Daily check in



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Laptop Update
    Finally got an email yesterday saying that they are working on my laptop. Odds are, it needs a new motherboard. Crappy manufacturing resulting in my having a laptop that has to be gutted and rebuilt over and over and over again. *sigh*

    Morning Workout

    21DF: R4/W2/D4: Pilates Fix
    Well, if I thought I might be ready to give 21 Day Fix Extreme a try, Pilates Fix cured me of that nonsense. Until I can get through the plank series without being on my knees, I don't think it makes sense for me to try to do Extreme. Not after what I've seen I will need to do.

    PiYo W8/D4: Core
    Definitely getting through these workouts better than before. I still have trouble with the side plank section, especially during the roll-up and then go into side plank. My balance may never allow me to do this part smoothly but I'll keep trying.

    Carb Cycling
    Seriously not as difficult as I thought it would be. Maybe that's because my husband is diabetic and I'm just used to tracking carbs in our meals, understand the differences between complex and simple carbs, etc. My official weigh-in is Sunday (of course) which is also my last day of doing this round of PiYo. I'll be taking some after pics so I can get my free t-shirt.

    I'm So Excited!!!
    Because of my results with PiYo (strength more than actual weight loss), my son and his partner are talking about doing it too. I told my son I'm going to start again 3 August but, if they want to start sooner, I'd be willing to start it on the day after I get home, 13 July. Bonus: When they come to visit in September, they won't have to pack their workout DVDs (and no equipment since PiYo doesn't use any weights or resistance cords) because they can use what I have. Plus, we'll be doing the workouts on the same day so we can commiserate with and motivate one another.

    Unlike 21DF/X, although PiYo does mix up workouts so you're rarely doing the same one twice in one week, there are nine different workouts. During the first couple of weeks you're mostly doing the same five workouts. Then another and another are added so that by the end of the 8 weeks, you aren't even doing the workouts you did the first three days. And if you have the PiYo set with the bonus DVDs, you have still more workouts in the rotation.

    One of the things I loooove about 21DF/X, if everyone starts doing it on a Monday then we are all doing the same workout for the entire week (give or take doubling up or the extra workouts if you went above and beyond the Basic set). You don't have that with PiYo because of how the workouts are rotated.

    Anyway, I'm pretty excited that my son is thinking of doing PiYo at all and thrilled that he is considering doing it with me. Truth is, if I weren't going away on vacation, I would probably want to keep PiYo in my rotation right now but I'm committed to working through Slim in 6 next.
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    D3/R1 My legs are still shaking after 30 of doing 21DF Lower Body and my abs are killing me. This makes me happy. It feels so good. I never thought I would say that. Have a great day everyone.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Just did Pilates fix and a quick 5 minutes on the bike. I actually did the first plank for the full 60 seconds! (Is it 60? Lol) I still can't do this hip drops without being on my knees though. And by the time we do the 10 second hold 3 second drop I think Autumn is just cruel.
    Kinda bumming out lately. I did the 3 day quick fix last week and dropped 4 lbs doing it. The day after I dropped another 2. Buuuuut since then I have been creeping back up every day. Wth. :( it should be that time of the month any day now so maybe (hopefully?) that has something to do with it. This morning I was up 4 lbs since the lowest I saw the day after the 3DQF. You're moving in the wrong direction scale!! Gah.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Lol, JP, so true!
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Pilates are done. Question for everyone, this is my first round and was wondering did/does everyone weigh themselves daily or do you wait until the end of the 21 days?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @haleymiller0707 Research suggests that most people do best weighing once a week. This is why programs like Weight Watchers have weekly meetings with weekly weigh-ins. However, there's research that suggests some people do better if they weigh daily. I don't know if Beachbody has an official stance on when it's best to weigh or how often. I know that with their 90 day programs, they encourage you to take photos every 30 days. And of course, every program comes with a tape measure so you can measure your inches lost/gained as well. (My husband is trying to gain muscle tone so he's looking for those numbers to go up.)

    And Twice

    Ugh. A glitch erased my post and this is my second attempt. I swear this old laptop hates me. I know. I've worked the poor thing hard and it's ready to retire. *sigh*

    Morning Workout

    21 Day Fix: R4/W2/D5: Cardio Fix
    My knees didn't want me to go very low but that was the only thing that kept me from doing my best. Still on my knees during the bonus round ( @jpkrueger LOL! ). This morning I could kinda sorta see some definition in my arms. Taking my "after" pics for PiYo on Monday.

    PiYo: W8: Rest?

    You know I must be enjoying a workout if I choose to do more on a Rest Day. I've avoided the "bonus" DVDs in my set because I didn't think I could do them. No. I knew I couldn't when I started this program but today, in anticipation of finishing the 8th and final week, I thought I'd give Hardcore on the Floor a try. Okay. I admit. I avoided Hardcore on the Floor because the rest of the program is hard enough and if when a hard program puts the word "hard" into the name of the workout . . . :#

    I missed a few reps on the three legged downward dog (which Chalene calls downward dog splits) because my ankle is still bothering me. And I can't hold Beast and then there's this one move where you flip from Beast into these crunches and then back to Beast without letting your knees touch the floor. Requires more balance than my poor body has so I didn't even try to not let my knees touch the floor.

