Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    As usual, stuff to do today :). Woke to a pretty tender ankle today...not at all happy or sure why.
    I watched the last two video's Ed...I love corn.period! But I don't think I'll be frying it on the cob anytime soon! Why would you do that? LOL. The fritters looked very good, I remember Mom making them occasionally. I also remember eating something called 'lace cornbread' decades ago while vacationing Nags Head NC. Thin, crispy, crunchy, delicious. I tried several times over the years to make them...never 'quite' meeting my expectations.

    Roger I hope you walk today is pleasant, and that the critters have left you a few raspberries to munch on when you get home.

    Have a nice nap Ed. I hope your two kitties learn to be good friends. Tom E was ok with a 'group'...but when it was just him and Hoot, they never really hit it off. Didn't hiss and fight, but never slept together, etc. One was always very aware of where the other was though. Strange.

    I'm going to go find breakfast...or I should say I'll go put breakfast together. Have left over Forbidden Rice and Lentils, and yesterday's mix of leafy greens. Am going to make a lemony garlic sauce to pour over the greens and eat as I am hungry. Maybe it was watching the corn videos???

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Woke up about 5 and never could get back to sleep, with this crick in my neck, so I got up at 5:30. Lilo joined me in being up but is probably wondering why she's not getting fed yet. It's because I don't normally want to be up this early!

    I'm going to start shifting her feeding times a bit later to see if she'll let me normally sleep later than 6:00 to 6:30 anyway. I may get UP that early if she continues to insist for a while, but no feeding!

    And the same goes for Kiara, who is still living in the hall bathroom at night but is out more and more now during the day.

    Lilo still hisses at her and Kiara is still trying to get close to her. We think Kiara just wants to cuddle and wants Lilo for a surrogate mommy, but Lilo isn't having it. Eventually they should learn to get along, even if they never really become friends.
    Hi Ed
    Once again, Thank You for the links.
    Good Luck getting the waking time shifted as well as their getting along.
    Since I was up so early, and in NO RUSH whatever, I had time to ponder breakfast while I waited for my pain killer and muscle relaxants to work.

    I decided on FRENCH TOAST for a real comfort food breakfast, and pulled out the eggs and the Promise multigrain bread for that. It made fantastic French toast, which I had with a little butter and a very light drizzle of real, Vermont maple syrup.

    Oh, and some Kirkland Select precooked bacon, crisped up in the microwave. I Had to have some more protein in that mix. Lilo heartily approved of the bacon, as she had a couple of small crumbs of it.

    The crick in my neck is feeling a little bit looser, so I may go back to bed after officially feeding Lilo and Kiara in a while. Lilo is wondering why I haven't already DONE that but she's not pressing TOO much.
    Sorry to hear You needed both of those.

    Oh yes, French Toast is so good. Do You let the bread soak all the way through? I always dipped and fried before it soaked all the way through. My brother has educated me to let it soak longer, despite my impatience.

    Bacon, Yum :)

    Have a Nice day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    As usual, stuff to do today :). Woke to a pretty tender ankle today...not at all happy or sure why.
    I watched the last two video's Ed...I love corn.period! But I don't think I'll be frying it on the cob anytime soon! Why would you do that? LOL. The fritters looked very good, I remember Mom making them occasionally. I also remember eating something called 'lace cornbread' decades ago while vacationing Nags Head NC. Thin, crispy, crunchy, delicious. I tried several times over the years to make them...never 'quite' meeting my expectations.

    Roger I hope you walk today is pleasant, and that the critters have left you a few raspberries to munch on when you get home.

    Have a nice nap Ed. I hope your two kitties learn to be good friends. Tom E was ok with a 'group'...but when it was just him and Hoot, they never really hit it off. Didn't hiss and fight, but never slept together, etc. One was always very aware of where the other was though. Strange.

    I'm going to go find breakfast...or I should say I'll go put breakfast together. Have left over Forbidden Rice and Lentils, and yesterday's mix of leafy greens. Am going to make a lemony garlic sauce to pour over the greens and eat as I am hungry. Maybe it was watching the corn videos???


