Daily check in



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Exercise Round 2

    I guess since I'm doubling up this week (I hope I can keep it up, anyway), I'll be checking in twice a day. Just as well because I guess I never mentioned I'm doing a couple of challenges on top of 21 Day Fix and PiYo.

    Soooo . . . ummm . . . yeah. I'm doing this Abs Challenge:
    And this Plank Challenge:

    Now, to be honest, on the days when I am doing both, I skip the plank in the Abs Challenge and just do the Plank Challenge. Can you blame me?

    21 Day Fix

    After lunch I did the Pilates workout. I was on my knees for most of the plank series but I surprised myself by keeping up with the side series for the second time. Woohoo!

    @martybartram Welcome! I think there are a few wives here that wish their spouse were interested in doing 21 Day Fix but I'm content that my husband is doing any exercise at all. For him, his workout of choice is P90. On days he doesn't work, he picks up wherever he left off. It may take him more than 90 days to finish but I'm confident he shall.

    @walkdmc It surprises me every time when I'm feeling stiff and sore when I start exercising how supple I feel afterwards. I may still have some pain but I can move more easily for sure.

    @cupcake570 Given how busy you've been, awesome loss! My beachbody coach actually suggests having a Treat Meal every week. I have enjoyed some very nice Treat Meals the past few weeks.

    @mrsewert Jump on in; the water's fine!

    And didn't I say earlier I would post what I plan on doing next?

    I did but my plan has already hit a snag. See, I already knew I would do 21 Day Fix between now and the end of June. And I'll finish PiYo at the end of the month. Now, originally I had planned on just recycling through PiYo until I leave on my trip 1 July. But then yesterday my darling daughter gave me a used copy of Slim in 6. Awesome! I can start that in June and it will carry me through the middle of July so when I come home, I would be able to start a new program or go back to doing 21 Day Fix and/or PiYo or . . .

    I could do Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution because my son and his family gave me that DVD set! So I had it all figured out. I'd do Si6 through June and into July and hit JMBR as soon as I came home.

    Only . . . for some reason the third DVD in Si6 won't play on my laptop. Typical! It works okay on my DVD player but I don't plan on taking my DVD player with me on the trip (would you?). Rob doesn't have a gig tomorrow so I'm going to ask him to see if cleaning the DVD will get it to work in my laptop. If not, I have to rethink everything I thought I had figured out. Bah humbug.

    But hey! Great Mother's Day gifts, don't you think? My family is awesome!
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    Been done with 21DF for one week now. Habits I've established haven't changed. Measuring with my containers and eager to get a workout done everyday. I have not done Autumn's videos this week just because I have the free Beachbody on demand for 2 more days. Been trying some of the videos there to see what I'd like! Tried some turbo fire, Chalene extreme, Brazilian Butt. I really like Chalene, but I don't like to dance. Her Extreme videos are more my style.

    I don't want to get too caught up in numbers, so I haven't weighed or measured myself since last week. So far I haven't seen a difference in how I look or how my clothes feel :smiley:
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @cupcake570 congrats on the loss! All that baking is a workout too! Hope you get some well deserved sleep!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Did upper fix this morning and PiYo upper body tonight. Probably shouldn't have done two upper body workouts in one day but oh well. I think I pulled something during PiYo. Some of the moves I just look at her and am like wha??? Put what where? How is that even possible?! And literally spend the whole move trying to figure out what she's doing. Oy.
    I still haven't made up my mind on what I wanna do next so just trying out PiYo and keeping 21 in there for now. I thought 21 day fix would be easier second round but nope! Probably a good thing though. I took pics before this round this time too so will be nice to compare those this time.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    30 Day Shred plus Total Body Cardio and 70 min walk with two dogs.. Got caught in the rain. I hope I don't get sick.. Ugh lol
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    I was doing amazingly well until my allergies sidelined me. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh :(

    On a fun note @walkdmc you win for most fun wordplay on your screen name. Too funny!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Morning Workout

    Do you ever have workouts where you feel clumsy and inadequate every step of the way? Welcome to my morning. Upper Fix . . .what made me think two weeks ago I was ready to increase my weights? And why was it so much harder today than it was a week ago? (I didn't sleep well last night, btw, and I realize that's the reason but damn!)

    I am getting closer and closer to getting through an entire PiYo workout! Today I did Buns and almost didn't have to skip any reps. Still modifying but definitely feeling more confident and stronger about myself and this program. I'm tempted to go back and redo the first week's schedule because I think those workouts were easier than what follows and I would really surprise myself. But I'm sticking with the schedule as it is.

    And now for something completely different . . .

    My husband shared this with me.

    This is four people's results from doing P90X and it's really interesting to me because the results are telling. I noticed that the article doesn't say anything about the participants changing their diets. It just talked about the four of them doing the 30 minutes of exercise every day. Now, to be fair, we all know p90X is a tough workout program so just doing that is quite the accomplishments. But can you imagine how much better the end results might have been had any of these people been using the food containers or started eating clean?
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Interesting article. To be honest that doesn't seem like enough for me. Just my personal opinion. I don't know anything about p90 though. But personally if I'm doing something for 90 days I'd want to see more of a difference in numbers.
    Diet is a huge part of it too. I've adapted to a 1200 calorie diet but I really need to focus on eating healthier and cleaner options, because sometimes my day consists of 800 calories of garbage. :/

    Did PiYo sweat this morning. My arms are burning from yesterday. I still don't know if my hrm is correct but shrug. I suppose it's better to underestimate calories burned than over.
    Hoping to do day 3 of 21 day fix tonight.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila My heart rate is normally very low (around 50 RHR) so I don't expect large numbers when I exercise. PiYo typically only pushes me into the upper 90s or low 100s. I was surprised yesterday when my HRM said I averaged 134 for PiYo Sweat. But that is still below the goal of 135-180. Today for Buns I only hit 111. And for 21 Day Fix, I typically only get 90-100.

    That's why I've been trying to use the bike with a goal to doing steady state for most of the 30 minutes. Either that or I'm trying to teach my body a lesson by really keeping it confused.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Hrm. For buns the other day it said 55 for me on the hrm. Which seems super low but maybe that's cause I'm still learning the moves? I probably wasn't doing them all correctly and thus not burning as much. Shrug. Upper fix yesterday was a bit more but still seem low to me compared to when I enter my stats on that website posted in another thread.
    The more I think about it though it's probably cause I'm such a newb with PiYo that I'm not doing everything as well or as correct as I should be.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila Average resting heart rate is typically somewhere between 60-100. I don't think you aren't exercising hard enough. I think you need a new HRM. My blood pressure and heart rate have always been below average. For me, that's normal. Even my doctor and physical therapist comment when my blood pressure went to 110/75. So for me, seeing higher numbers would be unhealthy. But if I wer exercising and I were to only see 55? I'd assume there's something wrong with the HRM.

    Post-Morning Workout

    Walked 2 miles with my husband. We walk at a pretty brisk pace but my heart rate doesn't get very high. My shirt was chafing me, however. Very uncomfortable. Last time I wear that shirt!

    Doubling Up

    You know how we say Cardio Fix is probably the hardest workout of the week? Well, it's even harder when it's the second one and you do it in the afternoon. Ugh. But I did it and survived.

    Then I used the bike

    Aimed for steady state and succeeded for just over 20 minutes so that's good. It's also sweaty. Hence, the new profile pic. For the record, I don't like to sweat. Blech.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Ack @SatiaRenee I should have been more specific. When I say 55 I mean 55 calories burned over the time of the workout. Not sure what my hr was really. I have a watch that has a stopwatch and shows you calories burned over the duration of the workout. Sorry! I should have specified that, all these gadgets are still so new to me.

    Way to go on gettin Cardio Fix AND some bike time in. :) not to mention the two mile walk!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks, Doodle!

    D6/R1 almost done. Did Dirty 30 today and found it harder than Cardio Fix. I didn't understand some of the terminology on the various threads, like "doubling up" and "cheat" foods and it turns out, I ordered the Extreme version. I didn't realize the workouts were different, just thought it came with extra booklets and equipment. Anyway, on Extreme, there is no wine, no chocolate and no doubling up workouts in a day.

    I've been 99% adherent to the diet with some extra nuts and nut butters. I won't eat a carb without protein, not even for snacks, so I have an extra tsp. of almond butter with my berries at night. I can't wait to see my week#1 weigh in results.

    I lost a lot of weight on Medifast, a very low calorie, low carb plan that delivers big drops in weight. I loved that plan and dropped 70 pounds in a year but found it tough to workout. It's going to be an adjustment, seeing 1-2 pounds drop/week but I know this is a more reasonable lifestyle change (exercise and healthy whole foods). I have to lose about 25 pounds to reach goal.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Had a fabulous day!

    Did I mention I got the E&E last week? I'm not sure if it's placebo but boy have I had more energy for my workouts. And I've been burning more calories too! I did upper fix today. With 10 minute abs and then went for a 3.25 mile run. I feel great!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did 30 Day Shred plus Upper Body Fix. Only burned 96 cals doing the Upper Fix today even though I was dripping like crazy.

    Think all the lunges from 30DS caught up with me. I'm only in my mid 20s but my right knee hurts when I walk down the stairs after doing a quick jog with my dogs a couple of days ago. Hoping it will ok tomorrow enough to play soccer.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @dkwi04 that's great to hear that you like the E&E! I've only heard good things about it so was hoping you'd like it too. Might have to try it myself...I was totally dragging this morning...every move was a struggle.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    What is E&E?
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Jill, I only use 1 scoop of the E&E - but it is perfect. I mix it with 8 oz of water and chug it about 10-15 minutes before I work out. And Autumn says that 1 scoop is approved on the fix :)

    @mrsmuckster - E&E is a beachbody pre-workout drink. Energy and Endurance.

    E&E Energy and Endurance will help you:
    • Burn more calories and fat to get ripped faster
    • Maximize muscle performance to build muscle faster
    • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.
    • Instant surge of power*
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Round 3 Day 3

    Going great! The scale keeps going in the right direction (finally!). I am consistently using my heavier weights too!

    I am at a struggle right now though - I am expecting my package tomorrow with the Fix Extreme. So to finish round three then jump into the extreme? Or just jump right in.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @dkwi04 great news that the scale is still moving!!!! I would say since you're so early into this round of 21 Day Fix, if you feel ready and motivated and excited to kick it up a notch, switch right over to Extreme. You could wait until Monday if you'd like so you are on track with the schedule.

    If you feel like you need a little more time to prepare yourself for Extreme, then finish this full round of 21DF.

    Can't wait to hear how you do with the new program!!!