Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    British people try biscuits and gravy.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    And where DO biscuits and gravy come from, anyway?

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some Cat Humor





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking, The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch. It is cooler than yesterday.
    There was some light rain when I got up, By the time I was ready to go walking wearing a rain gear jacket the Rain was gone. So Out I went and walked. It is still gloomy and probably it will be raining later today and into tomorrow morning according to the Weather forecast I watched before walking.

    What’s the Healthiest Thing to Eat at McDonald’s?
    By Elle Penner, MPH, RD June 26, 2017
    With 14,155 restaurants in the United States alone, and 22,744 additional locations outside of the U.S., McDonald’s is arguably the most well-known fast-food chain in the world. And, if you’re taking a road trip, this summer it can be difficult to resist the siren call of fast-food convenience.

    While known for its burgers, fries and shakes, you don’t need to blow your calorie budget on a Big Mac Extra Value Meal. These five options, at 420 calories or less, complete with ordering tips from a dietitian, can help you eat healthier the next time you find yourself under those golden arches.


    Nutrition stats: 300 calories, 12g fat, 30g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, 3g sugar, 18g protein

    Why it made the cut: Coming in right at 300 calories, this breakfast sandwich contains 18 grams of satiating protein and 2 grams of fiber.

    Dietitian’s tip: Opting out of the processed cheese slashes 50 calories and 190 milligrams of sodium. Skipping the Canadian bacon spares you another 200 milligrams of sodium but you also lose 4 grams of protein.

    Nutrition stats: 190 calories, 4g fat, 33g carbs, 4g fiber, 3g sugar, 6g protein
    Why it made the cut: Topped with fresh apples and a splash of cream, this unsweetened oatmeal provides 4 grams of fiber and only 3 grams of sugar. At 190 calories it makes a great light breakfast or snack option.

    Nutrition stats: 420 calories, 22g fat, 14g carbs, 4g fiber, 6g sugar, 43g protein
    Why it made the cut: At just over 400 calories, this salad offers 4 grams fiber and 43 grams of protein, not to mention a whole lot of nutrient-rich veggies.

    Nutrition stats: 360 calories, 13g fat, 24g carbs, 5g fiber, 7g sugar, 38g protein
    Why it made the cut: With 25% of your daily intake for fiber, this veggie-filled salad is the highest in fiber of all McDonald’s salads and provides plenty of satiating protein, too.

    Nutrition Stats: 420 calories, 14g fat, 38g carbs, 3g fiber, 7g sugar, 36g protein

    Why it made the cut: At 420 calories this is a hearty, protein-packed sandwich that also brings some healthy fats to the table thanks to the guacamole topping. The lettuce and pico de gallo add a few extra veggies.
    More information by following the NS Link I posted.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Just have a couple minutes since I watched a couple of the video's Ed posted! :)

    I would love to see a pix of the cat feeder. Am wondering if Old Tom is still around if I could make it work for Tom..(he'll need to be chipped...oh lordy!), but it I could get him used to it, I could maybe leave food out for him and the raccoons wouldn't be able to access it???? Like I said, would love to see it.. Do you have a name for it...maybe I can find it on Amazon?

    The cartoons were funny Roger! Oh, I wouldn't worry about the labs...next set will be more likely to be a bit more informative...AST is a liver function, Creatinine a kidney function, etc. If any of them were very high or low it could indicate a problem. Great A1c!!!!

    I'm heading out in a minute to meet Jack and the kids at StarBucks at 141(Peachtree Parkway/Medlock Bridge) and States Bridge. Then we may migrate over to Whole foods as its only a block or two away...I'm still hoping to find some Frisee greens. And a couple other things that I can't get from Kroger...have no idea why Jack wants to go there!

    Will be back here later today...
    Hi Valerie
    If You are interested or able to interpret I could post any readings out of the normal range.

    Starbucks, I tried them once and was not that impressed by their coffee, especially for the price.
    Early evening, and the heavens are noisy! Not a whole lot of liquid, but the threat is real!!!
    OK ED....being a crazy old cat lady you just have to tell us what Kiera's shelter name was. I have to know, so as to never use it, should I get another girly cat. :)
    Still trying to catch up on all the cartoons, and food video's....where do you find these things Ed ??? I did like the 'portable soup' videos. Again, NMF (not my food) but very interesting.

    We had some fun with the kids at StarBucks...I was glared at by an old man, I was nice and smiled back. The kids had been to church, and were a bit rambunctious, a bit loud, but not terribly so.. Mostly giggly... Maybe he disapproved of O's bright pink short shorts. I was tempted to go tell him that Yes, she wore those to church....but he'd have probably farted and died!!!! LOL!!
    Then we went to Whole Foods....We all got sushi to go. I also picked up a great bulb of fennel with a nice ferny top (some of which is in the salad I'm eating right now), and a dark 365 Chocolate bar...just to have on hand. I love those chocolate bars...good Belgium chocolate, and reasonably priced..I've been buying them for years...before Harry's Farmers Market became Whole Foods. :)

    Ok, back to the kitchen....I have a papaya waiting for me to eat.......Oh, oh....Ed. my Aldi's has the same endcap of gluten free foods, and a few more items scattered thru out the store.
    I really don't think this noise is ever going to produce any real rain tonite...

    Some people hate noise. I am not happy in a noisy eatery myself. Thus I tried a TGIF once and it was too noisy, By design I suspect as it is easy enough to use sound deadening material.

    I suspect You have already seen this.

    FDA echoes CDC: Fresh papayas linked to Salmonella outbreak
    One dead, 46 sick across 12 states; outbreaks in 2010, 2011 also linked to Mexican papayas
    By Coral Beach | July 22, 2017

    Hopefully it does rain overnight.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 74 out there now with an expected high of 88 and 30% chance of rain. With yesterday's 60% not hitting until dinner time, today's 30% may pass us by entirely.

    Lilo has been fed and I've eaten some bacon and Promise toast, with butter and a little bit of fruit preserves. And of course my morning vitamins, Januvia and Metformin, the latter of which has to be taken with food.

    Kiara is next.

    Today we'll have some more supervised visiting between the cats, probably. Both of them seem to be used to their new food bowls now.

    Maybe a trip to the grocery, but might wait until tomorrow.
    Hi Ed
    At first glance I thought You were calling the Januvia and Metformin Vitamins, then I noticed the ,

    Our chance of rain gas already happened overnight into early 6AM morning :)
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Trashing the bathroom?

    She plays in her water bowl, silly kitten. First feline we've had that really LIKES to play in water. So she splashes it out all over the place and then tracks litter through it. Fortunately, she hasn't (as yet) discovered how much fun it can be to unroll all the toilet paper. Knock on wood.

    So far we haven't had ANY cat that did that to the toilet paper, though Lilo, when we were using TP with aloe, thinking it might be gentler, seemed to think the toilet paper with aloe was EVIL and she had to DESTROY THE EVIL. She didn't unroll it. She tore at the whole roll with her teeth, biting off big chunks and spitting them on the floor.

    We decided plain toilet paper was a better idea.
    That sounds like a good idea to me. I wonder why the Aloe bothered Lilo, Maye it offended the Sense of smell?

    I have seen images where they love to unroll the paper and play with it, You are lucky that way.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    FWIW Snyders of Hanover is a brand Name around this area.

    Thanks for the Link

    We have Snyders around here too but I haven't seen all the flavors that they were giving the Irish to try. Some of them sounded interesting.

    They DO make a very good GLUTEN FREE small pretzel that I have tasted, and also some GLUTEN FREE thin pretzel sticks that I would presume are about the same, though I haven't tasted them.

    If I didn't know they were gluten free I...well, wouldn't know from eating them. They are light, crispy, salty, all you want a pretzel to be, and in fact seem just a tad lighter in texture than wheat pretzels. Very much worth a try just for fun.
    Hmm, Roger wonders to himself if the Gluten Free is higher, lower or the same calories and Sodium.

    I have found that listening to Audiobooks while walking helps me go further.
    Today I started RingWorld Throne by Larry Niven having loaded the last three of that series into the iPod yesterday.

    Heading into the evening Sunday I watched Two episodes of GoodNight Sweetheart and a Episode of 'Allo 'Allo
    Goodnight Sweetheart is a British sitcom that ran for six series on BBC1 from 1993 to 1999 and a special that aired on 2 September 2016. It starred Nicholas Lyndhurst as Gary Sparrow, an accidental time traveller who leads a double life after discovering a time portal allowing him to travel between the London of the 1990s and the same area during the Second World War.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    I watched the Fried Beets video...since I love beets I won't have to fry mine, but it is an interesting idea. Only I'd have to call them 'death beets'...between the eggs, the cream and the pan of bacon fat....you'd be better off to eat at McDonalds. And we won't even talk about that!

    My Word of the Day email this morning made me think...(just a little) So today I will be Practicing "unitasking". :) I'll include the opening explanation so it all makes sense...

    "Ever wondered if “postpone” is a word, why there isn’t a “prepone”? Well, there is, though for some reason people outside India don’t feel a need to move events ahead.

    And why does the English language have the word warmth, but not coolth? Yet, there’s the word coolth, it’s just not as common as warmth.

    And if you think coolth is slang coined by some kid last year, you may be surprised that the word has been in use since 1547, and has been used by the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien, Rudyard Kipling, Ezra Pound, and Seamus Heaney."
    So, unitasking is obviously doing one thing at a time....and I'll be in the kitchen..I bought some Forbidden Rice yesterday at Whole Foods from the bulk bins. and I'll pop that into the IP, followed by a batch of brown lentils, and a lemon tahini sauce to put on cooked greens or vegetables, or even salad. I may also just gather up all the odd sweet potatoes and cook them all at once in the IP and have them all week as a snack, or part of a meal.
    My son...the meat eater son, about sprained my brain yesterday...out of the blue he asked where he could buy some Besan. Huh? What? Besan?? WHY? Seems as though he'd been out somewhere for dinner, and ate Besan French Fries....hmmmm, you mean potato coated with Besan and fried? (and why would you do that? (or why fry beets) for that matter....he said no, that liquid was added to the besan flour to make a thick paste and formed into a rectangle and fried. Well, interesting. Maybe along the lines of Veg. Pakora, only no veg's...or he just didn't mention the vegetables? I dunno, I was too shocked to ask. This is the most SAD eater, who flat out told me he'd NEVER give up meat, and who also says he does not like Indian food, and he knows about Besan!?!?!?!? Really!

    Besides cooking today I hope to be outside for a bit. Must have had some wind, as I'm seeing green leaves, sticks, even a few switches of green pine needles...So, its time to play Pick Up Sticks in my yard! I may not enjoy it while I do it, but I'll thank myself later in the week when its time to mow the lawn!!

    The kitchen wench needs to get her apron on.......

    (I checked the Urban Dictionary, I'm not THAT wench!) LOL!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    :) I haven't read yet, but Quaking Pudding looks like a little hedgehog or a porcupine!!
    This day has been a complete 'bust'...yes I did practice unitasking...my buddy Marietta called, and that conversation was nearly 2 hours....and I'd yet to eat! So after a much needed phone call from her (I make a good arm chair shrink), I hit the kitchen...got my Forbidden rice and the lentils cooked, added a big pot of greens, and at about 3p.m. I had my first meal! After that there wasn't much sense to try to make any big dent in todays list of To-Do's...

    Time to feed Tom E. and mess around with my list for tomorrow, and see how much I can realistically get done....

