

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Seems forever I have been missing the group, my sister and her family are in from Casper, WY and the my little one had VBS this week. So since I was having to drive to town each morning anyway it made for the perfect occasion to visit with them and my other sister which she is staying with daily. Good visits just limited time when coming home in the afternoons with exercise and supper to get ready for the husband and family.

    Kobie: the forum comments crack me up so much esp the 5 lbs and kept it off a whole week LMBO

    Snooozie: you cracked me up with the owls(which I loved) to start with but then the running app set to wake you I really did laugh out loud !!!

    As for moving to Susan's I could just by new when I got there !!!!

    Carol I laughed at the vision of the mower being dragged behind LOLOL but seriously I am sick in the head I have been told as I love to push mow a yard :noway: something about being able to see it all finished. Lose of $$$ not good but the extra time enjoy

    Janet prayers for all and hope he feels better soon.

    Susan the pictures are beautiful and such a lovely gift.

    Looks like lots of the group has really been rocking the exercise this month so far !!! Great job to each !!! I know for some of us its a stumbling stone that we need to throw in the river and just get on with the exercise. I am learning to just do it and be done each day and while it feels great knowing I have I don't know that its something I will ever like. I just hate sweating here in the South its just not considered lady like to be known to sweat. I am committed to keep going but I am ready to throw the scale in that river also. Another week and its still not moving but I not giving in I am hanging strong for another month and then if nothing I am going to talk with my doctor, this stall b/c with my new meds and I just thinking at this point there has got to be some connection.

    As for the garden its a growing should have fresh tomatoes any day and have began putting up green beans. I am ready for those darn squash though and they seem to be taking forever. I couldn't wait on the cantaloupe just went ahead and purchased a couple until ours are ready. May have to hire a grow dancer to get these things to come on. Seems they are kinda like that old watched pot that won't ever boil at this point !!!!

    Well hate to say it BUT time for the bike. Hope everyone has a great weekend
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    It really think I should get extra credit for getting up on the weekends at 4:30am. Yesterday was 6:00am....I just don't get it. The sad part is I just can't seem to get the ol' brain functioning on all cylinder's. I enjoy the peace and quiet that the early mornings bring. I commune with the chipmunks, birds and even the occasional puppy...if they hear me get up:-)

    I hope all of you have a great Sunday and BTW, I did get in the pool yesterday for all of about 5 minutes. I was weed eating and got so hot I decided to take a chance...whew it was damn cold. Next week the lows are going to be in the high 60's so that should help. The rain we have had has cooled it off a lot- I think desert of beach living is more to my liking:-)
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Tonya, Snoozie, Carol, come on over :-)


    does someone live here....cuz if so...can I move in??
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    LOL chatoga, yes indeed, come on over with the rest of the hatters , but be prepared to roast in the heat lol. That is a picture of the pool at Ventana Canyon, a local resort in the Tucson foothills where I have a health club membership. I go to yoga or use the dreadmill there in a room with a glass wall and mountain view, then was lounging by the pool for the rest of the day on Sundays, but it has gotten so hot, I don't last long in the lounge chairs, so I've been hanging out on my raft in my pool at home. But they have noodles there, so heading up there today :-) (I skipped yoga today cause my neck was sore).
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    looks totally beautiful!!...we should set up some kinda swapsies...I live in a beautiful part if the UK...think winnie the pooh land, closeto london, anne boleyns childhood home.....and lots of other historic castles.. etc etc...mind you, the weather sucks!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Chatogal- that would be really fun to swap places sometime for real! My husband and I could care less about the weather in England as we always have an abundance of sunshine here lol. Or you can visit us sometime - either way you would have to put up with my crazy dogs though lol
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Susan - just checked out the website.... beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.....

    should definitely talk to hubby - and reasonable too! when does the weather get to about 60 / 70 degrees?? giggles... :laugh:

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Carol- do you mean you checked out Ventana Canyon"s website? I think that's probably what you meant and ,if so , the rates are reasonable now because summer is our off season due to the heat. As soon as the heat goes down, the rates go up. Without the humidity, 70s ans 80s are the ideal temperatures here. I used to be able to say exactly when that would be , but with the climate change I just don't know anymore. For instance last March it was 70 one day and the next day we actually had a blizzard! But generally speaking March and April are safe bets for ideal weather and last week of October through November are usually very nice.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I agree with
    you, Snoozie, as much as I want to get to meet everyone, It would take me a good solid year's notice to work it into the budget......do I even have a budget?
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Seehe....I have one neurotic labrador...lol...we love dogs :-)
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Budgets do have an impact on traveling! My travel budget in terms of time and money is limited and when my dad moved to Florida I needed to include visits to him. Now that he is recovering from the removal of a golf ball stone from his kidney, my son is getting ready to pack up for U of Utah, so I will be adding Salt Lake City to my list of places I never planned on visiting, but ended up there any way. So I think for now, Hatters who are traveling for other reasons should look each other up and when I win the lottery we can all go to my magical island!
    When the terrible tornado hit Oklahoma, the tragedy was immense, but the death toll was much less than I would expect seeing the pictures, and that is because people in Tornado Alley know what they are supposed to do when they hear a tornado is on the way. Here in Baltimore we don't know. I am getting ready to drive home and there are tornado warnings for the 27 miles to home until 10pm. What am I supposed to do if I am driving on I-95 when a tornado decides to head my way? I heard that you should get out of the car and lay in a ditch. There are no ditches along my side ofI- 95 and with construction there is not even a shoulder for miles. I will need to research this further, but until then I am just getting in my car and going home!
    home safely just warning mo actual tornado
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Totally relate to the travel budget. We were very lucky last year in that the husband has to take classes (New Orleans, Memphis, Houston) in different locations. The company provides the car, motel, and his eats (during what would be work days). Classes are usually Monday, Tuesday or Thursday Friday. So we all tag along adding a couple of extra days at our own expense. That way we get to lounge the pool, take in the sites while Dad goes to class and then spend time with him on the extra days as a family. Saves us $$$ and the kids still have a great time. This summer we have one trip to New Orleans so far and the possibility of another so far.

    As for travels I have traveled the west coast so my future wanna see includes the east coast. If by some chance I could hit the lotto (hard since I don't play LOLOL) I would also have to include a few foreign countries such as Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Spain and South America.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hmm I didn't see Canada in that list Tammy lol

    Only one more shift tomorrow nite then I'm on vacation (or stay cation lol ) and will be able to play again. Miss y'all read every nite but have been reading everything even if cant reply - Janet thank good was u were safe tonya hang in girl Gail this weekend is the reunion are u ready? Carol did u get the clothes sold an Susan hope u haven't melted in that heat!!! Hugs all around gotta hit the sack but freedom reigns soon speaking of which language lassie hang in too and Lesley u feeling any better yet sweetie? Kobiemom chatogal hope yr all well anyone seen or heard from bis land lately hope yr ok bis!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Looking forward to road tripping Friday up to Sedona for my husband's high school and family reunion. Below is a picture of where we will be staying :-)

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Absolutely gorgeous, Susan!! Where is that? I want to live there!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh my, that is a gorgeous place to stay judging from the picture. It looks like I will be staying home this year as well. Finances aren't at their peak this summer...lol. What if we planned for Spring or Fall 2014? I know summers are hard to negotiate for a lot of us.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :glasses: Blows up her new yellow rubber ducky flotation device and floats down the pool - pausing occasionally to pinpoint location of margarita tray bearer... :drinker: but otherwise blissfully unaware of any other distractions, lost in her happy place of warm sunshine, cool water and the gentle lull of her ducky as it floats her away...

    Have a great time in Sedona Susan ...ill look after things at the club while yr gone ...:wink:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Sedona looks gorgeous! My family has never had a reunion because so few of us have ever left the Baltimore area.
    Its funny, Susan commented that I have been coordinated and I remembered my mother sighing after I walked into a pole, "I don't understand how someone who can ice skate and play tennis and basketball has trouble walking down the street." Who knows what she would have said when I walked into a hole and broke both ankles! Sometimes I wonder how she would have reacted to my sedentary ways leading to a size of 307 pounds. I think that she would have reminded me much earlier that I was an athlete at heart and she would have encouraged me to let my inner athlete back out. As a child and an adolescent she didn't let me stay in the house and watch tv or read books all day, she made me go outside and move. I think she would have encouraged me to do the same as an adult and not wait until I was 58 to really let that inner athlete shine.
    I hear many women my age say that they did not have the opportunity to play sports as do young girls today. I lived next to a public park with tennis courts, swimming pool and an ice rink. There were softball leagues and the basketball leagues had more girl teams than boy teams.
    HATTERS did you get to be athletes as girls -- are you still athletes?
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Time2- that's Sedona in Northern Arizona.
    Snoozie- where is that beautiful tree lined place on you ticker?
    Janet- although there was a plethora of athletic opportunities for me growing up, and my grandfather had even been a pitcher for the St. Louis Browns in his early days, I'm afraid I inherited the totally uncoordinated gene from my mother's side , and then couple that with double vision and lack of depth perception from amblyopia , my attempts at athletics have always been rather comical:noway:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    :glasses: Blows up her new yellow rubber ducky flotation device and floats down the pool - pausing occasionally to pinpoint location of margarita tray bearer... :drinker: but otherwise blissfully unaware of any other distractions, lost in her happy place of warm sunshine, cool water and the gentle lull of her ducky as it floats her away...

    Have a great time in Sedona Susan ...ill look after things at the club while yr gone ...:wink:

    I'm holding onto the margueritas and long islands.... could definitely use one right about now - WORK SUCKS! but.... anyway..... giggles... :drinker:

    still haven't sold to my friend at work - they didn't fit... trying another pair... we'll see...

    Quick... find me a plane or car or boat to get me out of here! ....
