Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    A1c of 5.3 is great.

    Creatinine a little low is better than high, I think, particularly since Sodium is a bit low. Sodium can be low if you are drinking too much water. I wonder if that affects creatinine too? Creatinine high with low sodium could indicate possible kidney issues.

    The food bowls sense the RFID chip that is implanted in the back of the cat's neck. As each RFID chip is unique, if Kiara sticks her head in Lilo's dish, the cover does not retract. We know this works, because on one of her exploratory journeys she tried. And if Lilo sticks her head into Kiara's dish, it won't open.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Ed
    I was happy overall, I suspect I should do a little research into the readings. I wish the print was bigger. It is hard to read :(

    I do not think I am drinking too much water, if anything probably to little :)

    That is a interesting and foolproof sounding system with the food bowl. Did it have to be programmed elsewhere or was it something You could do?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    There is one button, on the back, that just opens and closes the bowl. There are two more buttons for LEARNING and TRAINING. We put the bowl in LEARNING mode by holding down a button. Then, with the bowl OPEN, put some food or treats in it so the cat will stick its head under the arch holding the sensor. When learning light stops blinking and turns solid green, it recognizes that RFID chip. Then, to get the cat used to the lid moving, you start it barely moving, mostly open, by putting the feeder in TRAINING mode. As the cat gets used to it you set it more and more closed (with, hence, more and more movement) until the cat gets accustomed to the lid moving and isn't spooked.

    At that point, it stays closed entirely unless the right cat pokes its head in.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    Irish people taste pretzels.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 74 out there now with an expected high of 90 and 60% chance of showers.

    Need to get a little laundry done today and that's about all I want to think about right now except maybe a nap.

    Lilo is in my lap now, having been fed. Kiara is likely happily trashing the hall bathroom now, having been fed.

    We've been giving Kiara a lot of time out in the main house so she can get used to the idea of it all being her universe, but that's partly because Lilo and I go to bed usually quite a bit earlier than J so when we go to bed, he lets Kiara out to explore and play in the main part of the house while Lilo and I are sleeping behind a closed door.

    Last night I did hear Kiara running up and down the hall and trying to get through closed doors. It sounded like she was having a lot of fun.

    If I wasn't scheduled to check my blood glucose at about 9:00 this morning, two hours after breakfast, I'd be napping already...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    edited July 2017
    Here's some funny cat memes.

    The one with the kitty furious about his name would be Kiara if we had left the silly name the shelter people had given her...it wasn't "fluffy" and we never will admit what it was, as it wasn't a totally bad name for a cat, but just wasn't the kind of name J or I would EVER name a cat. As soon as we saw it, we both just looked at each other and said, at the same time, "nope!" Maybe a crazy cat lady would use that name, or a little old granny...LOL.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Poor Man's Depression Meal.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    No meat "hamburger" recipe.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking, The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 73 degrees on the front porch. It is cooler than yesterday, The humidity is still up in what they are calling the Uncomfortable range and is uncomfortable.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    There is one button, on the back, that just opens and closes the bowl. There are two more buttons for LEARNING and TRAINING. We put the bowl in LEARNING mode by holding down a button. Then, with the bowl OPEN, put some food or treats in it so the cat will stick its head under the arch holding the sensor. When learning light stops blinking and turns solid green, it recognizes that RFID chip. Then, to get the cat used to the lid moving, you start it barely moving, mostly open, by putting the feeder in TRAINING mode. As the cat gets used to it you set it more and more closed (with, hence, more and more movement) until the cat gets accustomed to the lid moving and isn't spooked.

    At that point, it stays closed entirely unless the right cat pokes its head in.
    Hi Ed
    Thank You for the comprehensive how it's done :)
    It sounds as if they thought of everything...
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 74 out there now with an expected high of 90 and 60% chance of showers.

    Need to get a little laundry done today and that's about all I want to think about right now except maybe a nap.

    Lilo is in my lap now, having been fed. Kiara is likely happily trashing the hall bathroom now, having been fed.

    We've been giving Kiara a lot of time out in the main house so she can get used to the idea of it all being her universe, but that's partly because Lilo and I go to bed usually quite a bit earlier than J so when we go to bed, he lets Kiara out to explore and play in the main part of the house while Lilo and I are sleeping behind a closed door.

    Last night I did hear Kiara running up and down the hall and trying to get through closed doors. It sounded like she was having a lot of fun.

    If I wasn't scheduled to check my blood glucose at about 9:00 this morning, two hours after breakfast, I'd be napping already...
    The forecast high for today is 80 and a 60% chance of heavy rain later on today. I saw no Rain while walking, It did rain again overnight however and the sky is completely overcast with clouds.

    Trashing the bathroom?
    Here's some funny cat memes.

    The one with the kitty furious about his name would be Kiara if we had left the silly name the shelter people had given her...it wasn't "fluffy" and we never will admit what it was, as it wasn't a totally bad name for a cat, but just wasn't the kind of name J or I would EVER name a cat. As soon as we saw it, we both just looked at each other and said, at the same time, "nope!" Maybe a crazy cat lady would use that name, or a little old granny...LOL.

    FWIW Snyders of Hanover is a brand Name around this area.

    Thanks for the Link
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Just have a couple minutes since I watched a couple of the video's Ed posted! :)

    I would love to see a pix of the cat feeder. Am wondering if Old Tom is still around if I could make it work for Tom..(he'll need to be chipped...oh lordy!), but it I could get him used to it, I could maybe leave food out for him and the raccoons wouldn't be able to access it???? Like I said, would love to see it.. Do you have a name for it...maybe I can find it on Amazon?

    The cartoons were funny Roger! Oh, I wouldn't worry about the labs...next set will be more likely to be a bit more informative...AST is a liver function, Creatinine a kidney function, etc. If any of them were very high or low it could indicate a problem. Great A1c!!!!

    I'm heading out in a minute to meet Jack and the kids at StarBucks at 141(Peachtree Parkway/Medlock Bridge) and States Bridge. Then we may migrate over to Whole foods as its only a block or two away...I'm still hoping to find some Frisee greens. And a couple other things that I can't get from Kroger...have no idea why Jack wants to go there!

    Will be back here later today...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Valerie, here is the feeder we bought. Well, be bought two of them, one for each cat. While theoretically it might work for Tom (if you got him chipped) it's rather expensive and I suspect a raccoon would just use his/her strong, sharp claws to destroy the feeder to get at the food inside, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea for outdoor cats in areas with raccoons. On the plus side, it can be programmed for more than one pet so you don't have to buy a new one if your pet passes on and you get another pet, or if you want two pets to share one bowl while another pet, perhaps on a different food for health reasons, has its own.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Trashing the bathroom?

    She plays in her water bowl, silly kitten. First feline we've had that really LIKES to play in water. So she splashes it out all over the place and then tracks litter through it. Fortunately, she hasn't (as yet) discovered how much fun it can be to unroll all the toilet paper. Knock on wood.

    So far we haven't had ANY cat that did that to the toilet paper, though Lilo, when we were using TP with aloe, thinking it might be gentler, seemed to think the toilet paper with aloe was EVIL and she had to DESTROY THE EVIL. She didn't unroll it. She tore at the whole roll with her teeth, biting off big chunks and spitting them on the floor.

    We decided plain toilet paper was a better idea.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    FWIW Snyders of Hanover is a brand Name around this area.

    Thanks for the Link

    We have Snyders around here too but I haven't seen all the flavors that they were giving the Irish to try. Some of them sounded interesting.

    They DO make a very good GLUTEN FREE small pretzel that I have tasted, and also some GLUTEN FREE thin pretzel sticks that I would presume are about the same, though I haven't tasted them.

    If I didn't know they were gluten free I...well, wouldn't know from eating them. They are light, crispy, salty, all you want a pretzel to be, and in fact seem just a tad lighter in texture than wheat pretzels. Very much worth a try just for fun.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Early evening, and the heavens are noisy! Not a whole lot of liquid, but the threat is real!!!
    OK ED....being a crazy old cat lady you just have to tell us what Kiera's shelter name was. I have to know, so as to never use it, should I get another girly cat. :)
    Still trying to catch up on all the cartoons, and food video's....where do you find these things Ed ??? I did like the 'portable soup' videos. Again, NMF (not my food) but very interesting.

    We had some fun with the kids at StarBucks...I was glared at by an old man, I was nice and smiled back. The kids had been to church, and were a bit rambunctious, a bit loud, but not terribly so.. Mostly giggly... Maybe he disapproved of O's bright pink short shorts. I was tempted to go tell him that Yes, she wore those to church....but he'd have probably farted and died!!!! LOL!!
    Then we went to Whole Foods....We all got sushi to go. I also picked up a great bulb of fennel with a nice ferny top (some of which is in the salad I'm eating right now), and a dark 365 Chocolate bar...just to have on hand. I love those chocolate bars...good Belgium chocolate, and reasonably priced..I've been buying them for years...before Harry's Farmers Market became Whole Foods. :)

    Ok, back to the kitchen....I have a papaya waiting for me to eat.......Oh, oh....Ed. my Aldi's has the same endcap of gluten free foods, and a few more items scattered thru out the store.
    I really don't think this noise is ever going to produce any real rain tonite...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Andddddd, Thanks for the info about the cat feeder. I suspect you're right about the raccoons tearing it to pieces to get to the food. Really neat feeder otherwise!

    Am I done yet???? Hope so...see you guys tomorrow!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 74 out there now with an expected high of 88 and 30% chance of rain. With yesterday's 60% not hitting until dinner time, today's 30% may pass us by entirely.

    Lilo has been fed and I've eaten some bacon and Promise toast, with butter and a little bit of fruit preserves. And of course my morning vitamins, Januvia and Metformin, the latter of which has to be taken with food.

    Kiara is next.

    Today we'll have some more supervised visiting between the cats, probably. Both of them seem to be used to their new food bowls now.

    Maybe a trip to the grocery, but might wait until tomorrow.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,169 Member