

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    You're right Gail, I never made it past the bomb sniffing dog...heheh
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Unfortunately my flight ended up in Alaska.....but the northern lights are beautiful.....

    It's cold and dark.....

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :glasses: doing the dog paddle around the pool on my noodle, collecting blow up rubber duckies and what not for when the rest of the Hatters arrive.. and a mug of hot chocolate waiting for Carol!

    :noway: sees a tray of frozen lime margaritas go by.... :noway:

    abandons flotation devices and starts a fast crawl to catch the tray!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    LMAO!! Snoozie, I just spit my whole bag of peanuts out on the big guy sitting in front of me!! I may not make it off the plane! save me a frozen margarita...in that heat we'll need it!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Lol Snoozie Having so much fun with you on these noodles!

    So it's my 9th wedding anniversary, so, as a surprise for my husband, I have been working with a professional at a local photo shop for months and had a really cool wedding book made up where the photos are laminated onto thick pages and are smudge proof, etc ( our original was home made and has pretty much deteriorated ) and thought I'd share a couple of my favorite pages :-) Brings back such great memories :-)


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Ooooooooo such beautiful pics Susan !!!! You look fabulous btw (and hubby looks mighty fine too i must say!l) but you look stunning! What a lovely gift - hope you two have an awesome night !!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Sorry, Buffy, I accidentally deleted you instead of my weather posting ! Kobie, your new pooch is too adorable!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Awwwwwww Buffy is such a cutie!! I'm thinking KM that maybe Sophie (Susan's doggie ). Just got a little jealous and worried ghT jake might be looking at her and when mom was deleting the weather one Sophie stuck her little paw on the mouse to get rid of any competition??? Hmmmmm?? :blushing:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Sue - beautiful pics.....you and hubby make a great couple...

    Snoozie - save me a hot chocolate - maybe add a long island ice tea on the side?

    Gail - too funny

    Janet - hoping that your son's surgery goes well.....and prayers being sent....

    Kobie - such a cute puppy...

    It's too bad we can't really meet in the real world .... we would have a blast!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning hatters!

    I cant eat popcorn at the moment but know its a healthy and popular snack si when i found this thought id share

    For the popcorn lovers!

    Microwave popcorn, no bags no butter, no oil!!!!

    It’s genius really. Simple, simple genius.

    Glass bowl + ceramic plate + popcorn kernels = perfectly popped popcorn in the microwave.

    No bag. No butter or oil. Nothing to throw away afterward. And even no un-popped kernels.

    Stay with me now.

    Take 1/4 cup of dry popcorn kernels and place in the bottom of a microwave-safe glass bowl (pyrex is a great choice). Place a microwave-safe plate on top of the bowl. Plate should be wide enough to go beyond the rim of the bowl.

    Microwave for 2 minutes 45 seconds. Watch in glory as your popcorn pops perfectly into little puffs of heaven.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Sue, what a beautiful couple on a lovely wedding day. thanks for sharing! I am sure DHA loved the surprise.
    Snoozie thanks for the microwave idea. I have tried all kinds of air popped and microwaved popcorn but I have decided I just really like the flavor I get from my tablespoon of smart balance omega-olive oil and canola oil blend.
    I think the next time someone asks me how I lost weight I will say Popcorn, Nuts and Tennis. Do you think I could be the next Jillian?
    Leslye, hope each day you are getting stronger as the cancer leaves you forever!
    Tonya, Family drama is always hard, hang in there and remember none of it is worth losing your health.
    TA, summer time and the living is easy!
    Time2-how is your mini challenge of no food after 6 going?
    Kobie, you have been relatively quiet have you been hanging out at the eXtreme forums again?
    Carol, who says we can't meet in person one day?
    Time for the commute, thank goodness for recorded books at least I can look forward to hearing the further adventures of the Persian Pickle Club!
    Peace out, Janet
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies,

    Susan- your pictures are so beautiful. What a lovely way to surprise DH.
    Leslye- I ditto what Janet says, I have several friends struggling at the moment.
    TA- I hope you are having a grand time and enjoying the fruits of the garden
    T2- did you ever make it to Susan's? I am still trapped in the airport as the dogs finish off the ribs...hopefully they don't like apple pie!
    Kobie- love the new puppy
    Carol- We can and should all meet one day...I can see it now Mad Hatters meet here on a big marquee
    Janet- thanks for the kind words. I am over it today, just had a momentary lapse of reason yesterday.
    Snoozie, I need help with my garden..but TBH I have more to do than your friend. I try to do a little each day and more on the weekends. Thanks for the popcorn idea I think I will try it.

    I hope all of you have a great day. We are seeing the effects of TS Andrea today and I am especially worried about my friends in her path.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    New York City!! That's where I think of meeting....only because I've always wanted to go there......or Vegas!! I had originally thought a cruise would be yummy, but I have the fear we would get one of those worn- out boats and have to stay stranded for days and days with no air conditioniong or clean water....nightmare!!

    Janet, I'm not eating extra stuff, just dinner, but we're eating so late because it's after 6:00 when I get home this week..We are .working 4 -10 hour days, to be off Friday. So I can't really get a jackpot out of it, because I'm so hungry at dinner, I'm overeating, but when I get back to eating before 6:00 , I am getting me some Jackpots!!!

    Tonya, I made the big guy mad :explode: ,when Snoozie made me spew my peanuts, as I visualized her slipping over to catch the margarita tray!!!
    He won't let me pass!! Where is an Air Marshal when I need him?// OH!! :embarassed: ......he IS the Air Marshal...that explains the zip ties he put on me!! HELP!! I may need some of the Hatter fund!!

    Susan, you are such a cutie, and you were the most beautiful bride...and haven't aged a bit in 6 years!

    Snoozie,if those margarita are melted will you fix me another??/ may need two. Send the Hatter fund by Carol or Tonya!!

    ...Let's have a marvelous day....it's friday for me!!

    Luh'ya all
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hey Gail - sounds good - but I'm such a country bumpkin....love / hate city life.... (traffic)....

    plus we could get in some long walks....and fresh air....

    but I may need a little of the hatter fund - losing $600 per month doggone furlough - from 11 Jul - 20 Sep.. but hey 3 day weekends will be great for long walks, organizing and cutting the grass....

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    OK Ladies, I think this hatters union is a grand idea!!! I am willing to meet wherever other Hatter's wish. So, let's all throw out /brainstorm suggestions and then get a group consensus. What do you say??
    So far, we have New York and Las Vegas, which are fine with me. I'd like to throw out Chicago (in the summer) , or any place where there are beaches and water. Other ideas???
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Jersey Shore - southern part near Cape May... Avalon is beautiful!

    Plus there are lots of hotels and we could share if needed

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Even though it is certainly driveable, I have never been and always wanted to go to Cape May.
    No to cruises I get very sea sick and my DH is convinced that random people are frequently thrown overboard!
    When I win the lottery (no time estimate because I never buy a ticket) I will arrange for all of the Hatters to meet at a fantastic spa on an island somewhere! When we are not doing yoga, getting massages or playing tennis we will be at the beach where none of us will be self conscious about walking around in our bathing suits! There will be lots of sunscreen and everyone will need to wear their biggest hats for more protection from the sun. We will have a "most original hat" contest.
    FOR NOW, when any of us are traveling, we need to let everyone know and maybe someone would like to meet for lunch. Anyone visiting the DC or Baltimore areas, let me know!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Had a fantastic anniversary dinner with my wonderful husband Wednesday night, and he loved the photo book :-)

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Beyoootiful couple ! So glad u had a great time!! Read the posts but will write tomorrow would also love Chicago or NY not sure when it might be in the budget for a real life visit but if I get a hankering fir a road trip this summer ill def call for a lunch meet with anyone in whatever state I'm in if they're there lol.

    Quick note to Janet know your sons surgery was today - will check In thru the night for an update hope all is going well keeping him in prayers!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Janet, how is your son? Hope all is well.

    As far as a union, I think we are in agreement on one thing at least and that is no cruises lol. Perhaps the next step is to decide summer fall winter or spring. If we are talking this summer, I'm afraid most places mentioned are too far for this desert rat as I am still taking antibiotics for my sinus infection I got from my flight to Michigan in May! But that doesn't mean that you east coast hatters shouldn't / couldn't get together this summer someplace drive able or convenient for you:-)