

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Janet - my only "athlete" came out thru 20 years of running and doing step class - thank you US Army... happily retired and can do what I want when I want....

    and I want out! giggles.... 2019 are you here yet (will be fully eligible to retire).....:laugh: :laugh: and me and my knowledge will be dancing running getting the HE... out of here....

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    Still in my jammies as I type lol.. trying to get up the will to shower and get human and head into work.. you would think knowing tonight is the last shift then I'm off for two weeks would be a heck of an incentive.. but as is evident from my ducky moment.. i think my mind and body are already in vacay mode!! This will just be time off no trips planned catching up on home stuff and getting together with my "normal" friends (mon-fri peeps lol) . My sister has her gall bladder surgery Friday morning so i'll be taking her in and then staying over friday night to walk the dog and keep an eye ball on her.. thankfully they can still do the laproscopic version rather than the big surgery so very happy for that, but as with any surgery always a little worried til its over!

    Janet - I grew up in Montreal - played softball in summer and ringette in winter and spent most of my time outside all year round as did every other kid back then! We were always on our bikes couldnt wait to get out every day in summer, and walked everywhere in winter, including a number of bloks to good old Grove Hill for toboganning most days after school! Hard to believe now that we were so active back then; barely running in to drop our books and plead to do our homework after supper as there were only a few hours til dark lol.. we played badminton in the yard and tennis against the wall of the school... I was skinny til I was 16 and moved to Toronto just after graduating high school - at that age the trauma of leaving my friends and a whole summer led to a 30lb pig fest which never stopped after that.. but the exercise did! (Oh yeah.. and spent hours too playing tag, hide and go seek, soccer baseball, skipping rope, and playing British Bulldog ... wowsa.. ! Come to think of it I never see any kids doing that anymore.. hardly a skipping rope around and altho street hockey is still big.. never see kids just "playing" outside anymore... hmmm... !

    hey does anyone remember that game with the elastic that 2 kids put around your ankles and stretched out while another kid jumped on .. they had to jump "in, on side, side" then the elastic got raised to the knees etc... ?? or how about the tennis ball in an old pair of panty hose... you stood against the school wall and bounced it above your head between your legs along the side... while singing some little ditty ?? anyone?? lol

    Susan - i ha to go look to see what pic it was... was the Rui Palace in Mexico 2 years ago on my ticker.. that fountain.. I made all of us in the groupPOSE in that scene from the Sound of Music.. with the arms crossed in front of the fountain??? Yes.. it took a few tequilas but they all did it.. and i have pics LOL...

    Carol - good luck on the next pair of pants hope they fit her! And whiole I luff ya like a Hatter.. get between me and the margaritas and you're toast... LOL. nOT THAN i'M COUNTING but I have 3 years, 2 months, 7 days.. and 11 hours til I can retire..

    Susan.. isn't Sedona a big wine making area??? I COULD drag myself out of the pool if you need help getting there... lol !

    Tonya - love the shades TOO funny!!! We;ll try to find you some with a little bling to fit over your glasses...!

    K.. really better get my butt in gear I suppose... maybe just one more coffee.........
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ snoozie - just don't get between me and the chocolate..... giggles....Carol
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snoozie ( and anyone else interested), while there are plenty of wine and margaritas to be had in Sedona, it is not a big wine making area but rather known for it's unique red sandstone formations aka the red Rocks of Sedona that appear to glow with the sunrise/sunset. It is home to many notable arts institutes and hiking trails and is considered a vortex and spiritual center. Bob grew up there, and his Dad did all the stonework in the city on the buildings and roads and such. This is also where Bob, at the not so wise age of 16, went climbing up chimney rock and fell 40 feet face down and bounced. Luckily he obviously lived, but broke every bone in his body and is now held together with rods and fusions. Interestingly enough he doesn't set off the airport security when he walks through lol.

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Snooozie of course Canada is a given especially when the son and the girlfriend will be living there once they make things official. Though no idea when that will happen. Prayers for your sister. Ahhh the elastic jump rope, we called a Chinese jump rope, oh the hours I spent doing that. Guess I missed out on the tennis ball and panty hose one though.

    My athletics was comprised of a season ticket for the public pool. We took lessons 3 mornings a week and swam usually 6 afternoons from 2 - 5. I loved swimming and still is my favorite form of exercise. When I was teenager I taught lessons and did some life-guarding. My dream home would have a in ground pool that I could take advantage of daily.

    We spent lots of time riding bikes, playing hop scotch, hide and seek all the average childhood games.

    As for other sports being a small town there wasn't a softball league that I remember. They did have basketball at school but with 6 children there was little time and less money to be apart of that.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    HOPSCOTCH !!!! I loved hopscotch !!!!!!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I figured I'd better make my way onto the group before the BIG STORM tomorrow. This is one year since we lost our roof in the derecho and they're predicting the same set-up for tomorrow. If I'm gone for awhile, we lost power again.

    Susan- My husband travels to Tucson every few months and has actually been to the spa in the picture. It's beautiful there. I've been there with him in the Summer. Yes, it's a dry heat. Like being in the dryer for a week!

    Snoozie - I agree - the game with the elastic band was Chinese jumprope. We played that at recess many years ago!

    Hon- How did your son do with the kidney stone? So painful. I hope the meds were good. I thought of you during the Honfest over the weekend. Did you go? My daughters and their friends dressed up in pageboy hair and shirtwaist dresses!

    Believe it or not, I was very athletic. I was in swimming and gymnastics and even taught both. I was doing circuit weight training at the age of 16. I hope I can get back to being an athletic person when I get my lean muscle mass numbers up.

    I'll be back when I can!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Cheryl- stay safe!!! And if you ever get to go with your husband again to Tucson , please look me up!! I love your comparison of dry heat to being in the dryer for a week! Lol
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Cheryl, with Greg's hospital stay I didn't get to Honfest this year. He's impatient with the healing process, I don't think they did a good job of explaining the pain involved. Snoozie, your sister will also be dealing with the pain issue. A friend showed me how to hold a pillow over my stomach when getting up after abdominal surgery. It really helps. I've had 3, so I know.
    When I was in grade school we didn't do the tennis ball in pantyhose thing, because we didn't have pantyhose until I was in high school. When I was in 9th grade I was still wearing nylons and garters. But I did spend hours hitting a tennis ball against the school wall across the street from my house. There is a movie, Crooklyn that opens with the kids playing all the street games. It will remind you of games you havent thought of in years. We played all kinds of games with a Pinky ball. And we loved our metal roller skates. When is the last time you saw a roller skate key? But in the summer, if there was water I wanted to be in it! We had a 24inch pool in our backyard and on really hot days there were times there were so many of us that the pool collapsed, which we thought was great fun! I loved Sundays when we would head to one of the County parks for a cookout and swimming in a river.
    That's what we need to remember, the feelings that we had as children, the feeling that our bodies needed to move, not because we needed to get fit, but because it was fun. And it was the fun that made us fit.
    What movement do you do that just makes you smile?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Jumping in puddles !!:bigsmile:

    Am officially on vacation but too tired to say yippee so will catch ya all tomorrow book ease everyone stay safe I heard ion te need about some weird crazy wind thing going across Indiana and a few other states and Kobe sounds like u are on the path too pls everyone check in when ya can so we know everyone's ok

    Janet - many thanks. I learned the pillow trick after my own gall bladder surgery 30 yrs ago (but I had the big stem to stern one with accompanying 10",scar. It totally helped for coughing and laughing too to press it agains my gut!

    More tomorrow!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I'll say yipee for ya Snoozie YIPEE!! Time for play!!!:happy:
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    that skipping game with the elastic we calked "French skipping"...it was bonza ( I borrow an expression from our Oz friends!). And British bulldog!!!....that would be soooo banned nowadays!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    The movement that makes me smile is dancing to great music, especially live music :-)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I have some questions....1. Do any of you have high blood pressure?
    2. How did you feel prior to being diagnosed?

    Any information would be helpful,

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Sorry tonya - never had that problem (knock wood) but hoping someone else can help ya out ?

    I'm up at my sisters this weekend her surgery was this morning all went well except took a little longer than they figured due to the state the gall bladder was in lol. Just got her home and put to bed and I'm about to do the same !! Have a great weekend hatters !!!
    Susan have a super time in Sedona Abd Gail at your reunion !!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Tonya, they call high blood pressure the silent killer, don't ignore this. I had high blood pressure issues after surgery. I don't remember feeling very different. When i started mfp in Jan 2012, my BP was high and I asked the doctor if i could try to bring it down by lifestyle changes. He gave me a month, but he had me monitor by measuring in the morning and evening and he gave me a limit, if it got to a certain point I was suposed to get back to his office before the month. Start to Monitor your blood pressure in the morning and at night, so you can take that with you to the doctors when you go. Do you have a cuff blood pressure monitor?
    Please let us know that you are getting this checked out. We care! Janet
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Good morning Hatters and a happy, healthy Monday to everyone. Last Monday was the first week that I skipped weigh in. I knew the stress eating had taken its toll and I couldn't face the result. I promised myself that I would get back on track and accept whatever this Monday brought. So I was happy to see that I was down 1 pound. I feel like a wimp for skipping last week. When I gained because of celebrations, I was able to weigh myself and move on. But starting in a stressful place, I was afraid that the scale would make it harder to shake out of it. I keep telling myself that NSV's are so much more important than the number on the scale, but there is still a part of me that knows the scale can cast a cloud over my brain. Its weird how I was soo happy to get to my license weight of 190, and now I would be really upset if the scale said 190 instead of today's 185.
    HATTERS, everyone was quiet over the weekend, so I think there were lots of summer fun times that you need to share! Janet
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Janet wise words there. I keep have had the same thoughts for a couple of weeks that if I could just skip a weigh in .... but being a part of the 3 month challenge I keep doing it. I do feel that things are about to finally change. I was just sharing with my husband this week how hard it has been staying focus with no scale movement. At the same time last Saturday after a day of shopping I came in to change into my house dress. I could take my capris off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. These are the same capris that were snug when I started wearing them in May. I did measure when I started exercising but will not measure again until the 1 month mark. But this was just the thing I needed to keep me focused this week but more importantly it reminded me this isn't just about the numbers its about my health. So this week I have pushed to acknowledge at least one thing each day that I have accomplished that before losing this weight I was to tired to do. I will read the list daily as a reminder so that I stay strong until this stage is over !!! I encourage each of you that feel week to do this also. Self acknowledgement is often hard but a great motivator !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope everyone has the great week !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh and I forgot on Father's Day my Daddy's significant other stated it was time to get some new pants that mine were getting to big :flowerforyou: They were some of her hand me downs that I only started wearing in May also but they are definitely on the verge of needing to be purged from the closet.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good morning my hatter ladies,

    It hasn't taken nearly as long as I would have guessed for me to get caught up on my sleep for second or third time in the last couple of weeks I have found myself wide awake at 3 am :noway: I guess this means you can teach an old dog new tricks. I have never been a morning person in my life but I guess after 3 years of teaching has changed that !!!:drinker:

    So this morning I have been trolling the forum. I put together a few recipes for a young lady having trouble liking veggies and thought since I had them ready I would post them here for our group.

    Healthier Garlic Mashed Potatoes
    • 1 pounds red new potatoes with skin, quartered
    • 1 head of large cauliflower or about 1 pound, stem removed
    • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
    • 1/2 tablespoon salt
    • 1/2 cup lite sour cream
    • 1/2 cup milk, 1%
    • few cracks from a peppermill
    • Optional toppings: 3 scallions chopped, pat of butter

    Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and boil potatoes for 10 minutes. Add in cauliflower and continue to boil for another 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Drain ( 5 minutes or so) and mash vegetables by hand or use food processor and pulse until desired consistency. Transfer to a large serving bowl and stir in the rest of the ingredients. Top with scallions and a tablespoon of butter.

    Zucchini Chips ( we grow zucchini in our garden so we have zucchini several times a week during the growing season)

    INGREDIENTS: 1 large zucchini
    2 tbsp. olive oil
    Kosher salt

    1. Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Line two large baking sheets (I used two 17″ baking sheets) with silicon baking mats or parchment paper.Slice your zucchini on a mandolin. Mine had 1, 2, or 3 for thickness and I used
    2. After you slice your zucchini, place the slices on a sheet of paper towels and take another paper towel and sandwich the zucchini slices and press on them. This helps draw out the liquid so it’ll cook a bit faster.
    3. Line up the zucchini slices on the prepared baking sheet tightly next to each other in a straight line, making sure not to overlap them.In a small bowl, pour your olive oil in and take a pastry brush to brush the olive oil on each zucchini slice.
    4. Sprinkle salt throughout the baking sheet. Do NOT over-season, in fact, it’s better to use less salt initially because the slices will shrink; so if you over-season, it’ll be way too salty! You can always add more later.
    5. Bake for 2+ hours until they start to brown and aren’t soggy and are crisp.Let cool before removing and serving.Keep in an airtight container for no more than 3 days.

    Green Curry Chicken and Veggies
    Veggies can be anything you have on hand. I use onions, fresh mushrooms, celery, red bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower

    Spray skillet or wok with pam (garlic flavored is yummy)
    Add two skinned, boneless chicken breast (cut into bite size pieces) and veggies of your choice,

    When chicken is almost done add one 14 oz. can coconut lite milk with 1 - 2 tbs. green curry paste for 5 minutes (more if you like spicy), 2 tbs. fish sauce and brown sugar blend

    Simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    Add 1 cube basil (this I find frozen at Trader Joe's but you can use fresh also)

    Roasted Shrimp & Broccoli

    This is also good with onions and fresh mushrooms added to the recipe. You could also try carrots and cauliflower. Also after experimenting you may find you don't need as much oil as I have.

    1. Heat the oven to 425.
    2. On a large cookie sheet, toss together 2 pounds of broccoli cut up into florets (but not teensy tiny florets, I like a little stem attached), 2 Tbs olive oil, 1 teaspoon whole coriander seeds (or 1/2 tsp. ground), 1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds (or 1/2 tsp. ground), 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper and 1/8th tsp hot chili powder. Spread into a single layer and pop into the oven for 10 minutes.
    2. Meanwhile, toss together one pound large shrimp, shelled and deveined, with 2 Tbs olive oil, lemon zest from one lemon, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper (I just eyeball the salt and pepper) in a bowl. When the broccoli’s been in the oven 10 minutes, add the shrimp to the broccoli and toss (carefully.)

    3. Roast another 10 minutes, tossing once halfway through, until the broccoli is “tender and golden around the edges.”

    And that’s your dinner!
    I served it in a big bowl of rice and squeezed some lemon on top. It was a big hit.

    I put these in recipes and that gives me the nutritional values. If I make a change I just go back to the recipe and make changes to use it again.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    An update on the blood pressure questions I had. I went to the Dr. today and I have a 24 hour EKG machine on. I was given a blood pressure medication, diuretic and and an anti-depressant...after bursting out in tears in front of her..lol So, I will begin those all tomorrow after I take this inconvenient little box back to them. They also drew blood for a cholesterol screening..not sure how that will work since I had coffee, a granny smith apple and a special k bar this morning but hey their the smart ones right?????

    It has been about 3 years since I had anything done. Gallbladder surgery was June 2010 so since then I know I haven't. Everyone is worried but I told them I don't feel bad I just don't feel good. The high BP is a little scary since I have always been known as the "healthy" fat girl. Normal for me in the past has been 105-118/ 68-76. Today's reading was 168/90.

    She didn't say anything about my weight since I had lost 32 pounds since my last visit...if only she had known I was up 15 from last summer at this time.

    Anyhoo...I know I can share with you all and didn't want to leave those questions just hanging without a reason as to why I was asking.

    Have a great evening and a happy day tomorrow, I know I will be after getting these wires and this damn box off of me!