    That said, there were some other surprisingly challenging moves that I did manage to do. I may surprise myself this weekend and try to do the workouts that use the slides. Those require A LOT of balance and I highly doubt I'll be able to do them. But I want to try because I do keep surprising myself. If I truly feel that they will forever and always be beyond my physical limits because of my vertigo then I will give the DVD to my son and let him suffer power through them. ;)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    jpkrueger wrote: »

    Omg yes!!

    Anyway did some 30DS yesterday, today I'm going to do some 21DF workouts. Will post later
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    It's been a crazy day and a half on my end. I did do my workout yesterday but eating went out the window. My daughter was admitted to the hospital Wednesday evening and got out last night. It's been a roller coaster ride. Back to the hospital today for a check up. I have meals planned for today so I will get back on track. Did Cardio fix this morning.
    Have a fantastic day everyone!!
  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    jpkrueger wrote: »
  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Done cardio fix. Haha that was totally my face today @jpkrueger. It's funny cause sometimes I don't even remember which move is next and then when I realized what it was.. Yup. That was totally the face I made. Ha.
    Today was day 19 of my second round. I know I won't see results as good as I did first time around but it is still one of my fave programs. But, I do want to switch it up so I think I am going to try insanity out starting Monday. I'll still pop in here every so often but probably won't post as much since it's a 21df group, so feel free to add me as a friend:)
    Happy Friday everyone!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Pilates are done. Question for everyone, this is my first round and was wondering did/does everyone weigh themselves daily or do you wait until the end of the 21 days?

    I track my weight daily on an app on my phone. I like to see the fluxes and it also helps me see how long it could take me to reach my goal - it projects my huge goal into mini goals too!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @venuila - I loved insanity! I just wish it had more weights. My husband does a mix of Insanity and P90X and I join him occasionally for a workout.

    speaking of which
    Round 3 day 19 for me.
    Not the best round for me. I am down about 1.2 pounds for the round :( Still up from my lowest weight last week - stupid holiday got the best of me!

    I didn't double this week - but I have mixed it up a bit. I did an insanity workout with the hubby a couple days ago and last night I didn't do pilates but opted to do the P90X Yoga with him. I will double today though, cardio fix later then either a run or I will try out another extreme video.

    I start extreme Monday and I am really hoping for some great results over the three weeks.
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you for answering my question. I weigh myself daily but then I thought maybe just taking photos and measuring at the end was what I should be doing. Thanks for clarifying!
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    No workouts since Wednesday, turns out I have strep throat....what? On serious antibiotics, sticking to meal plan but physician said to stay clear of working out for a few days. Apparently, according to my physician he is seeing a sudden increase of strep in adults.
  • kathymford
    kathymford Posts: 20 Member
    I have one of this wifi scales and like to weigh daily just because I'm ocd like that. I will only count the actual weight loss on a weekly basis though.

    Rough couple of eating days, work is nuts, but I've still been doing my workouts. Today was R1D5. I haven't worked out every day since I was a dancer in high school. Yay for small victories!

    Keep it up gang! And should I be scared of "Dirty 30"? It sounds painful. Ha
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Still No News
    No new information about my laptop. I'm assuming I'll be getting a whole new motherboard.

    Morning Workout
    21 Day Fix: R4:W2:D6: Dirty 30
    I still can't do the Renegade Rows without dropping to my knees. I'm going to let my ability, or lack thereof, to do the planks in 21DF be the indicator that it's time for me to advance to 21DFX. Until I am on my toes the entire time, I'm not ready.

    PiYo: Full Body Blast
    Today I was supposed to do Sweat but I wanted to give the PiYo slides a try and I did Full Body Blast instead. I didn't make it all the way through. I couldn't. Nope. Not happening. I'm surprised I did as much as I could!

    Carb Cycling
    I think this is going to be my last week of carb cycling since it isn't helping me lose weight and it's honestly more complicate than just following the 21 Day Fix plan. My goal for how much I want to lose by July 1, when I leave on my vacation, keeps getting larger. And I was soooooo close to falling below the weight where my knees would stop hurting me all of the time.

    Off to Starbucks
    I'm meeting my friend for coffee at Starbucks. I already know I'll order either the Reduced Fat Turkey Bacon Breakfast Sandwich or the Spinach-Feta Breakfast Wrap. I may be gaining weight but I'm not going to undo all of the hard work I've been doing in my morning workouts.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee I was so frustrated this morning because I can't do that side plan exercise AT. ALL. I can't even get up in the pose, let alone raise my leg in it. I can't even really do it on my knee...I can only lie on my side and do the leg lift. It seems impossible to me...as if someone told me to wiggle my ears. Like my body doesn't go that way, period. So you are definitely farther along that me and I'm not sure I'll ever get there. It's ok, I kicked butt on the rest of Dirty 30...and all of this is so much more than I've ever done, so I don't beat myself up over it. It's just frustrating in the moment.

    Sorry the carb cycling didn't work...worth a try I guess. I have the feeling you'll see a big drop all at once...at least I hope so. I don't blame you a bit for being frustrated when you are working so hard.

    Enjoy Starbucks!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Today is day 2 for me. I'm only doing the nutrition part. I'm hoping 21df will help me successfully cut some fat.

    I've been working with a trainer continuously for the last 15 months. I lift heavy 2x a week, do cardio 2-3 x a week, AND do a 45 minute muscle conditioning class weekly. Plus I work a fast food job around 30 hours a week.