Daily check in



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @michellemybelll I keep a towel handy but I'm dripping sweat faster than I can wipe it off (and PiYo doesn't have a lot of space for grabbing a towel). I may have to invest in some sweatbands or something. My yoga mat and towel can't keep up with PiYo Sweat and/or Drench!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Upper Fix done and 30 Day Shred. May do Lower Fix after supper
  • sechristian3
    sechristian3 Posts: 4 Member
    Got Dirty 30 in today! SWEAT!
  • extacymoon
    extacymoon Posts: 141 Member
    On day 3 of my first round of 21 Day fix and boy do my legs hurt. I had done T25 before and have not hurt this bad. I am not giving up though. Have to keep those muscles moving.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I love Fridays!!! Why? Because PiYo has a Rest Day on Friday so I only do one morning workout. I feel downright lazy on Fridays. Seriously, how can anyone feel lazy after doing 21DF Cardio Fix? Well, I do! Every Friday! For the past two weeks. (Week 4 of PiYo and W1:R3 of 21DF)

    After Cardio Fix I went ahead and did P90 Ab Ripper A, leaving the disc in the DVD player for my husband who will be doing P90 later today. I'm hoping to see the scale move in the next few days, otherwise my Sunday weigh-in is going to show a weight gain. :(
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    my scale shows a gain right now too :( Very depressing, but I push on. I have to believe it will come and when it does, I pray for a big one!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Happy Friday guys! ran 6.5 miles this morning-it was gorgeous out!! and then knocked out cardio fix with my BF. I swear that one is the hardest of them all on the 21DF. Today is day 19/21!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Looking forward to cardio fix and hoping I can get a 3 mile run in afterwards!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Started new job today, first time bein back to work since I had my first baby three years ago! Wasn't sure I was gonna get my workout in but the kids let me do it when I got home :) happy Friday everyone!
  • wrightchoices
    wrightchoices Posts: 34 Member
    I have been off the grid...my baby was sick last weekend and then I got the bug! The doctor told me to stay off from work and rest. I'm feeling much better and I plan to do Dirty 30 today.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Everyone, You're all doing great! Yes, even those of us who are seeing higher numbers on the scale!

    @wrightchoices I'm so sorry you and your little one were feeling sick and glad everyone's feeling better.

    Early Morning Workout

    Dirty 30 with my heavier weights this time around although I stayed with the lighter weights on the triceps kick-back because I don't know if my arms are quite ready to bump up all the way.

    PiYo Strength Intervals was tough on my balance and I did fall on my butt (literally, but we were on hands and knees so it wasn't a long fall) but I didn't give up altogether.


    Took a 1.5 miles walk with my husband. It was a lovely walk.


    I'll use the bike and get in my plank challenge for the day. Plan on doing some quiet reading and maybe some housework most of the day. And we have some herbs we want/need to plant this afternoon.

    Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Yes, kudos to everyone on here. You're all doin great! Double kudos to those that do double workouts per day, hope I get there soon. :)

    Got total cardio fix in this morning. My knees are hurting a little today, hope it doesn't get worse. I am on day 15 and really want to do the full 21 without skipping a day. I'm sure starting my new job (bein on my feet) is contributing to the joint pain, just hope I can push through it. I work tonight and tomorrow and then off for a couple days.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! It's gorgeous out today.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    edited May 2015
    Day 20/21: dirty 30 done, got a 5.3 mile run in, and a hot yoga sesh
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did Dirty 30 and Plyo Fix today plus 30 Day Shred
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2015
    Day 20! 5 mile powerwalk, Dirty 30 and walked my sweet pups. Weather was perfect today.
    Seriously thinking about doing another round of the 21 day fix.
    :) Happy Saturday everyone!!
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    Excited that tomorrow is day 21! I have followed this plan to a T, doubling up on my workouts all this week and I am currently doing the 3 day quick fix recommended the last 3 days. This is my first time ever using a Beachbody product.

    I have seen great results so far, but promised myself I would not weigh myself all this week. Measurements and weigh in on Monday - can't wait! I wanted to know if there would be much of a difference in my weight after the 3 day quick fix, so I stepped on the scale Friday and had my daughter keep the number to herself, lol.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member

    I am having a bad day physically. I woke up feeling nauseous, which is a sure sign that my vertigo is bad. Sure enough, I've been stumbling through my morning. In spite of this, I managed to do PiYo Sweat (or as much of it as I can do anyway) and Yoga Fix.

    PiYo continues to be a struggle for me because I simply cannot hold the downward dog and plank positions as long as they do on the DVD but I hold it as long as I can and trust that I'll do better in the coming weeks. And tomorrow I do one of the workouts for the first time. I'll watch it later today, as I do with all of the workouts, to make sure I know what to expect and can mentally prepare myself for any necessary modifications.

    All things considered

    Rob is working today and Holly doesn't like it when I use the bike so I'm going to make sure I use the bike before he leaves. (I think she thinks that if I'm using the bike, I can't give her all of the attention she deserves. Her separation anxiety is better but not quite gone, especially where "Daddy" is concerned.) Plus, given how dizzy I'm feeling, walking around the neighborhood may be too challenging. I nearly lost my balance while walking yesterday (yes, I can fall on level ground!) so if I know I'm feeling off it stands to reason I should be extra careful.

    @nables73 It's so hard NOT to check the measurements and such before day 21/22, isn't it? I mean, even now, knowing I gained weight this week (not really stressing it though), I am itching to see what my numbers are. Instead, I wait until The Big Day and let myself be surprised. LOL! I love what you did with your daughter re. 3DQF! I hope she's good at keeping secrets. :)
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    @SatiaRenee sorry you are feeling not 100% today, but way to power through and get a workout in!

    Haha yes my daughter is keeping it from me and even asked me yesterday what my goal weight was with a twinkle in her eye.

    So relieved today is #21!! Still have 4 more meals of this quick fix today and then the big reveal tomorrow! Can't wait for my chocolate shakeology in the morning! Unsure of my fitness plans after this, since it is warmer I'm sure I'll run more and I've missed weight lifting. I will incorporate autumns DVDs and continue to use containers to measure my food. I will post my results tomorrow on the "results" thread.

    I really enjoy reading about everyone's journey, no matter how large or small
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @nables73 same here, 1st time using beach body and what a great experience it's been thus far! My weigh is tomorrow too, today is day 21, love this program!! Here's to a great weigh in!!
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    @cindip63 Great! Hope you post your results! I just can't believe I did this to the end without giving up :smiley: