Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    edited June 2015
    Howdy y'all. It got rather stormy at my work, but not too terrible with the rain. However, our main server went offline and we couldn't sell anything but fuel for the last two hours of my shift. Needless to say we had some rather annoyed tobacco and drink customers. I had to lock up the drink cooler and ice machine so that people wouldn't be grabbing stuff, not knowing they couldn't pay for it.

    Came home to THIS. Well, I did have to thicken the sauce a little, and make the potatoes, but then I had THIS for dinner, with a glass of Chamisal Vineyards Morrito 2012 Estate Bottled Pinot Noir. Very fruity with a wonderful smooth texture. The bottle was given to me by a good friend.

    Crock Pot Coq Au Vin


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Ed...I'd go back to work if I could come home to THAT! :) Glad your shift wasn't too terrible. It was pretty 'violent' here, and for J&J, so I was concerned about our buddy!
    Hot but not stormy they are saying now. Hope for today anyhow!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    Beautiful sun rise. enjoying it while its cool...won't be so 'sun happy' later when its 90+ degrees! :)

    Trash day, need to run sweeper, want to wash shower liner, etc....chores, always chores!
    And my buddy Marietta and her DH did get back to ATL..some time after 7:30 last night. I'm sure I'll hear tales after she has a couple days to get back on her schedule! I see long lunch in the future.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    edited June 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Same chance for storms as yesterday. At least yesterday's storms did lower the afternoon temperature a bit, for a while.

    Off work today. I've been up for a while but distracted by leftover coq au vin for breakfast, feeding Lilo, getting the dishwasher started, and watering the indoor plants. Then checking on a few things online, of course. I have a few extra slices of slab bacon left from making the coq au vin and they may figure in my lunch today, as a "side" dish for the remaining coq au vin, along with maybe just some high fiber, low carb bread.

    I might make up a Greek style, lamb based spaghetti sauce for dinner, along with, of course, a vegetarian sauce for J. I had a Greek style chicken spaghetti once in a restaurant and it was very good. If I use lamb I'll alter the herbs a little but still add a little cinnamon and just a dash of powdered cocoa. It should be tasty.

    If I had any more cooking wine, I'd consider putting some of that in the sauce too, but I finished off a whole bottle of Holland House red cooking wine making the chicken. I could, I suppose, open another bottle of red and put some in the sauce but it's not getting any of my silky smooth Chamisal Vineyards Pinot Noir. That's just for drinking...I'm sure it would make a great sauce, but since it was (I looked it up) a $60 bottle of wine, nope, it's for drinking. I'm not a wine snob, but after tasting this one I could see myself becoming one if I could afford to. LOL.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Look at that, it is already Thursday:)

    I got out walking Yesterday and Today. I ended up following the same 2.75 mile route. I may walk tomorrow or not they are saying rain coming in tonight into tomorrow, There may be breaks in the weather that I can use or I'll just have an off day.

    What with the storms going north and south of the house ,I watered the garden in the back yard when I got back from walking and put all the hanging flower baskets (4) in the flower bed before I put the sprinkler on it so that area in front and the baskets and the Garden out back all got watered at the same time.

    According to the News broadcast I just heard when I was out with the car, Yup I went back out with the car later when the bank & Drugstore were open :) Anyway they are saying still over 100,000 people with no power in South NJ. Some may be without for several days too.

    Have a Great Day
    Glad all is well at your house Roger! News tonite confirmed that we went thru some really nasty storms! 2 house fires and an apartment here in my county, flooding at the mall near my house, etc.
    I did not know that very wet cats would shake off water like a dog. Live and learn. Tom E first dried himself on my pant legs, then he shook, and I got a shower!!! :)
    Jack and Jenn are still under tornado warnings, etc.
    Will be glad to see Ed in the morning.
    Oh, and Marietta and her DH are 'somewhere' I got texts from her, couldn't land here in ATL because of storm, Diverted to Huntsville AL, and couldn't land there, so went on to Birmingham! Sitting on the tarmac, refueled, hoping to get home tonite. ummm, maybe...

    Hi Valerie
    I think I knew that about cats. I hope Marietta and her DH make it home tonight. There have been some flights from hell on the news recently. 30+ hour flights, Yuck!

    It sounds like Your area had some bad weather too. One of the odd bits on the news, The Nunnery that had its roof lifted off by the storm and set back down a few feet to the left of where it started, Still on the building but one end the interior exposed and overhanging the other end.
    Link here: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2015/06/24/nuns-frightened-when-high-winds-tear-roof-off-of-convent-in-gloucester-county/

    Have a Great Day
    Howdy y'all. It got rather stormy at my work, but not too terrible with the rain. However, our main server went offline and we couldn't sell anything but fuel for the last two hours of my shift. Needless to say we had some rather annoyed tobacco and drink customers. I had to lock up the drink cooler and ice machine so that people wouldn't be grabbing stuff, not knowing they couldn't pay for it.

    Came home to THIS. Well, I did have to thicken the sauce a little, and make the potatoes, but then I had THIS for dinner, with a glass of Chamisal Vineyards Morrito 2012 Estate Bottled Pinot Noir. Very fruity with a wonderful smooth texture. The bottle was given to me by a good friend.

    Crock Pot Coq Au Vin


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I guess that was a win some, lose some situation, less selling but dealing with aggravated customers :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, glad you were able to get your walks in! Good Job!!
    What an experience for the Sisters!!! Talk about coming home and a mess! Glad there was another convent they could move into. Not the same as home, but better that other alternatives!

    Have all of my veggies steamed to last thru the weekend :) Also listening to a long UTube on nutrition. Very Interesting! Information that I was made aware of 25-30 years ago, and thought it was NUTS! Making much more sense this time around! LOL! Bringing up some serious 'If only I had......" I guess you could say I'm Next morning quarterbacking my own life!!!

    Ok, going to find something interesting to do, or take a nap~ ~ we'll see...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    edited June 2015
    It's been a good (and less busy) day off today. I made a run to the farmers market and bought some pears and a couple of quince apples, finished off my coq au vin for lunch, had a nice nap with Lilo, and I've got Greek style spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove, made with ground lamb.

    J will be having spicy, cheesy, meatless spaghetti tonight.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! TGIF!!
    Woke early...oh well, it will be a nap day :)
    No big plans today. Few household chores. Several videos..long ones I want to watch...busy day!!! LOL!! :grin:
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Working a 7 hour middle again today. Hopefully they'll have finished processing the return of the one who left a few weeks ago, and she can get back to work soon. Dinner at a friend's tonight, as he is conducting the audit of the treasury which J is currently in charge of.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Well I'm back home after a different 2.75 mile walk via Quick Chek for the morning Black Coffee. It was tolerable out walking due to the Sun staying behind the cloud cover. I did take my Frogg Toggs and a
    a small umbrella as there is supposed to be rain today and the clouds looked fairly thick overhead.

    Just waiting to dry off and cool off before I have breakfast. Today I had the Banana before the walk and will be having the Nutrisystem Frozen Cinnamon Roll, Very tasty too, And a NS Chocolate Protein Shake. 400 calories more or less, The Variable being the Banana since I forgot to weigh it, Oops.

    Have Great Friday
    Roger, glad you were able to get your walks in! Good Job!!
    What an experience for the Sisters!!! Talk about coming home and a mess! Glad there was another convent they could move into. Not the same as home, but better that other alternatives!

    Have all of my veggies steamed to last thru the weekend :) Also listening to a long UTube on nutrition. Very Interesting! Information that I was made aware of 25-30 years ago, and thought it was NUTS! Making much more sense this time around! LOL! Bringing up some serious 'If only I had......" I guess you could say I'm Next morning quarterbacking my own life!!!

    Ok, going to find something interesting to do, or take a nap~ ~ we'll see...

    Hi Kat
    I agree, it could have been much worse. I suspect all their belongings were probably OK too. It Looked like Tarp off the Roof area, remove & replace the roof and they could be back in business.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited June 2015
    Finally!!! :)
    Happy day to all my friends who can now legally share marriage.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Lazy Saturday Morning!
    Usual done, cats, etc. Eating breakfast..Sautéed spinach, nutritional yeast, leftover tofu, and a slice of toasted Ezekial Sprouted Grain bread...this tastes much better than it reads!!! :smiley:
    Lunch later with Marietta. Betcha I hear about flying and storms!! and her vacation.
    Lots of rain predicted for today and overnight...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I hope everybody is ready to enjoy the Weekend.

    I had my Banana then I went out walking today, slightly different route once I picked up my Morning Coffee at the Quick Chek, Total 2.8 miles today. It was fairly cool and comfortable. Then I came home had the rest of my breakfast, Banana Bread Oatmeal (plug here :) Review in the Food Reviews section) and the Strawberry Protein Shake.

    When I finished that I decided that rather than have my brother move his car I would walk to the Post Office and back, I clocked another 1.18 miles doing that. I am now officially walked out. No walking tomorrow, It is supposed to be rainy in the morning.

    I am trying to decide when to go to Costco again, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Pros for Sunday, I can't walk outside anyway. Cons will most likely be crowded with weekend shoppers. :)

    Have a Good Weekend
    Good Lazy Saturday Morning!
    Usual done, cats, etc. Eating breakfast..Sautéed spinach, nutritional yeast, leftover tofu, and a slice of toasted Ezekial Sprouted Grain bread...this tastes much better than it reads!!! :smiley:
    Lunch later with Marietta. Betcha I hear about flying and storms!! and her vacation.
    Lots of rain predicted for today and overnight...


    Hi Valerie
    It would have to taste better than it sounds :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! No work today, and I've been up for hours but distracted by lots of stuff.

    Haven't got all the distractions done yet anyway, and Lilo is wanting a nap if she can tear herself away from her birdwatching.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, fear not! my spinach breakfasts are delicious! Fresh spinach, garlic, onion, nutritional yeast (vit.B12, sorta cheesy taste, nice protein boost) and toast! Greens have my protein, and great minerals, and get my day off to a good start without a bunch of calories!
    Now, if someone had told me 4-5 years ago that I'd eat spinach for breakfast I'd have probably broken my vocal cords laughing!!!

    Today has been a fun day..great lunch, and hours of chatter with Marietta! Cats are fed, and I'm not exactly hungry, so trying to decide what I want to eat. I'd planned a stirfry with seitan, but just not that hungry!
    Such Problems!!! :grin:

    See you all in the morning!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning.
    What a beautiful morning we are having. Cool, 69 when I got up...we've had a drop in humidity..sun shining thru the woods behind my house. I couldn't ask for more!

    This is Roger's kinda walking weather! Hope you have the same Roger.

    Cats are fed, very few chores for today. Thinking this will be a lazy Sunday!! I may join the cats in the backyard, though I doubt I'll nap out there! LOL!!!

    Enjoy your day...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Working a five hour middle today. Not sure what I'll do for dinner tonight. We'll see...

    I thought I made a post commenting about Val's spinach breakfasts but maybe I forgot to hit "Post Reply" or something, as I don't see it. I love spinach and think spinach for breakfast sounds great. Popeye would approve.

    Anyway, I need to get into the shower and all, so later gators!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I woke up, looked out the window and the streets were drying off so I decided walk. I did take a small folding umbrella and the Frogg Toggs jacket, just in case. I ended up putting the jacket on and off twice. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes total, Not to bad. I did get my 2.75 mile walk in however despite the drizzle and then the light rain, most of the walk was OK.
    I came home, Ate my frozen NS Cinnamon Bun, Cleaned up, Then relaxed for a few minutes before going to CostCo. I was about out of Frozen Vegetables so I bought two 5 pound bags, Gala Apples, Clementines, Real Vanilla Extract for my Brother to use in his Oatmeal and a 18 pack box of Light & Fit Yogurt @10.99. Today was the last day of that $3 off instant coupon sale, Yea :)

    Have Great Sunday
    Roger, fear not! my spinach breakfasts are delicious! Fresh spinach, garlic, onion, nutritional yeast (vit.B12, sorta cheesy taste, nice protein boost) and toast! Greens have my protein, and great minerals, and get my day off to a good start without a bunch of calories!
    Now, if someone had told me 4-5 years ago that I'd eat spinach for breakfast I'd have probably broken my vocal cords laughing!!!

    Today has been a fun day..great lunch, and hours of chatter with Marietta! Cats are fed, and I'm not exactly hungry, so trying to decide what I want to eat. I'd planned a stirfry with seitan, but just not that hungry!
    Such Problems!!! :grin:

    See you all in the morning!

    Hi Valerie
    I believe Certain vegetables, like asparagus and spinach, can trigger a gout flare-up so I avoid them.
    I hate to sound silly but I would have thought things like some beans and Peanuts would be good Protein sources, More so than Greens?
    Good Sunday Morning.
    What a beautiful morning we are having. Cool, 69 when I got up...we've had a drop in humidity..sun shining thru the woods behind my house. I couldn't ask for more!

    This is Roger's kinda walking weather! Hope you have the same Roger.

    Cats are fed, very few chores for today. Thinking this will be a lazy Sunday!! I may join the cats in the backyard, though I doubt I'll nap out there! LOL!!!

    Enjoy your day...

    Hi Again
    It was possibly Humid but with the Rain Gear off it was comfortable. When I started out at 7AM it was 65 in a nearby town and currently @ 1:39PM it has only risen to 66 in the same town. That is Edison, NJ where Out Local News12 cable only news channel is located. I did not bother to turn on the AC in the Living Room or bedroom today it was so nice in and out.

    I think I will walk again tomorrow, probably:) and take Tuesday or Wednesday off as one of those days shows Humid in the forecast.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, the protein in 'greens', spinach, chard, kale, etc. is pretty good. Nuts do have protein but a lot of fat calories to go with them, Beans also good protein, not as many calories or fat as nuts, but more than greens...
    Think about this for just a minute.....cows, horses, etc grow very big, hundreds of pounds, eating grass!!!!! :)
    I'll hop over to Forks over Knives, or chef AJ and get a few stats for you...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I got kinda busy feeding cats, making dinner...so didn't have time to find the stats I was looking for,
    but I do know that 8 oz of raw spinach, cooks down to about half cup greens, and has 6 grams protein/ same as a large egg.