    Hi Again
    I watch cooking shows, and I see them Grill corn on the cob and then cut it off.

    The Raspberries are being eaten mainly as they ripen by something. The Blackberries seem to be mostly left alone. I have over 2+ re-purposed Pint Chinese takeout containers full of Blackberries in the Refrigerator.

    Watching cooking shows can make me hungry for what they are making depending on what they are cooking.

    Here is a easy question, hopefully.
    I see some food items marked Total Carbs and also Net Carbs which as lower due to the fiber. Does that make any sense to You?

    Good Luck with the Ankle
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Oh yes, French Toast is so good. Do You let the bread soak all the way through? I always dipped and fried before it soaked all the way through. My brother has educated me to let it soak longer, despite my impatience.

    Bacon, Yum :)

    Have a Nice day

    Yes, I usually let it soak all through. When I was younger and foolish, I just did a quick dip but now I put the bread in, kind of gently press it down, without flattening it, and then after it sits for a minute, carefully flip it and do the same. Then I might flip it twice more to be sure it gets really good and eggy! At this point it is kind of fragile, usually, and has to be very carefully pulled from the egg mixture. And then on to the griddle or frying pan.

    The Promise multi-grain, gluten free bread makes FANTASTIC French toast, by the way.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    edited July 2017
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Here is a easy question, hopefully.
    I see some food items marked Total Carbs and also Net Carbs which as lower due to the fiber. Does that make any sense to You?


    I'm going to jump in here, though I'm sure that Val could answer it well. As a diabetic I pay close attention to the "net carbs" as it's the "net carbs" that might spike the blood glucose dangerously high for a diabetic, if one eats too much in a meal.

    The carbs from fiber digest much more slowly, and aren't considered problematical for short term blood glucose levels, but do still have to be taken into consideration for the overall calories and long term blood glucose maintenance. For a type 2 diabetic, even the proteins and fats have to be considered in trying to help maintain that overall glucose maintenance, as the body will, eventually, turn part of them into glucagon too, to have it available for the liver to dispense when it thinks it's needed, though in a diabetic it may not be needed when the liver thinks it is...

    The dietician at my Endocrinologist's office says a good rule of thumb, even if the label doesn't tell you, is that IF A SERVING CONTAINS AT LEAST 5 GRAMS of fiber, you can deduct that 5 (or more) grams from the total carbs to find the net carbs, but that if that serving doesn't contain at least 5 grams of fiber, you really can't count on there being much, if any, effect from the fiber. Maybe if ALL the carbs are fiber you can still count that, but that would be pretty rare.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Movie roles that made actors quit Hollywood for good.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 71 out there now with an expected high of 91 and 20% chance of showers.

    I've eaten, but the felines can wait. Getting me up obscenely early does NOT guarantee getting fed early. Hopefully they will learn that...

    Might need to get out to the grocery today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Irish people try booze doughnuts.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Puddles performs on America's Got Talent, 2017

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    edited July 2017
    Discontinued McDonald's Items that are missed...


    To be honest I almost never eat at McDonalds, and haven't eaten much there in years. Only in dire need...

    Angus 1/3 pounder. Never had one. Don't miss it.

    McWraps. Actually found that one halfway decent. Ate two of them at a WalMart McDonalds when I needed to eat while I was shopping. I tried the chicken and on another trip I tried the Big Mac wrap. But don't particularly miss the McWrap. It was OK but nothing to write home about.

    Szechuan sauce. Never had it. Was never particularly fond of McNuggets anyway, as they were no better (or worse) than other brands of chicken nuggets.

    McSalad Shakers. Don't recall every trying that. Wasn't ever impressed with McDonalds salads anyway.

    McDonald Land Cookies. If I ever ate these, I don't recall what they tasted like or looked like.

    McHotdogs? Really? Never had one but don't disapprove. I've had, in recent times, the chili cheese dog at Burger King and it was great. But one doesn't, generally, go to a burger joint in search of a hot dog.

    McDLT. I LOVED these. If I still ate at McDonalds and they still sold these, I would definitely eat them again.

    The Arch Deluxe. I found these to be rather tasty too. I would eat them again. Not that anyone NEEDS to be eating this kind of food...

