Daily check in



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    My Knee Hurts

    If I had any doubts about gaining weight, don't you know my joints are letting me know that I am gaining. Ugh. Exercising with pain is not fun.

    Morning Workout

    21 Day Fix: R4/W2/D1
    As you know, my husband picked up some new weights so we gave away our other set to my son and his wife. I had been using 5 & 8 but now will be using 5 & 7.5 because that's how these new weights work. Anyway, I tried to get through the entire Total Body Cardio Fix with the heavy weights but the first set of Knee Drivers I dropped to my light weights. I remind myself that my lights were once my heavies and maybe by the end of the month I'll be ready to increase. We'll see how it goes.

    PiYo Sweat: W8/D1
    I am still shuffling workouts because I messed up on Saturday by doing Sunday's workout. Today should have been Drench but since that's what I did yesterday, I did Sweat today. And I made it almost all the way through! There is one thing she does--a push-up in Downward Dog--that I simply cannot do yet. I tried but I still lack the necessary strength. But I was able to get through the rest of the routine, doing push-ups on my knees and such. I mean, seriously, when I started these DVDs I just never thought I would, even modifying. And here I was today, modifying and keeping up!

    I'm really going to miss PiYo. This is my last week with the DVDs . . . for now. I'll be using the DVDs again in August.

    Future Plans

    I think I've mentioned (but maybe haven't) that I'm planning ahead because I'm leaving on vacation the first 12 days of July. But since my husband surprised me by ordering more Beachbody programs, I am rearranging a few things. Are you ready for this?

    Finish out PiYo and this round of 21 Day Fix. Then I will begin the following workouts on the following dates:

    June 1: Slim in 6 (6 week program ending on July 13)
    June 8: 21 Day Fix Extreme (really hope I can figure out how to make it low impact)
    July 13: Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution (12 week program) & 21 Day Fix (I'll be home the day before so starting 2 new programs on my first full day home)
    August 3: JMBR (weeks 9-12) & PiYo (8 weeks)

    This will literally carry me through October. It's quite possible that somewhere in there Rob and I will be going on vacation so I may have to drop a few weeks of a workout or something. We'll see. We're still in the "trying to make it happen" stages of things. Not getting my hopes up either way.

    Bear in mind, I'll have the temptation of T25 here as well so I may decide to throw that into the mix. You never know. I certainly don't. But that's where things are heading now. Yay!
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Started 21DF today. Set my alarm to get up and do the workout before work because I knew if I didn't get it done I might not want to do it later. Have a great day everyone!!
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    Great job @Northern37! I have never been a morning person but when I came home to my family after work I found it was hard to get my workout in.

    I now wake and get it done by 6:30 on work days. It's helped incredibly! I've grown to love my "me" time while the house is still sleeping
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    @nables73, I agree. It's so nice to get that quiet time when everyone else is sleeping. I love exercising at 6:30 in the morning.
    I have a question, should I be eating something after I finish my workouts??
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @dkwi04 I did the same thing yesterday and not even at a fun cookout. I don't think I stopped eating at all yesterday....was totally off the wagon and have been somewhat for the last week. So I guess we can beat ourselves up today, or we can put it behind us and focus on today's goals. We should probably do #2, right? I will if you will! Today is Day 1....
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    edited May 2015
    D19/R1 21DFX, Cardio Fix done. I can't believe I've worked out every day for 19 days, unprecedented for me! I guess I feel stronger and I definitely don't feel "right" if I don't start my day with a workout. I think I'll just repeat the cycle on day #22.

    My eating is decent. I'm now eating at maintenance calories and feel satisfied yet annoyed that I'm not losing, crazy, lol. This is my first month actively treating a decades-old binge eating disorder and I'm trying to avoid hunger and restricting. At this point, maintaining may be my best option. Maybe after a couple months I'll revisit the 21DFX food plan since it's just good, healthy eating.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Round 2 day 15 (already?!)
    Total body cardio fix in today. I usually do my workouts during my daughters first morning nap. Thankfully my son usually occupies himself or tries to workout with me lol which is pretty darn cute. I wish I could wake up early and do it but my son usually wakes up to go pee before we get up at 7 and I know he wouldn't want to go back to sleep if he knew I was up.

  • kathymford
    kathymford Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been lurking around here reading everyone's great progress and am inspired. Today is my first day ever of doing 21DF. And on a holiday no less? What was I thinking.

    But I did my first workout, so that is a success. My legs feel like jello, but I guess that's a good thing. I did more modifiers than I thought I would have to, so I guess there is work to do!

