MFP Calorie Counting



  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    Hi, I just got a Fitbit Zip for Xmas. I just started wearing it on the 2nd. I'm still learning how it operates. How do you find Fitbit friends?

    Don't forget to add any exercise you are doing or have done since Jan 1st to the exercise spreadsheet everyone. I really want to get a fitness monitor and I'm really drawn to the Misfit Shine or Flash but so many people seem to have Fitbits that maybe Shine is the wrong direction to go in, it being so new. I haven't heard of Fitbit Zip mmcqueen927 will have a look into that one too - my head is spinning there are so many out there to choose from. Ideally I want a waterproof one and Shine seems to be the only one offering that right now!

    Hi! I updated my weight as of Jan 1, but I don't see a place to add my fitness?? I missing something??

    The exercise spreadsheet is a side challenge that everyone can participate in if they would like to and is separate to any of the groups you may have signed up to. You are not required to participate :-) that's entirely up to you. There are plans for weekly fitness challenges (the first one taking place is total exercise minutes done each day). The fitness challenge group exists as another area of the group to help encourage each of you as well as help you reach your goals. If you would like to take part you can find the spreadsheet here the link is at the top of the discussion thread. Once in the spreadsheet the MFP CC section can be found towards the bottom. See you in there maybe :-)

    Thanks Christine for getting this together and good luck to you on your own personal journey.
  • jcolglazier
    jcolglazier Posts: 22 Member
    Hey everyone!! I tried a simple but tasty new recipe last night! Roasted chicken with peppers

    Boneless skinless chicken breast
    Red and Yellow Bell peppers
    purple onionL
    minced garlic
    Olive oil
    fresh time

    Marinade the chicken breast in 2 tbls olive oil, minced garlic, black pepper and a squeeze of lemon
    Slice the onions and peppers into strips, toss with a tablespoon of olive oil and teaspoon of minced garlic

    Place the veggies on one end of baking sheet, the chicken on the other. Bake at 450 for 25 to 35 minutes, until chicken is done. Place a piece of foil or a lid over the chicken and let it rest for 5 minutes. Slice chicken and put pepper/onion mixture over the chicken to serve.
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    edited January 2015
    There will be obstacles, There will be doubters, There will be mistakes, but with hard work, There will be success.
  • MPD6944
    MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
    jcolglazier, that recipe sounds delicious! I may try that one soon! :) I'm making salsa chicken tomorrow which is you just put some boneless skinless chicken breasts in the crockpot and pour in a large jar of salsa (I use Tostitos Medium) and let cook for about 4-6 hours and I usually will put a tablespoon or 2 of flour in about 20 minutes before done to thicken it up more. My family loves it! We usually will eat with a side of black beans or sometimes I just put over a plate of salad with a touch of reduced fat sour cream. Yummy!
  • BuddhaMom74

    [/quote]I believe that is if you joined the group with the intense fitness added. This group is just the calorie counting one.[/quote]

    Thanks :)

    [/quote]The exercise spreadsheet is a side challenge that everyone can participate in if they would like to and is separate to any of the groups you may have signed up to. You are not required to participate :-) that's entirely up to you. There are plans for weekly fitness challenges (the first one taking place is total exercise minutes done each day). The fitness challenge group exists as another area of the group to help encourage each of you as well as help you reach your goals. If you would like to take part you can find the spreadsheet here the link is at the top of the discussion thread. Once in the spreadsheet the MFP CC section can be found towards the bottom. See you in there maybe :-)[/quote]

    I'll check it out - thanks :)
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    There will be obstacles, There will be doubters, There will be mistakes, but with hard work, There will be success.
    I like <3

  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am the third co leader of the group. I am Sara from Wisconsin. Sorry for the being so late. Just got back from sunny Florida was 82 degrees the day I left and was 10 below when I got to WI. Winters are hard for me, think I am part bear because like to eat and sleep during the winter. Looking forward to breaking that habit and losing some weight sensibly. I will have more time this weekend to log in and participate more with discussions. Nice to meet you all and great to be here with Julia and Jeanne!
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    edited January 2015
    Shame I can't send sun care packages to everyone. Thought for the day - when your goals are exercise based, you are not thinking so much about having to cut out certain foods or so many calories. Instead, you are thinking in terms of how you can go faster or perform longer. Your focus on food becomes a focus on fueling your workout rather than eating for pleasure.
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    To keep going...make a 45 minute playlist and don't stop until it does!
  • MPD6944
    MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    To keep going...make a 45 minute playlist and don't stop until it does!

    I have a 60 minute playlist and strive to do that on the elliptical although I usually only last 30-40 minutes but its great motivation and keeps me going!
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    How's everyone doing? So far we survived the first 7 days of the year.
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    MPD6944 wrote: »
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    To keep going...make a 45 minute playlist and don't stop until it does!

    I have a 60 minute playlist and strive to do that on the elliptical although I usually only last 30-40 minutes but its great motivation and keeps me going!

    Excellent motivation indeed MPD6944 - you could always make different lengths - 30, 45 and 60 - once you have comfortably reached the lower ones you can pop in a longer playlist and see how long it takes you to reach the new goal. By reducing your playlist time down - you'll feel like you've reached your goal and see the results of your new stamina. Keep it going!
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    To keep going...make a 45 minute playlist and don't stop until it does!

    Fantastic idea!! I'm definitely trying this.
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    MPD6944 wrote: »
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    To keep going...make a 45 minute playlist and don't stop until it does!

    I have a 60 minute playlist and strive to do that on the elliptical although I usually only last 30-40 minutes but its great motivation and keeps me going!

    I usually watch an hr long tv show that I love while I am on the elliptical. Takes my mind off how many minutes I have left on it...:)

  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    Both of the chicken recipes sound great & I'll be trying them soon. I've also made some of the recipes found in the Hello Healthy section of MFP & my family also likes them. I think they just like that I cook for them!
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Fit Tip Friday: There are 1440 minutes in the CAN find 30 minutes spare to exercise today ⏰
  • jcolglazier
    jcolglazier Posts: 22 Member
    Whoo Hooo! I logged 3.2 miles in 24 degrees with a 7 mph wind. It was a little chilly!!! Yesterday it was 11 degrees and I decided that I did not have enough layers to attempt that temp with a 15 mph wind. I admire all my family and friends who live in northern climates!!

    My food choices have not been the best for the past couple of days!! I am going to get back on ;the straight and narrow and treat these past few days as a "bump" in the road!!

    How do you refocus? :o
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    Fit Tip Friday: There are 1440 minutes in the CAN find 30 minutes spare to exercise today ⏰

    Great tip:-)

  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    edited January 2015
    PATIENCE. Let's be honest here. You will not drop 2 pants sizes over night. You won't lose 50 pounds in a month. YOU and I are going to binge here and there. We will eat the wrong thing once in a while. BUT we keep trying. The path to better health is not straight. We will have our GOOD moments and our BAD moments. We are human. But nothing great is ever accomplished without a few obstacles. SO KEEP GOING and Have a great workout weekend.
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    PATIENCE. Let's be honest here. You will not drop 2 pants sizes over night. You won't lose 50 pounds in a month. YOU and I are going to binge here and there. We will eat the wrong thing once in a while. BUT we keep trying. The path to better health is not straight. We will have our GOOD moments and our BAD moments. We are human. But nothing great is ever accomplished without a few obstacles. SO KEEP GOING and Have a great workout weekend.

    Very well said. Great food for thought. Have yourself a great weekend as well.