MFP Calorie Counting



  • BuddhaMom74
    Ladies - I KILLED it this past 10 days! Weighed in this morning at 2.9lbs lighter from my Jan 21 weigh in! I'm back in the game!
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Ladies - I KILLED it this past 10 days! Weighed in this morning at 2.9lbs lighter from my Jan 21 weigh in! I'm back in the game!

    That's so wonderful - congratulations. Enjoy the moment you so deserve it B)
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    If you fell down yesterday...stand up today (H.G. Wells) Need to do this today. Have a great weekend!
  • BuddhaMom74
    Thanks! I ran 10K this morning to celebrate - ran my 10K personal best; 1:06:09!!
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    Ladies - I KILLED it this past 10 days! Weighed in this morning at 2.9lbs lighter from my Jan 21 weigh in! I'm back in the game!

    Congrats!!!! That's awesome.
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    Thanks! I ran 10K this morning to celebrate - ran my 10K personal best; 1:06:09!!

  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm did horrible for the month of January. I have to turn this around for February, I have a plan, please pray that I follow through and kick butt in February.
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks! I ran 10K this morning to celebrate - ran my 10K personal best; 1:06:09!!

    That's awesome - congratulations. I can't run to save my life LOL
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    You can do it mmqueen. Believe :) So ladies we're on the final month of the challenge. What have you learnt from Jan and do you have plans to tackle Feb differently? What's your game plan? For me:-

    Jan is tough coming off the back of all the holiday celebrations and then it's my Birthday month too. I still have a lot of chocolate left over and my mother-in-law was late sending a present which hasn't arrived yet so let's hope there's no naughty goodies inside. Another friend was super ill so has also told me there's a package on the way so the restraint and control is definitely having to carry through to Feb.

    Feb for me will be all about portion control, fresh veg and water - that's is my battle plan for this month. It's a short month so let's make it count!

    Have a great Sunday and a Fit and Fabulous February Team :smile:

  • BuddhaMom74
    I'm did horrible for the month of January. I have to turn this around for February, I have a plan, please pray that I follow through and kick butt in February.

    I also struggled for most of January :( Gained and lost the same 3lbs since December 23. Then, about a week and half ago, something just snapped and I decided that I didn't come this far to through it away! ...that I'm more than halfway to my goal, and I wasn't going to stop now!

    Just know you're worth it, and you deserve it, and, more importantly, YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member

    I'm did horrible for the month of January. I have to turn this around for February, I have a plan, please pray that I follow through and kick butt in February.

    I also struggled for most of January :( Gained and lost the same 3lbs since December 23. Then, about a week and half ago, something just snapped and I decided that I didn't come this far to through it away! ...that I'm more than halfway to my goal, and I wasn't going to stop now!

    Just know you're worth it, and you deserve it, and, more importantly, YOU CAN DO THIS!!

    New Month great time for renewed commitment! I think if you didn't gain 7lbs in December you are better off than most ppl. Lets do this together. Make some BIG changes for February!! No Stopping now I agree!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks! I ran 10K this morning to celebrate - ran my 10K personal best; 1:06:09!!
    Awesome!!! Congrats!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    You can do it mmqueen. Believe :) So ladies we're on the final month of the challenge. What have you learnt from Jan and do you have plans to tackle Feb differently? What's your game plan? For me:-

    Jan is tough coming off the back of all the holiday celebrations and then it's my Birthday month too. I still have a lot of chocolate left over and my mother-in-law was late sending a present which hasn't arrived yet so let's hope there's no naughty goodies inside. Another friend was super ill so has also told me there's a package on the way so the restraint and control is definitely having to carry through to Feb.

    Feb for me will be all about portion control, fresh veg and water - that's is my battle plan for this month. It's a short month so let's make it count!

    Have a great Sunday and a Fit and Fabulous February Team :smile:
    Game plan for me is to Drink More water. And try to eat healthier. I do feel fuller when I do seems like the more junk I eat the more I want. Last week I had icecream for dinner.. ugh! and I am usually not even a sweet tooth! And it is winter so not sure why icecream! 1) Exercise at least 3 days this week.
    2) Stay under calorie count
    3) No chips of any kind!
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    We can do it. My goal for this month is to watch my portions. Setting small goals is more attainable for me. Taking it one day at a time.
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Wonderful goals ladies. Rooting for you all :D
  • BuddhaMom74
    My goal this month is to try and keep my daily calorie intake consistently around 1400-1500 per day, regardless of my exercise.
    On Saturday's when I do my 10K run, I burn 800+ cals, (or even Tues / Thurs when I do my 6K's and burn 500+ cals) which becomes my "excuse" to indulge...then like Astraea05 said "...the more junk I eat the more I want"!
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Wonderful work and congratulations go to our Round 2 Winners - Astraea05 with a weight loss of 1.50% and dillyg08 with 1.38% - loving the fact our group was in the top three losers. You are stars and very inspiring.
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    Wonderful work and congratulations go to our Round 2 Winners - Astraea05 with a weight loss of 1.50% and dillyg08 with 1.38% - loving the fact our group was in the top three losers. You are stars and very inspiring.

    Hmm! Not sure the right was used. I didn't record a loss this time. My weight remained the same.

    Congrats ate in order for Astrea05. WTG!!

  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    dillyg08 wrote: »
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    Wonderful work and congratulations go to our Round 2 Winners - Astraea05 with a weight loss of 1.50% and dillyg08 with 1.38% - loving the fact our group was in the top three losers. You are stars and very inspiring.

    Hmm! Not sure the right date was used. I didn't record a loss this time. My weight remained the same.

    Congrats ate in order for Astrea05. WTG!!

  • jcolglazier
    jcolglazier Posts: 22 Member
    Sorry everyone!! I cannot access the threads for the challenge on my Ipad. I am rarely near a real computer except at my work and I cannot do personal stuff at work. I have failed at this!! So sorry to let everyone down. I did not realize that the computer issue would be so monumental! :\:s