    Question. I am not doing Shakeology, but have a different protein shake that has twice as much protein. You think I should count it as 2 reds? I'm TRYING to follow the food plan too.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Just pick up and start again. It really isn't the end of the world if you miss up one day or even three... Just keep going :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did 30DS today. Sorry I know not 21DF but I'm keeping active. Had to go out of town for work and was super strapped for time.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Today was a pretty good day. Yesterday was a struggle..not sure why but I felt hungry / snackish all day. I'm glad this holiday weekend is over though. Time to get back on a regular schedule.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @kathymford I don't do the shakeology either. I plan regular breakfasts.
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    Northern37 wrote: »
    @nables73, I agree. It's so nice to get that quiet time when everyone else is sleeping. I love exercising at 6:30 in the morning.
    I have a question, should I be eating something after I finish my workouts??
    You should definately eat something when you're done. Preferably some protein to start repairing muscle you've worked. I typically have a cup of coffee to wake me up and half a banana beforehand then breakfast (eggs or protein shake) afterwards :smile:
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    I fell off the wagon big time on Sunday. Saturday was my birthday so I gave myself a cheat "night". My friends came over for drinks and a fire. I went low calorie with the drinks and had diet green tea with peach vodka. My husband bought me an ice cream cake since being a professional baker I have no desire fir regular cake. Had a small slice of that. Svake stayed the same sunday morning. Sunday afternoon I was doing great till they brought out the soft pretzel nuggets at the cookout we went to. That's my big time downfall. I just kept noshing on them all evenjng. This morning the scale was up 2 lbs and my tummy wasn't liking me for it. Today I was back on track.
    This week will be week 3 of round 2. I'm supposed to double up on workouts but I'm going camping for 4 days starting Friday and there's no room in my motor home to do the dvd's so my plan is to walk walk walk! The campground is huge and we are going to the beach and boardwalk so plenty of opportunity to get in my exercise.
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    D1/R1 I got up at 5am and did it. Those surrenders are awful. Thank goodness for the modifier. Did anyone start with the modifier? How long did it take you to stop following Cat?
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Haley, I'm doing Extreme (bypassed the regular w/o, mistakenly) and started modifying the modifier. Do what you can.

    D20/R1 Extreme and I'm thinking of taking the day off, or subbing Yoga Fix for Dirty 30 due to bilateral knee pain. I need to back off the Plyos. I just ordered the regular Fix, hoping the less intense workouts don't bother my knees.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    PiYo Burpee

    Someone asked about the PiYo Burpee and the best example I could find is this video:

    In this video, the woman does a punch going straight forward (jab) but Chalene's modifier, Michelle, does a cross punch. I personally prefer the cross punch because I feel it engages the upper back, core, obliques, etc. a bit more than a straight punch. Try both and see which feels right for you.

    Morning Workout

    21 Day Fix Upper Body
    I am still having to modify a bit with alternating and I definitely can't do more than a few push-ups on my knees but I'm still there and I keep moving. Elbow planks . . . blargh. Just sayin'.

    PiYo Buns
    I DID IT!!! Not interruptions from Holly. I made it all the way through. Lost my balance a bit when I was on my elbows and knees (yes, that is how bad my balance is!) but I barely missed a rep. And it only happened on one side. Yay!

    Carb Cycling

    I am still doing the carb cycling thing this week. My coach is suggesting I cut back on how much I exercise and choose my goal: Do I want to lose weight or build muscle? I didn't realize that the two were mutually exclusive. Wish I had my laptop here now and fully up and running because I just know we could all debate this.

    Laptop Update

    No news at the moment. I expect to receive a confirmation email saying they have received it any day now. In the meantime, you would think my being offline would result in my being more productive. Surprisingly, this has not been the case. Oh well.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee ...that was me asking about the burpee, and thank you!!! That looks much more doable for me and I will do it with a cross punch.

    Today was Day 2...Upper Fix day for me. As usual, my arms are fine but my legs are sore now. I'm sure there's a physiological reason for it but it always takes me by surprise. Anyway, it's not bad, actually feels kind of good since it means I worked hard.

    Nutrition finally back on track as of yesterday....I'm headed for 21 days on plan...no stopping...I'm going to do this!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    @jpkrueger, I did day 2 workout too. My legs and upper body are definitely feeling it.
    Eating was great yesterday and meals are planned for today and exercise is done. I was thinking last night I should start planning meals for next week.
    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Round 3 Day 16

    I hate when I have a bad day - the scale is up and it will take forever to recover :( I am down a smidge today but still up over 2 pounds since my lowest. I did much better yesterday but still not 100% on point. But today is a new day. I need to get down those two pounds before the weekend - I couldn't have gained over 2 pounds in one day!

    I am really looking forward to next week - I will start Extreme. I am hoping it is what I need to bust over the hump and get me into a new low.