Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...(sorry its Monday)
    Really outstanding morning here. We've had a two day 'reprieve' from the 90's. Its in the mid 60's right now..it was 63 earlier. Clear, beautiful sunrise, low humidity. Can't ask for more!

    Need a trip to the bank, and Whole Foods today...just read a nutritional article about sweet corn, which I've loved since I was a kid...and now I want an ear of corn!! WH is the only place I know where I can buy non-GMO or organic corn, sooooooo. (Roger just for the heck of it I looked at the nutritional stats, and it has 6 grams protein, various B vitamins, Omega-3's, fiber, lots of 'good stuff'....)

    Ed, whats on your list today?

    Oh, I still have not seen my neighbors...two new trees, and yesterday I walked down the area between our houses, and it looks like they're putting up a fence, and that they have been making a little garden around their patio. I think they're going to do a lot over there! I couldn't be happier...well, I could, as the shrubs on MY side have grown looks like double in the past 2-3 weeks. I think I hear my loppers calling me......argggg.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Working a short middle again today. Then maybe home for some cheese and crackers, and something for dinner. I didn't set out anything so may just have to wing it! I should really look in the freezer now and see what to set out for tomorrow and/or the next day...

    I've been up for a while but distracted by feeding Lilo, who has been paying more attention the last couple of weeks to the fact that I'm feeding her first thing, and then feeding me.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi All
    I'm back from walking, I did a re-run of Yesterdays walk, Minus the Drizzly rain. It was a nice cool comfortable 62 degrees when I headed out. I had my Banana before the walk, stopped for a Ex-Large Black Coffee and made my NS Pancake Mix w/Wild Strawberry flavoring and a couple packets of Sweetener added when I returned. I will have my Protein Shake in a little while and use it to wash down my Vitamins. I opened three windows for the fresh air too.

    Have a Great Week
    I got kinda busy feeding cats, making dinner...so didn't have time to find the stats I was looking for,
    but I do know that 8 oz of raw spinach, cooks down to about half cup greens, and has 6 grams protein/ same as a large egg.

    Hi Kat
    Thank You for the Information. I always just figured that it is due to eating high quantities more than anything else.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    edited June 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Made a variation on Boeuf Bourguignon last night, without the cognac, mushrooms, or tomato paste. No bacon either. It was still delicious tossed with a few noodles and served with steamed broccoli, and I did sacrifice a whole bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to make it. Leftovers made a fine breakfast and will likely make lunch and dinner as well. Maybe even one more meal. And this time I did NOT use the crockpot, but made this one on the stovetop. I've made Boeuf Bourguignon in the crock pot, and it does always turn out nicely but last night I was a bit late getting started so elected to do it the speedy way.

    I've been up for a while now, distracted by the usuals. Lilo is happily settled in my lap for a while. She can stay there at least until I need to brew my next cup of tea.

    I'm off work today. Dishwasher is running, and laundry is still in the pondering stage. I'm off again tomorrow so may hold off on the laundry until then. We'll see.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning,
    Beautiful morning.. Ed you're up and moving early for a day off!! I've been up for awhile also, wild woods kitties are fed, I've done a few computer chores, and am about half way thru my cup of coffee...oh, it must be my day to wear the 'laundry' hat...mine's spinning right now!! I do need to start the dishwasher, and later today make a trip to the bank..other than that, the day is mine!!

    I may go out and tackle another shrub today...got one done yesterday, at this rate, I could be done by mid July!!!Later if we have some rainy mornings! :) I wish I was better at cutting back over grown shrubs....my plants would no doubt agree!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Don,
    I was piddling around reading my news feed on fb, and saw a list of the top 10 beaches for RV'ers....saw this one in Maine...

    It says on the web site you can see Nubbles Light House....one of my very favorite lighthouses anywhere!! And, yes, I like thousands before me painted it! :)
    Would they let you set up tent there? (if of course you were interested in a quick ride south)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I took a day off walking and Did Yard Work instead. I mowed and weeded and my Brother ran the weed whacker and is muttering about where is the leaf blower. Well we both looked and it is MIA. So Out came the brooms.

    Have a Good Day


    Regarding the Costco Sale it shows
    $59.99 After $20 OFF
    $100 Nutrisystem Success Gift Card
    $20 manufacturer’s discount** is valid 6/29/15 through 7/19/15. While supplies last.

    Hi Valerie
    Are You in for the bad weather the forecast shows for the Atlanta area? Hopefully You will be OK. I did my laundry on Sunday!


    Hi Ed
    Boeuf Bourguignon sounds delicious. You do some interesting sounding meals. MY Fancy meals run to FF and fried Onions to go with Hot Dogs :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    So far Roger, just very dark with periods of heavy rain. Intown ATL, got it a lot worse. However the day is young, and we're under something like 60% chance of rain for early afternoon. Should be clear by 4p?
    Made it to the bank and back, dry. No other reason to go outside.
    In fact, lunch would be nice! I think I'll go put something together! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Well, we got sprinkled on in Lawrenceburg, coming out of the courthouse but other than that and driving some in the rain, we didn't get wet. By the time we got back a little west of that, it was fine and sunny again, though I had a headache from the weather.
    Laundry definitely waiting until tomorrow.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Er...that was LawrenceVILLE...don't know how I managed that, must have been my weather headache.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh, I don't know...Lawrenceburg is pretty descriptive! :)
    PM coming to you thru fb.
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I've been around, just haven't checked in lately. Looking forward to a short work week this week and a long, sunny holiday weekend that has been predicted. Val, the campground you were referring to is mostly RVs with some tent camping, it's right on Long Sands in York Beach, Maine. Long Sands is great, but crowded at this time of year. When I was a kid, my family used to vacation in Maine and we used to go to York Beach frequently, my Grandfather from Vermont used to rent a cottage right across the street from the ocean for my Grandmother and Great Aunt for the summer each year. My Grandfather and Great Uncle would come up on the weekends and work in Vermont during the week. It was kind of a family cottage and I went there many times and have many fond memories. Those memories and love of Maine is what prompted me to move here over 30 years ago. In terms of camping on the ocean, there are lots of nice places up the coast that are much less crowded, but none that have a beach like Long Sands. Long Sands is probably the longest white sand beach in Maine. It is about a half hour to 45 minutes away from where I live. I usually don't get anywhere near places like that at this time of year because it's so crowded. I have some nice beaches within 15 minutes of where I live, I was on one of them early in the morning a week ago watching these people teaching children how to surf....it was fun. Have a good day everyone!
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi All,
    It seems I am not the only one who has been here but out of touch...in other words, not posting. I had a work conference last week and I was presenting, so I needed to focus! Then...no excuse, just tired the last couple of days after the conf.
    Regarding Peter W's book, I did buy it. It was a spiral bound book. I might also have the PDF (on the other computer), but I still like paper for some things. He has great ideas/recipes in there. My favorite right now? Cyber Sally's (remember her?) breakfast brownies. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know and I will type it up.
    Rain storms alternating ith sun. Hoping for dryer weather!
    Stay comfy (dry, cool/hot...whatever you like).
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi All
    Welcome to Wednesday
    I walked to the post office, McDs for Coffee and looped the long way back home, total 2.75 miles. I see that one portion of my order is out for delivery today. I suspect it to be the Shelf Stable foods. I'll know when it comes. As long as my frozen does not sit in FedEx over the Holiday Weekend.
    It is a bit humid, We had thunderstorms go through overnight 4AM'ish time frame. The rain was gone although the streets were still wet when I started out.

    Have a Great Day
    So far Roger, just very dark with periods of heavy rain. Intown ATL, got it a lot worse. However the day is young, and we're under something like 60% chance of rain for early afternoon. Should be clear by 4p?
    Made it to the bank and back, dry. No other reason to go outside.
    In fact, lunch would be nice! I think I'll go put something together! :)


    Hi Valerie
    We had a couple of really light sprinkles before bedtime, Some drops on the window and car and that was it until around 4AM, Now I do not have to water the potted plants for another day :) Some smaller tree branches down too, Maybe up to 3 inches from what I saw while walking.

    capsnut wrote: »
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I've been around, just haven't checked in lately. Looking forward to a short work week this week and a long, sunny holiday weekend that has been predicted. Val, the campground you were referring to is mostly RVs with some tent camping, it's right on Long Sands in York Beach, Maine. Long Sands is great, but crowded at this time of year. When I was a kid, my family used to vacation in Maine and we used to go to York Beach frequently, my Grandfather from Vermont used to rent a cottage right across the street from the ocean for my Grandmother and Great Aunt for the summer each year. My Grandfather and Great Uncle would come up on the weekends and work in Vermont during the week. It was kind of a family cottage and I went there many times and have many fond memories. Those memories and love of Maine is what prompted me to move here over 30 years ago. In terms of camping on the ocean, there are lots of nice places up the coast that are much less crowded, but none that have a beach like Long Sands. Long Sands is probably the longest white sand beach in Maine. It is about a half hour to 45 minutes away from where I live. I usually don't get anywhere near places like that at this time of year because it's so crowded. I have some nice beaches within 15 minutes of where I live, I was on one of them early in the morning a week ago watching these people teaching children how to surf....it was fun. Have a good day everyone!

    Welcome back :)
    Crowded usually equates to noisy and thus not my favorite thing.

    One reason I always took my vacations in January when I drove to Florida, Off season, lowest prices of the year and least crowded too.

    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi All,
    It seems I am not the only one who has been here but out of touch...in other words, not posting. I had a work conference last week and I was presenting, so I needed to focus! Then...no excuse, just tired the last couple of days after the conf.
    Regarding Peter W's book, I did buy it. It was a spiral bound book. I might also have the PDF (on the other computer), but I still like paper for some things. He has great ideas/recipes in there. My favorite right now? Cyber Sally's (remember her?) breakfast brownies. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know and I will type it up.
    Rain storms alternating with sun. Hoping for dryer weather!
    Stay comfy (dry, cool/hot...whatever you like).

    I might have saved that from the NutriSystem forums. I have saved a lot of the recipes from there on another computer. I can take a look later. If I see it do You think I should post it in the recipes section? Why retype it if it isn't necessary to do the extra labor. What I have done is save the entire web page of interesting recipes. Right now back to 2009, and not to many interesting ones left as many of them use discontinued foods. Examples of the no longer available would be the SS Hamburger, Blueberry pancake mix and Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix.
    I sure do remember CyberSally, I think she was still active on the forums up until they closed them to posts.


    BTW even in read only mode the old forums are showing this:

    What's Going On?
    Currently Active UsersCurrently Active Users
    There are currently 58 users online. 15 members and 43 guests
    Most users ever online was 1,022, 04-17-2015 at 04:03 AM

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! (Wednesday)
    Don, you and I each have very different, but fond memories of York Beach!! I just loved it for Nubbles! And boy do I know what you mean about crowded beaches!! We first saw the beach north of Exeter on Labor Day weekend....talk about wall to wall bodies. I avoided that area for quite some time. Turns out, I could have gone a week later to a near empty beach!! Cold as it was, I loved 'my' beach all winter long! I had, like most of the folks in Exeter "MY" rock and I'd sit there just watching the tides, seeing an occasional human run down the beach, some in pairs, others lone, some with their dogs...

    LeeAnn....I DO remember Cyber Sally!!! Breakfast Brownies??? now that has possibilities. When you have time, I'd love to have that recipe...again, no rush!! Your schedule is much busier than mine.

    I was late to bed, and very much late rising today. Its weird because it really doesn't matter! Well, maybe the cats care! They spend 5 minutes or less eating their dry kibble, and then go to their fav. napping grounds for the morning! Tough life, huh??

    Ed has the day off, I think...we should be storm free til afternoon... :) Cool this morning...71 right now on my porch... Back door open, enjoying the fresh air, slight breeze, birds, no sun, but it is bright, and with all the rain we've had everything is very lush green!

    Roger, did you ever find your leaf blower? I had one disappear from my garage in TN many years ago...I had the bad habit of leaving the garage door up during the day...there was construction going on behind our street..and later I found out many of my neighbors had things 'walk' out of their garages as well. Lesson learned.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! I've been up for a while, but distracted by breakfast (finished off the Boeuf Bourguignon), feeding Lilo, getting the dishwasher going, and setting everything up to braise a couple of pounds of bottom round all day in the slow cooker. I need to get that started around 10 or 11. Maybe I'll split the difference and go for 10:30? Doesn't matter much. Dinner time is not locked in around here. It's either whenever it's ready or whenever I feel like making it or whenever I'm hungry for it. :)

    I still have laundry to do, and of course a nap. Hopefully the storms won't be too loud to have a nap.

    I love that VW Bus side car!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Interesting article here:



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Had my nap, and not long after I was up and my eyes were open I had a rain deluge with hurricane winds! OMG!
    I did learn a thing or two...last time the cats got soaked, I tried to dry Tom E. with a towel, which was not a pretty event. Today, I put his dinner down and THEN I dried him with a towel! That cat is single minded like me...he was eating..nothing else was of much importance!!! LOL!
    Ed, many folks find Vegan diets help them lose weight...I am not among them. 2 years, and I haven't lost a pound!!
    Its Ok...I eat too many fruits, and just eat too much in general. I do track my food, and to keep my protein around 60 gms I end up eating about 1400 cal. a day....and with little to no exercise...well....
    I do enjoy all the veggies...and oh, the avocado! Maybe that also is part of the problem? (ya think?) 1/4th of a Hass a day most days...
    I think for most, weight loss will happen. For inactive oldster, maybe not so much! :grin::grin:
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    Need to make a quick trip to the Mexican Market for the very best avocado's in this town, and a half dozen of their tomatoes.
    Then a return trip to Publix. I picked up a bag of arborio rice on the sale table...and when I got home I noticed they charged me full price, not the sale price...I think not! Besides going to make a lentil salad this afternoon, or tomorrow, and I don't have any fresh parsley....
    (I can get fresh really good cilantro at the Mex. Mkt, but no parsley!!! :) )

    It is deliciously cool here this morning. 68 when I woke around 6 a.m. I'm sure had something to do with the wind/rain yesterday evening. Whatever, it feels good. Enjoying the door open. Only mid 80's for a high today!

    Cats fed...I'm next!!!

    Women's Soccer finals USA vs Japan...last time Japan beat us in the final game....hope that changes this time! Bad DS2 has me watching soccer! LOL!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 7 hour middle today, with rain and storms forecast. At least it's not supposed to be terribly hot.

    I've got the "big water" done indoors but still need to fold that last load of laundry from yesterday. I'm giving it a refresher run in the dryer now.

    Had some leftover braised round steak for breakfast. Yum!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...