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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    edited November 2016
    At least in Season 2 Batman was twice a week. Two nights in a row, but heck if I remember which two nights...which would make a 60 episode season, 30 weeks. Seasons DID tend to have more original shows in those days, anywhere from 30 weeks worth to 39, depending on the show and the year.

    Batman may have started the twice a week during the first season, I don't remember whether they were saying "next week" or "tomorrow" at the end of the cliffhanger episodes at the end of the season...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    You guys have been busy!
    ROGER!!!!! That yellow banana snake picture scared the heck out of me! First glance I said 'ok, weird shaped bunch of bananas' But that circle with a line thru it bothered me, then I thought...a snake in a bunch of bananas....then OMG!!! its an entire D@_#)*# Snake!!!!
    The races at the retirement home made me laugh!
    I do know by the time I finished with the blowing, and came in to get some lunch my arms were shaking! Was glad I'd done my 60 second plank before going outdoors! "Planksgiving", cuz it ends with a 3 minute plank day before Thanksgiving. If I make it to 3 minute plank I'll be amazed. 9 years ago, when I was working with my trainer twice a week, I couldn't do over 2 minutes.....so, we'll see. I'd LOVE to be able to plank for 3 minutes.

    I got the leaves blown away in about 2 hours, which is better than Thursday...and I've primed the porch... My house is a light gray Roger, and the garage door, front door, and shutters are all Sherwin Williams Blue. (I love that blue)...so porch pretty much needed to be gray. I could have done a bright bold red...but...yeah, gray seemed the best option! :)

    Ed...wow 'Eddie the housekeeper' has had one busy day! Hope Edward the chef has a nice simple dinner planned! :)

    I'm going to find my bowl of oatmeal and eat. Tired! It will be an early to bed...and I'll do the clocks that don't 'change time' themselves tomorrow. :)


    Hi Valerie
    I liked that First Two, It would be so easy to be the 2nd image :)

    I had to look at the snakes twice too.

    Two hours of using different muscles holding the Leaf Blower, I'm not surprised You felt it.
    Good Sunday Morning! Sunny

    Clocks all reset except the one that chimes, and the one in my car. (haven't been out to the car)...this one that chimes takes a bit of messing with it...otherwise the hands on the face may be right, but the number of chimes will be wrong. Not that I'd notice, but one year my brother from Texas was visiting, and as we chatted he counted the chimes...and it was off by one...ever since I've been aware when the time changes...one of life's little 'complications'.

    Tom E. fed...I'll eat in a bit. Found a new sauce recipe that I want to make this morning..its an Onion Sauce. I love onion, and this says its good on baked potatoes, of which I have one waiting for part of my breakfast...

    Today is gray porch paint day.... but not til later this after when it warms up, and I know the morning dew has dried off. Also dependent on the amount of leaf drop :( I'm almost afraid to look outside. The tree looked mighty yellow yesterday. Last year it went gorgeous yellow gold, and then BOOM! overnight it dropped about three quarters of its leaves. I mean from a few leaves to a foot of leaves in 24 hours.

    Ed are ya cross-eyed yet? I'd be insane if I tried to 'binge watch' almost anything on TV. I think Batman was a guy thing...never held my interest for long. Hope you're enjoying all the old reruns! :) Great way to wrap up vacation, and usher in retirement!

    Roger, I saw that you used your hand warmers on your walk yesterday. Wow..I should check on my supply, and do tell me what you think about the rechargeable ones. I might like to add that to my Christmas list. Also need to check into LL Bean and see if they still make my big winter heavy and now pretty beat up terry cloth bath robe. If yes, that goes on my list as well! :) Please no new electronic things to learn how to use....I need a break. Am returning the Garmin HR to its first owner. It just did not do the things I wanted, did a lot of interesting stuff, but didn't fit my wrist right, or something...it left bruises on my arm. Granted I bruise easily, always have...but I don't need to look like I've been shackled by my left arm!!!


    I Even reset the one that chimes on the hour however it is a simple one that uses on chime for the hour and does not do the number of hours.

    I have been told that L L Bean has a lifetime warranty on items, maybe You can get a free replacement.
    Just Looked and
    We make pieces that last, and if they don’t, we want to know about it. L.L. himself always said that he “didn’t consider a sale complete until goods are worn out and the customer still satisfied.” Our guarantee is a handshake – a promise that we’ll be fair to each other. So if something’s not working or fitting or standing up to its task or lasting as long as you think it should, we’ll take it back. We want to make sure we keep our guarantee the way it’s always been for over a century.

    Our products are guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction in every way. Return anything purchased from us at any time if it proves otherwise. We do not want you to have anything from L.L.Bean that is not completely satisfactory.

    The electric hand warmer, I suggest two, One for either hand or one spare in case the charge runs out in mid walk :) I had run the one down and did not realize it until I went to use it and it would not stay turned on.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Lee-Ann! Welcome Back! I cannot wait to read the words 'done' and/or Dr LeeAnn!!!
    Glad you're here.
    Much the same here for me....Whole Food Plant Based diet...some weight gain cuz I sometimes go off the rails and eat badly...not meat, cheese or eggs...but I get my hands on sweet stuff and I'm in serious trouble. Right now trying to lose about 10 pounds, and get my blood pressure under control...it went 'wonky', and everybody says well at your age (73) its normal. Like heck it is. It means its time to delete salt, sugar, oils, caffeine (sniff, sniff) and eat really clean, and get back to consistent exercising. Fortunately as part of my going away..retiring..I get free gym use for life. :) But, it doesn't count if I don't use it, right???

    Incase you want to put me back in your contacts
    Or did you have me there by my 'real' name????
    I bookmarked this post page in my 'Daily' folder, otherwise I'm not sure I'd find it again either!!

    Ok, as you may have seen in my post, today I'm painting my front porch...its a little porch, but unless I change out of my pj's, the neighbors are gonna talk!!! LOL! I've been known to slip out in jammies under cover of darkness to the mailbox, and very early mornings to retrieve the trash containers on Fri. Mornings. Neither count in my book!

    Hope you're having a great weekend, and we're glad your back!
    Oh, that penny?...its just one cent no matter how many times you hide it from yourself! LOL!

  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Again,

    Roger, thanks for the directions to get to the mail on MFP. I have to figure out how to save that! For now, I have made the space a "favorite" on my laptop (Safari browser). As long as I still have my computer, I am good! You also mentioned an electric (battery operated) hand warmer. What a great idea? Where did you get it? I may consider that.

    Val, Roger is right about the LL Bean forever guarantee. That being said, one of their employees made a great point when I considered returning a coat. The coat no longer fit - I had lost nearly 30 pounds. I was looking for a new coat and considered if I should take it back to LL Bean. When the employee and I discussed it, she asked me to think about whether the coat didn't live up to my expectations of their products, or was there another reason I was returning it. The reality was that the coat did very well...for many years. I just finally shed the extra weight, which I could not (in good conscience) put as LL Bean's responsibility. And so I ended up with a new, full price coat. Also...thanks for your email address. I will enter it into my email address book.

    Ed, I was thinking about the Batman marathon. Will you be including the big screen movie in your marathon? I am talking about an Adam West version...not the new stuff. Same actors/characters as the TV show. I remember seeing it when I was younger. Very...campy! I wonder if Netflix, Amazon, or some other online site has it. You may find it pretty fun to add to your marathon.

    Okay folks...time to get myself ready to head back to the office tomorrow. I leave by about 4:50 AM, so I won't get on until later. I can only di this at work if I can locate the forum in a MFP search on that computer.

    Take care all,
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    You'll possibly remember that Eduardo the chef made two meatloaves early in the week last week (Monday I think) and when they ran out, a mess of barbecued pork chops with accompanying baked beans.

    So Eduardo had most of the week off, as I was anticipating Eddie the housekeeper doing a LOT of work at least one day, though some of that did stretch into the next day.

    Finished off the pork and beans at lunch today, so there is no prepared food ready to plate and warm up. I mentioned possibly pizza tonight, earlier, and am heavily leaning in that direction. That way, assuming J actually comes home tonight, there will be something there if he wants anything to eat, and if he doesn't eat it all, then cold pizza is great for breakfast.

    Not cross-eyed yet from Batman and still a lot of it to go. Of course when doing other things I do take breaks.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    Breakfast this morning was the Lenny & Larry's peanut butter cookie. As peanut butter cookies go, it was OK. I'll give the peanut butter cookie a THUMBS UP. So far all the cookies tried have been THUMBS UP. Peanut butter cookies aren't my favorite kind of cookie anyway, but this one was as good as most peanut butter cookies are, so it is a winner.

    The nearest GNC store did not have any muffins at all, only the triple chocolate brownie, and maybe 4 flavors of cookie, all of which I already either tried or have lined up to try, from the direct order I made from Lenny and Larry's. Shipping is outrageous so I won't likely be ordering muffins from them again as 1) They don't make a mixed box, so I'd have to try a dozen of each kind, freezing most of them as I slowly go through the box and 2) Shipping is more than the price of a single box of muffins! At leas it was with the order of muffins, brownies, and cookies that I made. Now having said that, the pumpkin muffins that I ordered ARE really good, and I don't regret the one time purchase, but it will take me a while to get through a dozen of them. They do freeze well, with no apparent loss of quality on thawing, but I haven't tested how LONG they can be frozen, and don't really want to test that at this time, so will be eating them periodically for a while to use them up. I'd love to try the other muffins, and will be looking at Kroger and a larger GNC when I can get to one. Surely SOMEONE sells individual muffins and I wouldn't HAVE to order them from Lenny & Larry's...

    J made it home last night, late. I remember hearing the house alarm react and then be shut down before actually going off, but didn't wake up enough to see what time it was, just rolled over and went back to sleep. I see though, in the refrigerator, that we'll be having the leftover pizza for lunch, if he's home for lunch, as he didn't eat any of it.

    Ariel had to hurl a hairball during the night in a place that I'd cleaned up so nicely over the weekend, so I get to re-clean that area a bit sooner than planned, but that's a cat for you.

    Other than that, not anything critical today, and I may just go back to bed for a nap in a minute.

    And yes, the Batman movie is planned for the end of the marathon, as I have it on DVD too. But the end is far away yet, as I have about a dozen episodes left in season 2, and all of season 3 yet to go!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    11/06/2016 100%

    It was showing 38 degrees this morning colder than yesterday for the same time, I walked today for 8,094 steps + 3 cents. I missed changing the time on the clocks in the Basement, those are the ones in the work area and the Wall clock & Digital Clock in the room with that computer :)

    According to UMass Lowell’s survey report
    Nearly a quarter of Americans ages 18 to 35 would rather see a giant meteor strike the Earth than see either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the White House, according to the new UMass Lowell/Odyssey Millennials poll released today.

    The poll asked millennials to choose their preference between Clinton as president, Trump as president, a random lottery to choose the president from all U.S. citizens, Barack Obama appointing himself to a life term as president or a giant meteor striking Earth and extinguishing all human life. Over a Clinton or Trump presidency, 39 percent of those surveyed said they preferred Obama serve a life term; 26 percent prefer a random lottery to choose the next president and 23 percent (nearly 1 in 4) prefer a giant meteor strike.

    Remember that tomorrow is election day.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    I Love a good Birthday cake :)



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...Monday again!
    Ed you crack me up with all your 'chore names'...I'd have to keep a running document to keep up with which name goes with what chore! I think I can remember Eduardo as the Chef. Is Eddie sorta the housekeeper plus? LOL!!
    I'm Valerie the Planning Failure again this week. I need to seriously look at how much of what staples I actually eat each week. I have enough greens for breakfast today and tomorrow, but Wednesday morning before shopping I'll go hungry if I don't make a grocery run! and thats not all....I'm out of ONIONS...this cook doesn't function in the kitchen without her onions....and mushrooms..The mushrooms crisis is easy enough, I can rehydrate some dried from my stock in the pantry...and I 'could' scrape by with onion powder, or dehydrated onion if it was that or starvation...but the greens....tis the wrong time of the year to forage for greens!!! LOL!!!!

    Porch looks good this morning...there was only one leaf, and it fell after the paint was dry. I think I really like the darker (Slate Gray) paint! Good thing, as I have a gallon minus about 2 cups of this paint! :)

    I need to borrow "Eddie's" cleaning hat, and his Chef's hat as well...right after I invent a hat for grocery procurement! LOL!

    Lee-Ann, you are awake and ready to leave your house at 4:30 A.M??? Holy cow. I remembered you left early, but I'd forgotten just how early!!! I'm so glad my early out days are over! 5:45 was early enough for me!

    Roger, hope your walk is going well...do give Lee-Ann and I a word or more about the electric/rechargeable hand warmers. How long to they stay warm? What you like, or don't like about them, etc.
    There was some muttering on the news last night about frost in North GA...in the mountain areas... I hope its not that cold in NJ!!

    I woke way too early this morning...and was shocked last night when it was pitch black at 6p.

    I've been invited to attend Dr. Mark Hyman's Fat Summit. I may actually watch a few of the presenters....I'm having a hard time believing I need fat in my diet. (except what occurs naturally from nuts, seeds, avocado, etc) If I learn anything important/interesting I'll share with you all.

    For now heading to the kitchen to cook my spinach, mustard, kale green mix, and will start the tofu (now there's another fat) draining and pressing process so I can have a 'scramble' for lunch along with some asparagus I steamed yesterday, and half a baked potato smothered in Onion Gravy that I made yesterday. (that's what prematurely caused an onion shortage).

    Nice computer just informed me that RogerTwo just posted....let me go check on his adventures this morning!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lee-Ann! Welcome Back! I cannot wait to read the words 'done' and/or Dr LeeAnn!!!
    Glad you're here.
    Much the same here for me....Whole Food Plant Based diet...some weight gain cuz I sometimes go off the rails and eat badly...not meat, cheese or eggs...but I get my hands on sweet stuff and I'm in serious trouble. Right now trying to lose about 10 pounds, and get my blood pressure under control...it went 'wonky', and everybody says well at your age (73) its normal. Like heck it is. It means its time to delete salt, sugar, oils, caffeine (sniff, sniff) and eat really clean, and get back to consistent exercising. Fortunately as part of my going away..retiring..I get free gym use for life. :) But, it doesn't count if I don't use it, right???

    Incase you want to put me back in your contacts
    Or did you have me there by my 'real' name????
    I bookmarked this post page in my 'Daily' folder, otherwise I'm not sure I'd find it again either!!

    Ok, as you may have seen in my post, today I'm painting my front porch...its a little porch, but unless I change out of my pj's, the neighbors are gonna talk!!! LOL! I've been known to slip out in jammies under cover of darkness to the mailbox, and very early mornings to retrieve the trash containers on Fri. Mornings. Neither count in my book!

    Hope you're having a great weekend, and we're glad your back!
    Oh, that penny?...its just one cent no matter how many times you hide it from yourself! LOL!
    HI Valerie
    10 pounds? It could be worse. The High BP on the other hand is a bit problematic. Just how high? Very or not very high? So far I have been fairly lucky, even when I was a my heaviest it was only just past high normal.

    Free Gym for life is a nice benefit :) I should be so lucky.

    I see people out in their Jammies putting out the garbage or recycling for pick up fairly often.

    I hope The Painting went Well
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, every one of the pix this morning are great! As for as the millennials survey...these folks are too young. They haven't been 'buffeted' about by life just yet... a quarter of them are voting for the giant meteor?...how sad their lives must be.

    $0.03 is better than the one cent find last week!?!!! by spring you should have enough change to buy a banana! :)

    Ok, heading for the kitchen


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi Again,

    Roger, thanks for the directions to get to the mail on MFP. I have to figure out how to save that! For now, I have made the space a "favorite" on my laptop (Safari browser). As long as I still have my computer, I am good! You also mentioned an electric (battery operated) hand warmer. What a great idea? Where did you get it? I may consider that.

    Val, Roger is right about the LL Bean forever guarantee. That being said, one of their employees made a great point when I considered returning a coat. The coat no longer fit - I had lost nearly 30 pounds. I was looking for a new coat and considered if I should take it back to LL Bean. When the employee and I discussed it, she asked me to think about whether the coat didn't live up to my expectations of their products, or was there another reason I was returning it. The reality was that the coat did very well...for many years. I just finally shed the extra weight, which I could not (in good conscience) put as LL Bean's responsibility. And so I ended up with a new, full price coat. Also...thanks for your email address. I will enter it into my email address book.

    Ed, I was thinking about the Batman marathon. Will you be including the big screen movie in your marathon? I am talking about an Adam West version...not the new stuff. Same actors/characters as the TV show. I remember seeing it when I was younger. Very...campy! I wonder if Netflix, Amazon, or some other online site has it. You may find it pretty fun to add to your marathon.

    Okay folks...time to get myself ready to head back to the office tomorrow. I leave by about 4:50 AM, so I won't get on until later. I can only di this at work if I can locate the forum in a MFP search on that computer.

    Take care all,

    Hi Lee-Ann
    No Problem with the help.
    I bought the Hand Warmers from Amazon :)

    I believe You made the right decision with the coat. Their warranty says Our guarantee is a handshake – a promise that we’ll be fair to each other I would say that both of You were fair so...

    I make things I want to be able to get back to a favorite too. Maybe this will help?
    Launch the Safari Web browser on your Mac OS X system. Navigate to the first page to which you want to create a shortcut. Select the entire address in the address bar at the top of the browser. Click and drag the address onto the Mac OS X desktop and release the mouse button.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    You'll possibly remember that Eduardo the chef made two meatloaves early in the week last week (Monday I think) and when they ran out, a mess of barbecued pork chops with accompanying baked beans.

    So Eduardo had most of the week off, as I was anticipating Eddie the housekeeper doing a LOT of work at least one day, though some of that did stretch into the next day.

    Finished off the pork and beans at lunch today, so there is no prepared food ready to plate and warm up. I mentioned possibly pizza tonight, earlier, and am heavily leaning in that direction. That way, assuming J actually comes home tonight, there will be something there if he wants anything to eat, and if he doesn't eat it all, then cold pizza is great for breakfast.

    Not cross-eyed yet from Batman and still a lot of it to go. Of course when doing other things I do take breaks.

    Hi Ed
    Frequently I have been know to leave the TV showing something in the background while I do other things and just keep an ear on it :)
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    Breakfast this morning was the Lenny & Larry's peanut butter cookie. As peanut butter cookies go, it was OK. I'll give the peanut butter cookie a THUMBS UP. So far all the cookies tried have been THUMBS UP. Peanut butter cookies aren't my favorite kind of cookie anyway, but this one was as good as most peanut butter cookies are, so it is a winner.

    The nearest GNC store did not have any muffins at all, only the triple chocolate brownie, and maybe 4 flavors of cookie, all of which I already either tried or have lined up to try, from the direct order I made from Lenny and Larry's. Shipping is outrageous so I won't likely be ordering muffins from them again as 1) They don't make a mixed box, so I'd have to try a dozen of each kind, freezing most of them as I slowly go through the box and 2) Shipping is more than the price of a single box of muffins! At leas it was with the order of muffins, brownies, and cookies that I made. Now having said that, the pumpkin muffins that I ordered ARE really good, and I don't regret the one time purchase, but it will take me a while to get through a dozen of them. They do freeze well, with no apparent loss of quality on thawing, but I haven't tested how LONG they can be frozen, and don't really want to test that at this time, so will be eating them periodically for a while to use them up. I'd love to try the other muffins, and will be looking at Kroger and a larger GNC when I can get to one. Surely SOMEONE sells individual muffins and I wouldn't HAVE to order them from Lenny & Larry's...

    J made it home last night, late. I remember hearing the house alarm react and then be shut down before actually going off, but didn't wake up enough to see what time it was, just rolled over and went back to sleep. I see though, in the refrigerator, that we'll be having the leftover pizza for lunch, if he's home for lunch, as he didn't eat any of it.

    Ariel had to hurl a hairball during the night in a place that I'd cleaned up so nicely over the weekend, so I get to re-clean that area a bit sooner than planned, but that's a cat for you.

    Other than that, not anything critical today, and I may just go back to bed for a nap in a minute.

    And yes, the Batman movie is planned for the end of the marathon, as I have it on DVD too. But the end is far away yet, as I have about a dozen episodes left in season 2, and all of season 3 yet to go!
    Hmm... You would think so, however I did not see an assortment either. With no assortment to sample haw are You supposed to know what flavor You want. It might be time to contact Lenny & Larry's with some feedback suggesting they create a Sample pack with all the flavors of Muffins. OTOH they might not feel the need to do that as their recall notice said they had to outsource some of the production due to not being able to keep up with demand and the outsource quality slipped.

    Have a nice day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    Well, it's been an interesting day. Finally ended up taking the Macbook Pro in for repair, where it was determined that repair would cost nearly or more than the value of the computer, so instead I opted to have the hard drive moved to a slightly newer, refurbished iMac with a 21.5 inch display, that is much easier to read! I hadn't actually moved the MacBook off the desk in months anyway so it's not much of a sacrifice to give up the mobility. I can take my mini Dell when I need mobility, as I've been doing lately anyway. So I ended up with a newer, better computer for a lot less than buying a new MacBook Pro would have cost. They stopped making the 17 inch screen on the MacBook Pro anyway! That annoys me.

    The tiny screen on the Dell mini is a little annoying too, and the tiny keyboard, but it suffices or when I need a portable for most things so all is good!

    Need to see what the dinner options are, as I think it's going to be a "wander and wonder" night. Wander in the kitchen and wonder what my hands will make...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    VOTE, if you haven't already.
    Giggle of the day?...I decided to have a cup of 'real' coffee (full caffeine) and I can't type as fast as my brain synapses are firing! LOL! This should be an interesting day!

    I'll be back later when my brain calms down! Right now I need to throw myself onto my exercise mat and get today's plank done...one minute and 20 seconds...oh boy! Should be interesting. (my abs are so sore!) LOL! The things I get myself into.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    The Lenny & Larry's oatmeal raisin cookie is a THUMBS UP.

    Dinner last night turned out to be a chili dog and some tea. J had to go out to get a scrip. I thought he was out of it and he apparently forgot to take it last night as the unopened bag is still on the kitchen counter. He may be annoyed this morning and probably have a headache...but maybe there was one left in the old bottle, I didn't shake it last night to see.

    Need to shower and walk up the street to vote. Then after voting for any of the candidates, come home and cry.

    Later all!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was showing 38 degrees this morning the same as yesterday for the same time, I walked today for 9,161 steps and no cents. I missed changing the time on the clocks in the Basement Again ") , those are the ones in the work area and the Wall clock & Digital Clock in the room with that computer :)

    Today despite starting out cold is predicted to be in the high 60s, Yea!

    I went by the polling location on my morning walk on the way to get my coffee and voted this election day. They seemed busy too.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, it's been an interesting day. Finally ended up taking the Macbook Pro in for repair, where it was determined that repair would cost nearly or more than the value of the computer, so instead I opted to have the hard drive moved to a slightly newer, refurbished iMac with a 21.5 inch display, that is much easier to read! I hadn't actually moved the MacBook off the desk in months anyway so it's not much of a sacrifice to give up the mobility. I can take my mini Dell when I need mobility, as I've been doing lately anyway. So I ended up with a newer, better computer for a lot less than buying a new MacBook Pro would have cost. They stopped making the 17 inch screen on the MacBook Pro anyway! That annoys me.

    The tiny screen on the Dell mini is a little annoying too, and the tiny keyboard, but it suffices or when I need a portable for most things so all is good!

    Need to see what the dinner options are, as I think it's going to be a "wander and wonder" night. Wander in the kitchen and wonder what my hands will make...
    Hi Ed
    Did they give You the hard drive that was in the refurbished computer after moving the other drive to it? I find it interesting that the Drive would just plug in and work with no problems. In the Windows World moving the OS to different hardware can either not work, or work with all new drivers being needed and/or require the windows to be activated too.
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    The Lenny & Larry's oatmeal raisin cookie is a THUMBS UP.

    Dinner last night turned out to be a chili dog and some tea. J had to go out to get a scrip. I thought he was out of it and he apparently forgot to take it last night as the unopened bag is still on the kitchen counter. He may be annoyed this morning and probably have a headache...but maybe there was one left in the old bottle, I didn't shake it last night to see.

    Need to shower and walk up the street to vote. Then after voting for any of the candidates, come home and cry.

    Later all!
    Hmm... A Chili Dog sounds tasty.

    Not a inspiring election season to be sure. I also walked to do my voting.

    Good News on the Cookie, I love a good Oatmeal Raisin cookie
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    VOTE, if you haven't already.
    Giggle of the day?...I decided to have a cup of 'real' coffee (full caffeine) and I can't type as fast as my brain synapses are firing! LOL! This should be an interesting day!

    I'll be back later when my brain calms down! Right now I need to throw myself onto my exercise mat and get today's plank done...one minute and 20 seconds...oh boy! Should be interesting. (my abs are so sore!) LOL! The things I get myself into.


    Hi Valerie
    That was my plan yesterday to go Vote on the way to get my coffee, Success doing it today.

    Tomorrow I plan to do a somewhat shorter than usual walk and then go back out later to the bank to cash a check and then on to the local Dollar Store for another Quart of Milk and the Grocery Store for Fruits and whatever else I decide needs picking up.

    Why not do a Half and half coffee next time? I have a premixed container that is setup for that.

    As for the plank challenge, better You than me, I have had some trouble getting back up from the floor for years :) It is much easier with the weight gone than it used to be however, thankfully.

    Have a nice day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    Yes, I got the hard drive that was in the iMac too. It's in a bubble wrap envelope with the user ID and password of the installed system written on it in case I want to use it in anything "as is" but J will probably re-format it anyway and use it for some other purpose.

    Mac OS is generally pretty good about re-configuring itself if you put the disk in another Mac machine. I did have to re-setup a couple of internet access accounts that didn't recognize the new machine, as, while it IS the same disk, the machine as a whole (and the mac address in particular) are not the same, and those two accounts had two factor authentication set up, so I had to enable the new machine for them. And I had to re-set up the email access for our own email server at home, since the Mac key ring somehow got the certificate jumbled up and I had to remove it and re-enable that certificate. Nothing major in the move, just a few minor snags.

    So far I'm quite pleased with the new machine.

    Voting is done, and I'm SOOOOOOO tired of this election.