Daily check in



  • extacymoon
    extacymoon Posts: 141 Member
    On day 18 round 1 and am losing inches in all but one place. Happy with my progress so far though. I am losing lbs as well. This thread has really helped keep me motivated. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @SatiaRenee - I don't know your story but you inspire me every day! I enjoy reading your posts!

    Day 5 for me (round 3)
    The scale is creeping back up but I feel amazing! And I think my measurements might be down a little, I will check them on Sunday to be sure. My stomach is starting to feel strange. I have a roll of fat above my belly button - I wish I was blessed with a fat flat stomach but not me! Anyways, this area almost feels disconnected from my body right now, like it doesn't belong. I assume the ab workouts are doing its job, I have slimmed down starting at my upper chest and it seems to be working its way down - which ultimately pushes out my bulge, but it feels good to feel slimmer and places.

    Cardio fix on tap for this afternoon - then I think I will do an easy 3 mile run. I use to love running - but had some life circumstances that made me lazy and depressed so I gave up on it. So getting back into that a little bit has been fun. I'd love to run 3-4 days a week in addition to the 21DF.

    OH and I got the extreme yesterday in the mail. I am so excited! I will wait until after this round to start round 1, but I will probably try out the workouts here and there to see what they are all about. I am not sure I can do the C2C diet as of now, but I will definitely try it at some point, maybe closer to my goal.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    dkwi04 wrote: »
    Jill, I only use 1 scoop of the E&E - but it is perfect. I mix it with 8 oz of water and chug it about 10-15 minutes before I work out. And Autumn says that 1 scoop is approved on the fix :)

    @mrsmuckster - E&E is a beachbody pre-workout drink. Energy and Endurance.

    E&E Energy and Endurance will help you:
    • Burn more calories and fat to get ripped faster
    • Maximize muscle performance to build muscle faster
    • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.
    • Instant surge of power*

    Thank you :)

  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Did cardio fix today. Man I loathe that one. Why do they make it on a Friday? I dread Friday's now lol. Got some bike action in last night. I think I need to do more of that. Love the calories I burn in the short amount of time i spend on it and I can read doing it, bonus!

    @SatiaRenee I know you are an inspiration to a lot of us on here, including myself. I don't know what you are going through but please know you can count on us to help you through it when you need it. :) your passion, strength and determination are truly inspiring and I am certain you can pull through anything. Where you are today is proof of that! But if you ever need a hand or a lil kick in the butt I (and I'm sure many others) here will be there for you. :)

    @dkwi04 isn't it weird how your body can feel so foreign at times? When I first started working out again, after two babies (one 4 months ago) I didn't even feel like I had abdominal muscles at all. I would flex and feel nothing...absolutely nothing. It was a little discouraging in the beginning but am happy to say now I can feel them! And they feel great! You've seen any improvement and that bulge will improve to with time and work, don't let it discourage you! :)

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    You guys are awesome. We have another appointment on Tuesday so I get to stay stressed for four more days. Oh boy! If nothing else, at least I can use exercise to keep myself distracted. It works.

    Now if only I could get angry too so I could get some housework done. LOL!

    @dkwi04 I am curious about 21DFX so I'm definitely eager to hear what you have to say.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Got dirty 30 in. My muscles are feelin it lately. That's a good thing right? Lol I don't think I'm going to double up today though. We are getting a tree cut down as we speak and have to get rid of it all afterwards AND do some painting inside while the kids are gone to a birthday party. Yay for painting! Thank god tomorrow is yoga day haha. I haven't dropped any weight yet this round but it's only day 6 and hoping to do the 3DQF next week. Kinda nervous and excited about that. Hopefully it goes well!
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @venuila I so look forward to yoga days too!! I'm sitting in bed right now drinking a cup of coffee knowing that down the hall Dirty 30 waits for me :-( I decided to treat myself today after I put in my workout, treating myself to a deep tissue massage!! I can't wait!! Enjoy your day!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    What the hell was I thinking?

    Not one of my better mornings. Holly got sick halfway through Dirty 30. I missed a couple reps on the chest flies but my arms were still sore from yesterday's Upper Fix so I don't feel too badly about that. Then I debated doing PiYo. I've been doing them back-to-back but Holly's being sick sort of threw me off my game (btw, she's fine and probably just ate some grass when I took her out this morning). I shouldn't have debated because I knew my morning would be pressed for time so I went ahead and did the workout.

    You know you've maxed out when your hands are trembling in child's pose. I mean, seriously. Child's pose is supposed to be relaxing and restorative right? My poor body . . . .

    I had to hurry to eat meal 1 of the 3 Day Quick Fix because my walking buddy was coming by for our usual Saturday morning walk. We did 2.5 miles and talked and walked.

    Back home and I am spent. Today is the last day of doubling up in 21DF and I'm looking forward to doing Pilates Fix because I think my body needs some stretching and such but I'm dreading the side and plank series. Can you blame me?
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @SatiaRenee No way! Don't blame you at all :-) I don't like the side plank series either, that is the part of the video when I throw dirty looks at the television, lol! Hope Holly is feeling better, my little guy Cooper had some sort of stomach issue this morning too but he seems to be doing better.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did 30 Day Shred, Cardio Fix and Dirty 30. My back is drenched
  • mnemonicone3
    mnemonicone3 Posts: 20 Member
    Round 3 day..... No idea. I've completely lost track. It doesn't matter. I'm not counting days anymore. This is it for me. This is how my life is going to be for the rest of my life! Officially down 30lbs! BOOYAH!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @cindip63 The rest of the day, Holly was okay. Maybe there was a memo that went out to all the puppies to throw up.

    @dixiewhiskey I watched the DVDs for Phase 1 of Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution and I may be in over my head but I won't surrender until I have at least tried. And I have eight more weeks before I start it anyway.

    @mnemonicone3 Amazing! I can see why you are committing to this for life! Keep it up!

    Afternoon Workout

    My shoulders are killing me. I modified Pilates Fix more than I had two days ago because my whole body was so sore from everything. It's a miracle I didn't end up taking a nap. But it was tempting. Very tempting.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Great work everyone!

    Having a bit of an off day. The weekends can be so hard and I'm running out of staples in the kitchen. So I'm not sticking to containers today - first time since I started. Tomorrows a new day - my calorie intake isn't crazy though.

    Did dirty 30 and then decided to try 10 minute hardcore abs. Weighted abs! Was definitely tough but I enjoyed it.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Morning Workout

    Because my laptop was being stupid, I had to move my workout into the living. I had to keep the volume down so I wouldn't wake up my husband.

    PiYo Sweat
    Yeah. I was. Ugh.

    Yoga Fix
    Yay yoga. My body needed it.

    Round 3 Ended Today
    I'll be taking my measurements tomorrow morning and take more pics. I don't expect to see much by way of weight loss but inches will probably be gone. I can say that because today I put on a pair of jeans that I couldn't pull over my hips at the beginning of April. I can't wear them and breath . . . or sit . . . and I'm pretty sure my circulation would be cut off if I tried to wear them for more than a few minutes . . . but progress! Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to wear them by the time I leave for my vacation.

    @dkwi04 My husband was actually talking with me about getting 21 Day Fix Extreme if there are modifications. Not today or tomorrow or anything because I certainly have enough by way of exercise programs to keep me pushing play from now through October and beyond. But then there's Christmas and . . . ;)
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Got yoga in. Hoping to do a PiYo workout or some time on the bike tonight. Scale hasn't moved since I started this round,haven't checked inches though. Hopefully there's been some change there.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    D11/R1 of 21DFX almost done. So far, I'm keeping up with the workouts and varying the food plan by a bit...Quest bar, extra nuts, pat of butter, etc. Overall, keeping calories in 21DFX recommended range.

    I feel stronger than when I started, looking forward to taking measurements at the end. Only down 2.8 pounds so far but was eating low carb, 1800 cal/day before starting the program.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Round 3 day 8

    The weekend was a bit crazy. I didn't completely following my menu plan - and I am ok with it. I feel like I am learning what my body needs and it seems to crave good things. My calorie intake was fine. I skipped yoga yesterday, but I went for a 3.25 mile run with the hubby.

    My scale keeps going up and down, but I logged a loss for the week. -.6 and although at first sight I was totally disappointed, but then I got to thinking.....If I lost 1/2 a pound a week, is that really all that bad? It will take a lot longer to get to my goal, but I will get there. I am not just trying to lose fat, I am trying to make lifestyle changes!

    Happy Monday Everyone! Let's make this a great week!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I am so annoyed right now. These 21DFX DVDs won't play. I think if the DVD is stopped during an advertisement it messes up the ability to play the next time it's used. Now, I have limited time to workout and here we go, doing VooDoo with the player and TV to get a disc I payed full price for, to play! It happens all the time and frankly, it's more than irritating. Fine, do your ads BeachBody, but don't make it difficult for me to "press play"!!!!!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I have found if I go back to the main menu before stopping the DVD and removing it, I have no trouble the next time. Seems I didn't do that for disc 2, ugh.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @walkdmc Contact beachbody. You'd be amazed with the quality of their customer service!

    @dkwi04 Sounds like you had a good weekend and under the circumstances, I'd have probably done the same thing.

    Morning Workout

    Total Body Cardio Fix
    I learned my lesson last week and not feeling very energetic, I decided to use 5 lbs today. My shoulders are still sore as well so it made sense not to push them too hard.

    PiYo Sculpt
    This is one of my favorite workouts on the DVDs even though I still can't get through it from beginning to end.

    Walk With Husband
    My husband and I have been doing 2 miles lately but today we only did 1 mile. Too hot and humid and I was wheezing a bit. Gotta love menopausal asthma. Not. Anyway, we may move our walks to the evenings when it's cooler. We could try to move them earlier but that's not very likely. Getting Rob out of bed when he doesn't have to work is like pulling teeth!

    I still plan on using the bike later. Except for the knee drivers, I never got my heart rate into the target range and fat burning is an obvious goal for me.