

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh Susan, if only I had those temps...I could swim NEKKID!!!!!!! :blushing: Work in the AC all day, swim in the pool all afternoon. Seems like a great way to spend 24 hours.

    Carol, if she asked then by all means sell them. You are helping the economy....:laugh:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sure, Carol, She asked you, and that's fine to sell them.... The way I read the forum it was a bit awkward to offer your big clothes to someone else....but if they ask...yea buddy, sell'em!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I guess I should venture out in the forums occasionally lol.. I gather from Gails post that some people might get offended if you offered them clothes they thought were too big for them... but as the others said, seems like a win win in this situation as she wants em and you wanna sell em... so go for it!
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    nooooo....stay away from the forums...bad, scarey places....to get on ok there you have to eat junk (pop tarts, apparently), lift heavy and avoid cardio...otherwise...you will get skinny-fat!!!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I read the forums occasionally to see what the *children* are saying these days. I especially love it when a twenty-year old has lost five pounds and wants to share her wisdom, since she has kept it off for a week. The junk science is also amusing. And the posts that end up being sales pitches for some shake or another. It's not all bad, though. That's how this group emerged - remember??
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters!

    Just popping in to say hope everyone has a good day... loving all the jACKPOT! moments popping up all over the place - we rock!! and remember even if you haven't set a specific goal for this month, ANYTHING you do that gets you closer to your own goal (s)qualifies as a jackpot - an awesome food day, a decision NOT to eat something crappy, saying n to someone because you taking care of yourself FIRST before anyone else because you're worth it.. whatever it is ladies if it gets you closer to where you wanna be in mind, body or spirit claim it! This is our time.. we earned it and we deserve it and nobody is gonna stand in our way! :tongue:

    Gail - you are totally killing the exercise - freaken awesome!

    Seehe - I was trolling your diary - you consistently eat healthy and yummy - which is what im striving for - its a great reminder that we can love eating good food and enjoy every bite rather than feeling deprived!! thanks for the inspiration

    Tonya girl... so proud of you; you've been thru some tough times this year and yet you refuse to let em break you - WAY to go ... women are like willow trees.. we will bend but we wont break no matter what! hugs!

    Tammy - you too are rocking the exercise... i think you jumped the one minute a day goal already as you hit 61 yesterday??? FABULOUS!!

    Carol - you burned the fat big time at your zumba last night - awesome job!!!!! have you decided what you're gonna spend your $$ from the clothes on .. hoping its a treat of some kind like a pedi ?? (i need one hence why im voting for that lol)

    Janet - after taking the 7 flights of stairs up a few times now i have a totally new respect for the tennis you play .. you have got to be seriously fit to do that game so raising my water glass to you - congrats!!!!

    Chato - yeah I learned early on not to play in the boards lol... I stay here in my nice safe haven and only venture out to read asomething now and then... to be honest i usually look at the number of responses first and if there are 100's i run away because im pretty sure its turned into a flame thrower and i just can't be bothered anymore. There is still a lot of great information out there and i do take advantage of it, but admit I rarely respond to any threads anymore.. lol

    Okey dokey.. I admit I'm hobbling a little this morning after my long hoof yesterday.. might have overdone it just a tad but I blame the runkeeper app on my phone - i turned on the audio cues and it kept me motivated.. but me thinks perhaps i should work UP to distance a bit at a time from now on lol.. will see how i do after walking around a bit this morning as to whether today's exercise will be a shorter walk lol.. or the bike!

    Hugs all around!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lmao @ kobie... i admit i've read a few topics for the sheer entertainment value.. and the neat pictures people post! but larfing at your 20 something with the five pounds... omg too funny!! That's what initially prompted me to look for others my age.. while I think its great anyone looks to improving their health in any way... i don't zackly have much in common with the 20 yr old lol... and I have gained invaluable information on nutrition and exercise from lots of posts... and as you said most importantly it brought us together...

    but yep... sometimes i'm ascared of em TOO :laugh:

    PS Susan - I thought of you today when I read a line that said "Sweat...is fat crying!" With the heat wave you're having I thought hmmmmi wonder if that works for heat wave sweat - that would be way cool, eh?? If so I'm moving there tomorrow! :bigsmile: . !
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I say we move in with Susan! Not only will my allergies be better, I could swim almost year round (promise to wear a suit) and I would melt from all of the sweating in the heat waves!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I say we move in with Susan! Not only will my allergies be better, I could swim almost year round (promise to wear a suit) and I would melt from all of the sweating in the heat waves!

    :laugh: :laugh: I CAN BE PACKED IN 20 MINUTES! :bigsmile:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I say we move in with Susan! Not only will my allergies be better, I could swim almost year round (promise to wear a suit) and I would melt from all of the sweating in the heat waves!

    :laugh: :laugh: I CAN BE PACKED IN 20 MINUTES! :bigsmile:

    I can be packed in 5 mins... "army training" aka Bill Muray... :laugh: stripes movie... gotta love google... smiles....

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    when the millions come in from consignment / selling of clothes going to treat myself to new clothes...

    btw... just got my letter...losing $600 per month... bummer... but just think of all the free time to run like the wind bullseye.... giggles...

    DH came up with a work plan - mow the lawn... maybe strap the lawn mower to me and I can run with it or I can push it... but seriously have NEVER cut the lawn.. giggles... isn't that why I have him? plus the 18 yr old to take care of "outside work"....

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Tonya, Snoozie, Carol, come on over :-)

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<Taps foot waiting on Snoozie and Carol then grabs the leftover ribs and apple pie as she heads out the door.

    Awe Buffy is adorable.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lol I couldn't text on the flight .....I'm here!!! Oooooooooo lovely pool diving in!!!! Ok cannon ball in lol
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Sounds good....

    Man that water is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

    And so is Buffy....

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    the water is gorgeous, but I am waiting until January to move to arizona. when I get there I will teach all of you to play tennis so we have something to do when the pool needs to be cleaned!
    several of you asked about my blog, it is at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/hairsprayhon
    My son's surgery for his gigantic kidney stone is finally set for Friday. He will then go to the 23 hour recovery ward. I guess in the old days they would just say he would be kept over night. that must be why I am feeling a bit funky, I dont like thinking about someone cutting my sons back to get to his kidney.
    I agree there are some scarey forums out there but what really sets this group apart is the constant positive encouragement, thanks for being here!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters!
    and welcome to "Way to Go Wednesday" :bigsmile:

    Wednesdays tend to be a little boring - too far from the last weekend and too far from the next LOL.. so to spice things up a bit I'm declaring this OUR national day.. everyone else gets one why not us? :laugh: So the goal is to post a WTG ME thing you do for yourself; be it mind, body or spirit ... it's our holiday, let's see what we can do to celebrate us!

    I finally had a small loss on the scale.. not enough to log LOL.. but at least it's a NEW loss.. that door slamming on the regain/relose pounds worked (think it was the visual pic you provided that helped Susan - thanks!) and an NSV yesterday - I was able to pull my shorts on without unzipping or unbuttoning them.. actually i had to dig out an old belt to tie em up as with the phone, keys, ID and water bottle all stuffed in the pockets, I was in danger of scaring the squirrels with a "flasher" moment! so WTG Me lol.

    btw... anyone know what the current "in" version of the old fanny pack is? I'm seriously considering digging mine out (yes.. i know I kept it lol) to relieve the pocket load ou there.. is there something else people are using these days i dont know about?

    On another note.. I saw an interesting program last night on public television.. on the importance of micronutrients to our bodies.. basically telling us what we already know of course we should be eating more fruits and veggies - but it was a good reminder about WHY we need em.. they referenced the ANDI list.. basically a list of like the GI only this one goes in order of the highest micro content to the lowest.. no surprise again to find the dark greens are up there, but strawberries scored way high too.. woo hoo LOL.. SO NOTE TO SELF to work on incorporating more fruits and veggies into my day!

    I'm off to take my senior friend to the garden center... which I suspect means I will be spending some time planting em since she had a cube of dirt delivered to the house ... LOL.. my leg and knee are still very sore from my long hoof so will have to substute something else today for my exercise goal.. perhaps a good yoga day!

    Have a great day Hatters!!

    Janet - sounds like a great plan!! I looved tennis as a kid; took lessons but havent played since my teens.. I'm pretty sure I sucked at it but I was a damn good badminton player up to the end of high school! I'm in!! as long as we get that dip in the pool after LOL! YIKES on your son's KS.. I GUESS you're worried!! Especially as you mentioned they have to go in through the back - very scary! But I know the pain from a KS is called "exquisite agony", so I hope he will feel so much better after the surgery!

    Tammy - what a fab day you had yesterday - such a great example of enjoying life with friends and family, and still getting in the exercise (and in a fun way) That's what it should be.. a great reminder for me thank you!

    Better fly.. time and garden centers wait for no man.. or woman.. lol
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Dang it I missed my flight.

    Janet, don't wait...we need your tennis lessons...at least I do I suck at it! I have NO hand to eye coordination. I will also be praying for your son and his speedy recovery from the surgery. Nothing is scarier than having your child or your spouses child having medical issues. Aren't they supposed to live longer and be healthier than us?

    Susan, please hold my room as I will get there eventually, don't let Snoozie and Carol have all the fun. .

    Got a message from Rick's step-sister yesterday saying "call me it's important". Well, Considering that both his parents are gone and his step-mom passed away last August I was concerned. Now I find out that even though he was basically left out of "the will" she wants to give him his mother's....(not her's) and his grandparents stuff. I know that I have been sad about not having family but this makes me somewhat glad I don't have any...It is so hard to be so conflicted with family. Is there a way that we can be just "Us". I wouldn't trade my feelings for my own children for anything but as parents and step parents we need to realize how our actions affect those we love and their families. I love Rick and truth be told I love his children as much as my own. He created those children and even though I may not be their mother I love them and care about their well being. I think as humans that is the right thing to do. I married him and whatever he had to bring to the marriage, just as he is saddled with all my baggage...an man do I have a lot of it.

    Feeling a little misplaced today so forgive my ramblings. I really just needed to put my thoughts to paper.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ya'll are too cute,!!!
    Tonya, you got caught at the airport with the ribs and apple pie didn't you?...LOL

    Susan, can I come....my pool is broke...just like me, and I can't get it fixed...

    Janet, prayers sent out for your son and you...

    Snoozie , I love the Wednesday WTG Holiday. I need something to get me through today....working 10 hour days, with not a lot of work.....long & boring!

    Carol, best of luck with that mowing of lawn...it can be brutal..

    Happy Wednesday!.
    WTG Hatters!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    OK Ladies, you all are welcome , but are you SURE you want to come? It's too hot to sit anywhere but IN the water-not even on a lounge chair:
