New members - tell us about yourself



  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    Talk away! We are all about food and having it in a healthy way. Welcome!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Welcome bbcakes. Much good luck to you. I lost 60 in a year. 'Still have more to go but it is much slower for me now.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Welcome all to our group. We are all friends here & are genuinely here to help & support each other. bbcakes talk away, we are all listening xx
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    First, I have to give credit to BRaye325 for his recruiting efforts in the regular forum areas. Without seeing his thread, I might not have found the group.

    I'm 52, married, one great 16 year old daughter, and living in Virginia Beach.

    I'm nearing my current goal weight of 180, down from 217 early in the year. As I dropped pounds I knew I needed to start tracking things, and joined MVP a couple months back. Once I get down to goal weight I want to get more into recomp mode, leaning out more as I gain some muscle back.

    My ultimate end game goal is to be as fit as I was when I got out of the Marines 25 years ago. In this day and age there is no reason I can't do it. I'd like to do some endurance type challenges, leaning more towards the ones that incorporate a big mental game vs purely physical. It's just something I haven't done, and sounds like a new challenge.

    Seems like a solid group.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    Welcome. You will find plenty of support here,
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    Oh, yes, you will find great support and smart people here. Welcome!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,511 Member
    On my 1000th day of MFP, I forgot to log in because we were traveling to see my daughter's boyfriend graduate from Boot Camp. He's now a Calvary Scout (in a Bradley tank) - please wish him safe duty!!

    So I'm back to Day 1! Which is just as well; I've been having a really hard time with binge eating this last year. A new start now seems appropriate.

    Recently, my husband's job moved us, after 17 years, from the DC area to Southern Mississippi. Talk about a culture shock! Relearning everything - stores, things to do, people to meet, etc, is all very overwhelming for me. Not to mention, I had to quit my job to move, now I'm at home all the time.

    I would really just like to curl up on the couch and binge eat until I feel sick, but of course that's not healthy at all! I need some counseling for the binging, I know. Finding another counselor, just another stressor!

    So right now, I'm trying to lose the 20 lbs I've regained over the last year (I let my guard down at the holidays, and it never came back on track). I am still down 20 lbs from my highest weight, and hopefully I've stopped the backslide for good!

    I'm also getting back into the exercise, although that has never been a habit for me - like I said, I'd rather be sitting on the couch! I've tried all the exercises over the years, and have not found something I really enjoy. Not yet, I am still looking and trying!

    I am excited about joining a new group, I do need some motivators right now
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    Welcome! You have found a good group. Kudos at being determined to tackle this. As a life long yo-yo-er, I still struggle everyday with what I want to eat and what I should eat. "sigh" we can do this.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member

    Recently, my husband's job moved us, after 17 years, from the DC area to Southern Mississippi. Talk about a culture shock! Relearning everything - stores, things to do, people to meet, etc, is all very overwhelming for me. Not to mention, I had to quit my job to move, now I'm at home all the time.

    It will be different, but it will stay warmer later into the year in Mississippi. Maybe you could enjoy getting out, exploring your new State. Kind of like a new adventure!
    ... and welcome to our group!
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member

    I'm also getting back into the exercise, although that has never been a habit for me - like I said, I'd rather be sitting on the couch! I've tried all the exercises over the years, and have not found something I really enjoy. Not yet, I am still looking and trying!

    I am excited about joining a new group, I do need some motivators right now

    Do you love animals? Every town I have lived in has shelters that are always looking for volunteers to play with the kitttens and cats or to walk the dogs - good exercise, and a way to meet people in your new town.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,511 Member
    Great ideas! Thanks for the welcome :-)
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    MadDogManor, moving is very stressful especially if you didn't especially want to move, which it sounds like to me. And I bet it's quite a culture shock. The folks above all posted good ideas. What you might also consider, and this is a bonus if you like books, is seeing if your local library takes volunteers. You will meet a lot of people this way and since no one can eat in libraries, it will keep you from eating for a few hours as well. Moving is in the too 5 of stressors. Be good to yourself. It will get better.

  • jazzerle
    jazzerle Posts: 10 Member
    Hi - I'm 52 (for another couple of weeks anyway....) and almost 5'1" I really need to loose 20-25 lbs. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Both of these run in my family but I was so happy that I had brought the cholesterol down for a few years, but now it's back up (along with my weight) A few months ago I was feeling fairly good and working out quite a bit until someone at the gym asked me when my baby was due...That really sent me in a tailspin for a while but I'm ready to start the fight again. Just like in another post I read, I think my family is tired of hearing me talk about diet and exercise! I really need encouragement to keep going! I'm still trying to figure out what to have for meals and snacks that won't blow my fat/sugar/sodium allowances. Thanks for listening!
  • lgmlori
    lgmlori Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Thanks for this group!! I'm 53, and at a bit of a crossroads physically. I've had a couple of health issues this past year, and reduced my activity. I've gotten much weaker overall, but am almost done with physical therapy. I've got 10-15 lbs that I'd like to lose, and want to regain my strength. At this point, it's not about vanity. I want to stay upright!! :smiley:
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    lgmlori wrote: »
    Hi! Thanks for this group!! I'm 53, and at a bit of a crossroads physically. I've had a couple of health issues this past year, and reduced my activity. I've gotten much weaker overall, but am almost done with physical therapy. I've got 10-15 lbs that I'd like to lose, and want to regain my strength. At this point, it's not about vanity. I want to stay upright!! :smiley:

    I've been through a couple of obstacles myself in the past years. Mostly now it's just protecting my back. There are plenty of threads in the regular forums for people with all kinds of medical limitations.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    At our age, we all have obstacles. What I like about this group is we help each other thru it, if only by lending an ear.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Nancy. I started my fitness pal this past winter after I started wearing a step tracker. I have lost weight many times over the years just to regain it. Somehow, this time, it seems different. I have been successful and I am within two pounds of reaching my original goal. I definitely want to lose those pounds and at least ten more, now that I have realized that I really can do this.
    It is definitely a journey, and reading all the motivational stories here keeps me going. Maintenance will be a new level for me and I'm pretty nervous about how that works. (This is where I've never been successful for long.). I know that I'll need lots of advice and support! Thanks for including me in the group!
  • JellybeanJeanette
    JellybeanJeanette Posts: 10 Member
    I am 51, married, with two daughters, 20 and 22. I changed from a very active job (teaching elementary general music) and living in a three level townhouse to a resource teacher position where I sit down most of the workday. We moved to a singlle family home 6 years ago and while we still have three levels, the laundry is no longer in the basement!

    Years ago, I wore a pedometer. By the time I walked my kids to school and went through a normal workday-I got 10,000 steps every day. I realized that I would have to really make an effort now, so almost three years ago, I bought my first Fitbit.

    Then I found My Fitness Pal and started counting calories. (I was very successful with Weight Watchers online about 10 years ago and knew that it was the keeping track that really made a difference.). My husband joined me with the Fitbit and MFP and I was losing weight steadily until.......plantar fasciitis struck!

    After almost a year, multiple cortisone shots and two courses of physical therapy it is finally healed! I just have to continue wearing my Strasburg sick at night and stretch.

    The good thing is that I was able to mostly maintain my weight during that time -but now I need to focus on the weight loss again since I am pre diabetic.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    Hi Nancy! Congrats on your loss. Maintenance is a whole other world, put it can be done.

    Jellybean, kudos for coming back from an injury and staying with it.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    great to see all our newcomers.. Welcome to our group. Feel free to start a discussion. We look forward to getting to know you all. :smile: