

  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Stayed home today got the flu bug. Think I will take it easy and hopefully get over this soon!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Astraea05 wrote: »
    Stayed home today got the flu bug. Think I will take it easy and hopefully get over this soon!

    Oh yuck! Enough of these winter illnesses! Take it easy and feel better soon!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Ok, did three days without sugar and then gave in today. It was a really good piece of dark chocolate though.... LOL. Will try again tomorrow. Feeling good about my choices overall this week.


  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I am SO over winter! We actually had snow coming down at lunch! Snow! Really? UGH! I did a crazy spin class last night... I learn a new trick... Jumps.

    Holy Heart Attack Batman! It was brutal... the first thing I suffered through was the 3 minutes of a standing climb. My legs were screaming at me! So needless to say, I couldn't stand the whole time and felt like a moron... but then the last cardio blast we did was "Jumps" I'm like Wha What? Jumps. We did 10 jumps, rest 10 seconds, 10 more jumps, rest 30 seconds.... then we did it again. WoW! Jumps are seriously hard! You stand, sit, get up stand, sit... it's like stand, sit, stand, sit 10 times is one set... and we are spinning the whole time! So stand, 4 rotations, sit, get the heck back up!, rinse, repeat.

    My quads are really feeling it today. But I loved it and I think I might just do it again tonight.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    coopscoopc wrote: »
    I am SO over winter! We actually had snow coming down at lunch! Snow! Really? UGH! I did a crazy spin class last night... I learn a new trick... Jumps.

    Holy Heart Attack Batman! It was brutal... the first thing I suffered through was the 3 minutes of a standing climb. My legs were screaming at me! So needless to say, I couldn't stand the whole time and felt like a moron... but then the last cardio blast we did was "Jumps" I'm like Wha What? Jumps. We did 10 jumps, rest 10 seconds, 10 more jumps, rest 30 seconds.... then we did it again. WoW! Jumps are seriously hard! You stand, sit, get up stand, sit... it's like stand, sit, stand, sit 10 times is one set... and we are spinning the whole time! So stand, 4 rotations, sit, get the heck back up!, rinse, repeat.

    My quads are really feeling it today. But I loved it and I think I might just do it again tonight.

    That sounds awesome! You are building some quad muscle today!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Let's make today count and have a great weigh in tomorrow!!

    (*) Go Team Blue! (*)
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    ***Week 4 Challenge (March 29-April 4)

    Strength Train three times this week

    We have all read that people who strength train lose weight faster, and keep it off more easily. Additionally, it helps strengthen bones, decrease injuries.... and makes you feel a lot better about the way you look! So, get in three strength training sessions this week: weight machines, barbells, dumbbells, kettelbells, bands, TRX, resistance with your own body weight (push-ups, planks...). There is something for everyone. Have fun and tell us what you like to do and what you do this week! :D

    (*) Go Team Blue (*)
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Congrats on the awesome Loss AMY! Looks like the no sugar days really paid off! I loose any this week but glad I didn't gain.. I am feeling better and ready to have a great week. Been baking veggies to try to make sure I have some no sugar added food around. Will exercise inside today. Freezing rain outside :neutral_face:
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    I needed to weigh this morning for another challenge and put todays weight on our spreadsheet I was down but thought this was more accurate to what I have been weighing most of the week. Seems like weekends I am always up a little. Hope everyone has a nice week! Still trying to do the no sugar added. Got very close yesterday. Will try again today!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    Good morning all! Sorry I've been MIA! I only get online on groups at work and I've been SOOOOO busy! I'm trying very hard to get caught up, but we have a couple of new projects taking off, plant trial and stuff like that!

