Daily Check-in: Time March-es on



  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    It is my first day doing Stronglifts 5X5 and I'm really enjoying it

    workout A

    Squats 5X5 23 lbs
    Bench 5X5 23 lbs
    Barbell row 5X5 23 lbs

    I'm feeling the weight is not challenging so I'm going to increase it.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Squat deload day.
    75 lbs x 5, 95 lbs x 5 and 110 x 5 I had some issues with the bar pushing on my shoulder funny but it just took another try at racking and it seemed fine after that.
    Wod called for the sets of Db snatch (40 lbs) x12, chest pullups x 12 and burpees x 12 I just did snatches at 20 lbs, inverse rows and the burpees, and I only did 3 rounds. Totally done after 3....
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Running out of steam at the end of the week, it seems. The oatmeal protein bar was not as much of a success as the poptarts as far as preowrkout food goes, either. But mainly just tired.

    Last test day of this 4-week phase:

    Power Clean 1RM -> 65x5, 75x3, 85x2, 95x1, 105x1, 115x1, 122.5xfail, 122.5x1 vewy vewy ugly wep *Elmer Fudd impression*

    Previous best was 125 (which had surprised me at the time) about a month ago. But I was more diligent with my hip mobility then and was trying for full cleans so that may have played into it. I had the power in the pull, just couldn't get the dip timing right today.

    Push Press 3RM -> 35 or 45 (weird bar) x8, 55 or 65x5 (I was too lazy to unload my clean bar completely so it was sitting @75lbs lol), 75x5, 85x3, 90x3, 95x3, 100x3

    Previous tested 3RM was 90, so I'm happy with this :)

    4x600m rowing for time with a 1:3 work:rest ratio (that I reduced as I was runing out of time). 2:25-2:27 per round (really kept it even somehow), about 40 cals per round.

    Somewhere during my rest I added my No Matter What Push-ups (17) and recline rows(12) sets and then did a no rest 6/4x2 at the very end.

    Looking forward to less max effort, more volume over the next 3 weeks. Also cutting back cals some towards 1650 for the next week. Maybe I can do half poptarts before my workouts? lol
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    So, I did it. Went back to lifting this morning without choking. I deloaded as per app instruction.

    Warmup: 15 minutes on the ATM

    Squats: 2 x 5 @ 45, 1 x 7 @ 65, 1 x 5 @ 75, 5 x 5 @ 85. Deload are mean. I did my warm up sets as usual, but as soon as I started my working sets, I had a weird case of flash gordon DOMS like I never had before. Thighs were stiff, legs were shaking, I thought I was about to collapse, but I pushed through it anyway. Now, I feel like I never did squat before. Not like I never used a squat rack before: like I never did squats at all.

    Pendlay rows: 1 x 5 @ 45, 1 x 5 @ 50, 5 x 5 @ 55. There was a coach roaming around that corrected my chest height, and seriously, it was much more effective after that.

    Bench press: 1 x 5 @ 45, 5 x 5 @ 50.

    Then, stretch and foam roll.

    And that's it. I didn't have time to do more, but it felt good to do some strenght training at last.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout A today:

    Squats, 5x5@110 lbs. I rested 2+ minutes in between, and they were tough, but doable. I am going to try 115 lbs next week, and will plan to take the full 3 minutes in between.

    Bench, 5x5@65 lbs. The last few reps got tough, but I think 70 lbs next workout is doable.

    Rows, 5x5@75 lbs. The fifth rep on my last two sets were really hard, but I counted them. I might try 80 lbs next time, but may end up repeating 75.

    I did some RDLs, 3x10@75 lbs, and about 45 minutes on the elliptical.

    I have a 10.5 mile training run scheduled for this weekend, but I think the strength training is really helping with my running, so I'm happy about that!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    @canadianlbs, do you have the SL5x5 app? That's how I track what I lift.

    Today's workout:
    Squat: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 1x5 @ 95, 1x5 @ 115 and 5x5 @ 135, with only 90-second rests, so I'll go up to 140 on Monday.
    Bench: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65 and 5x5 @ 80. Again, only 90-second rests so I'll move up to 85 on Wednesday. I'll also make sure I have someone spot me.
    Row: 5x5 @ 85. These are getting tough now. I can get the first 3 reps up pretty well but those last two, especially in the last 2 sets, were rough! I try to make sure I don't use momentum to pull them up.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Great workouts everyone! (and hi again to those posting in here and NROLFW group since I post in both with each one, lol)

