeff & Chris again.
    Have y'all seen today's 2D challenge in the other thread?? Cold thermogenesis! Brrrrrrrrr!!! LOL we are having fun thx to Hmrjmr.
    Happy Tuesday!
  • 25mcaro
    I am going back to square one.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Just listened to the latest show, then went to Health Nuts Anonymous to listen to the fat episode. That doctor has some good information but does seem to be a little bit over the edge. I'd like to read some of the research he is citing - I'll keep you all posted.

    I am trying to eat more fat, but it is hard. I don't drink coffee, so no cream. I don't like anything on my salad, so no olive oil or homemade dressings. I don't like avocado (it is a texture thing). So, for now, fat bombs, nuts, some excellent cheeses and eggs (but they also have protein). Last night I made cauliflower soup with cream, and that worked pretty well.

    It is pretty challenging to keep carbs and protein low and fat high. The low carb isn't much of a problem for me, but you need to eat something other than fat and protein is the only other option. Especially when we're also told not to eat too many nuts (Mark Sisson says once per week). Any suggestions?

    On the other hand, I had a great workout yesterday with my nephew who was home from the Marines. Back to work so lots of walking, even in the rain.

    Have a great day today, everyone!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    P.S. JT asked about adding fat to his alcohol (I know it was tongue in cheek). But, it is called Hot Buttered Rum, and it is tasty! Dang those carbs in the rum!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    I'm with you Cynthia..very tough to be HFLC & moderate/ low protein. :(
    Have you tried wilted spinach in bacon grease? Cauliflower or broccoli steamed & them covered in butter?
    Newbies: high fat + high carbs = disaster
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Here is a stray Dec 1 checkin that I found in the wrong thread. She's here now but wanted to post this pic as evidence of day 1 participation
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Good Morning All! Welcome Jeffrey, Nick and 25mcaro.

    Cynthia, I am attempting to cut down on carbs and cannot even imagine doing it with protein at the same time. Yesterday was my first day with no bread (I usually have it twice a day) and I only made it to 700 some calories for the day. Having been "almost" vegetarian or vegan with a fear of fats (other than olive oil) this is shaking every fiber of my being. Need to read more on it. Maybe that will help.

    Chris, great job on the run, but sorry to hear about the blisters. I finally broke down and bought some non-cotton running socks and no more blisters. I hadn't thought about kinesio tape for them Heron. The bf bought me some for my knee and you should have seen my first tape job. A disaster.

    Beautiful post John. Your thermogenesis shower about did me in this morning. I was draggin' when I woke up. Not after that!

    Last night I did some Zumba and I haven't done it since the ACL tear. Several ouches. I desperately want to try a slow run. Maybe tonight. Going to work on getting my cals over 1000 today. Felt kind of sluggish yesterday and had a hard time focusing on work. Didn't help that someone was crazed at work. One of my co-workers brings out a huge candy dish around the holidays. We talked about my diet and now there is a sign up next to it for everyone to STOP me from putting my hands in there this month.

    Have a great day!