    The Supersize Combo. Well..D'OH! Just what everyone needs to eat. Giant, sugary drink and giant basket of crispy fried potatoes along with that big Mac to have all your meals for the week in one sitting! And yes, I did eat them, to my shame...

    Honorable mentions: Onion Nuggets - Don't even remember them. Must not have ever tried them. Cheddar Melt - Don't remember eating one but vaguely remember the advertising. Mighty Wings - Nope. Just nope. Again, vaguely remember the advertising but if I wanted that kind of chicken, I'd go to a chicken restaurant.

    Number 1! McPizza. Never had one. Never wanted to try it, as, again, if I wanted pizza, there were good pizza places to go to.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017
    I did some walking + 2 cents, The temperature this morning was 67 on the news channel and 66 degrees on the front porch. It is somewhat warmer than yesterday.

    How eating a big breakfast helps you lose weight, according to science
    Posted Sunday 23 July 2017 13:00 by Joe Vesey-Byrne in discover
    Breakfast foods are the best foods, as anyone who has ever had cereal for an evening meal will testify.
    Same goes for night toast.
    New research from a seven year study suggests making breakfast your biggest meal of the day, is the key to a healthier weight.
    More than 50,000 study participants over the age of 30 from the US and Canada were monitored in health surveys. The data was then analyzed by researchers at Loma Linda University, California.
    The study found that not skipping breakfast, and having a larger meal at breakfast time, were associated with a decrease in Body Mass Index.
    The significant decrease was relative to those who had dinner as the largest meal of the day.
    It's worth stating that BMI is by no means the best measure of weight, or healthiness, but other studies have suggested that skipping meals is bad for your waistline and your health.
    Nevertheless the large breakfast would suggest a person is less likely to snack between meals, and stick to a proper meal plan.
    The study also found a link between meal timings and a decrease in BMI.
    It concluded that proper fasts between meal times, such as five to six hours between breakfast and lunch, and 18 hours between dinner and the following breakfast, would help decrease BMI.
    Its findings were published in the Journal of Nutrition.

    This one was interesting, I just do not know.

    Revealed: Whopping 73 Percent of CBO's 'Lost Coverage' Estimate Comes From Individual Mandate Repeal
    Guy Benson Posted: Jul 24, 2017 10:25 AM
    Conservative healthcare policy wonk Avik Roy, a strong supporter of the imperiled Senate healthcare bill, wrote an eye-opening analysis over the weekend. He examined and applied leaked data in order to demonstrate how the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office would score any GOP Obamacare replacement bill as "denying" coverage to at least 16 million Americans. That's due to CBO's fanatical belief in the power of the existing law's individual mandate tax, an article of faith to which they've clung, despite hard contradictory evidence. For the first time, Roy is able to reveal exactly how heavily -- and dubiously -- CBO leans on the strength the individual mandate in producing its coverage numbers. This is vitally important context for the current healthcare debate, both in terms of swatting down Democrats' favorite attack line, as well addressing as moderate Republicans' top hesitancy. He begins by noting the bizarre stability of Congressional bookkeepers' "lost" coverage figures, no matter how vastly various Republican-backed 'repeal and replace' measures may differ:

    In the national debate over the GOP health reform proposals, one data point has stood out above all others: the estimate, from the Congressional Budget Office, that more than 20 million people would “lose” coverage as a result. And there’s been an odd consistency to the CBO’s projections. Do you want to repeal every word of Obamacare and replace it with nothing? CBO says 22 million fewer people would have health insurance. Do you prefer replacing Obamacare with a system of flat tax credits, in which you get the same amount of assistance regardless of your financial need? CBO says 23 million fewer people would have health insurance. Do you prefer replacing Obamacare with means-tested tax credits, like the Senate bill does, in which the majority of the assistance is directed to those near or below the poverty line? CBO says 22 million fewer people would have health insurance. 22 million, 23 million, 22 million—these numbers are remarkably similar even though the three policies I describe above are significantly different. Why is that?

