Daily Chat/Check-in



  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Saturdays are usually my rest days but had enough of those at the beginning of the week. I did Fire 45 and just finished up LC 3 week 2 today. Only two more weeks! Did better on my food yesterday to so I feel like I am getting back on track.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Saturday: Legs and a nice walk with a friend for Friday's Make-Up cardio.

    Sunday: Rest. I just needed it.

    Monday: JELF P2, D48: Back/Delts and Cardio.

    I'm thinking I may be looking more broad in the shoulders but I'm not completely sure.

    This morning I was really sad/surprised when I got on the scale and was 126. WTF? I was down to 122.

    I WANT to think it's muscle gains. I know my nutrition this weekend was off, too - but nothing feels tighter other than this morning my work pants on my quads.

    Going to try and behave a few days in a row and see what happens. Also, ONE WEEK until New Phase (3), and that's when all the other ladies say it leans you out.

    Almost summer time!
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Hi! I'm still here! I had a lot going on and haven't been good about checking in! I am about four days behind in my workouts, still doing them, but I had a yard work day and a few extra rest days in there, too. Never more than two at once!

    Today: lean 1
    Nutrition: 1422 (1500)... Although, I'm not sure the recipe calculator is working on my mobile device... My hubby made pie for Pi Day and I had a piece tonight, but it looked very low calorie wise/serving.

    I love lean circuit! I sweat so much! My core is feeling stronger, but I'm not sure how much to push on the weight. I feel like I barely get to 12... Especially knowing there is a breakdown for every set! I will push a bit harder on the rest of the week and see what I can do.

    I do miss lifting so heavy, however! The most I'm using this phase is 15#.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    amomono wrote: »
    Hi! I'm still here! I had a lot going on and haven't been good about checking in! I am about four days behind in my workouts, still doing them, but I had a yard work day and a few extra rest days in there, too. Never more than two at once!

    Today: lean 1
    Nutrition: 1422 (1500)... Although, I'm not sure the recipe calculator is working on my mobile device... My hubby made pie for Pi Day and I had a piece tonight, but it looked very low calorie wise/serving.

    I love lean circuit! I sweat so much! My core is feeling stronger, but I'm not sure how much to push on the weight. I feel like I barely get to 12... Especially knowing there is a breakdown for every set! I will push a bit harder on the rest of the week and see what I can do.

    I do miss lifting so heavy, however! The most I'm using this phase is 15#.

    Depending on the pie it may not have been to overly calorie dense. Fruit pie is less than a cream pie!

    I always tell Lean first timers not to worry about dropping the weight down. It is extremely hard to maintain the weights up top when you are trying to focus on balance.

    During Push, you give yourself that solid base as you lift, you're on solid ground. In Lean you are doing moves with your entire body, so imagine you are on a boat.

    By week 3 you should be close to or at the weights you were doing in Push.

    *HOWEVER* I always tried to do the PUSH level weights for squat break downs since they are isolated.

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Monday Night - JELF P2, D48 Cardio.

    Tuesday - Repair day. I need it.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    amomono wrote: »
    I love lean circuit! I sweat so much! My core is feeling stronger, but I'm not sure how much to push on the weight. I feel like I barely get to 12... Especially knowing there is a breakdown for every set! I will push a bit harder on the rest of the week and see what I can do.

    I do miss lifting so heavy, however! The most I'm using this phase is 15#.

    I just did my LC1 week 3 this morning. I feel the same way. I feel like we are working the same muscles more or maybe it is all the breakdowns. By the time I get to the bicep curl with the leg lifting to the back with the band, my right arm fatigues so quickly and 15# is almost too much for my right arm. Others I can do 18 when she is doing 15. I am airing I. The side of lighter weights since there is so much balancing.

  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    The balancing is so hard and yet so good!

    I have never had a six pack, but I feel like there might be at least the start of something underneath the belly fat!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I love hearing about your guys' progress!!
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    @Pipsg1rl‌ - I'm still a bit under push weights... I ramped it up a step today for the first set of each muscle and went back for the second (or third) set with the same muscle. Slowly! :)

    Workout: lean2
    Nutrition: 1476 (1500) AND I hit my macros!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I went ahead and did Lc2 week 3 today to get back on schedule. So hungry again today! I need to start turning to some better options rather than the easy to grab crackers or cashew clusters which are good and not totally horrible for me but five little clusters are around 150 calories and do not feel satisfying so I want more.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I went ahead and did Lc2 week 3 today to get back on schedule. So hungry again today! I need to start turning to some better options rather than the easy to grab crackers or cashew clusters which are good and not totally horrible for me but five little clusters are around 150 calories and do not feel satisfying so I want more.

    Emerald Nuts makes these packets of 100 Calorie nuts either Almonds or Almond Walnut. I love those. Especially good with a banana for sugars, then the protein from the nuts carries me through.

    Or you could get some Justin's Almond Butter single serves to keep around and just use one of those. Great with apples, too.

