Daily check in



  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    First round is in the books! My results are 5 lbs and 8 inches lost. I was hoping for a bit more off the scale today but it's all good. We were invited to cook out with the friends we kayak with every weekend and I got a bit off the container plan yesterday because they didn't have much non-starchy food. My friend was nice enough to buy me a black bean burger so I felt obligated to eat it. I had a tiny spoonful of pasta salad and used a sandwich thin for the roll. Only thing veggie-related was tomatoes with mozzarella so I went with that. I'm at least learning portion control at the times where certain foods aren't available. Tonight I'm treating myself to one cheat meal and going out for pizza. On to round 2!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Monday Morning Workout

    Started off with Total Body Cardio Fix. Still using 5 lbs for this one because I don't think I'm ready to try 8 lbs. (Those damn knee drivers . . .)

    PiYo Sweat was also on today's schedule. This is the one with which I struggled so hard on Saturday. So I surprised myself, being able to do it more easily today. Not sure why it surprises me, frankly. After all, I knew it was raining on Saturday and that my balance is always worse when it rains . . . snows . . . or is windy . . . or swiftly changing . . .

    Anyway, I then did a 10 mins abs routine from a different DVD I own. Harder than I anticipated it would be. Ouch. After my husband took my after pictures and I had breakfast, Rob and I went for a 1.5 miles walk. We'll be increasing to 2 miles sometime this week.

    Going out to a late lunch with my son and granddaughter and they chose pizza. Thankfully, we can have pizza. Whew! I'm eating around what I know I'll be having later. I even left room for a salad to hopefully fill me up so I don't eat too much.

    I really love pizza . . .

    Wish me luck!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    @SatiaRenee pizza sounds so delish!! enjoy it, and good luck sticking to your nutrition goals!

    i got in a 5.5 mile run this morning, then knocked out day 15 of the fix, Total Cardio Body, with my BF. Today marks the beginning of our final week of it, and it gives the option/recommendation of doubling up (even though i've pretty much been doing that anyway with my running lol), so rather than do pilates fix this afternoon, i'm going to hop out to a hot yoga sesh at my studio. :smile:
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Definitely asking hubby to get 8 lb weights on the way home. Lower fix was today, hoping to jump on the bike a little later ans get some extra cardio in. :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    That's good to know @SatiaRenee
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did Total Body Cardio today.. I think I have become a bit stronger this week. I started this program on a Tuesday and did the Total Body Cardio video. Couldn't keep my arms going with the dumbbell jog.. today I was able to do it without putting the weight down. I may have to move up to a 10lb weight cause I've noticed with other workout programs that it isn't challenging anymore.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    No pizza. My son and I ended up taking my darling granddaughter to a Chinese buffet. I loaded up on protein (mostly chicken) and veggies but the sauces were unavoidable (and delicious) and this morning my scale didn't like me. In fact, this morning nothing liked me. I took an allergy medicine last night and it exacerbated my vertigo to the extreme. I did not want to exercise. I overslept and felt crappy. Plus, ugh, upper body and I was supposed to use heavier weights? No, I don't feel well and doing more just seems like too much.

    You have to be stronger than your excuses. Isn't that what Autumn says?

    I pushed play. I grabbed my heavier weights (increased to 5 & 8 lbs) and I did upper body. Then, I did PiYo Buns. No, it wasn't easy. I really, really didn't want to do it. I was sore and stiff and tired . . . and now after I did both workouts I'm still sore, I'm still stiff, and I'm still tired. But I did my morning workout. A little late in the day but done. Done done done done done!

