Daily check in



  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    @dkwi04 I'm guilty too of weighing myself too much, someday I too will learn the number doesn't count - it's how far I've come! I am NOT a morning person, but truthfully I have grown to love early morning workouts since doing doubles last week! My head is clearer vs. coming home after work starving and trying to get my workout in with my workday still in my head :smile: I got my workout done this morning at 5:45 and I felt great knowing it wasn't waiting for me when I get home tonight!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Upper Body done today.. playing catch up. I started a retail job from hell two weeks ago and I'm struggling to fit my work outs since they have me on call every day. Actually considering quitting cause I already run two businesses for income and I don't want anything to get in the way of changing my life. I'm that determined.

    Also very guilty when it comes to weighing everyday.. I mostly do it because it helps me understand my body and its patterns. My weight hasn't budged for two weeks now :/
  • extacymoon
    extacymoon Posts: 141 Member
    I must say that I am a little jealous of all you morning workout people. It would be nice to get up and get them out of the way before I start my day. Just not in the cards for me right now. My day already starts at 5am and doesn't end till after 9pm. Hardly any downtime till my head hits the pillow. I am usually working out at 8:45-9pm then hitting the shower and bed. Not sure if that is healthy but at least I get it in. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2015
    So I feel a bit naughty...bought a box of vitatops muffins, chocolate with chocolate chips. Popped one of those beauties in the microwave, topped it off with sliced fresh blackberries & strawberries....oh my! It's been over 3 weeks without chocolate and it was darn close to an orgasmic experience! Lol!! I'm on Round 2, Day 3, sticking to the plan with the exception of my cheat treats.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I am beyond annoyed and I know I shouldn't be. I have been struggling with the same pound since April 18th. This is too long! I am so discouraged. I will have lost nothing during round 2 :( - and if my weight stays like this, I will be up .2 for the round. and my measurements aren't showing a great difference either. UGH! This has been a bad week - but I am trying so hard to push through.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @dkwi04 I am right there with you. Yeah, yeah measurements etc...the scale HAS to move at some point, right? I'm pretty much at the same weight, and my measurements changed but not dramatically. BUT - for once I took "before" pictures, and then I took "after" shots after round 1 and the difference is amazing. Like my entire stomach is noticeably flatter! I'm way too chicken to post the pictures here but I will send you one if you want and you swear you will immediately delete it. Oh and my clothes fit better, too.

    Anyway I really don't get the scale thing, I mean I can't possibly stay at the same weight yet lose 2 sizes like I need to, right? Maybe it will all melt off in a day?
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I will take another picture this weekend - I took one at the beginning of round one, then the beginning of round two - maybe, just maybe I will see a difference at the beginning of round 3? I am going into 21DFX after round three though - so maybe I will lose then?

    My clothes fit better, I feel better too - and my husband says I look better too! So those are all positive and what keeps me going.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Long post just deleted. No time to write it over. Sorry. I'll try to post later today.
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    @dkwi04 maybe try upping your weights for the workouts? Might break your plateau.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I went from using 5, 8's and 10's to just using the 8 and 10s this week. So we shall see
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Hate it when I hit the wrong button! I wish I'd had more time this morning to type up everything all over again but I really wanted to get some things done (other than be online all morning) and now I am finally slowing down a bit and can try this again.

    Remember how much I loathed Pilates Fix? Well, I surprised myself this morning because I woke up eager for today's workout! Weird! When it got to the side section, I decided to just try to keep up. After all, for weeks now I've only been doing fewer reps and the only way I'll know if I can do the whole thing is if I occasionally try to do it.

    And I did it! I kept up. And no it wasn't easy and the stretch afterwards hurt. But I did it!

    So that's a great NSV for me! I also see that I'm keeping up better (not all the way) with the plank series. I will never be able to do the hip drop one because of my knees so today I did them from a high plank.

    That's right! Two NSVs in one workout!

    PiYo Drench was tough.

    @dkwi04 Put. The. Scale. Away. You're working too hard to invite discouragement into your day. Let it go. Weigh on day 22. That will be your After result and your Before starting point when you go for the next round. (Even if you don't do 21 Day Fix, it's your Before for whatever is next.)

    For me, weighing daily motivates me, even when I gain. So I'll make a deal with you. I won't weigh if you don't. That'll be hard for me. And you.


    My ankle is aching. It isn't injured but I noticed twinges in it a couple of days ago. So today's Pilates was much appreciated. I was hoping PiYo would be something I could do with my shoes on but, wouldn't you know it, it was a day when we were barefoot. Tomorrow, I may be able to wear shoes for both. It hasn't stopped me and won't. I walked for two miles with Rob and plan on using the bike. Oh yeah . . . and take something for the inflammation.

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    edited May 2015
    Another Tough Morning

    Friday is PiYo rest day which is good. My ankle is still sore. Not sure what is going on. It doesn't feel injured, it's more like a strain than a sprain, if that makes any sense. So I just keep using because I don't want it to get stiff.

    Cardio Fix is getting easier. No. Wait. I'm getting better. I stepped out the Mountain Climbers and modified the Burpees but I kept up every step of the way. Decided to the 10 Mins Abs Fix and didn't modify at all. My leg may not have been extended to where it was almost parallel to the floor but it was extended.

    Now it's time for me to decide what I'm having for breakfast. I had thought I would have oatmeal but I'm just not feeling it so I may whip up some eggs. Have a great one, everyone!

    Oh yeah . . . and my knee is hurting today. Between the skaters and the lateral squats . . . ouch. I am going to take an anti-inflammatory today. Again.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @SatiaRenee - I got on the scale today - and now it is up even more (.4) and then I changed the batteries and it went up again (.6). I hate the scale and I moved it! I measured myself and its not all that great either - small losses. In the past I would just have given up - but I'm not. I am going to push through. and I will start round 3 Monday.

    I might go see a nutrionist though. My husband is concerned that maybe I could be not eating enough calories, but I am between 1,200-1,350 most days though and that seems like enough. He told me I should add a nice recovery drink after my workouts - even if it doesn't fit the containers - but I struggle to not follow the "rules"

    Maybe I just stick with it and my body fights through - How long can a plateau be? I am on 3 going on 4 weeks. And I still have about 20 pounds to go
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2015
    @dkwi04 for well over a week the scale didn't move for me, kept going up a half pound then down, then up. Although I stayed well within my containers, the weekend came along and I didn't have my usual whole wheat flat veggie pizza but rather grilled chicken & veggies and salmon & veggies for dinner; the following Monday the scale moved down by an entire pound and has been moving consistently since then. I say this because carbs at night for me keep the scale from moving. I saw a YouTube of Autumn saying when she is in training she eats her "heavier" carbs up thru lunch, and not for dinner. I had to tweak according to what my body responds to, so I now have my corn tortillas, pizzas or bread(ed) stuff for lunch. Not sure if this helps any but I too have a love hate relationship with the scale and I do weigh myself everyday, always have and always will. Hang in there!
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    @dkwi04 - i would definitely play around with your calories at this point. what have you got to lose? i know it is scary, but maybe if you played with either "quality" or eating a bit more, something would happen. every time i talk about calories to someone that is a "fitness guru" (my girlfriend is a professional athlete and fitness competitor) they are astonished that i sometimes only eat 1200. they always think it is way to low to "perform" - in this case, meaning for your body to be able to burn...

    again, i'm just spitballing - i know it's easier said than done. but if you've gone a month of really eating well and nothing is happening, maybe it's worth a try.

    me on the other hand - i hadn't lost anything in a month because i wasn't eating clean or using my containers. i was kind of stuck between the insanity food plan (not entirely clean, but you eat within a set of calories) and the containers of 21 day fix. i couldn't decide which i wanted to do. i was frustrated, but i had no one to blame by myself.

    so yesterday i decided to start eating clean and counting once and for all...and i dropped half a pound. it's definitely motivated me to keep going. i think i'm going to finally stick to insanity and use MFP to track. i'm home for the next 12 days, so i think i'm going to try to do a quasi 21 day fix but continuing the insanity workouts. we'll see how that goes...
  • blantondwb
    blantondwb Posts: 49 Member
    I want to thank each and everyone of you for being here! This group has helped me immensely! When ever I find myself in a slump and doubting my progress is enough, all I have to do is come here and I am not alone!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dkwi04 I'll lay you odds that the nutritionist will say 1) not enough calories and/or 2) too much protein. I've noticed that 21DF (and other beachbody meal plans) do have more than the RDA for protein but I think that's a good thing so I have no problem with that. And didn't Chalene Johnson say a plateau can last up to six weeks? I don't know but it's fair to want to see results when you put in the effort. I don't blame you for wanting to tweak what you can to get the results you want/need.

    @cindip63 I've noticed that for myself as well. On days when I have any yellow containers with dinner, I seem to go up the next morning but on days when I finish them all with lunch, I lose weight. The body is so weird sometimes. Wonderful but still weird.

    @doodlebug32 I used to watch the Insanity commercials and hoped I could someday do them but, after my severe osteoarthritis diagnosis, I'll never be able to do them. I definitely anyone who can because they look like fun (hard but fun) and effective.

    @blantondwb I know what you mean. I'm feeling a little stuck right now but then I come here and I realize that I'm doing okay, that we're all doing okay. And that's great!

    Morning Workout and Walk

    21 Day Fix Dirty 30
    Used my heavy weights when prompted to do so and missed a few reps but definitely tried to keep up. I won't be increasing my weights any time soon. LOL!

    PiYo Buns
    I was feeling all cocky and confident, keeping up with the modified exercises and then . . . I really love Child's Pose. Just saying!

    Morning Walk
    Met with my friend for our Saturday morning walk. She walks slower than I do so I end up feeling like I didn't get any exercise but I remind myself that any movement is better than none.

    Have a great Saturday everyone! I'm off to have a late snack!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Day 21 was yesterday, sadly I just did not have the time to do my last workout but got it in this morning and tried out PiYo buns. Omg did I sweat, lol I'm surprised I made it through it to be honest.
    Anyway, I was debating on what to do next but I am so pleased with my results I may do another round sooner than later and maybe through some PiYo in there when I feel up to it.
    I was just doing the workouts with a 1200 calorie diet and lost 11 lbs and 10.25 inches!!!! Say whaaaaat. So happy and feel great! I still can't believe it. :D hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila GREAT results. Pounds and inches! Awesome!!! Hopefully I can say the same for my round 3. Last time I only had lbs and barely any inches. But doing 21DF and PiYo together definitely works my body. I know I'm getting stronger (even if, unlike you, I can't get through the PiYo workouts yet). I just want to see some inches and lbs disappear.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    SatiaRenee wrote: »
    @venuila GREAT results. Pounds and inches! Awesome!!! Hopefully I can say the same for my round 3. Last time I only had lbs and barely any inches. But doing 21DF and PiYo together definitely works my body. I know I'm getting stronger (even if, unlike you, I can't get through the PiYo workouts yet). I just want to see some inches and lbs disappear.

    It was really tough. And definitely modified a lot of it. I found it a lot harder than 21 day fix workouts but that's probably because they're new to me and different moves.

    I think I had such great results because I went from doing nothing and not even watching my diet to a 1200 calorie diet and working out. Honestly, before I was probably eating 2000-3000 a day! I'm sure my results won't be as great next time but it's definitely reassuring and I know I'm heading in the right direction. Going back to work is helping too I'm sure. I got a Fitbit zip and the first few days when I was doing nothing I only had like 1000-2000 steps a day and now especially when I work I'm over 7000. I think I hit 10k once. Huge difference!