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Woke up about 5 and never could get back to sleep, with this crick in my neck, so I got up at 5:30. Lilo joined me in being up but is probably wondering why she's not getting fed yet. It's because I don't normally want to be up this early!

    I'm going to start shifting her feeding times a bit later to see if she'll let me normally sleep later than 6:00 to 6:30 anyway. I may get UP that early if she continues to insist for a while, but no feeding!

    And the same goes for Kiara, who is still living in the hall bathroom at night but is out more and more now during the day.

    Lilo still hisses at her and Kiara is still trying to get close to her. We think Kiara just wants to cuddle and wants Lilo for a surrogate mommy, but Lilo isn't having it. Eventually they should learn to get along, even if they never really become friends.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Irish people taste test Filipino food.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    Since I was up so early, and in NO RUSH whatever, I had time to ponder breakfast while I waited for my pain killer and muscle relaxants to work.

    I decided on FRENCH TOAST for a real comfort food breakfast, and pulled out the eggs and the Promise multigrain bread for that. It made fantastic French toast, which I had with a little butter and a very light drizzle of real, Vermont maple syrup.

    Oh, and some Kirkland Select precooked bacon, crisped up in the microwave. I Had to have some more protein in that mix. Lilo heartily approved of the bacon, as she had a couple of small crumbs of it.

    The crick in my neck is feeling a little bit looser, so I may go back to bed after officially feeding Lilo and Kiara in a while. Lilo is wondering why I haven't already DONE that but she's not pressing TOO much.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Granny Mae's kitchen. Fried Corn On The Cob!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    Another really corny video.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking, The temperature this morning was 62 on the news channel and 64 degrees on the front porch. It is cooler than yesterday.
    There was no rain when I got up, It had

    Driving too much is bad for your brain
    By Laura Italiano July 23, 2017 | 12:34am
    Spending a lot of time driving may actually put your brain in reverse.
    A new British study found that spending more than two hours a day behind the wheel steadily lowers IQ, especially in middle-aged drivers, according to the Sunday Times of London.
    Driving is physically and mentally sedentary and can cause stress and fatigue, all factors in brain decline, experts told the newspaper.
    “Staying mentally and physically active helps keep our brains healthy, so it is not surprising,” researcher Rosa Sancho said.

    Man ordered to pay $65K in child support for kid who isn’t his
    A Texas man is battling a court order that mandates he must pay tens of thousands in child support for a child whom he did not biologically father and whom he met only once.
    In 2003, a child support court in Texas ruled that Gabriel Cornejo, 45, had to pay child support to his ex-girlfriend, who had recently given birth, because she vowed there was no way he wasn’t the rightful dad.
    Cornejo, who is currently raising three children of his own and two nephews, claimed he was not made aware of this and only found out about the child support payments last year when a deputy served him with court papers claiming that the state of Texas lists him as having another child. He soon met the minor for the first and only time — describing her as a “wonderful girl” — but after taking a DNA test, learned she was not his after all.
    Only Cornejo’s ex-girlfriend and the state still want the $65,000 in back payments.
    “I never thought in my whole life I would have to defend myself of something that I am innocent of,” he said.
    Texas’ family code, chapter 161, states that even if one is not the biological father, they still owe support payments that accrued before the paternity test proved otherwise. In Cornejo’s case, that amounts to some $65,000.
    His ex-girlfriend’s attorney, Carel Stith, claimed that money was taken out of Cornejo’s paycheck several years ago and he didn’t contest it, and that in itself can satisfy a court argument that he should have handled the matter long ago.
    “There can be consequences, even if you don’t do anything,” Stith told local news.
    Cornejo and his attorney, Cheryl Coleman, must now persuade a judge to reopen the case — as the original court order cannot be amended. If that doesn’t happen, he must pay up or face time behind bars.
    The case is due back in court next month.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    I watched the Fried Beets video...since I love beets I won't have to fry mine, but it is an interesting idea. Only I'd have to call them 'death beets'...between the eggs, the cream and the pan of bacon fat....you'd be better off to eat at McDonalds. And we won't even talk about that!
    Hi Valerie
    I did post some info regarding McDonalds... It tends to show that most places have some foods that are not bad for you.
    My Word of the Day email this morning made me think...(just a little) So today I will be Practicing "unitasking". :) I'll include the opening explanation so it all makes sense...

