Daily check in



  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    My friend ordered the 21DF extreme by mistake so I gave her my 21DF and she gave me her extreme. I like the challenge, but lower fix was really tough this morning! I do like how she does drop sets and adds in the resistance band though :smiley:
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    D13/R1 Extreme, Dirty 30 done! I really wanted to skip today and I believe the only reason I didn't is because it's a 30 minute workout. Everyone has 30 minutes, no excuses. I'm so glad I just sucked it up and did it.

    Y'all are making me want PiYo. I have Chalene's first Turbo Jam and liked it and I like the 21DFX Yoga workout.

    I'm doing my own thing for the diet, trying to eat well, balanced and logging it here. I'm a binge eater and was starting to feel urges to binge on junk I think due to the constrictions of the Extreme plan. No fault of the plan, just me.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Round 3 day 10

    I'm sick! Stupid head cold. I pushed through yesterday after I took a nap - did upper fix and 10 min abs. I missed a couple containers though :-(.

    I'm off work today, I was planning it - but doesn't it figure in sick. I'm hoping to go for a run and get lower fix in and then nap until I have to get the kids.

    But my scale loved me today
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member

    My laptop is being sent back to Dell for repairs. I'm on my old laptop which is very slow and funky. I won't be online as much simply because I prefer to avoid frustration and using this laptop results in nothing but frustration. However, I'll check in daily because I'll still be pushing play. Please forgive me if that's all I do for now. I promise to be back in full force soon.

    Round 4 Day 3

    21 Day Fix Lower Body
    I wish my knees woud allow me to go deeper because I am not really feeling this workout like I did when I first started. I'm sweating so I know I'm working but I don't get the same muscle fatigue as I used to. I've increased my weights. Right now my arms can't handle more so I'm just going to have to build up to heavier weights eventually.

    Week 7 of 8
    PiYo Core
    I am soooo much closer to getting through this without missing a beat. Any . . . day . . . now.

    Day 1 Carb Cycling
    Because I was gaining weight during my last round of 21 Day Fix, my coach suggested I try carb cycling. Yesterday was my first day officially doing it. Yesterday was also not a good food day for me. Very distracted (aka stressed) and I forgot to eat so grabbed a shake instead. Twice. I love to cook and prefer to chew so you can imagine how distracted I was if I forgot to eat more than once!!!

    Anyway, Day 1 results: I gained 0.8 lb. :s
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Lost all the bloat weight from Chinese food, beer and pizza on the long weekend. Going to do Upper Fix today and 30 Day Shred. Was going to add Lower Fix but I'm going to be playing basketball later today so I think adding in the Lower Fix will be overkill
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Restarted and completed PiYo sculpt last night. That's ones tough on the legs! And today was lower fix lol brutal. Got it done though. Hoping to do another PiYo workout tonight or maybe some bike time...or both...hrm.

    Hope you feel better @dkwi04

    I can understand your frustration @SatiaRenee . Hopefully it won't take too long to fix.

    Way to go @dixiewhiskey ! Your posts are inspiring:)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Satia, are you a daily weigher? If so, would you consider weighing in weekly at least while you adjust your diet?

    Congrats on being >.< this close to finishing PiYo Core.
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    Pilates Extreme this AM. Thought the resistance band was going to fly across the room a couple times... :wink:
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    RD2/D3. Didn't get to work out because I couldn't get up early enough (I'm on travel and did not get to my hotel until midnight last night)... and I'm not getting home until 10 tonight - I'm really going to try to double up tomorrow, but I may have to do them b2b tomorrow night.

    I also over ate today. I'll pick back up tomorrow. No use crying over it.
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    Round 2/Day 17, lower body fix, thinking about doing round 3 but adding another workout in addition to the 21 day fix. I love the workouts, 30 minutes & you're done. I can't wait to start up my 5 mile weekend power walks again, it's been raining for the last three weekends.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Morning Workout

    21DF: R4/D4
    Does anyone else find elbow planks significantly more difficult than full planks? I don't know why I am still struggling so much with planks. I just am. It was a good workout nonetheless.

    PiYo Buns
    About halfway through I was thinking, "I might get all the way through this one today." About 2/3 of the way through Holly started doing the Poopy Dance. For those of you who don't know (and why would you because mostly I blabber about exercise here), Holly is a rescue dog. We think she was used in a puppy mill. She was quite young when we first took her in and afraid of her own shadow. I mean that literally. So far as we can tell, she was kept in a crate (terrified of being crated and huge separation anxiety issues) and didn't get outside much (hence, her not knowing what a shadow is). We are still working on housebreaking her and building her confidence about getting into a crate. Both are progressing nicely. And this is why, when she does the Poopy Dance we stop everything we are doing and take her out.

    All this by way of explaining why Holly stole my thunder because I made it through the entire workout (albeit with a lot of modification). Only, there was this break about 2/3 of the way through and, of course, she did nothing when she was outside except sniff around.

    Carb Cycling Day 2
    Today is going to be the hardest day of all. Only 50g of carbs. I am trying to suss out how to do carb cycling while still using the containers only. For now I'm using the containers and tracking to see if what I'm doing is accurate. I may have to tweak things along the way but so far my predictions have been pretty close.

    Laptop Update
    Ends up my darling husband, who repeatedly assured me that he would back-up my laptop on our personal cloud, never did figure out how to do it. Yes, we have a personal cloud (not hosted by google, microsoft, et. al.) and one would think it would be easy. I never tried to do it myself because he insists that he can do things and, while I am typically and fiercely independent, I understand how important to him it is to do things for me. So now I am facing the loss of everything on my laptop. But lesson learned: If you want something done

    You'll rarely hear me complain about Rob because, overall, he's pretty awesome. He puts up with a lot of my weirdness (and, truly, y'all don't know how weird I can be). He loves me no matter what size I am, makes me laugh, and is deeply sympathetic and compassionate. I recently read a book in which the author says you can't expect to find a man who is both macho and nurturing. I told the author, when I met her, "You should meet my husband." He's a tattoo punk to the core with the heart of a puppy.

    But dude really f***ed me over hard, and I'm somewhere between weeping and rage. Anyway, we send off my laptop today and I'll have it back in a week or so. Needless to say, when I have my laptop again, I'll be backing it up. No, I don' know how to do it but I can figure it out.

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I have to pay attention to my planks, I do find that some times it is harder than others - I wonder if that is the difference between the low/high ones.

    Round 3 day 11 for me and I am miserable with a head cold. Still on track though. Hoping to push through pilates tonight. Also TOM! ugh! all happens at once. Last month it was in the middle of my super long plateau - and I gained a few pounds the first day. Well I am happy to report that I stayed the same today - which feels great. Wearing some old pants today that are almost falling off me - that never happened with these.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Did Pilates and some time on the bike. Today was the last day of the three day quick fix, excited to step on the scale tomorrow. Wish me luck! Haha. Also excited to have something different for breakfast lol.
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    Didn't get my Pilates fix workout in today, this is the 1st workout I've missed since starting the program. I feel sort of guilty about it. I worked late, very tired, starving, needed to eat. Stayed within calories but went way over on the carbs :-( the scale will be very rude tomorrow.
    But tomorrow is a new day and I took the day off! Predicted to rain all day, so I will sleep in, drink lots of coffee, watch some trash reality TV and then hit the workout(s). Still down 9 pounds, this is round 2 day 18.
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Decided to go total bum status today since it was my first full day off in almost 2 months. It was drizzling rain and unseasonably cold so I felt tired all day and couldn't get warm. Made room in my food plan for a pizza dinner. Even though I didn't feel like it I dragged myself upstairs to do Pilates Fix. I'm glad I did because it helped my headache I've been getting from my neck & sinuses. Hoping to get a good night's sleep and be ready for cardio in the morning.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Two Heads Are Better Than One

    Aha! My darling husband called my equally darling son and together they figured out how to backup my laptop. My son did say that the process using our cloud is a bit weird but he'll show me the steps when my laptop returns to me. We'll send it off this morning. *whimper*

    Morning Workout

    21DF: R4/D5
    I'm still modifying the Bonus Round and, since I'm not supposed to do Burpees at all, I modify those the way Michelle does on PiYo. Definitely feeling good thing morning.

    PiYo: W7/D5
    Today is rest day. And I can't believe I'm almost at the end of the 8 weeks! I'm really proud of myself for sticking with it, especially since it was (is) so very difficult at first (still).

    Carb Cycling

    So a funny thing happened to me yesterday with this. I was so focused on counting my carbs. I had it all figured out. Eat this that and the other and I'll hit 50g carbs by the end of the day. I was still patting myself on the back for planning things out so perfectly (and I mean I hit 50g exactly on the nose!) when I noticed something; I was only at 750 calories. What? I was sooooo focused on the carbs, I didn't notice my loooooow calories. Oops. So at the last minute last night I had to swap out a few things, shuffle some others and managed to get over 1000 calories at the last minute but sheesh!

    And the moral of the story is: Planning makes a difference.

    Today's carb goal is 100g so much easier to manage and I'll easily hit my calories as well. And yes, still fluctuating. I'll know for sure what's happening on Sunday when I do my official weigh-in.
  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    Round 2; Day 7. No weight loss this week!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I got up early to get my cardio fix in :) So proud of myself, I really enjoy AM workouts, but my body just cannot usually get out of bed. My boss wants me to work later today so I needed to just get it done and hey, if I feel like working out later, then its a bonus!

    @SatiaRenee - great job with the carb cycling. I imagine it isn't easy!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I got up early to get my cardio fix in :) So proud of myself, I really enjoy AM workouts, but my body just cannot usually get out of bed. My boss wants me to work later today so I needed to just get it done and hey, if I feel like working out later, then its a bonus!

    @SatiaRenee - great job with the carb cycling. I imagine it isn't easy!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I got up early to get my cardio fix in :) So proud of myself, I really enjoy AM workouts, but my body just cannot usually get out of bed. My boss wants me to work later today so I needed to just get it done and hey, if I feel like working out later, then its a bonus!

    @SatiaRenee - great job with the carb cycling. I imagine it isn't easy!