Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
Good morning Hatters!

June is here - and we Hatters can hit the jackpot this month if we set our minds to it!

I was thinking perhaps we could each dedicate this month to individual specific goals ... post them, and report our progress to each other as we go? Really focus for 30 days on one (or more) ways we each plan to move forward for this month in our weight loss goal?

It's just a thought and certainly may not be everyone's cup of tea so no worries if we want to move in a different direction - bring on the ideas! But in case it's a go, I'll start with my own plan to hit the jackpot in June!:

Snoozie's June Goals: (2)

Lose 3 pounds of excess body fat this month
Exercise 40 minutes every day.


  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Thank you for this Snoozie. I will be more active here, more honest and accurate in my logging and exercise more often. I have been in an emotional funk and need to get over it.
    Thanks to all of you for your continued support.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Great June Challenge, Snoozie!!!

    I really need to kick my butt into action , while I’m kicking Tonya’s ( She asked me to!!) Remember, T??

    I’m thinking long and hard about my mini challenge…..it is going to be cutting back on calories after 6:00 pm…

    I am usually tired, bored, and restless…..so where do I go …into the kitchen and hunt for stuff….just a few bits here and a few bites there…a handful of this and that….nothing extreme, a few glasses whole milk…we know how many calories that has…but, since I don’t have a home computer working…I don’t usually log, just try to keep a mental count….It was Not working...

    but I’ve been better the last few days. And I can see a difference in the scale…so that is my challenge……and to keep up with my exercise. Best wishes to everyone…..
    Ready, Set, GO……….
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Snoozie, we can always count on you to get inspiration! thanks
    My June challenge will be to get to the gym 3x per week. I've been doing body pump 2x and i've been planning to add a third class, my daighter said she is willing to go to a zumba class with me. I have been wanting to try it, but worried I will be terrible. She will give me courage.
    Headed to the Orioles game, my DH doesn't like my pants, but I think they are perfect. I am wearing my Mother's Day present, an orioles batting practice jersey. And my pants are long and cotton, protecting me from sunburn without being too hot, they are black, with a tropical print of orange hibiscus and orange palm trees. They might be PJ bottoms, but who can say? My black hat with a big orange flower tops off my GO O'S ensamble.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Hi Snooozie and fellow mad hatters...my goal is to get to 170 lbs by my birthday (12th June), but more importantly to keep up with this c25k programme we (hubby and I) are on. I am also looking into toning those upper arms, armpits (gawd I hate armpit fat!) and the bits that stick out from the boobs but really have no business being there cuz they arnt part of boob material....if you see what I mean?? Anyway here goes, my next challenge will be July 13th (daughter's official engagement party)...but hey...that is next month.

    Hope it goes well for the rest of you...good luck with your challenges:smile:

    170 lbs will be my half way point
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks Snoozie for your inspiration and motivation!

    Well, my June goal is like the post office slogan : Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds or , in other words:

    Neither sinuses nor meds nor 108 degree heat nor gloom of sleepless nights will stay this Mad Hatter from the swift completion of her appointed 30 minute rounds of daily exercise!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Snoozie you are always on top of what we each and all need for both inspiration and motivation!!!! This is great.

    I have been bouncing the same 3 pounds for more weeks than I want to count as many of you know I have been frustrated with (thank goodness its hasn't been around on weight in days) . This week I have upped my intake up with a focus more on protein and finally kicked my exercise plan in gear.

    Yesterday I finally took the time to look at all my numbers on the spreadsheet that floats around mfp and I am not sure how (suspect trying to do to many things at once :noway:) I had my numbers really off. I reset my dailies, carbs, proteins, and fats.

    Challenge accepted my goals for June are
    1. Lose 5 pounds this month
    2. Increase riding my bike just 1 minute each day until I am at 60 minutes ( currently at 36 minutes) I watch tv while I ride and during the commercials I up the speed by 1 - 2 mph. Once I am at 60 minutes I will increase the resistance to build strength.
    3. Increase crunches 5 per day until I am at 100
    4. Starting today I am adding arm exercises in hopes of bringing the wings under more control, beginning with the dumbbell curl.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    WOO HOO it's on!!! Let's hit the jackpot every day Hatters!! :bigsmile:

    and tell ya what.. in the spirit of our group which is positive reinforcement of every change and every success, and support and encouragement to each other... how about every time each of you make one of your daily goals, or weekly ones, or make a change that moves you forward, or an NSV, or does something that takes you one step closer to any of your goals, we post "JACKPOT!" on our profiles..... ?? just a little way to perhaps keep us accountable to ourselves and each other, but more importantly for that awesome "yay ME" feeling - a moment in the day to say I took care of ME! Or many jackpots! ... post it anytime you "score" for yourself!! ishare what it is, or not - but CLAIM it every single time!! At the end of the month I betcha there will be hundreds of jackpots for us to celebrate together!