    Cardio Day

    Couch to 5k, Week 4 Day 1

    I went to the park this time and think I like it more. While there are many more people and dogs, there aren't cars to worry about, streets to cross or needing to pause music due to timing of traffic light. It's not flat but not too bad if I pick my route well enough. Think I'll do the C25K there whenever possible.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    @canadianlbs, do you have the SL5x5 app? That's how I track what I lift.

    nope. it's a good idea (if i could stand mehdi, which i can't. i try to pretend he just doesn't exist), but i don't have a mobile device of any kind either. i hate them.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It's a bit old school, but I just use a pen and a small notebook I found at the dollar store to keep track of my lifts. I put in what I need to do that day ahead of time, since it changes up in the different stages of NROLFW but with SL I just had the lifts and would add the weights, plus I could see what I'd done before easily.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    It seems every Friday night I've been lifting. No going out for me.

    I went in with some wicked tricep doms from my negative pull ups the other day. I had a spot just in case for bench, but it went smoothly.

    Squats 5x5 160lbs
    Bench Press 5x5 85lbs - woot, my PR is 90lbs, getting close!
    Row 5x5 75lbs - I think I got them, but it's probably because 75lbs is now easy.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    It's a bit old school, but I just use a pen and a small notebook I found at the dollar store to keep track of my lifts. I put in what I need to do that day ahead of time, since it changes up in the different stages of NROLFW but with SL I just had the lifts and would add the weights, plus I could see what I'd done before easily.

    You mean something like this?
    (That's yesterday's workout, btw. If there are discrepancies between what I reported -- if I did, can't recall -- that's cuz I was going off my memory at the time haha)

    Good ol' pen and paper will never be replaced by an app. I mean, I tried and on some days I have to log on my phone if I forget the notebook (I have a pdf of my training plans on there too), but it's too much of a hassle for the most part. And with the notebook I can write down notes or go outside the boxes if I need to.

    For the sake of reporting, I haven't done it yet but I'm gearing up for the Shred mobility routine here. Then I'll have breakfast and clean and then I'll decide if I do some cardio and what kind haha. Tooo many options (but the one I wanted, running outside, not one today. So cold! WHYYY?!)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yep, only mine is little as don't need much room to log at this point. Maybe after tonight I'll try to figure out how to post images. Tonight will be testing out lifts from workout A, but first I have work this afternoon. Get to take down all the sales tags from the week and the month tonight, oh goodie.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited March 2015
    Workout A:
    Squats - 5x5 @‌ 85
    Bench Press - 5x5 @ 44 - YAH! I'll graduate to the oly bar next workout!
    Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 53

    Sumo Squats - 1x5 @‌ 45

    Finished my 3rd week, noticed that my squats are not as deep (below parallel), should I continue with the same working weight until I hit below parallel or deload?

    I so enjoy reading each post, learn so much!
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    First day back after a week off due to illness and crappy stress at work. Everything was harder than it should have been, for the most part. Add to that the fact that my mp3 player was dead, and there was an extremely chatty PT and client nearby that were annoying me, and I really wasn't feeling it today. Oh, and my husband got laid off today. Super fun. It wasn't unexpected for him, and he was more than ready to leave the company, but still...

    Squat - 5,5,5,5,4 at 135 lbs. I probably could have squeeked out that last one, but I don't think my form was great anyways, and I just wanted to be done.

    OHP - 5x5 at 55 lbs. This is still really hard, even though I have been at this weight for a long time. It is frustrating.

    Deadlift 1x4 at 165 lbs. This is the only thing I was happy with today. Last time I tried this weight I pulled a muscle in my back and didn't get a single rep. I probably could have done 5, but I can't seem to get a grip that doesn't pinch my hands and they hurt, so I called it at 4. On a related note, I realized halfway through my warm up set at 135, that I was using a double overhand thumbless grip! I can't believe I finished 5 reps with that grip. I guess my grip strength is improving.

    No time for accessories, I was late to meet my mom.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Sets of 4 today, triples tomorrow, then REST REST REST.

    Squats: 8x4 @‌ 180lbs
    Bench: 8x4 @‌ 115lbs

    I've been working on my arch for bench for the past few weeks and I think I got it down pretty well since today's bench wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be. Sooooo, I made it up to using 35's on bench!!! Woooooooohoooooooo!!!!