    It should be noted that CBO's score of a repeal-only measure under which Obamacare's regulations remained in place pegged this number significantly higher, at 32 million. Roy goes on to use previously-unpublished data to highlight precisely how individual-mandate-centric (and therefore unreliable) CBO's coverage calculations are:

    Thanks to information that was leaked to me by a congressional staffer, we now have the answer. Nearly three-fourths of the difference in coverage between Obamacare and the various GOP plans derives from a single feature of the Republican bills: their repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate. But the CBO has never published a year-by-year breakout of the impact of the individual mandate on its coverage estimates. But CBO has developed its own estimates of that impact, during work it did last December to estimate the effects of repealing the individual mandate as a standalone measure. Based on those estimates, of the 22 million fewer people who will have health insurance in 2026 under the Senate bill, 16 million will voluntarily drop out of the market because they will no longer face a financial penalty for doing so: 73 percent of the total. As you can see in the above chart, two factors—repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate and the CBO’s outdated March 2016 baseline—explain nearly all of the CBO-scored coverage difference between GOP bills and Obamacare.


    Those blue lines merely remind us of how strikingly inaccurate CBO's original expectations were. The red line is the "outdated baseline" that they are still using to score Republican legislation, despite the light green line, representing real-life sign-ups. Just consider the 2017 data points alone: Three years ago, CBO anticipated that Obamacare would enroll 24 million consumers on the exchanges this year. Last year, that estimate had fallen to 15 million. The real number? 10.3 million and falling, quite likely dipping to around nine million by the end of this year. That's a six million person misfire that's built into CBO's analysis of the GOP bills. That's indefensible.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Here is a easy question, hopefully.
    I see some food items marked Total Carbs and also Net Carbs which as lower due to the fiber. Does that make any sense to You?


    I'm going to jump in here, though I'm sure that Val could answer it well. As a diabetic I pay close attention to the "net carbs" as it's the "net carbs" that might spike the blood glucose dangerously high for a diabetic, if one eats too much in a meal.

    The carbs from fiber digest much more slowly, and aren't considered problematical for short term blood glucose levels, but do still have to be taken into consideration for the overall calories and long term blood glucose maintenance. For a type 2 diabetic, even the proteins and fats have to be considered in trying to help maintain that overall glucose maintenance, as the body will, eventually, turn part of them into glucagon too, to have it available for the liver to dispense when it thinks it's needed, though in a diabetic it may not be needed when the liver thinks it is...

    The dietician at my Endocrinologist's office says a good rule of thumb, even if the label doesn't tell you, is that IF A SERVING CONTAINS AT LEAST 5 GRAMS of fiber, you can deduct that 5 (or more) grams from the total carbs to find the net carbs, but that if that serving doesn't contain at least 5 grams of fiber, you really can't count on there being much, if any, effect from the fiber. Maybe if ALL the carbs are fiber you can still count that, but that would be pretty rare.
    Hi Ed
    Thank You for that clear concise explanation. That makes it all nice and clear to me now.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 71 out there now with an expected high of 91 and 20% chance of showers.

    I've eaten, but the felines can wait. Getting me up obscenely early does NOT guarantee getting fed early. Hopefully they will learn that...

    Might need to get out to the grocery today.
    Today's High is forecast to be in the upper 70s.

    I was thinking of mowing the grass today, however it is still very wet so maybe later or maybe tomorrow :)

    It depends if they are stubborn I suspect.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Kiara has been racing around the house all morning so far, stalking and harassing Lilo, trying to get Lilo to play chase. Lilo is actually taking it pretty well. Some hissing and occasional batting, but Kiara, being a kitten, usually just dashes away. Lilo, on the other hand, just stands her ground, occasionally advancing just a bit to get Kiara to back off, but then not chasing her at all.

    I did manage to lure Kiara off to her food bowl, briefly, to see that I had put fresh food in it. I used the RED DOT for this, and she happily pounced after it trying to catch it until it zipped into her food bowl and disappeared. Then she suddenly decided she needed to take a few bites of food, until she saw Lilo again and the chase, for her, was back on.

    Now they are both resting up a bit but I'm sure Kiara will be back at it soon. She's determined to make friends, or at least playful combatants, with Lilo.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member