    @dixiewhiskey It is remarkable how quickly the body adjusts and can gain strength. I know tomorrow my arms will be really feeling those heavier weights from today but I also know that by week three I'll hardly feel them at all.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    ack! what a day. BUT you got it done. awesome :smile:

    i got a 5.5 mile run in this morning, and then i also had Upper Fix on the menu, and knocked that out right after. This is day 16 for me - 5 more days! Lol i already told my BF we may just have to scoot out on Monday after work (day 22) and grab some froyo or a beer or something. we have been seriously awesome with sticking to the nutrition, so no guilt there.

    anyway, cheers y'all! happy Tuesday!
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Slept in later than I wanted to today so I didn't do upper fix till afternoon but I got it in. I'm so incredibly busy this week I'm glad it's not doubles week. Guess I planned that right lol! We went out for pizza last night and I still had plenty of containers left sp it really wasn't a cheat meal. Scale stayed the same today.
  • blantondwb
    blantondwb Posts: 49 Member
    I took my daily walk at lunch today and i not only improved my time but i could tell my fitness has greatly improved. It felt so good to make such an improvent over 30 days ago
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Was going to do Upper Fix after 30DS but I got called into work after doing 30DS. Now its nearly 10PM and I still have to do reports for my business and eat dinner. Complete madness. I feel bad but at the same time I got some workout in today. Tomorrow I am off and will kick butt at tomorrow's workout
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Just did Cardio Fix. Yeah, that's probably my least favorite. Brutallll. I just wanna lay on the floor afterwards, lol. Probably the most effective too though. Checked the scale after the workout and am now down 6lbs, yay!!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I did Lower Body Fix today with the heavier weights and PiYo Core.

    I am looking at a long list of things I need and want to get done today so forgive me if I'm not as interactive and supportive today. I think I may try to keep a yellow or two for the end of my day so I can have a glass of wine. Or two.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Lower Fix and abs done!

    I threw my lower back out on Monday so it's been a struggle. Yesterday it felt better. Today not so much. I hope it gets better fast! Been using heat and Advil but I'm switching to ice to see if it helps.

    If I feel better later I want to get some cardio in - maybe the elliptical. The scale is the same 8 days later and I'm frustrated!
  • mnemonicone3
    mnemonicone3 Posts: 20 Member
    Round 3 day 1. I like Total Body Cardio the least. Hurt my foot with surrenders and dancing with my students. Not happy but pushing through. Down 23lbs to date. I AM happy about that :smiley:
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Hi guys! Day 17/21: lower fix! Plus ran 6 miles and went to a hot yoga sesh!
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Was finally able to get lower fix in at 9:30pm. Took the dogs out for a quick walk this morning then spent the day working on accent pieces for my cake orders. Got all my containers in just under the wire. I still need to work making time to eat rather than working straight through.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Round 2 Day 11

    The scale finally moved - only .2 but hey, I will take it. My back is feeling better - I wonder if maybe the back injury has caused me to retain some fluid? Who knows, but I am pushing through!

    Looking forward to Pilates after work - I think I will go for a three mile run too! I need some extra burn.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    And I disliked Pilates Fix? Now I enjoy it! Well, not the side part with the legs but, you know, I get through it in one piece in spite of myself.

    PiYo Drench was a new workout and I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to do this. I was struggling hard through Sweat and this was even more difficult.

    @mnemonicone3 Awesome results! I'm in Round 3 now.

    @michellemybelll I've never taken a hot yoga class. I'm curious about what you do when the mat gets a little sweaty. I am having a problem while doing PiYo with my hands and feet slipping on my mat because I'm dripping sweat. Any advice?

    @cupcake570 I struggled to get my containers in yesterday because I had saved my yellows for a glass of wine . . . but then forgot to ask my husband to bring some wine home. Oops. Oh well.

    @dkwi04 I hope my scale starts moving soon. I regained some of the weight I had lost during Round 2 but I'm assuming it will slip away soon.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    @SatiaRenee a yoga mat towel is definitely necessary. here are typical ones you see in hot yoga classes: yogitoes.com/yogitoes-yoga-towels
    They come in very handy, and prevent slipping.

    Today is day 18/21, and I got in a 6 mile run + pilates fix. I have to trek down to the DMV now to finally switch my FL license over to CA. I've been putting it off because DMV offices are so notoriously disorganized and require such long waits - BUT i made an appointment so hopefully that will help. I may try and get in a total body cardio fix this afternoon if i'm feeling up to it (this last week of the 21 day fix has optional doubles scheduled).

    cheers guys!