    I would recommend yogurt but I'm starting to realize that after a yogurt I'm personally still hungry so maybe not enough protein.

    Wish I could be more help! Have you noticed any patterning around your hunger? Certain circuit days or after Burn Intervals?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Wednesday PM: JELF Cardio - 30m Steady State.

    Thursday: JELF P2, D51: Legs.
    BodySpace workout tracking gives you an area to "rate your workout." I rated it a 4. But I suppose it's a 10 because I did it.
    My husband asked me this morning before I left "how was your workout?" I told him what I rated it. It was hot, humid, and slippery on the floor of the garage. (we do have it texture sprayed though). He replied that it was probably gross from having the door open last night for the dog.

    Also last night he told me to be careful not to burn myself out. It caused me to do some reflecting on how hard I've been working to stick with this plan. So I think for the remainder of P2 I'll do 2/Days, but for P3 I'll do weights one day, cardio the next, unless it falls on a weekend and I can bust out both sessions together.

    My weight is creeping up slowly, but based on the reading of the JELF forums, it's not unusual and between weeks 8 and 9 something changes.

    *honesty hat*
    I'm not really as pleased with this program as I thought I would be, but I'm sticking it out because I've seen the photos of other women who have done the program.
    After that I may do another CLX and PiYo hybrid.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Fire 55 today.

    I am not sure if there is really any trend to my hunger. I am at a 1200 net though so I think on lifting days not being able to eat as many calories as a good cardio day may have something to do with it. Plus I think I need to rebound from all those days of eating out and going over. I seriously am one of those people who never get full so I know a lot of it is just craving and needing to distract myself with other things instead of thinking of food.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Maybe when you eat something you should eat consciously. Use a knife and fork, drink a sip of water in between bites and put your utensils down. Chew slowly and enjoy the texture/taste of the food.
    Often if you are so hungry and rushed (as most of us can be with family responsibilities) you stand at the counter, shovel something in quickly and run off to the next activity. I'm guilty!
    They say eating consciously helps you remember that you ate and you aren't "really" hungry.

    But maybe you should consider upping your calories, especially on a lifting day. But I would track the days you notice more hunger. Probably day after Legs and cardio!

    I have a meeting in 10, but will be back with my check-in!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Alright -
    Friday (AM): JELF P2, D52 - Chest, Abs, and Cardio (weights only).

    Last night I went to bed and for some reason was excited about this morning's workout. It was some positivity so I decided to just keep thinking that way.

    I got a new hat and wore it and felt super cute but messy and I think it just put me in a fun mood. I killed it this morning, not being complacent with "that's a good weight," but instead, pushing a few more pounds.

    Also put the Standing AC unit out there and man, what a huge diff that made!

    Not sure if I'm going to get to do my cardio tonight, son has a Water Polo Match from 3-7 but that doesn't mean it's over at 7. Straight to that after work.

    Hugs all!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I try to only eat at certain times and thankfully the kids are young enough that we aren't running from activity to activity. Went to the grocery store today though and will be prepping healthier things to snack on so If I get a craving, I can go grab a carrot or celery stick.

    Friday I finished Lean week 3. One more week which has me excited!

    I love getting something new to workout it. It definitely make the next few workouts seem better.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Getting quiet around here...

    Sunday's workout was LC 1 Week 4. Feeling motivated this week knowing it is the last. Today was a 3 mile run. The weather has started heating up so it was a nice morning to go out.

    As always, this weekend I stunk at keeping in the calories. We ate out more than planned. I plan on the next two weeks staying strong. I have company coming Easter weekend and I already know we are eating out a couple times and of course Easter dinner will be more than usual. I will still get my exercise in while the company is here and one day we are going to walk in Carlsbad Caverns again so that is an active day.

    How was everyone's weekend?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Sorry, they moved my work group out of private cubes into a big open area. Haven't been able to spend as much time here as prior.

    Sodium is killing any losses most days for me.

    People say week 8 and 9 are where the weight starts to drop; we'll see if it does.

    Discussed my plan to do cardio on separate days during P3 and the trainer here at the office said not to do it that way since what it does is deplete your (glycogen?) levels and allow your body to use fat as fuel. I'm going to keep trying the 2/Days.

    Also saw that maybe in week 3 of P3 the workouts get shorter.

    Saturday: Rest
    Sunday: Legs, Shoulders, Abs, Cardio. I doubled b/c I skipped a day.

    Monday: Back and Delts, Cardio PM.

    Tuesday: Apparently I didn't realize it was "rest" day and had already had my PWO this morning so I did the Women's Health Mag Supplemental Magazine's HIIT type workout for 20m.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    You are awesome for sticking with it.

    I have been slacking on the getting up early. I still get it done in the morning but I am not done before the kids start getting up, which means I have to take breaks sometimes.

    LC2 Week 4 this morning. The end is so close!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    going to try and get it in P3 tonight. Sore throat this morning from pollen allergies - ugh.