    I'm in the for the strength training challenge...I made it twice last week which is amazing for me!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    ***Week 4 Challenge (March 29-April 4)

    Strength Train three times this week

    We have all read that people who strength train lose weight faster, and keep it off more easily. Additionally, it helps strengthen bones, decrease injuries.... and makes you feel a lot better about the way you look! So, get in three strength training sessions this week: weight machines, barbells, dumbbells, kettelbells, bands, TRX, resistance with your own body weight (push-ups, planks...). There is something for everyone. Have fun and tell us what you like to do and what you do this week! :D

    (*) Go Team Blue (*)

    I am in for the strength training also. Just not sure what to do yet.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Yikes! I will try to get in 3... normally after 1 I can't feel my muscles for a week! :D
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Got another spin class in today! Kind of stunk since I really wanted to repeat the crazy class. lol But I am super proud to start the work week off with a workout! Seems to keep me focused for the week. Or at least I think it does. lol
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Awesome, lets build some muscle. When my muscles are sore, I just keep telling myself that I am building new muscle! I lifted at my gym yesterday and oohboy I can feel it in my pecs and lats today. My fav is push ups. Seriously, the best strength and toning exercise ever.

    I took four full garden sized trash bags of clothes to the good will this weekend. Yes, half of one was my hubby's stuff, but I got rid or tons. Some of it was too big, and other was just too old and I'm never going to wear it. If I can wear a smaller size, I want something that is not from the 90's! Anyway, felt great to get rid of all of that stuff.

  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Ha! I hear you on the 90s closet! I seriously had to go through things and do the same. It was craziness! I pulled out 2 full trash bags of my stuff, including "power" suits in periwinkle!!! Periwinkle? What was I thinking? LOL

    Why am I afraid of doing my angry birds strength tonight? I just know it is going to hurt. But at this point I can't feel my quads from the "jumps" in spin class... so why not stop feeling my arms too? B)

    I totally spaced mom's clothes last night so now I have to go back to the nursing home... UGH! I am going to cut out of work as soon as I can to get there so I can get home to hurt myself with pushups. YAY!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello Ladies sorry for being AWOL!! Life has been tough for me since I learned that my husband and 120 of my office mates are losing their jobs this year. I am the opposite side of the spectrum so I have to rebound back - - big time!! :'(

    Our WW group at work is affected by the lay offs since most of those who are losing their jobs have decided to call it quits. The morale at work is low.

    I need some reminding every day to at least feel better about my current situation. After which I need to get back on tract. My writing this past 2 days is a start to getting back. Have patience I will return promise.

  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    edited April 2015
    Great Job Amy to get those closets cleaned out! I need to do that again soon. I got rid of a lot of things when I moved last year but still need to weed out more. I plan on trying some push ups tomorrow. Have not done any since I hurt my shoulder last year. I know I had some small weights but have not seen them since I moved! Still trying to go one day without added sugar. Today made it til 6pm so getting closer. Christine hope your husband is having luck finding a new job. Still have your name on the spread sheet and we still have two whole months left on the challenge if you want to add your weight. Gloria just joined the Blue team and so hopefully will be seeing her here to give her a big welcome to the group!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Stopping by for a quick shot of motivation. Long couple of days at work. I am glad to hear you all are doing some strength training! Melissa, it is tough when our parents get older isn't it? Christine, new day, new plan. We here whenever you want to jump in!! Ok, Sara, tomorrow is your day for no sugar. You can so do this! (says the women who needs to get back off the sugar...LOL).
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    I found some arm exercises on youtube and boy I can sure feel them tonight. Was very nice too! I think doing them really helped me gain some more motion. Great challenge idea. I got sooo close with the no sugar added then caved for some mint oreos. I even turned down going to A&W today. Thanks for the encouragement! Will try again tomorrow and plan on working on 10,000 steps. Hope everyone is having a great week and getting in some strength training!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I feel like I have been a total eating slug this week. I have succumbed to peer pressure and have been going out to lunch rather than eating the sensible lunch I have! I am very afraid of the scale this week. Very. Afraid. I think I might just go bonkers if I have gained a pound... I am trying to get back to it today! I am definitely going to spin today and tomorrow. I know I can't exercise the bad choices away, but it is not going to hurt for me ramp up intervals today! UGH.

    I am going to double up Tonight I think. I saw mother yesterday so I can work late, have the gym to myself, then get home to relax. Hopefully I won't be too long. The gym closes at 10 I would like to be there around 8:00 but I am so slammed at work right now... not funny.

    I feel like I am whining today???? lol