Me vs. The Binge - December Challenge

IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
edited December 2014 in Social Groups

Well this challenge is a challenge with yourself. The challenge is for you to win in the fight against "The Binge". Many of us struggle with binging and a few of us have found that making "The Binge" a person has helped us fight the emotions or urge to binge.

So the objective of the challenge is to have more days for you (Me) than the "The Binge".

When you have a day you do not succumb to binge urges or binge give yourself (ME) a point. When you give in to the urge to binge you give 'The Binge" a point. No beating yourself up about it because tomorrow is another day. Honesty with yourself is crucial for it to help you and others.

So we keep score with ourselves the whole month. We encourage each other along the way. Please feel free to share your ups, downs, successes, struggles, etc. You will find you are not alone. See below for format. Feel free to use it or use your own format. This Challenge keeps you mindful of binging and the daily support and accountiability helps also.

Check in often. The more you check and share the better you will do for the month. So are you in? You are stronger than the The Binge. One day at a time.

Current month 2014:
Me (or you can use your user name or real name) - 0
The Binge - 0

***** ATTENTION *****
This request is not meant to offend anyone. I am requesting that people please refrain from mentioning specific foods on this particular binge thread. This is what is used in most therapy groups for BED. When I was in BED therapy in 2011 we were not allowed to mention specific foods. It could lead others to think about foods that they otherwise would not think of and can trigger binges for others. Hope this makes sense.

Again this request is not meant to offend. It is requested as a means of support and consideration for others using this thread. Please note this request is for this thread only and not for other threads within the BE Support Group.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


P.S. For more support please see below thread also:


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    December 2014:

    Mollie - 0

    The Binge - 0

    Days I did NOT log it all - 0

  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    Ok so it's been a while since I took part in these monthly challenges but I need to get back into it to keep myself accountable. Bingeing has gotten way out of control lately. Maybe having some extra support will help me stay on track.

    December 1 2014
    Kourtney: 1
    The Binge: 0

    Days binge-free: 2
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 1
    Binge: 0

    Days binge free: 8
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    It's been awhile for me too. Back on track with accurate and mindful logging.

    Me: 1
    B: 0

    Days binge free: at least 8.
  • olivebeanhealthy
    olivebeanhealthy Posts: 127 Member
    O: 0
    TB: 1

  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Alright, welcome back WillLift4Tats!

    Girl: 1
    The Binge: 0

    Binge-free: 107 days
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Posted : 12.02.14

    Dennis - 1
    Binge - 0

    Night Eating - 1

    Lets make December Awesome! Good Luck and WIshes for STRENGTH to all of us!

  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    Me: 1
    The Binge: 0

    Let's have a great month, everyone!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    December 2014:

    Mollie - 0

    The Binge - 1

    Days I did NOT log it all - 1


  • Summerfit321
    Summerfit321 Posts: 142 Member
    Alright, welcome back WillLift4Tats!

    Girl: 1
    The Binge: 0

    Binge-free: 107 days

    That is so cool!

    Me: 1

    The binge: 0

    Want to make December my third complete binge free month :-) I'm on a twelve week streak now.

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Amazing Summer!

    Me: 2
    Binge: 0

    Overate as I baked a ton of home made holiday treats today but I logged it all and didn't binge. That's a win for me.
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    December 2 2014
    Kourtney: 2
    The Binge: 0

    Days binge-free: 3

    Overate a bit by couple hundred calories, but form some reason I was so incredibly hungry today. Could have been much worse, so a good day over all!
  • gr33nslime
    gr33nslime Posts: 192 Member
    Lets give this a go.

    December 2014

    Karla: 2
    The Binge: 1

    Days binge-free: 0

    got to start somewhere...
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Posted : 12.03.14

    Dennis - 2
    Binge - 0

  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    December 2

    Me: 2
    TB: 0
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I have to be honest, I almost blew it on only the 2nd day of the month yesterday. I'm still not sure what exactly triggered it, stress, frustration over our very messy apartment and the fact that my husband doesn't seem to mind one bit, or do annnnything about it, or just really tired. Once I was in bed and he left with the dogs, I almost got up to eat all that frustration. Instead, I ended up falling asleep before I could do anything. Thank goodness I was so exhausted...I guess. :confused:

    Me: 2
    B: 0
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    Me: 2
    The Binge: 0
    Overeating: 1

    Seems like December 2nd was a tough day for quite a few of us! I overate yesterday morning. I was feeling sad and anxious, and ate a bunch of sweets as a result. I thought I was going to blow it, but I managed to stop before it got too bad and the rest of the day went fine.
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    December 3 2014
    Kourtney: 3
    The Binge: 0

    Days binge-free: 4
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Dec 3

    Me: 1*
    Binge: 2

    Finally a binge-free day!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 3
    Binge: 0

    Days binge free: 10
This discussion has been closed.