    "Ever wondered if “postpone” is a word, why there isn’t a “prepone”? Well, there is, though for some reason people outside India don’t feel a need to move events ahead.

    And why does the English language have the word warmth, but not coolth? Yet, there’s the word coolth, it’s just not as common as warmth.

    And if you think coolth is slang coined by some kid last year, you may be surprised that the word has been in use since 1547, and has been used by the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien, Rudyard Kipling, Ezra Pound, and Seamus Heaney."
    So, unitasking is obviously doing one thing at a time....and I'll be in the kitchen..I bought some Forbidden Rice yesterday at Whole Foods from the bulk bins. and I'll pop that into the IP, followed by a batch of brown lentils, and a lemon tahini sauce to put on cooked greens or vegetables, or even salad. I may also just gather up all the odd sweet potatoes and cook them all at once in the IP and have them all week as a snack, or part of a meal.
    My son...the meat eater son, about sprained my brain yesterday...out of the blue he asked where he could buy some Besan. Huh? What? Besan?? WHY? Seems as though he'd been out somewhere for dinner, and ate Besan French Fries....hmmmm, you mean potato coated with Besan and fried? (and why would you do that? (or why fry beets) for that matter....he said no, that liquid was added to the besan flour to make a thick paste and formed into a rectangle and fried. Well, interesting. Maybe along the lines of Veg. Pakora, only no veg's...or he just didn't mention the vegetables? I dunno, I was too shocked to ask. This is the most SAD eater, who flat out told me he'd NEVER give up meat, and who also says he does not like Indian food, and he knows about Besan!?!?!?!? Really!
    Forbidden Rice? Due to the Carbs or something else.

    We all expand our horizons regarding foods as time goes on. I know my tastes have changed.

    Besides cooking today I hope to be outside for a bit. Must have had some wind, as I'm seeing green leaves, sticks, even a few switches of green pine needles...So, its time to play Pick Up Sticks in my yard! I may not enjoy it while I do it, but I'll thank myself later in the week when its time to mow the lawn!!

    The kitchen wench needs to get her apron on.......

    (I checked the Urban Dictionary, I'm not THAT wench!) LOL!!
    Pick Up Sticks, I used to play that as a Kid :)
    :) I haven't read yet, but Quaking Pudding looks like a little hedgehog or a porcupine!!
    This day has been a complete 'bust'...yes I did practice unitasking...my buddy Marietta called, and that conversation was nearly 2 hours....and I'd yet to eat! So after a much needed phone call from her (I make a good arm chair shrink), I hit the kitchen...got my Forbidden rice and the lentils cooked, added a big pot of greens, and at about 3p.m. I had my first meal! After that there wasn't much sense to try to make any big dent in todays list of To-Do's...

    Time to feed Tom E. and mess around with my list for tomorrow, and see how much I can realistically get done....


    Wowsers, first food at 3PM :)

    If at first You don't succeed, try, try, again. That works for me with to do lists.

    Yesterday we determined that the Oven is not baking when my brother went to bake some chicken parts :(
    So I ordered a new baking element from Amazon after some research. It looks like a really easy change too. Pull one screw for each leg of the element, pull out and unplug the old one and plug in the new one.

    Fixing the One shower will not be so easy. I went to change the pipe that comes out of the wall as it was leaking where the diverter valve attaches between it and the shower head and the hand wand. So what happened it was also corroded where it attached in the wall, I should have realized that. Now I need to think how I want to try and fix it.
