Random Thoughts - Misc. Chat Thread for April / May 2015

Missing you all. Missing the gym. Can't wait to get back to lifting.

Send good thoughts. Send swift kicks in the *kitten*. Send candy.

Full draft of the thesis is due in a week.



  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    You got this. Just think, when it's done, you'll have accomplished so much AND you have free time again!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Oh hey, I get to be part of the conversation now that there isn't 70 unread messages in the thread! Rofl. I always meant to check it out and jump in and then got distracteded.

    Don't give up C.! That means you're almost there! (Cap'n?) Crunch time!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Thanks y'all.

    What's everyone doing this weekend? If you celebrate Easter, are there fun and games on your agendas?
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I'm planning to eat a *kitten*-load of Easter eggs. When my kid is in bed so I don't have to share hahahahah!! Thinking of you Court xx
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    I'm planning to eat a *kitten*-load of Easter eggs.

    :D i'm planning to get up before 5 (yeah, right) and watch the lunar eclipse. and then - in this theoretical future world where these things have not failed to happen yet - i am going to go lift. never have made it into the gym exactly at 6 when they're cracking the doors, but i'm really excited to try.

    and really, a day off is exactly the day to do it. that way, once i'm there i'm not locked in or committed by the fact that this is my chance to work out and my god i have to be at work in three hours and i'd better give myself one to get there in case this workout totally ruins my legs and so forth. if i want to, i can go in there tomorrow, work out like a demon, then come home and sleep.

    that would be fun. would be a total shakeup over my usual life anyway.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    I'm planning to eat a *kitten*-load of Easter eggs.

    :D i'm planning to get up before 5 (yeah, right) and watch the lunar eclipse. and then - in this theoretical future world where these things have not failed to happen yet - i am going to go lift. never have made it into the gym exactly at 6 when they're cracking the doors, but i'm really excited to try.

    and really, a day off is exactly the day to do it. that way, once i'm there i'm not locked in or committed by the fact that this is my chance to work out and my god i have to be at work in three hours and i'd better give myself one to get there in case this workout totally ruins my legs and so forth. if i want to, i can go in there tomorrow, work out like a demon, then come home and sleep.

    that would be fun. would be a total shakeup over my usual life anyway.

  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I am working all weekend :( I don't even get to be there for my daughter's egg hunt, unless I want to drag her out of bed at 6 am to do it (big nope). My hubby is good at taking pics and sending them to me at work though.

    We aren't religious, so Easter is small. Chocolate egg hunt, and she gets some bubble, a skipping rope, and some pink fuzzy bunny ears on a headband. I think I got her something else, but I forget :P

    I have dinner with the fam at my sister's place. My parent's asked me to make a cake for my brother's 32 birthday. I am totally making him a Ninja Turtle cake. Couldn't help myself :P That is assuming I have the time to actually get it done. I should be able to...
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    We are off to the in laws. Kids will do an egg hunt (I have all the clues ready to go) and we will have dinner at my grandma in law's place.
    It should be OK, I'm not a huge fan of sleeping in someone's living room but I convinced my hubby to not drive there until today so it will just be one night.
    I plan on getting a long run in on Sunday between the egg hunt and dinner so I can eat all the things without any guilt.

    @crabada it's almost over! You can get through it
    @canadianlbs I was up for the eclipse but it was cloudy out...i was disappointed.

    On another note, i set an arbitrary goal weight of 140lbs back when I had my daughter 20 months ago and this morning's weigh in was under that. Statistically it was an outlier but hehe I actually saw sub 140. After Easter it might take a week or two to get back there lol!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    @canadianlbs I was up for the eclipse but it was cloudy out...i was disappointed.

    i stayed up past 1 last night, so getting up 3 hours later didn't appeal. i slept until around 6 and i did get to see the last part of it, but i missed the whole total-blackout thing. i was surprisingly disappointed with myself too, when i saw the little i did.

    next total is in september. we'll probably be socked in with cloud for the coming winter by then, but i've put it into my google calendar.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Easter will be really small this year. We usually have a big family gathering with my grandma on my mother's side, but this year everyone is elsewhere so it'll just be the close family having homemade baked beans, pea soup, and other nommy things and spending time together probably playing cards and stuff. I also have a dinner with my dad on Monday. Should be a good time.

    But mostly I think this afternoon I'm focusing on getting the chores i,ve been putting off for days/weeks done and over with.

    I should really get started, actually >_>
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I'm back to my regular schedule. Easter will be work but I did make a carrot cake to bring in tomorrow. I had never made one before so hope it turned out as I did a few different things than the recipe suggested. I did craisins soaked in orange juice and added a little orange zest instead of regular raisins or nuts. I also didn't have plain cinnamon or nutmeg for the spices. I put in some cinnamon sugar, some pumpkin pie spice and a teaspoon of cardamom. If the batter is any indication, the spices made it pretty delicious. I will have to frost it tonight after work and finish decorating tomorrow morning before work.

    The vacation was nice but it's good to be back as I have a lot I need to get done. My weight did fluctuate upward from the travels, eating out every meal, plus desserts like chai fudge and lemon shortbread. mmmm they were so good. But I just have 1 extra lb from the pre-vacation weight now, so it's not bad. I'm going to start Stage 2 of NROLFW tonight after work. And I'm getting more than enough protein right now, so yay.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »

    I have dinner with the fam at my sister's place. My parent's asked me to make a cake for my brother's 32 birthday. I am totally making him a Ninja Turtle cake. Couldn't help myself :P That is assuming I have the time to actually get it done. I should be able to...

    Ha, that's awesome!
    Sorry you are missing your Easter festivites! That is a bummer.

  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    @canadianlbs I was up for the eclipse but it was cloudy out...i was disappointed.

    On another note, i set an arbitrary goal weight of 140lbs back when I had my daughter 20 months ago and this morning's weigh in was under that. Statistically it was an outlier but hehe I actually saw sub 140. After Easter it might take a week or two to get back there lol!

    I got up to see the eclipse, just by happenstance. My husband was just coming to bed at 4:55AM (W T F?) and I was like... oh there is an eclipse in a few minutes, want to go out and see? But, it was cloudy :( No eclipse to be seen :(

    Nice job on seeing sub 140! Just seeing it sometimes helps, even when you know it won't last.

  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Easter will be really small this year. We usually have a big family gathering with my grandma on my mother's side, but this year everyone is elsewhere so it'll just be the close family having homemade baked beans, pea soup, and other nommy things and spending time together probably playing cards and stuff. I also have a dinner with my dad on Monday. Should be a good time.

    I'm kind of envious of a simple at-home Easter. I wish we didn't have to leave the house at all.

  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    I'm back to my regular schedule. Easter will be work but I did make a carrot cake to bring in tomorrow. I had never made one before so hope it turned out as I did a few different things than the recipe suggested. I did craisins soaked in orange juice and added a little orange zest instead of regular raisins or nuts. I also didn't have plain cinnamon or nutmeg for the spices. I put in some cinnamon sugar, some pumpkin pie spice and a teaspoon of cardamom. If the batter is any indication, the spices made it pretty delicious. I will have to frost it tonight after work and finish decorating tomorrow morning before work.

    The vacation was nice but it's good to be back as I have a lot I need to get done. My weight did fluctuate upward from the travels, eating out every meal, plus desserts like chai fudge and lemon shortbread. mmmm they were so good. But I just have 1 extra lb from the pre-vacation weight now, so it's not bad. I'm going to start Stage 2 of NROLFW tonight after work. And I'm getting more than enough protein right now, so yay.

    Cardamom makes EVERYTHING yummier, I bet it will be awesome :D

    I never see you at the gym, we are on opposite days right now
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    edited April 2015
    crabada wrote: »
    Missing you all. Missing the gym. Can't wait to get back to lifting.

    Send good thoughts. Send swift kicks in the *kitten*. Send candy.

    Full draft of the thesis is due in a week.


    We miss you! <3
    I mean you're still right there. But I miss you in the workouts thread!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    I did a few different things than the recipe suggested.

    it sure sounds good. i have horrible trouble following other people's instructions to the absolute letter, and it shows up in things like cooking. i just can't help going 'but what if i don't [fill in the blank]. what then, huh huh? you gonna ban me? gonna send the fbi to my door?' and then i veer off sideways and do the kinds of thing you just did. usually it works out pretty well.

    but i have a sense of perspective at least. in my late teens i was a katimavik volunteer, so i shared a household for nine months with a bunch of other teenagers from all over the country. one of the guys had to be watched like a hawk when it was his turn to cook, or he'd come up with these really repulsive upsetting meals like cinnamon soup and grape omelettes. the rest of us were all doing mostly manual labour and getting a buck a day 'spending money', so we couldn't afford stuff like that.

    they lowered a genuine banhammer on him the day he opened the oven when no-one was looking and poked a bunch of raw popcorn into the quiche. i just wanted to see if it would pop, he explained when we all turned on him and beat him to death with our spoons.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    threnjen - It's too bad we can't catch similar days. I ended up deciding that it was better to lift tues-thur-saturday. I had changed it because was supposed to get thurs-fri off from work and figured thursday then made a good c25k day, except in March I just worked 6 days a week and that meant working on thursday. Now it looks like soon they are changing me to tuesday off instead anyways and I find it easier to lift after freight day as opposed to the lift late wednesday, c25k before work thursday then work freight shift. But maybe one of these days our paths will cross again. I'm hoping to be consistent on the tues-thur-sat lift and mon-wed-fri c25k schedule.

    canadianlbs - I sort of follow recipes but just have always gone a little astray, which is supposed to be not great for baking. Most of the time it works out, though I still need practice. Plus, I can't always do things as listed (like beat on low speed as my mixer's speeds consist of fast and faster) so I just try to do what I can. Though the only things I've had major fails on while trying to follow recipes have mostly been vegan items. I tried to make a few as they don't involve dairy and they just don't work out for me. Other things are somewhat edible at least even if not a complete success, but not the vegan attempts so far.

    And I've had a taste of the cake (had to trim a top for layering) and it's pretty tasty because of the spices. Hope people at work like it.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I made a vegan dinner on Saturday for some friends. It was amazing and I'm pumped I have leftovers. Yesterday we went super traditional and did yard work. And by "we did yard work" I mean I pulled some weeds, got overwhelmed, and went inside and called my relatives while my husband did yard work. We then ate hamburgers. At least "ham" was in the name of the food so I'm considering it Easter-like.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    mmm hamburger. I had a quest bar and a small slice of carrot cake for my "Easter" dinner while I was at work. Fun times. There was actually lasagna, some jello thing and veggies available. I might snack on some of the veggies tonight during my short shift but as much as I love lasagna, I am skipping it this time.