Daily check in



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Playing catch up. I did barbell workouts yesterday. Today I got Cardio Fix and 30 Day Shred in. May do Abs Fix later
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @venuila Wow! Great results!! Congrats!!!
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    Workout; 4.5 mile powerwalk, then Dirty 30. I struggled today; think the walk with the humid Texas weather wiped me out. Dirty 30 is challenging but gosh after one of the floor exercises I thought about just staying on the floor & taking a nap but I pushed thru it.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @cindip63 those days when we REALLY don't feel like moving but do it anyway? We should burn extra calories :). Good for you for pushing through!!!!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Another Week of Gaining I saw the numbers on the scale and immediately reached for the tape measure. I'm smart enough to know that the numbers on the scale don't show the whole picture. So imagine how I felt when I saw that I'm gaining inches too. WTF???

    Not happy And this is why intrinsic motivation is so important! Extrinsic motivation is fleeting and too contingent on external validation. My commitment to my health is not predicated on numbers.

    But damn damn damn, it ain't easy. I pushed play anyway.

    PiYo Interval Strength
    So glad this was a shorter workout. Not because I couldn't physically do more (not that I managed to get through the workout anyway) but because emotionally I just didn't want to do anything. Again, intrinsic over extrinsic comes into it and I managed to make it happen in spite of myself.

    Yoga Fix
    I set up the timer on my camera and took pictures of myself struggling through yoga. Maybe I'm not intrinsically motivated after all; maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment. ;)

    Anyway, today is Mother's Day and I have cake and pizza for a Treat Meal coming my way. I confess, the numbers on the scale and tape measure are increasing the chances that I'll feel some guilt but I'll try to fight through it and give myself the same loving advice I'd give anyone else under the same circumstances.

    Happy Mother's Day One and All . . . because I never met a women who wasn't nurturing and kind to someone, whether she gave birth or not. I plan on having a good one but first I am going to make myself a protein shake and then I'm going to use the bike. Try to burn off some calories before I pile them on. Have a great one everyone!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    SatiaRenee wrote: »
    Another Week of Gaining I saw the numbers on the scale and immediately reached for the tape measure. I'm smart enough to know that the numbers on the scale don't show the whole picture. So imagine how I felt when I saw that I'm gaining inches too. WTF???

    Not happy And this is why intrinsic motivation is so important! Extrinsic motivation is fleeting and too contingent on external validation. My commitment to my health is not predicated on numbers.

    But damn damn damn, it ain't easy. I pushed play anyway.

    PiYo Interval Strength
    So glad this was a shorter workout. Not because I couldn't physically do more (not that I managed to get through the workout anyway) but because emotionally I just didn't want to do anything. Again, intrinsic over extrinsic comes into it and I managed to make it happen in spite of myself.

    Yoga Fix
    I set up the timer on my camera and took pictures of myself struggling through yoga. Maybe I'm not intrinsically motivated after all; maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment. ;)

    Anyway, today is Mother's Day and I have cake and pizza for a Treat Meal coming my way. I confess, the numbers on the scale and tape measure are increasing the chances that I'll feel some guilt but I'll try to fight through it and give myself the same loving advice I'd give anyone else under the same circumstances.

    Happy Mother's Day One and All . . . because I never met a women who wasn't nurturing and kind to someone, whether she gave birth or not. I plan on having a good one but first I am going to make myself a protein shake and then I'm going to use the bike. Try to burn off some calories before I pile them on. Have a great one everyone!

    I'm here to tell you!!!!! After about three weeks of a plateau. Gaining and losing the same .6 and gaining a bit more. Not losing much in terms of inches. I've tweaked a little bit here and there, did the 8 hour eating window thing this week and also made it a point to drink a recovery shake after my last couple of workouts.....I am finally down more then the .6. The scale showed me a 3.2 loss since Friday.

    My old self would have given up. I would have skipped a workout and had a huge junk filled meal. Nope. I pushed play because I felt good and boy did it pay off.

    You've listened to be complain for weeks. And you've kept me motivated - now it's time for you to listen to me. Push through. It can take up to 6 weeks for a plateau right? You've got this!!!! I believe in you

  • blantondwb
    blantondwb Posts: 49 Member
    As much as you are working out it is a very good possiblity your not eating enough!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Great news @dkwi04 !
    Just keep pushing through it ladies! You got this!!! Just remember it WILL change and your body is getting stronger no matter what.

    Did define lower body from PiYo today and followed it with total cardio fix. Ugh. I am pooped. Do you use a heart rate monitor @satiarenee?? Mine said 55 calories for the PiYo workout, that seems low to me. Shrug. Am new to the heart rate monitor things.

    Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms on here!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee I know how much it stinks to see those numbers on the scale when you have been working so hard! But there's no way all your hard work can NOT pay off. It's a blip. For sure. And would totally get me down, I can't lie. I get it. But it IS a blip!!! Chances are very good next time it will be lower. @blantondwb does raise a good point though - have you done the calculations for "very active"? Maybe you need to go up a bracket. Logically that way of thinking never made sense to me - but I have seen it work again and again.

    @dkwi04 amazing results!!!!! Nothing is harder than staying motivated when you are not seeing the results on the scale but you DID and it has paid off!!! Here's to a continued downward trend!!

    @venuila great job getting through two workouts, I don't know how you people do it!!! I am so done after one!!!!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Day #4 almost done and I just found this group (happy about that!)!

    I'm doing the food plan and DVDs and LOVE the workouts. They are the best workout DVDs I've done. I like the timed/do as many reps as you can-format. It's very easy to follow but a tough workout. I read some reviews before purchasing and am surprised at the reviews claiming the workouts were "too easy". Since you choose your weights and number of reps, it can only be "too easy" if you make easy choices.

    I'd rather count calories and was doing that before getting the 21D Fix containers but I'm trying the containers. I thought the containers would help me get out of my head (if I go over my calories for the day, even by 100, I get antsy) but so far, that hasn't happened. I'm still tracking on MFP, in addition to using the 21D Fix tally sheets. I should just use the sheets.

    I've tried the Shakeology raisin/walnut/oat bars using Isopure Low Carb Dutch Chocolate and they are DELICIOUS. I haven't tried Shakeology and won't due to the cost. Using the recipes/tips in the 21D Fix booklet, I've made the turkey lettuce wraps (very good, need hot sauce, IMO), the egg spinach cups (bland, also need hot sauce) and the oats/strawberries/PB breakfast....all good recipes/combos.

    Looking forward to checking in here regularly and continuing "the Fix".
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @walkdmc I agree, the workout videos are awesome. The plan is great. I'm on round two, day 7 as of today. A few things I love about the plan; the 30 minute workouts are extremely effective and I've ventured out to try an assortment of veggies & fruits I would have never tried if not for this plan. I find myself craving fruit all the time! You will find the most supportive group on this board. The success stories are so motivating and inspiring. Wishing you much success!!
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Had a crazy week so didn't get much time to check in. I had 11 mother's day orders and 3 graduation cakes so I only got 5 hours sleep in 3 days. Still recovering from that. Unfortunately I missed 3 days of workouts but did well with food. This week is a bit easier so I'm looking forward to getting g 100% back on track.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @walkdmc - I agree with you - I was finding it a bit "easy" so I upped my weights :) As far as calories, I am that way too! And I track both containers and calories - but really - try to stick to the containers regardless of the calories. I know it is hard but it works! Before the fix I was eating 1,200 crappy calories, but now I am fueling my body and my calorie intake per day is between 1,200-1,450 and it pains me to see it so high, but your body needs the fuel - and you are giving it the proper fuel too!

    I start Round 3 today (I posted my results in the result thread). I am really excited for this round. Although I have 21DFX on its way to my house - expected to be delivered by Friday, so I don't know if I will do a full round three or just jump right into the extreme. I still have 16 pounds to lose so I might just try to knock some of that down first.
  • extacymoon
    extacymoon Posts: 141 Member
    I have been off track the past couple of days with my exercise. I have been trying to stick to the food plan. Hope to get back on track this week. I am still losing a little so I guess I haven't been that bad. Had a flare up of fibromyalgia and when that happens I am lucky to do my day to day activities. Hope everyone has a productive and good week.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    What a Difference a Day Makes

    Was that me, who was disappointed because the scale and tape measure didn't show me numbers that made me happy?

    21 Day Fix Total Body Cardio Fix

    I'm closing in on the end of Round 3. At the beginning of this round, I increased my weights but not for this workout. I just didn't feel ready. Well, this morning I wasn't thinking about that. I wasn't even thinking, obviously, because I made it nearly halfway through the workout when I realized I was using the 8# weight instead of the 5# one. Oops. And no, I didn't finish the workout using the heavier weight. Having to switch is how I realized I was not paying attention when I grabbed the weights. But you know . . . I think I'll start using the 8# and maybe by the end of Round 4, I'll be getting all the way through TBCF without swapping out for lighter weights.


    Today is the closest I've ever come to completing this workout! Yes, all of my push-ups were still on my knees but I didn't miss as many reps. I'm definitely feeling stronger.

    NSV for me!

    Another pair of yoga pants started falling off. I had noticed last time I wore them that they were feeling looser but today I had to pull them up a couple of times because they were slipping down as I moved from one PiYo move to another. And as if that were not amazing enough, I managed to get into Warrior III without touching the chair. Seriously! For someone with a balance disorder, that is huge!

    And thank you, everyone!

    I'm going to stick this out through the end of the week, not changing my food bracket but if I don't lose weight and inches, I'll move up a bracket. Not enough calories is the only thing I can come up with to explain my stalled progress. That said, I know that plateaus happen and I can be patient.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Wow @SatiaRenee , awesome results and progress!! And your yoga pants are falling off? Yoga pants are tight and stretchy so if they are falling off, you have lost a LOT of weight and inches. GREAT JOB!!!!
  • martybartram
    martybartram Posts: 12 Member
    My wife and I officially started the 21 day fix yesterday. We have been trying the portions earlier in the week and set Sunday as the start day. It is a big increase for me as far as intake but it all makes sense. I look forward to reading the group's posts and hopefully contributing as well. Have a fantastic week.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    D5/R1...Cardio Fix today. I found it easier than the Lower Fix workout and was happy it wasn't just a bunch of high intensity jumping. I follow Renee (is that her name?, the less intense model). Glad to report the muscle soreness (that made sitting on a toilet super uncomfortable) is improving. Working through the soreness works!

    Thanks for the welcome and it's so encouraging to read about everyones' results. I'll report my weekly weigh in results Thursday.
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Even though I missed a few workouts the scale was down .4 today. Even when we went out to eat I made sure I stayed as close to the plan as possible. I'm looking at it like I'm keeping this way of eating permanently, not for however many rounds it takes to get to goal. So if I want to indulge once in a while, I will. Life is too short not to enjoy the little things :smile:
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Can I join in? This is my first round Week 2. :)