Daily check in



  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    edited May 2015
    Dirty 30 done for me. What a workout!! Meal planned last night so just need to do a little shopping and prep today.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Satia, I feel your frustration re: weight loss but I'll say it again, you are such a fitness inspiration for me! Whenever I feel like being a slug, I read about your "doubling up" workouts consistent efforts to tweak your diet and it's like a shot of motivation. I get the joint pain thing too. When I get below 170, my knees magically feel better, above and I'm bothered by bilateral aches. I'm currently 175 and feeling every stair...:(

    R2/D2, did Pylo Fix Extreme last night. Those plyos bother my knees so I might start looking for an alternative. I got the regular Fix and will start that Monday. I can't hold the planks on my toes either, nor can I do push ups from my toes. Plus, I feel nothing in my back when I do the renegade rows so I may just plank that entire session. Some of the compound moves in Extreme are too much for me.

    Not doing the diet, yet but the regular Fix food plan looks great to me, not as restrictive as the Extreme. Interestinly, I was in the 1800-2000 cal/day category for Extreme but only in the 1500-ish cal/day bracket for the regular Fix. I suspect the difference is due to allowing more variety (ie, more carb foods and "cheats"). I was hungry on 1800 so wonder how I'll feel on 1500. I feel good at 2200/day but not showing good, consistent loss at that level.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Just finished dirty 30. I can't do the side plank lifts either. It seems impossible to me too. Although I am better than the first time I ever did it but still not even close to just having the side of my foot down. Yay for yoga tomorrow!
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    D5/R1 - Cardio is done. This was very hard to get through. I hate burpees. I have never done them before and needless to say I only did 4 in 60 seconds. I'm doing my first 5K tomorrow and I was thinking of skipping Dirty 30 tomorrow. My question is on Monday should I go right to Yoga or do the Dirty 30. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @haleymiller0707 Personally, I would do Dirty 30 and Yoga Fix back-to-back. As Autumn says about the program "I put it there fora reason" and every day's workout serves a specific purpose.


    No word on my laptop so I'm guessing at least another 3 days of being mostly offline. Very annoying.

    I had another NSV yesterday. My husband was hugging me and he started running his hand along my upper abdomen and commented that he needs to start doing more ab work. I told him I haven't been doing any ab work, that what he was feeling was all PiYo. (I think I've done abs maybe 2-3 times in May.)

    For those of you who don't know, my husband has been doing P90 and he's supposed to be doing Abs every other day, I think. Anyway, he has chosen not to do it because he wants to ease into the program and now, a month later, he's thinking he's ready to add in the abs. What does this mean? Well, he doesn't plan on moving on to the next set of DVDs. Instead, he's going to start at the beginning and go from there. Hey! It works for him. I personally would find that sooooo boooooring but he seems to love the workouts and that's all that matters.

    Weekly Weigh-In
    No loss. No gain. I'm giving up on Carb Cycling. Frankly, trying to eat 100g of carbs or more in a day is not easy for me. I just don't want to fight to get enough carbs into my day. I'm going to give Intermittent Fasting a try. I heard about it on the Chalene Johnson and #dkwi04 has had success using it to break through her plateau so I'm hoping it will do the same for me. Five weeks of not losing and even small gains is four weeks too many!!!

    Morning Workout

    PiYo: Strong Legs
    Today was my last day with PiYo so I decided to use the slides again. Tomorrow, I do my official "After" weigh-in, including taking before and after pics and measurements. As some of you may recall, I dropped a surprising amount of weight the first three weeks and it's been nothing or gains since then so the scale wills how some progress but not as much as it might have had I kept losing even 1 lb a week, which is my goal. I am hoping to see some inches lost in my thighs, however, where I've been gaining inches. We'll see. Cross your fingers for me.

    21DF: R4/W2/D7: Yoga Fix
    Definitely feeling more flexible. A little more on one side than the other but that's to be expected. I do love yoga, even if this particular practice isn't quite up to my high expectations.

    Starting Tomorrow
    I'm starting the Intermittent Fasting today and tomorrow I begin doing Slim in 6 in conjunction with 21 Day Fix. I plan on sticking with 21DF through June.

    Have a fantabulous Sunday everyone!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Good morning everyone! Dirty 30 yesterday....it's such a tough one yet somehow I really enjoy it. My body was tingling/sore all day and this morning, but a good kind of sore, like hey, I'm getting stronger sore.

    I went to a Hatha Yoga class this morning. It's about 70 minutes of movement and poses and then a 20 minute savasana (rest/mediatation) which is heavenly. I used to go every Sunday morning but haven't been in several months becasue I've been so caught up with the 21 Day Fix workouts. Two things I noticed: one, I really NEED this Sunday yoga, it was tough in the beginning because I was sore but now I feel awesome. Two, the 21DF workouts are definitely making me stronger because some of the tougher poses were not as tough for me to hold as they used to be. And the planks were much easier than usual (still tough and I stil hate planks!)

    @SatiaRenee I'm almost as frustrated and baffled as you are with your lack of loss/gains. You are working out so hard and assuming you are on track with nutrition, you SHOULD be losing. I have no words of wisdom other than hang in there but I realize that is not remotely helpful. Glad you will try what @dkwi04 did...that was what pushed her over her plateau so hopefully it will work for you!!!

    Have a great day!
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Yoga Fix done this morning. Doing some meal prep now that I didn't get done yesterday. Have an awesome day everyone!!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Upper Fix Extreme done! I was able to use heavier weights throughout, 8 & 10 pounds vs. 5 & 8. I did "Dolphins" from my toes and tricep dips from the floor, not the edge of my Reedbok Step.

    I just love the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts! I planned on starting regular Fix tomorrow, wondering if it's going to feel like a step back? I'll play it by ear.

    We're having beautiful weather here in the northeast, enjoying every minute of it. Have a great day, Fixers!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Official 21 DAY FIX program ordered this morning...check. Since I was able to stick with the meal plan (using my own hybrid version) for 2 weeks now I believe I'm ready to invest the money into this program so I can gain the exercise benefit as well. I'm ready!!! I can't wait until the package gets here :) I will continue the hybrid version til then. I figure by the time it gets here it will be time to start the next round - perfect timing.

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    walkdmc wrote: »
    Upper Fix Extreme done! I was able to use heavier weights throughout, 8 & 10 pounds vs. 5 & 8. I did "Dolphins" from my toes and tricep dips from the floor, not the edge of my Reedbok Step.

    I just love the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts! I planned on starting regular Fix tomorrow, wondering if it's going to feel like a step back? I'll play it by ear.

    We're having beautiful weather here in the northeast, enjoying every minute of it. Have a great day, Fixers!

    Funny - I'm going to start extreme tomorrow. We are backwards
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Playing catch up here.. Did 30 Day Shred L2, L3 and Dirty 30 back to back. I'm glad I got this workout in. Getting some rain right now :(
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Really Hard to Push Play

    My PiYo results were not outstanding. Remember how I lost nearly 10 lbs the first 3 weeks but lost no inches at all? That had me worried and since then I've been gaining both weight and inches. So my end results were 8.6 lbs and 2.5" total. But I'm gaining gaining gaining. Worst of all, I'm gaining in my thighs. Seriously. That's the last damn place I want or need to gain. I am not even losing in my breasts.

    Needless to say, I am very frustrated and this morning I was close to tears. So what did I do?

    Never Miss a Monday

    I pushed play!

    21DF: R4/W3/D1: Total Body Cardio Fix
    Used my heavy weight for about the first half and switched to my lighter weight. Dropped the weight altogether on knee drivers because my arms are still sore from this weekend's PiYo and I wanted to focus on form.

    Slim in 6: W1/D1: Start It Up
    Surprisingly, my shoulders were a little sore for part of the workout so that's something. During the push-ups (on the knees), I only did 7 with a goal of 10. I'll track my progress with the push-ups because I do have a goal to be able to do 10 full body push-ups by June 30, 2016.

    For those of you who don't know, Slim in 6 has 3 workouts plus 2 bonus workouts (abs and flex). You're supposed to do the same workout for 2 weeks, six days a week, with one rest day. Ideally, you do the main workout plus the abs and flex every day. I have decided to alternate the main workout and abs/flex so that I hit all three on alternating days. So tomorrow I'll be doing the abs and flex.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm starting my count over since today marked day 1 of regular Fix. So,...

    R2/W1/D1 Total Body Cardio Fix was a more intense cardio workout compared to the Extreme Cardio!! I was surprised but it was higher intensity and longer intervals (1 minute constant movement vs. 30 seconds). I did not follow the modifier but probably would have if I hadn't completed a round of Extreme.

    The warm up and cool down were twice(?) as long as Extreme and much appreciated. I'm looking forward to D2. I'm not following the food, didn't take measurements, just doing the workouts.

    Anyone do Chalean Extreme? Care to give your opinion? I'm thinking of getting it but just got Jillians Total Body Revolution so may do that next.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @walkdmc Not sure if you realize this but there's a JM Body Revolution group here on MFP. I won't be starting the workouts until July 13, when I get home from my visit home with my family.


    My laptop is back and now I have to set up everything from scratch because, as I suspected they had to replace everything. My son, the computer tech, said that what Dell did probably won't resolve the problem. We'll see. I suspect he's right because it looks like the only "new" thing they did is replace the hard drive. Everyone says I need a new motherboard. But the only way we'll know if it is still going to give me problems if I use it. A lot. So I'll be around more, I think. Maybe in a day or two because right now I have to Set Up All of the Things!
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey everyone! i've totally fallen off the wagon (so to speak) for the last couple of weeks, but i'm all caught up now, and ready to continue the journey (i refuse to say "start over", because i've always done that in the past and that mentality hasn't worked for me). i'm making the last push to our first "vacation" - my mom rented a lake house, and i'll be going down there with the kids - and i'll be able to push right on through while i'm down there.

    things have been crazy, and i've tried to push on, but it's difficult. i started my busy travel season, so i'm on business just about every other week (or a couple of nights back-to-back weeks), so consistency in schedule is completely out the window. there have been a couple of trips where no matter what i do, or how hard i try, there is just no time (or internet connection) to get a work out in. to make matters more difficult, i've been to a few places where the site is over 8500 feet above sea level, and walking makes me want to die, let alone working out. (i work in national parks...lots of mountains).

    anyhoo, i'm starting the rotation back up today. i'm hoping to get the equivalent of four solid weeks of 21DF in, as well as trying to double up whenever i can. my goals are to: 1. press play EVERY DAY (here's hoping my internet connection in Alaska is good), 2. work on meal planning when i'm home, 3. limit alcohol and stick to the 21DF guidelines when i'm traveling. i think if i do that, i'll be ok and get some decent results.

    it seems like everyone is doing a GREAT job and getting amazing results!!! have a great day!
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey everyone! i've totally fallen off the wagon (so to speak) for the last couple of weeks, but i'm all caught up now, and ready to continue the journey (i refuse to say "start over", because i've always done that in the past and that mentality hasn't worked for me). i'm making the last push to our first "vacation" - my mom rented a lake house, and i'll be going down there with the kids - and i'll be able to push right on through while i'm down there.

    things have been crazy, and i've tried to push on, but it's difficult. i started my busy travel season, so i'm on business just about every other week (or a couple of nights back-to-back weeks), so consistency in schedule is completely out the window. there have been a couple of trips where no matter what i do, or how hard i try, there is just no time (or internet connection) to get a work out in. to make matters more difficult, i've been to a few places where the site is over 8500 feet above sea level, and walking makes me want to die, let alone working out. (i work in national parks...lots of mountains).

    anyhoo, i'm starting the rotation back up today. i'm hoping to get the equivalent of four solid weeks of 21DF in, as well as trying to double up whenever i can. my goals are to: 1. press play EVERY DAY (here's hoping my internet connection in Alaska is good), 2. work on meal planning when i'm home, 3. limit alcohol and stick to the 21DF guidelines when i'm traveling. i think if i do that, i'll be ok and get some decent results.

    it seems like everyone is doing a GREAT job and getting amazing results!!! have a great day!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Satia, thanks for the tip! I'll look for that group. I hope your laptop is fixed and your son is wrong. Isn't there a Lemon Law for these kinds of problems? So frustrating!

    Doodle, nice job getting back on track. I hear you with the "starting over" stuff. This is life, it's continuously moving, from start to end. There's no such thing as starting over, although I had that mentality for years. Have fun on your vacation. Are you taking the containers, or eyeballing portions?

    I don't like wine but enjoy a flavored vodka-club once in a while. How would you fit that into the plan? I'm sure it's not the equivalent of wine since it has no carbs.
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello all! Just got back from a 4 day camping trip and came home with a chest cold! I feel better than I did yesterday. Just have an annoying cough. I did really well with eating during my trip and did lots of walking. I ended round 2 and even with a half-assed effort I still managed to lose 1.5 lbs and 3.5 inches. I'm going to start round 3 next monday. With being sick I don't have much appetite and really don't want to attempt cardio with the chest cold and cough so I'm going to take this week to get better and go full force next week :)
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Received email that my order was processed and the shipping label has been printed. Reading all of your posts has make me so exited about the work outs..I can hardly wait.

    Still doing the hybrid eating plan and during the week I can stick with it...no problem. We just seem to have something or another to do lately (on the weekends) that either involves going out to eat or a cookout..ack...such low will power...i will have to work on that....but this weekend was for a good reason... this lady (39 years young) graduated from college - summa cum laude :smiley:
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    Just did total body fix. I was wearing a heart rate monitor for the first time, and boy, what a rude awakening! I only burned 252 calories. Now, I know that it's only a 30 minute workout, but I was hoping that I at least would have burned 300 for as hard as I feel like I'm working!

    It just makes me wonder if I should be eating at a greater deficit...it at least makes me aware,of the fact that I need to eat quality food and not waste calories on garbage...easier said than done, but every calorie does counts, I guess...