Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Happy Fathers Day!
    Welcome to Summer in a few minutes :)

    I went walking this morning, I had planned for a off day from walking. However the much forecast heavy rains and Thunderstorms never really arrived overnight. Everything was wet but that was it. Out the door at 7:05, 72 degrees and humid. I know it was humid, everything was wet when I left and a 1 1/2 later everything was still wet.
    Another Rerun of Yesterday @ 2.75 miles. A little slower so I know I need an off day to recuperate :)

    HA!! a little poking around in the instruction manual which is on my hard drive....good, unless the computer is 'down' and .....
    Anyhow both my USB ports are USB3 and I have Thunderbolt 2....haven't looked into exactly what that's about.

    Raining here, and the thunder is not loud, but its out there. So, all unplugged and going to eat my lunch. (its almost 4 pm...can this still be called lunch?) :smiley:

    Hi Valerie
    Thunderbolt according to Apple https://www.apple.com/thunderbolt/
    Thunderbolt is a revolutionary I/O technology that supports high-resolution displays and high-performance data devices through a single, compact port. It dramatically redefines the idea of expansion.
    And more on that page if interested.

    Good News that all the USB are USB3 :)

  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Happy Father's Day to all...since it is a safe bet either everyone is a father, had a father, or knows a father.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! I've already got a dishwasher full going, and plan to probably do laundry later. Then maybe make pork chops marsala for dinner. And breakfast. And dinner...well, we'll see how many meals it really makes. :)

    Lilo will likely want a nap in here somewhere too.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    Beautiful morning here. Been up for over an hour...fed cats, made coffee..and just fiddling around with this and that! Time to think about getting out the ice pack, and a repeat of the back stretches...(not in that order)
    Need to make a quick trip to grocery store. Need Aleve, and spinach, Sobe Life Water if they have it.
    Maybe a quick load of laundry, and that will be pretty much it for the day...oh, also a nap! :wink:

    Hope we hear from Don soon.
    LeeAnn, good to see you yesterday!
    Ed, cats got you? I know they do! Feeding, lap napping and such. :) Happy to say I don't see those 100 temps on the weather apps anymore. Hot yes, stupid hot...no, not likey!!! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Happy Monday

    I looked at the temperatures and decided that today and maybe tomorrow will be the off day I skipped having Yesterday, so no walking today.

    Have a Good Week
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! I've already got a dishwasher full going, and plan to probably do laundry later. Then maybe make pork chops marsala for dinner. And breakfast. And dinner...well, we'll see how many meals it really makes. :)

    Lilo will likely want a nap in here somewhere too.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I was going through the users recipes pages on the forums before they go away and ran across some postings of Yours. Your recipes are very Creative.
    The Pork Chops Marsala sound delicious!

    Good Monday Morning!
    Beautiful morning here. Been up for over an hour...fed cats, made coffee..and just fiddling around with this and that! Time to think about getting out the ice pack, and a repeat of the back stretches...(not in that order)
    Need to make a quick trip to grocery store. Need Aleve, and spinach, Sobe Life Water if they have it.
    Maybe a quick load of laundry, and that will be pretty much it for the day...oh, also a nap! :wink:

    Hope we hear from Don soon.
    LeeAnn, good to see you yesterday!
    Ed, cats got you? I know they do! Feeding, lap napping and such. :) Happy to say I don't see those 100 temps on the weather apps anymore. Hot yes, stupid hot...no, not likey!!! :)


    Hi Kat
    :) Thanks a lot, I think You shifted those days my way :)
    We are supposed to get well above average temperatures for the next two days before the heat subsides.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Cat boxes scooped already. Dishwasher is running. Clothes will be started in a while.

    Pork chops marsala are started in a crock pot, for lunch AND dinner. Maybe breakfast too, depending on how piggy I am at lunch and dinner...

    Pondering whether to dig out some frozen chicken thighs for making of crock pot coq au vin later in the week. I'll think about that for a bit.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    My pork chops marsala came out fantastic. I had one chop for lunch, and in lieu of my usual carb side of noodles or mashed potatoes, I had a few bites of the Mi Goreng with tofu I stir fried for J's lunch (and dinner and probably another lunch).

    I did get the chicken out for crock pot Coq Au Vin later in the week.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Good morning all,

    Mmmm, pork chops marsala. I still have some of that marsala wine from the chicken about 2 weeks ago. Maybe if it isn't vinegar yet, I could try that with pork chops in the crop pot. But...it sounds like I better make sure the pot is plugged in to get things going!

    All okay with everyone? Walking, cat box scooping, cooking...and whatever else we do.

    I saw a TV ad yesterday with NS CEO, Dawn Ziers. It got me thinking about the decision to eliminate the NS boards...which got me thinking of an analogy. I envision the NS boards as folks who each have a booth at a flea market. You walk around the flea market and decide on any given day to go up to that booth and buy something/chat with the owner. Without a flea market, you don't know what exists. And you have to go to a shopping mall to specific stores and hope you bump into something unusual. The former NS boards were the flea market where I could just drop in on someone I might only engage with once a year, but they still were there. The current system (having to track folks down via FB, MFP, etc.) means I go to shopping malls looking specifically for someone/something.

    Don't get me wrong: I enjoy you wonderful folks, but I don't like making special shopping trips to a mall, looking for a specific item. I kind of like moseying around to see what there is in a more casual setting. And we no longer have that. It comes down to...after I use my last 60% off NS cards from NS, I think I may drop off the NS rolls. I buy shakes from Wonderslim, and Zone lunch bars at the market. I get the social aspect from here. Why do I need NS?

    Enjoy the day folks!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!
    LeeAnn, I like your analogy flee market (OK that pun was a typo...and too good to correct) Flea Market/Shopping Mall. I played, sorta like you are doing, NS meal here and there, (mostly for the convenience factor) and bars here, and shakes there, etc. Until the day I decided to go Vegan for 21 days....and then it was a month, and finally I met our very nice, tall, handsome member behind Trader Joe's and gave him my left over NS items. There have been days I wish for the convenience, but not often. (And I always keep a vegan frozen dinner or two in the freezer for those days).

    Looks like its going to be another hot day, but this mornings sunrise is nice!! Cooler this weekend Ed!!!

    Hip is improving, finally! I was about to be really concerned. We'll see how its held up by this afternoon.

    Everybody have a great day!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Working a 5 1/2 hour or 6 hour middle today. It should be hot but I brought a small fan in and it keeps the air moving in the kiosk so it feels a lot more comfortable. The air conditioner in there works, but the back part (no windows) stays nice and cool while the front, glassed in part, with the cash drawer (a major air leak there) gets quite warm. I have the fan set up to keep air moving from the back to the front, and if needed I can aim it to blow right on the area where I sit. Even on LOW speed, it does an amazing job. I haven't yet had any need to try any higher speed and don't think I'll need to.

    I'm with LeeAnn on the specialty mall thing. I don't even have any need to look at the NS site now. There is nothing there for me. I stopped buying their expensive, specialty (admittedly, VERY CONVENIENT) foods quite a while back. I did learn a bit about portion sizes from them but frankly learned more about that and overall nutrition from the dietitian at my endocrinologist's office. I had some fun playing with the NS foods to make them tastier or create unusual things from them,combining my add-ons with the packaged foods, but it's just as easy to browse local stores I'd be going to anyway and find things to create tasty dishes from. To be fair, 45+ years of cooking experience comes in handy for that, just as it did with making new, tastier things from the NS foods. And people on the now defunct boards offered hundreds of interesting recipe ideas, using the NS foods and using regular grocery foods. That important support layer has now been ripped out from under NS users.

    Some of the newer NS foods do sound tasty, but looking at some of the stats on the new foods, compared to the old, I seem to see a move toward slower weight loss and less attention to detail on any specific food. It would be easy with some of the new ones for a person to make poor choices within the NS foods and overdo the calories, fat, and carbs, over a longer period, while still technically following the plan. Too many of them are lower on the protein, higher on the fat and carbs, etc. Anyone choosing just those most of the time would be slowing the plan or even eliminating it. They're all fine for once in a while, of course.

    The original idea of NS was to make sensible choices and prepare healthy food yourself anyway, and some of us have gone back to those roots. When they started mass production of convenience foods, it made it easier for people to follow the plan, but the emphasis on people learning to do it without the convenience foods seems to have paled. A determined user can still find that on the site, and talking to counselors, but I have one of the original books somewhere with real food recipes, not convenience foods, and most of what's in it still makes a lot of sense.

    I don't need those recipes any more because I know how to do it. Sometimes I choose to NOT do it, but that's not from lack of knowing how. Everyone needs to indulge once in a while.

    And we can all DO THIS on our own, with support from each other. They can keep their expensive, tasty food.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    After reading Ed's post, I got busy thinking!! :) Or more like REMEMBERING....were any of you all familiar with Peter W. ?? He was a chef in training, and always posting really great sounding/tasting recipes. He answered other NS'ers questions, explained many of the principals of Food Standards.
    And I HAVE, on my hard drive the "pre publication PDF of his book that he was writing". I have no idea if the book ever got printed, or where he is now, etc.
    If anyone is interested in having the PDF, send me an address and I'll 'mail' it to you, electronically. Its a tad over 300 pages.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    This is a random recipe I copied..
    Tomato Basil Soup
    (shown with a swirl of yogurt and garnish of basil)
    Tomato soup is pretty easy to make. You can vary this recipe quite to suit your personal taste. I'll give the basic recipe and then make some suggestions for varying it. The basic recipe makes 8 servings. 1 serving of the basic recipe is 2 vegetable servings plus 1 extra.
    680mL jar no salt added, strained Roma tomatoes (with or without basil)* 950g Roma tomatoes, sliced in half & roasted
    115g shallot, minced
    119g red bell pepper, roasted, skin removed and pureed
    2 (9g) cloves garlic
    1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
    1 cup low sodium chicken broth 14g fresh basil
    1/4 cup FF plain Greek yogurt
    * I recommend a jar because tomatoes are acidic and canned tomatoes pick up the flavor of the can. You have to simmer a long time for that to cook out.
    Tip: If you leave out the chicken broth and yogurt, you can use this as a tomato basil sauce for pasta, etc.
    1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Slice the Roma tomatoes in half lengthwise, season with salt and pepper and roast them for about 2 hours until they develop some nice color. You probably want to roast your red bell pepper at the same time, but it cooks more quickly. Pull it out when it has nice color (about 30 minutes).
    VEGETABLES Page I-59
    Peter_W.’ s Nutrisystem Recipes
    2. Let the red pepper cool enough to handle, then peel off the skin and discard it.
    3. About 1/2 hour before your tomatoes finish roasting, peel and coarsely chop the shallot and garlic. Place the pieces in your food processor or blender and pulse until they are finely minced.
    4. Add the shallot, garlic, strained tomatoes, olive oil and chicken broth to a large pot with cover and bring to a gentle simmer.
    5. Puree the red bell pepper in the food processor or blender and then add it to the strained tomatoes.
    6. When the tomatoes are finished roasting remove from oven and transfer to a clean cutting board. The tomatoes will still have a fair amount of juice. We're going to coarsely chop them, but we don't want to lose the juice. If you have a flexible plastic cutting board, it would be a good choice to use. Coarsely chop the tomatoes (cut each half into about 6 pieces) and add these and any juices to the pot. If there are any nice dark bits on the baking tray, scrape those up and add them to the pot as well.
    I like the soup to be rustic with some large identifiable chunks of tomato in it. If you prefer a smoother soup you can peel the tomatoes after roasting them and puree it in a blender or with an immersion blender at the end (before step #8).
    7. Let the soup simmer for at least 30 minutes. Taste for seasonings. You should need to add salt. I used a pinch of pepper and about 1 tsp sea salt.
    8. Take the fresh basil leaves, roll them up tightly and cut them into a fine chiffonade. (You might want to reserve a little basil for garnish). Turn off the heat. Add the 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt to the soup and the basil stir to mix.
    9. Taste the soup for seasoning. If you want it creamier, add some more yogurt. You could also add some more chicken broth if you prefer it thinner. If you like a bit of olive oil on the surface, add 2 tsp olive oil just before serving.
    Stats for 1 serving (without optional additions):
    75 cal
    1.8g fat
    - 0.1g sat fat
    12.4mg sodium (assumes you added no salt, 300mg if you added 1 tsp) 17g carb
    - 1.5g fiber
    - 10g sugar
    3g prot
    Page I-60
    Peter_W.’ s Nutrisystem Recipes
    If you want to have this as a lunch, add 1/4 cup of yogurt and 1 tsp olive oil (per serving) before serving to make it rich and creamy.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Sorry the pix of the soup was tasty looking.....sorry it didn't copy.
    Tomorrow I'll random out a meat entree, hopefully then you'll know if you want to get the PDF...
    I like that he often gives not only the stats, but the NS stats as well.
    Enough from me....
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Happy Tuesday
    It is hot and Humid today, No Walk for me except that We did walk to the end of the block to look at the road work being done and then back up the next street. Total walk 4 blocks. Sweating up a storm too.

    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Good morning all,

    Mmmm, pork chops marsala. I still have some of that marsala wine from the chicken about 2 weeks ago. Maybe if it isn't vinegar yet, I could try that with pork chops in the crop pot. But...it sounds like I better make sure the pot is plugged in to get things going!

    All okay with everyone? Walking, cat box scooping, cooking...and whatever else we do.

    I saw a TV ad yesterday with NS CEO, Dawn Ziers. It got me thinking about the decision to eliminate the NS boards...which got me thinking of an analogy. I envision the NS boards as folks who each have a booth at a flea market. You walk around the flea market and decide on any given day to go up to that booth and buy something/chat with the owner. Without a flea market, you don't know what exists. And you have to go to a shopping mall to specific stores and hope you bump into something unusual. The former NS boards were the flea market where I could just drop in on someone I might only engage with once a year, but they still were there. The current system (having to track folks down via FB, MFP, etc.) means I go to shopping malls looking specifically for someone/something.

    Don't get me wrong: I enjoy you wonderful folks, but I don't like making special shopping trips to a mall, looking for a specific item. I kind of like moseying around to see what there is in a more casual setting. And we no longer have that. It comes down to...after I use my last 60% off NS cards from NS, I think I may drop off the NS rolls. I buy shakes from Wonderslim, and Zone lunch bars at the market. I get the social aspect from here. Why do I need NS?

    Enjoy the day folks!

    Hi Lee-Ann
    I have a bunch of NS 60% cards left 20+ so I'll be here and NS for a while :)
    I like Your analogy.

    I have thunder rumbling around outside, so I'll be off soon as it is getting closer!

    Good Morning Everyone!
    LeeAnn, I like your analogy flee market (OK that pun was a typo...and too good to correct) Flea Market/Shopping Mall. I played, sorta like you are doing, NS meal here and there, (mostly for the convenience factor) and bars here, and shakes there, etc. Until the day I decided to go Vegan for 21 days....and then it was a month, and finally I met our very nice, tall, handsome member behind Trader Joe's and gave him my left over NS items. There have been days I wish for the convenience, but not often. (And I always keep a vegan frozen dinner or two in the freezer for those days).

    Looks like its going to be another hot day, but this mornings sunrise is nice!! Cooler this weekend Ed!!!

    Hip is improving, finally! I was about to be really concerned. We'll see how its held up by this afternoon.

    Everybody have a great day!


    Hi Kat
    I love the convenience of NS, The convenience of Fast food and Supermarket Hot Food and frozen food is part of how I ended up here. At least the NS convenience is healthy!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    edited June 2015
    I LOVE tomato basil soup.

    They had several one pound packages of ground lamb on the WooHoo rack today, so I bought them, despite having several already in the freezer. They are all vacuum packed and should hold up well.

    Tonight's dinner utilized one of the ones purchased tonight. Shepherds Pie as I wanted something fairly quick and easy. I know that may not sound quick and easy to some, but by my standards it is.

    J had some pizzafied portabella caps.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Sun shining, and 76 degrees on my back porch...also 70% humidity...yep, it summer!

    Off to see Chiro this morning, a bit of shopping, and chat with DS1. Should about do my day!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,699 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Working a 7 hour middle today. It's going to be another hot one. I believe my chicken is thawed up enough to get my crock pot coq au vin going before I leave for work though. :)

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Holy shiitake's!
    Talk about a storm!!!! I am pretty certain at least one of the trees took a hit. Big pop and sizzling! The other sounded more like the noise you hear when you flip a 220 v. breaker! So far have power, don't smell smoke. I think in the beginning there was some small pea sized hail...but it was hard to see on the driveway as it was 90 degrees when this started, and 'instant melt'.

    Hope Ed is ok in his center...and he's far enough away he may not even be getting any rain!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I'm finally back online. The Cable Guy just left a little bit ago, New wire to t he house etc. But Dinner time is here so I'll be brief. :)
    I was lucky, the storms went south of me in NJ and north of me into Connecticut. At 4PM there were still 200,000+ without power in South NJ.

    Walked 2.75 miles this morning as the Humidity was down. Yea, I should be out walking tomorrow too.

    Have a Good E
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Glad all is well at your house Roger! News tonite confirmed that we went thru some really nasty storms! 2 house fires and an apartment here in my county, flooding at the mall near my house, etc.
    I did not know that very wet cats would shake off water like a dog. Live and learn. Tom E first dried himself on my pant legs, then he shook, and I got a shower!!! :)
    Jack and Jenn are still under tornado warnings, etc.
    Will be glad to see Ed in the morning.
    Oh, and Marietta and her DH are 'somewhere' I got texts from her, couldn't land here in ATL because of storm, Diverted to Huntsville AL, and couldn't land there, so went on to Birmingham! Sitting on the tarmac, refueled, hoping to get home tonite. ummm, maybe...