    I did squats after bench, and I started to lose steam halfway through my squats, but then I got to Renegade by Styx on my playlist, and bam! second wind. I <3 Styx.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    took me a while to get in there today, but i feel like i made it count. workout a. i did it all backwards too, since the squat kings were in and completely swarming the rack for my first hour or so. so. in order:

    warmup: plank@60sec, plank@40sec at home before i left, then another at 60 secs once i got there. some kind of airplane/locust type thing too to turn on my glutes/back, but i didn't track time that i held that one for.

    cable pulldowns: 2x10@40, then sets at 45 and then 50. i can't remember how many sets or reps, since this is accessory-ish. i think probably 2x10 for each weight.

    rows: 2x8@30, 1x5@50, 4x5@55 and then someone else asked for the bar. i wasn't especially interested in rowing, so i let him have it.

    bench: 2x5@45, 2x5@50, 5x5@65. whoa, those were hard. not sure it was smart to do them but meh. all the plates had disappeared into the squat kings' maw too, so when i saw two 10s still left on the bench i grabbed them. form better enough to make it worth risking, not sure how tomorrow will feel.

    squats: 2x5@45, 1x5@65, 5x5@85. not gonna say these were easy - they feckin' weren't. but they were the kind of hard where you feel pretty sure that you can get them all done, and i did. concentrated on driving through my left leg in particular and i'm pleased with the feeling of being much stronger there.

    and then i went and did real rows properly because left front delt after the benching, all ow. 4X5@65. also hard but worth it, i think. i skipped the last set because i could feel my left side crapping out even during the 4th while i was finishing it.

    and then stretching all over the map, and then jellybeans. i'm beat, but i feel good.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Oh, I'm another one that just writes my workouts down on paper. I do have the SL 5x5 app, but I haven't used it in forever. I actually keep all my workouts in spreadsheets, but once I actually perform them, I write it down in a little notebook I keep near my power rack.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    edited March 2015
    giusa wrote: »
    Workout A:
    Squats - 5x5 @‌ 85
    Bench Press - 5x5 @ 44 - YAH! I'll graduate to the oly bar next workout!
    Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 53

    Sumo Squats - 1x5 @‌ 45

    Finished my 3rd week, noticed that my squats are not as deep (below parallel), should I continue with the same working weight until I hit below parallel or deload?

    I so enjoy reading each post, learn so much!

    If 85 was easy mode I'd just go up and make an effort to do parallel your next session. If they were some challenge or you want to be on the safe side, I'd repeat your work weight until you get the form right. Deload when you fail 3 times. Be sure to do the warmup sets and treat them like your work set - that helps out practicing the form.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Okay, I don't know how to post a picture of my notebook, but if I ever figure it out, someday...

    Had a rough day before gym due to having a headache for over 24 hours. It wasn't intense or anything, just insistent and made sleep annoying along with nausea during work. But at the gym, things got better. After trying out some of the things for Stage 2 workout A, I decided to test bench just for the fun of it. Did a warm up with a couple sets of 5 then just worked my way up doing sets of 3 reps and taking breaks in between. Didn't have a spotter but I made it up to 100. So goal checked off list after all. :grinning:

    Random Workout, parts from Stage 2 A

    front squat/push press 3x8 @ 55 - Tad heavy by end. I'll either do this weight on day 1 or 5 less, depends how I feel.

    static lunch 3x8 @ 10 - used step with one set of risers in the classroom using one of the plates from the weight sets the classes use. Not so bad for a lunge.

    db 1 point row 3x8 @ 15 - oh dear... balance and glad not many were in the gym and/or at the dumbbell section. Good thing it's paired with step up cause then I can do them both tucked away and not by the benches or racks of weights.

    cable horizontal wood chop 3x8 @ 10 - different. I didn't do the rope attachment but should maybe make the effort next time.

    For Fun:

    Bench: 1x5 55, 1x5 65, 1x3 75, 1x3 85, 1x3 90, 1x3, 95 and the big 1x3 100. Woot! No way I could get 5x5 with that weight but I could lift it and more than once, so I'm happy.

    wrist curls 3x10 @‌ 15

    Hopefully I can sleep better tonight. Monday I test regular squat with hope of getting 165 at least once or more.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Okay, I don't know how to post a picture of my notebook, but if I ever figure it out, someday...


    static lunch 3x8 @ 10 - used step with one set of risers in the classroom using one of the plates from the weight sets the classes use. Not so bad for a lunge.

    If you have the picture on your computer it's as easy as clicking the "doc" icon at the top of the new post section (where you can adjust font) and browsing to the file or drag and dropping it. If it's on your phone, you can email it to yourself. I have no idea how to use the forums from my phone. The interface kinda sucks so I never bothered.

    Also lol at static lunch. Sounds like an exercise I would definitely enjoy! ;) Thanks for the chuckle haha.