    I just did my 32 minutes of exercise ...tried the bike for the first time to see if its easier on my back.. kudos to all you bike people by the way its a lot harder than it looks!! I hope I can walk tomorrow LOL.... .. so I'm about to post a jackpot - then shower cause i might be stinking up the room..then catch up on some of the posts from our previous topic.. im still laughing over Janet's decision that particular song might not be appropriate for us, and Seehe's "pony express" visual!! :laugh:

    This is gonna be an awesome JACKPOT month for the Hatters!!:flowerforyou:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hey there ladies....

    update ..... am now wearing a size 12 / 14 pant / short.. 16s are a little too big and wearing size L tops for the most part.. who knew it would be possible 22 months in... started July 2011 at 220 and now 176... wow wow wow.....

    even with the occasional junk and poor E Bunnies and other misc "not such smart choices".... but my goal is to stay close to calorie count and have more "smart choices, less junk" entering the pie hole... great, now I want pie... giggles....

    and hoping for more movement of the body...... more movement = smaller sizes....

    Continue to rock this journey ladies.....see you at the gym, on the bike, at the lake...

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Great NSV today !!!

    So you know how the girlies seem to begin to look at the floor as you lose. My sister keeps reminding me to buy a new bra. As of today I have gone from a 46 with extender to a 38 (that I can fasten in the tightest hooks already).

    I know its seems crazy but I don't remember ever being any size smaller than this. I have been excited all day buying this bra and just now I realized before the end of this year I will know a size smaller than I can remember !!! I am ready for this June Jackpot !!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    wahooooo Tammy!! I GUESS you're exited!!! Thats a fabulous NSV.. and I totally get the thrill... I dragged my sister out a few months ago and locked her in a change room while I ran and got about 40 of them for her to try on (finding a new bra at ALL is a huge PITA isn't it? but to finally do it, AND find yourself in a fabulously FINE smallest ever size?? MAJOR JACKPOT!! congrats and woo hoo! :bigsmile:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    108 degrees today!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lmao Susan ! :laugh:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I dont usually set goals in terms of pounds by a specific time, but I decided I was going to get to goal by the 4th of July, that is not happening. I posted on my blog explaining why I am not taking that as a failure. So I am going back to focusing on healthy choices and letting the pounds leave when they are ready.
    There is a hiker biker trail that is .25miles from my home. I have not been on it for a long time because I usually do my walking in town, going to the library, farmers market, consignment shop, etc. I went on it today and was happy to see that it had been extended. the new section was beautiful and there were blooming honeysuckle making it smell as good as it looked. for next time I need to remember not to drink more than half of my water before I turn around to head back. a lot of people that I passed had on headphones, but I enjoyed being away from technology and listening to the quiet.
    Susan, stay hydrated to avoid popping!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Janet -

    So know what you mean... the last 11 seem to be staying put.... but look how far we've come... moving more, eating better, and just keep swimming "aka Finding Nemo".....

    btw - which blog did you write that talked about setting goals?

    Susan -

    love your popcorn and melting pics... giggles...

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    We are off to a new week! I hope all of you have a great one, I plan too.

    You ladies crack me up.....Susan, sorry it is so hot but oh how I wish for a day or two of those temps. My pool isn't getting warm anytime fast. I guess if I weren't such a wimp I could get in at 78 degrees but it is just darn cold.

    Janet, enjoy the trail and the sounds...I would. Here I can't go 15 minutes without a bunch of sirens...

    Oh Tammy how I can relate to the bra shopping...I have 40 H's and they are a HUGE PITA Congrats on the NSV
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Janet I totally agree - my sister told me this morning when I said I was going to the conservation trail for my walk this aft I needed an mp3 or iPod ...I said nope I enjoy the quiet and the sound if the water and birds I can't find your blog either on your profile page - do u have a link to it?

    Looks like there are some great specific goals showing up for the jackpot challenge - there are gonna be jackpot posts flying and cant wait to see em! Woo hoo! Keep em coming hatters! This is definitely gonna be a JACKPOT month for all of us!!

    Off to finish my inside chores so I can head out after lunch - it's a bit cool today (Sowwy Susan ). So will wait for warmest part of the day lol.

    Oh saw a great quote to help me with my attitude adjustment towards exercise today:

    "Exercise should be about rewarding the body with strength and endurance, not about punishing your body for what you've eaten."
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I know there's a topic on the forums about giving your "clothes that don't fit anymore" to someone who is "not your size".... but... if they ask (co-worker) is it ok to give / sell to them? They also offered to pay... the jeans are dark blue denim from Macy's - I paid about $40, and I am selling for $10.....

    torn, torn, torn......

    but I also have some white denim... will ask her later....

    My co-worker is about 30....

    Please be kind with your thoughts.....

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Janet- I don't set goals by pounds either because if I eat healthily and within a calorie range and exercise, then I figure I am doing what I can ; maybe the scale will move, maybe not. I also would love to see your blog but don't know how?

    Carol: why wouldn't you sell your clothes to someone who asked you to? I'm not sure I understand the dilemma.i say go for it!

    Tonya, how I wish I could send the heat your way!

    Snoozie: a little cool this morning???? Lol- I'm on the next plane !!! After we had such a cold winter for us I was really afraid it would mean a really hot summer, and I think my fear is coming true. Typical June temps are high 90's , then around 102 in July , August, and September, but this is what the next ten days look like here ( I shudder in anticipation of our even hotter summer months!)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I think it would be great carol! If she wants em and u wanna get rid if them sounds like a perfect plan... ?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Ummm lovely weather here folks not complaining nope nope nope lol. Not after seeing what your facing Susan ! It's only about 18c here ( mid 60's I think?) but would rather have this than yours!! Hope to god you have AC!!

    Mind you....what are the temps like there in January ????? I wanna go somewhere hot when it's -30 here :laugh: