Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    I think He flooded it :)



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 73 out there now with an expected high of 95 and 20% chance of rain.

    I did finally get that laundry (towels and undies) folded yesterday.

    Today, the sink is cleared. Lilo, Kiara and I have all been fed. Lilo hisses now whenever she goes past the hall bathroom. I think she is blaming Kiara for the new food bowl with the MOVING lid. She's sort of right, on the new food bowl, though we COULD have just done as we did with Ariel and put Kiara's food on the counter, where Lilo won't jump.

    We really would rather have their food on the floor though where no one has to jump to get it. Kiara is taking to the moving lid on her food bowl much better, but then she's a kitten, not an old cat. When she gets older this shouldn't be as important, having their food separated, but it will ensure that neither of them can gobble up all the food before the other one gets a chance to eat. For now, it's very important as Kiara's kitten food would not be a good food for Lilo to eat and Lilo's mature cat food would surely not be a good food for Kiara to eat.

    Valerie, there's a cute kitten (about 6 months old) at our vet who needs a forever home. You should check him out and get him for Tom to have a friend. :) He's been there for a month or so and is very friendly. If we had not already queued up Kiara, we would likely have taken him home instead, but I really don't want to go to three cats again and we certainly weren't going to throw TWO kittens into Lilo's sedate world, both at the same time. Not to mention we'd have to have set up THREE different segregated feeding/living areas as Kiara needs isolation while she heals up and Lilo would not be wanting to share space right away with any kitten.

    When we got Ariel, as a very young kitten, 8 years ago, Lilo adopted her and acted like Ariel was her kitten. I guess she was still remembering when she was a mother. To be fair, at that time she had already become accustomed to living with 3 other cats, though she didn't really seem to like any of them. She did cohabit with them, without any major problems. We were quite surprised when she actually liked Ariel. They remained friends right up almost to the end, when she didn't like whatever she smelled on Ariel, probably she could smell the cancer and impending death. She's sure as heck not taking on this 5 1/2 month old as a daughter. LOL.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    zOMG. 'Allo 'Allo pilot is hilarious! Now to watch Hi-De-Hi Hey Diddle Diddle...
    Hi Ed
    I loved it from the first time I saw it on NJN, The NJ PBS station that has now been sold to a NYC PBS station, sadly.
    I tend to not Binge watch. So I watch different shows.

    Thanks for the links.
    If I heated up all the bacon I have in the fridge right now I could probably make that salad above!
    And it would be delicious too.
    So...if I go in there I'll be chopped up and turned into customer parts?

    A good question. I liked that one.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Movies with a second surprising twist.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    So. Why did we name our kitten Kiara? Because it's a pretty name for a kitten.

    Conveniently, it also continues our "theme" of naming our cats after Disney characters, though we have, in fact, only actually given a name to ONE of our prior cats. Figaro was named after Pinocchio's kitten, because he had a pretty good resemblance to that kitten, though all the paws didn't quite match up.

    Kiara is named after the protagonist in The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.

    All of our other cats already had names when we adopted them and we just left those names in place, even for baby kittens Alice and Sunnie who we could have easily renamed when we adopted them. Twist and Lilo were adopted as adults and also already named, and Ariel, though a small kitten, was already named.

    We found out later that Twist had a brother named Ollie, possibly short for Oliver, who we had almost adopted with her - not KNOWING he was her brother, and suspected that her prior owner was going for a Dickens theme in cat names. Ollie was a fluffy, long haired grey cat, as opposed to Twist's fluffy orange tabby coat. We don't know if he was her biological brother or just adopted brother, but the owner apparently had to give up her cats because of being moved into a no-pets living space or the like.

    We liked all those names well enough that we didn't feel any need to try to change them and wouldn't have in the case of the adult cats anyway. Figaro probably had a name before he was abandoned but since we had no idea what it was, I got to pick a name for him. I happened to pick a Disney name.

    Lilo, of course, also already had a Disney name.

    Kiara officially brings Disney names into the majority, with 4 out of 7 of the cats we've had (or still have) in our lives carrying Disney character names, including both of the current cats.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    Curiously, Bonobo did a tune called Kiara. And this particular posting happens to feature a picture with a couple of cats. I had NOT seen/heard this before selecting her name.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Long history of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Irish people taste German sausage.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! TGIF!
    Mine little eyes are not awake just yet. Wanting very much to shut and not see! BUT, lots to do today, so excuse me while I go find the tooth picks! :)
    Cleaning, laundry, yard mowing, the usual stuff....tomorrow coffee about 11:30, and Jack and the kids are coming over on Sunday he said...hummm surprised me! So Grammie needs to do some scrambling so the kids aren't bored, and get a 'grammie style' snack prepared. (thinking fruit salad) I broke down and bought one of the 'kiss' line of cantaloupes...I got the Sugar Kiss, and they are all they're advertised to be. Very juicy, very sweet cantaloupes..You know, cantaloupes like Mom grew in the garden! And I have a papaya that needs to be cut up, and a mango, there's always bananas, etc. Yep, I think I could pull that together....no Jello needed! :)

    I got half the lawn mowed yesterday, will have a go at the other half in just a little bit. Trash day..hope they p ick up the old broken carpet shampoo machine, and I put a '70's' style bar stool out at the street. I was hoping somebody would pick that up rather than the trash men, but I just need it gone...

    Roger I"m not at all surprised about Gov. Chris Christie being dead last. (and from what I see down here, its almost as thought he's working at being last !?!! I'm willing to bet the Gov. of MO is among the least popular...I know he's got my brother and his friends all in a snit! I don't remember the guys name...very young Gov. May be part of the problem?

    Ok, time to get something to eat, and feed Tom E. .... Oh, Ed...I wouldn't subject any sweet little kitty/cat to grumpy old Tom E.. Tom just doesn't have the face or he'd be instantly recognized as the "Grumpy" cat. Tom does have a sweet little furry face...and mean mouth and paws!

    Ok, Roger has posted....Roger, I'm gonna save your post and cartoons til I have some breakfast in front of me....O'kay???

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Ok, that one long one was jut about lunch! I think this one is about breakfast...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    I don't know if you'd be interested, Valerie, but I was shopping at Aldi today and they had a fairly extensive endcap with gluten free items, including gluten free white bread. I know you buy the Promise at CostCo and might not be interested in a white bread, but I was thinking for a "standard" old fashioned grilled cheese, you might want a loaf to try. Don't know if they'll continue to have a gluten free section like that or how long it's been here, but the price was pretty comparable to the price of the Promise bread at CostCo, considering the quantity of bread.

    And I was just out to buy cat food for Kiara at PetSmart, but heard Aldi calling to me from across the street. Traffic getting in and out of that parking lot was INSANE though. I will be glad when the LA Fitness at one end is finally built and that end of the parking lot opens up again.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    More fancy cake decorating.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    We've made cottage cheese (paneer) like this! But we used lime. We squeezed it pretty dry in a cheesecloth and made it pretty firm, as one solid block.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking, The temperature this morning was 79 on the news channel and 77 degrees on the front porch. Warmer than yesterday :( The humidity is up in what they are calling the Uncomfortable range and is higher than yesterday :(
    Day Four of a originally forecast to be Three day heat wave.

    In the weird news category

    Florida Man Says He Went ‘Bananas,’ Shot Out Utility Workers’ Tires
    July 20, 2017 5:22 PM By Gary Nelson

    HIALEAH (CBSMiami) — A Hialeah man admitted to police he went “bananas” and opened fire on utility trucks in order to stop them from leaving in front of his home.

    Jorge Jove, 64, who confessed to firing as many as 18 shots into two AT&T work trucks, and allegedly fired at one worker, was released straight from jail on bond Thursday without having to go before a judge.

    One of the utility workers, from a short distance away, recorded with his cell phone Wednesday as Jove, a retired firefighter, police say, went ballistic, upset that the trucks parked on his front swale and driveway and did not move quickly enough when he asked them to.

    On the video, you can hear a worker calling 911 as Jove fires over and over again into the trucks, loading his high-powered revolver three times.

    “Somebody is up in the bucket right now and they can’t come down because he’s shooting the truck,” one of the workers told 911.

    Arriving police reported that they saw Jove fire at the man in the bucket at the top of a utility pole. Jove was booked on multiple counts of aggravated assault with a firearm. A police report says he told detectives that “he went bananas and wanted to stop (the workers) from leaving.”

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    I'm in shape, Round is a shape :)



    I think I want to have the fourth entry...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 74 out there now with an expected high of 93 and 20% chance of rain.

    Board meeting and pool party today, so no time to make baked beans. I don't mind the break but some people may be disappointed that there are no baked beans today. We'll be late to the party as it is.

    Lilo and Kiara have been fed. Kiara is quite the little piglet in the morning. She danced around while I was putting her food in and I thought she was going to grab it out of my hand! As soon as I put it in, she started gobbling. Definitely no worries about her appetite right now.

    Her fur and skin are feeling softer after a few days. Could be a combination of getting better food and whatever flea powder they used at the shelter irritating her skin when they did it a while back. Our vet put some flea/tick stuff on her that should last quite a while and as an indoor cat that should do it until at least the end of summer.

    Sink has been cleared. I had hot roast pork sandwich (open faced) for my breakfast.

    Might have a little morning nap now but I doubt it.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 73 out there now with an expected high of 95 and 20% chance of rain.

    I did finally get that laundry (towels and undies) folded yesterday.

    Today, the sink is cleared. Lilo, Kiara and I have all been fed. Lilo hisses now whenever she goes past the hall bathroom. I think she is blaming Kiara for the new food bowl with the MOVING lid. She's sort of right, on the new food bowl, though we COULD have just done as we did with Ariel and put Kiara's food on the counter, where Lilo won't jump.

    We really would rather have their food on the floor though where no one has to jump to get it. Kiara is taking to the moving lid on her food bowl much better, but then she's a kitten, not an old cat. When she gets older this shouldn't be as important, having their food separated, but it will ensure that neither of them can gobble up all the food before the other one gets a chance to eat. For now, it's very important as Kiara's kitten food would not be a good food for Lilo to eat and Lilo's mature cat food would surely not be a good food for Kiara to eat.

    Valerie, there's a cute kitten (about 6 months old) at our vet who needs a forever home. You should check him out and get him for Tom to have a friend. :) He's been there for a month or so and is very friendly. If we had not already queued up Kiara, we would likely have taken him home instead, but I really don't want to go to three cats again and we certainly weren't going to throw TWO kittens into Lilo's sedate world, both at the same time. Not to mention we'd have to have set up THREE different segregated feeding/living areas as Kiara needs isolation while she heals up and Lilo would not be wanting to share space right away with any kitten.

    When we got Ariel, as a very young kitten, 8 years ago, Lilo adopted her and acted like Ariel was her kitten. I guess she was still remembering when she was a mother. To be fair, at that time she had already become accustomed to living with 3 other cats, though she didn't really seem to like any of them. She did cohabit with them, without any major problems. We were quite surprised when she actually liked Ariel. They remained friends right up almost to the end, when she didn't like whatever she smelled on Ariel, probably she could smell the cancer and impending death. She's sure as heck not taking on this 5 1/2 month old as a daughter. LOL.
    Hi Ed
    I would not have thought that You could find a food bowl with a moving lid, does it work on a pedal or a sensor? I am not surprised that food for older cats and Kittens are different.

    I found it interesting that someone developed a Kitty litter box that is self cleaning...

    It has been in the news that Dogs can be trained to sniff out different types of cancers, Different cancer different training if I understood it correctly :)
    Why shouldn't cats smell it too ?

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 74 out there now with an expected high of 93 and 20% chance of rain.

    Board meeting and pool party today, so no time to make baked beans. I don't mind the break but some people may be disappointed that there are no baked beans today. We'll be late to the party as it is.

    Lilo and Kiara have been fed. Kiara is quite the little piglet in the morning. She danced around while I was putting her food in and I thought she was going to grab it out of my hand! As soon as I put it in, she started gobbling. Definitely no worries about her appetite right now.

    Her fur and skin are feeling softer after a few days. Could be a combination of getting better food and whatever flea powder they used at the shelter irritating her skin when they did it a while back. Our vet put some flea/tick stuff on her that should last quite a while and as an indoor cat that should do it until at least the end of summer.

    Sink has been cleared. I had hot roast pork sandwich (open faced) for my breakfast.

    Might have a little morning nap now but I doubt it.
    I see You posted while I was bust composing. Mainly due to curiosity, did You see the informational post and the humor post?

    My Brothers Baked beans are a two day process since he starts with dried beans soaking overnight :)

    Growing Kitten, Growing Appetite comes to mind.

    You could be right, I have a sensitive skin to some things why shouldn't Your cats also.

    I am still pondering my breakfast currently, Maybe some Pancakes? Cobb Salad with chunks of Chicken from the Shoprite in the Refrigerator for Dinner with the Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing the put in with it. I find The Salad an the Dressing to be tasty considering that they are not Home Made :)

    The Open face Pork Sandwich sounds tasty. I will be starting in on the Cooked Pot Roast in sandwiches in a couple of days.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning! TGIF!
    Mine little eyes are not awake just yet. Wanting very much to shut and not see! BUT, lots to do today, so excuse me while I go find the tooth picks! :)
    Cleaning, laundry, yard mowing, the usual stuff....tomorrow coffee about 11:30, and Jack and the kids are coming over on Sunday he said...hummm surprised me! So Grammie needs to do some scrambling so the kids aren't bored, and get a 'grammie style' snack prepared. (thinking fruit salad) I broke down and bought one of the 'kiss' line of cantaloupes...I got the Sugar Kiss, and they are all they're advertised to be. Very juicy, very sweet cantaloupes..You know, cantaloupes like Mom grew in the garden! And I have a papaya that needs to be cut up, and a mango, there's always bananas, etc. Yep, I think I could pull that together....no Jello needed! :)
    Hi Valerie
    I am that way until I splash water in my eyes in the morning, that gets me able to go get Coffee and that finishes the process :)

    Oh what the heck, use a Vegetarian Jello too.
    I got half the lawn mowed yesterday, will have a go at the other half in just a little bit. Trash day..hope they pick up the old broken carpet shampoo machine, and I put a '70's' style bar stool out at the street. I was hoping somebody would pick that up rather than the trash men, but I just need it gone...
    Our town picks up Garbage, Yard Waste and things like Old furniture and appliances and different days of the week. Why You me be wondering? They use the same workers and trucks :)
    Roger I"m not at all surprised about Gov. Chris Christie being dead last. (and from what I see down here, its almost as thought he's working at being last !?!! I'm willing to bet the Gov. of MO is among the least popular...I know he's got my brother and his friends all in a snit! I don't remember the guys name...very young Gov. May be part of the problem?

    Ok, time to get something to eat, and feed Tom E. .... Oh, Ed...I wouldn't subject any sweet little kitty/cat to grumpy old Tom E.. Tom just doesn't have the face or he'd be instantly recognized as the "Grumpy" cat. Tom does have a sweet little furry face...and mean mouth and paws!

    Ok, Roger has posted....Roger, I'm gonna save your post and cartoons til I have some breakfast in front of me....O'kay???

    Hi satisfaction rating has been dropping since his election to a second term.
    I think it is now lower that President Trumps...

    One possible reason they are in a snit could be due to different political parties.
    Could they be conservative and he is Liberal? Or the Other way around ?

    It is OK by me :)
    Enjoy the new ones

    P.S. I finally downloaded and printed the results of the Blood Work. I would prefer if they mailed them to me BTW...

    A1C is 5.3
    That seems OK to me.
    And I am not sure what this is when it shows that
    Creatinine is low? And Serum Chloride and Sodium show low. Whereas Something called AST is high, slightly over normal range.
    Oh well it is what it is. It also says that "The results of Your recent lab tests are within normal limits despite a few low and high readings.