Dec 1-Dec 6 Check In Challenge Thread



  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Whew, remembered at the last minute. Working hard at a customer site. :D
  • Selang10
    Checking in day 2
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    heronh wrote: »
    Carol, it's too soon to weigh yourself after carb nite.. Relax. You'll doing great making lifestyle changes.
    Tinder, you sound like a pro in working so maybe you've heard what I'm about to say... For blisters use kinesio tape instead of band aid. Use the tape on spots that you are prone to have blisters as well. Use Anti perspirant on your feet and wear non cotton socks. I went to a class on blisters at REI because I am prone to blisters. There's a great book on how to take care of your feet and blisters for athletes. I have been blister free ever since I switch to the minimalist footwear. It fixes my stride as well. If your hip flexor is right or sore. It could be a form issue or your pelvis is tilted. Why I know all these? Because I'm a banged up former athelete who overtrained and abused my young body when I thought I was invincible! Lol now I'm paying the price but throughout my healing journey, I've learned stuff

    Thanks for the advice! I haven't used kinesio tape before. I put some moleskin in there today when I ran to see if that would help and it's nowhere to be found...I will definitely check it out! What's the book name? I'm in the beginning stages of training for a half marathon. I've never done one that long before...actually I've never ran 13.1 miles in one go before either. So these tips are good! The race isn't until October so I'm really just working up to 13 miles and beyond for now.

    My hip flexor is definitely from form and footwear. I'm not used to running on a treadmill (it's too cold to run outside right now) so my form is sort of weird. I run POSE normally and for some reason the treadmill makes me feel like I'm going to beef it.

    I'm currently on Nike Free 4.0's. They have well over 100 miles on them...I need new ones ASAP, but I was waiting until after I make it through Christmas. I'm thinking about dropping to the 3.0's as I make my way down to barefoot. I read that you can really hurt yourself going from regular padded shoes down to barefoot too quickly. That's when I decided to go with the 4.0's. Any footwear recommendations?
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    edited December 2014
    kc9ljo wrote: »
    Just getting back, into tracking what goes in my mouth. BTW is this a once per day thing or once per week?
    Sorry I didn't answer before. Just saw this:
    This is a Once a Day thing. You're doing great so far! :)

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    edited December 2014
    Nice choice Caroline. Stretching is the new black.

    Stacy: Hope the migrane dissapears soon.
    Cynthia... Zumba instructor?? You never cease to amaze me.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Nice Salmon!
    Bizzybee, have you tried drinking Chai tea with cream? so good!
    Kim, it is hard to change the old thinking of eating fat makes you fat. A lot of people are resistant to it. And the high protein thing is also ehhh. Unless you are training 6 hours a day, you don't need that much protein. I eat avg 160g of fat, under 35 net carb and under 75g of protein. I have intense Muay Thai training 3X a week, walk regularly and I feel great. I love fatty meat Pork belly, Salmon Belly, ribeye steak etc. For those of you that like to eat Salmon, those healthy omega fats are mostly in the belly. ;)

    Stacy, I feel your pain, I get migraines(I used to take imitrex), though I've noticed that the frequency has reduced significantly ever since I started CNS.

    Kinesio tape works because its very flexible and the adhesive is very good and you can cut it to fit anywhere. If you want to use it say on a toe, pinch the excess and trim it off to make sure its flush to your skin. Also trim and buff toenails to prevent it snagging on socks adding more friction. Here's the book I'm talking I can't even remember the last time I had blisters. So blisters are cause by friction cotton sock + sweat = friction.
    Wear wicking socks and use anti friction cream to prevent friction
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    4 miles today 36:30 9:08/mi. Did a 9:00 mile warmup, then 2:00 intervals with top at about 7:30-8:00 and bottom about 10:00-10:30. Rinse. Repeat. Focused on trying to get my form down. Biggest takeaway is that I am too tense when I run. I need to loosen up and flow a little better.

    Today I ate about 1:15. I had about 6oz of elk steak, 3 eggs, and 3.5 cups of broccoli for lunch. Almost ate more but decided against it. For dinner I'll probably have some turkey soup or turkey with brussel sprouts.

    Got fitted for a wrist brace today. Recovery time for my torn ligaments is UP TO 6 MONTHS. I reckon I'll be pretty darn good at running by then.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Chris, I run in the chick version of this My feet swells up easily and Merrells "grows with my swelling" lol Not to mention that I feel stable and comfortable in them. I went from a regular shoe to minimalist, but I walked in them for a month, then jog walk for a month before I started running in them. I have flat feet and splayed toes so minimalist shoes works extremely well for me right from the start. I was that kid that played with no shoes lol
    Buy from a REI if possible because you can return them for a full refund (non final sale items) even if you've worn them for a couple of months. Running shoes ain't cheap and you don't want to buy one then couple of months down the road realized that those shoes are killing you. That's why I love REI's return policy, heck they'll even refund you when you've lost your receipt.
    The tape.. something like this
    Man those tape stay on! Read the book or go to his website, I think he has some video/tutorial on how to effectively use those tape. I had no idea how to take care of my feet until I went to his class. Its definitely an eye opener. He volunteers at ultra marathons so he had seen some jacked up feet! lol
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    More on running.. I watched a documentary and it turns out (through research and experiments) that the average population and professional runners have the same running stride. The difference is that professional runners run on the ball of their feet, their heels barely touch the ground and they are pushing off harder. When you are on the balls of your feet you are basically on springs (Thank you Achilles tendons) Make sure you do ankle strengthening exercises. I think a lot of people focus on the big muscles and forget how important having strong ankles are to being stable. Next time you run try to consciously push off harder, you'll see an improvement in time. You might get tired a little quicker because you are using more muscles but in time your body will get used to it. My endurance is crap!( 15 years of smoking will do that to you.) But I'm always getting better. I don't want to be fastest, I just want to make progress ;)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Wonderful Wednesday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you.

    Chris - Might want to check this Video,
    Running Analysis of Heel Strike versus Forefoot Strike (Same runner, 2 weeks apart)

    This techniques is exponentially effective for injury prevention in Terrain/ Trail Running.

    Heron - Good Stuff Lass, and thanks again for the Bone Broth ideas. My first attempt came out pretty good. Pressure cooker is a very good tool.

    Well First Module of Primal Blueprint Certification Done. Big Focus on the Microbiology
    of gene expression, and genetics. Was difficult but passed on the first attempt. So small pat on the back, and a Big Thanks to my High School Biology Teacher Mr Pitman. Lot of the science hadn't been done yet, but the fundamentals of DNA and genetics was and it was well taught to me. Teachers make a difference everyday, God Bless em.

    Keep up the good work folks. :smile: B)

  • kc9ljo
    kc9ljo Posts: 19
    Day 3, man I struggle with staying away from sugar.
  • Selang10
    Day 3!!!
  • 25mcaro
    Stretching and strength training won't get you many STEPS on the MFP dashboard . Started my day the old school way.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Happy Wednesday All!

    Cynthia and John, thanks for the tips. Great to hear that you are an Zumba instructor Cynthia. I took my first class last winter and loved it. Surprising since I tend to be a bit of an exercise loner, but the classes are very welcoming and a good time. Before the ACL tear, I was looking into shoes for Zumba because I would feel it in my knees. Looked at some dance shoes with pivot points. Keds would be much cheaper and I like your idea John. I think I am going to hold off on classes until after surgery and healing. I have DVDs that I could try, but classes seem to push me differently and I kept forgetting about my injury.

    I hear you Cynthia on the starvation mode. Yesterday was not a success. Another day of hitting the 700s with cals. It's crazy at work and I tend to not want to eat. Today I am bringing some protein powder to bump the numbers up. I know I shouldn't rely on them, but will do it as I ease myself into this.

    Did a short run last night and mixed in some walking, followed by abs. Felt great to run again, but the knee needed icing. I am an awful runner, but still love and miss it :\ Back to weights tonight.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    kc9ljo wrote: »
    Day 3, man I struggle with staying away from sugar.

    I am not usually much of a sugar person, but had been having more and more of it. I am craving it like mad too! Having a little fruit to get me through this insanity.
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 3 time to stick to the plan and stop eating fat bombs.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    I'll add my endorsement of the Merrell barefoot series also. Have the Pace glove, but have looked at and want the trail runner. I've pretty much moved to minimal / zero heel lift for all shoes, including work. Also like the vivo barefoot brand -gave hiking shoes from them. And if I'm not weight training barefoot, im in five fingers. But like Heron I worked into them slowly. One key is going barefoot (or sock footed ) as often as you can. I never wear shoes in house, and often slip them off when standing at my desk. Frequently forgetting and walking to the printer or to pop into another's office in sock feet. (Thankfully were a pretty casual group)

    Took Kiddo to a concert last night Alt-J, Cage the Elephant, Vance Joy, Meg Meyers. (We're alternative music fans). Home after midnight. Wiped out.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Oh, last night was bad. Christmas cookie night at my knitting guild. Headache today from the sugar and grains! I earned it.

    Hope you're all doing well. I have an important meeting today at noon, so I'm a bit nervous and excited. Trying not to let that get to me, and I will NOT celebrate with food if it goes well. I might do a happy dance, though. :)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Go Get 'em Cynthia! Happy Dance is a very good thing! Jam ON!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Congrats Hammer Jammer! We are soon to have a certified professional among us!!
    Packed my lunch. Rushing off to a very hectic day. Inspired by all the posts and everyone he still checking in.
    But the awesomeness!!!!