Daily check in



  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    PS, everyone is doing great! I have been reading along - but I haven't been online much.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome to all the new 21 day fixers! This group is amazing :)

    Round 2 Day 16 upper fix done.
    I still can't believe how hard some of the moves are even in my second round. I use the 8s and 10s now but still. Phew!
    Hoping to get some bike time in during the kids afternoon nap.

  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Way to go ladies!! :D
  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    Yesterday was Day #1 for me. I had the most fabulous day-ate my foods perfectly and plugged them into MFP. Ran and walked for a total of 3-1/4 miles and drank 100++ ounces of water.
    Today my weight is down 1.5 pounds. Even though I know much of it was fluid retenion/water weight I am glad for it to be gone!! I set up mini-goals for myself with the first one being 11 days from now (12 days from starting).
    Have Day 2 all planned out and ready to go!!
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Happy to report the scale was down 2.9 today so the weight I gained over the weekend is gone! Now to move forward.
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    @walkdmc Thank you. I will keep pushing myself but will use the modifier when needed.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Ate more than planned - but still did not go too far over my calorie goal. How do you stay on track when the entire day is running from one event to another? I've tried to figgure out a place to stop and eat that would work for all of us (hubby, son and myself) but could not come up with ONE place.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Me too. It was my son's birthday today. Had pizza and cake, stayed within goal but yeah way too much pizza lol
  • kathymford
    kathymford Posts: 20 Member
    How do all of you make MFP work with this plan? I'm eating al of my containers and logging it and MFP shows me eating under 1000 calories. I must be doing something wrong. Lol.

    Trying to choke down some brown rice at the moemwnt. I'm sure I will find some I like, but it's definitely not this one.

    I did D2 today and it was ok. I used a band though and did not care for it. Luckily my weights arrived today. My legs are still VERY tight from yesterday and my abs hurt when I walk. LOL. So not really looking forward to lower body tomorrow!!

    Loving all the insight here.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member

    Still no word from the repair place about my laptop. Not even a confirmation it was received. I am not patient and have decided that I'm too old to learn now. I want my laptop back so I can get back to my normal routine!!!

    and probably gaining

    My ankle is sore and my knees are in pain. I am still gaining. Albeit in small increments so the argument is that I'm gaining muscle. Only more weight means more pain. I wish I could lose pound for pound fat as I gain muscle. I really don't like exercising with pain!

    Morning Workout

    21DF: R4/W2/D3: Lower Body Fix
    Used my heavy weights throughout. Balance is bad bad bad today. That's one of the reasons I really love 21DF. I need the time to adjust, to get myself into position before I start exercising and the demonstrations are so helpful to me.

    PiYo: W8/D3: Drench
    Today was supposed to be Sweat but I'm still shuffling routines to catch up with the mistake I made on Friday. Oh man. Doing Drench after doing Lower Body Fix was rough. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment! It didn't help that my balance is way off and that my ankle and knees are in pain. I couldn't do some of the downward dog leg lifts because putting that much weight on my one ankle was not happening. And the "flow" series with the High Lunge to Warrior II to Right Angle to Triangle . . . my knees hate me. That's okay. The feeling is mutual right now. And I know that movement is the only way to not lose mobility in my joints.

    So it was not a happy exercise day for me. I'll use the bike later but first I need to eat breakfast and take something for the inflammation in my joints.

    21 Day Fix Extreme

    The DVDs arrived yesterday and I'm watching the workouts to make sure the DVDs work. I'll have to make the Plyo Extreme completely low impact or replace it with one of the cardio workouts from 21DF.

    I really wish Autumn would not tease the men about using "girl weights." If we're all supposed to do our best, someone using smaller weights is not indicative of the level of difficulty. There's no such thing as girl weights! I'm using heavier weights than my husband right now because I started exercising regularly months before he did. That doesn't mean I'm working harder or better. And you know what? If/When he uses weights that are heavier than mine, that sure as hell doesn't mean I'm being girly and using girl weights.

    Grrrrr . . . I just really don't like the so-called teasing. It's not cute and I hope I can instill in my granddaughter that teasing men about their strength is just as sexist as suggesting that real women don't lift heavy. As my husband would say, f*** that sh**!

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @kathymford - My calories seem to vary every day - I am in the lowest bracket and somedays I am eating 1,100 and others I am at like 1,450. It all depends on the meals I make, the more ingredients (even if they are "free" on 21DF) the more the calories per day. If I eat "boring" on a day - those tend to be the lower calorie days. It all is evening out though.

    @SatiaRenee - Sorry you had such a rough workout day - but you pushed through! Amazing! And I agree about the girly weights - I was thinking the same thing when I was working out today.

    Round 3 Day 17 for me. I got up early today (shocking for me) to get lower fix in. I would love to get something in later - I hope I still feel up to it.

    The scale is going back down but I am still up over 2 pounds from my lowest last week. Probably up for the entire round. I contemplated just stopping the round, but who cares - I am pushing through. Monday will be day one of extreme, I am looking forward to it.
  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    @SatiaRenee if u follow Sharice (sp) the modifying is all low impact

  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    My library had T25, so I'm trying that this week. I like it except when there's fancy fast footwork, lol. My calfs are killing me, so I did 21DFX Upper this morning.

    I'm enjoying everyone's posts. Everyone is doing so well by sticking with it. I'm glad we share our struggles also, especially over holiday weekends!

    Thanks to all who friended me lately, I enjoy the support! :smiley:

  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello all,

    I'm back. After one Round in April (started on April 6th) and loved the results.
    Then I went on vacations and when came back did other exercises.
    now I'll start another round tomorrow. Anyone starting tomorrow?

    How is everything going to all of you? What is being the most difficult part of these 21 days for you? For me is keeping with the target container plan if I don't plan ahead.

    Day Zero


    Kisses to you all,
  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    Finished Day #2 last night! Love seeing the scale drop each morning. I am not using the DVD's but yesterday went to the gym for weight lifting. Made my own full body circuit and did 3 sets of it. I also went to a one hour yoga class. Feels good to get back to some consistent exercise.
    I have my meals and exercise planned for today-Ready for a great Day #3. Off to eat breakfast and head to the gym for a full abdominal workout. I will run/walk later today.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    D21/R1 Dirty 30 done!! I'm increasing my weights and now able to do the full minute of one legged squats, each leg!

    I skipped yesterday and felt like garbage all day. No coincidence, I didn't eat well either. It's amazing how exercise has such a positive effect on my day.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @Tatyanne good job with the planning, looks great! I kind of eat the same every day until dinner, so not too much planning needed for me. And then I know for dinner I will have 1 green, 1 red, and 1 yellow so that meal is easy. But my method is boring, I know!
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    No workout today, stuck to the meal plan but I'm feeling awful. We've had brutal weather in Texas, horrible devastating flooding, so many lives, pets, livestock lost. I think the sadness along with feeling sick just wore me out, horrible cough, sore throat & one hell of a headache, going to take cold medicine and get to bed.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Sorry to hear about everything you are currently going through @cindip63 . Hope you feel better tomorrow. Way to stick to the meal plan even though your not well
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Back on track for me today and I feel much better. Yesterday evening I just felt awful about falling off track. ..until I browsed through the posts here.Thanks for posting all of your highs and lows. It helps to see your not the only to fall of track.