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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    There's food just for drunk people?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited September 2017
    Emmy tries fruits from around the world. I don't seem to find these in chronological order though. I have tried Durian fruit myself, but could never afford a whole one. I don't think I'd want a whole one anyway, as I wasn't THAT impressed by the flavor.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Mangosteen! J and I have eaten these too, and let me tell you, you need to get them and eat them before they have time to get hard and almost impossible to open up! We weren't impressed enough by the flavor to want to buy and eat any more after our first few, but I seem to remember it as being somewhat like a lychee in flavor. I could be wrong.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    And another fruit that I've eaten! I quite like this one but, again, too *KITTEN* expensive for me to have often!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking this Morning and still + 0 Cents, Oh well. The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    Once again it is a cloudy day with no Sun showing. I suspect that the clouds are related to Jose's approach and Tuesday the forecast indicates rain and wind due to Jose's passing off of the NJ coast.

    Interesting ? Link, I found it interesting :)
    Devour our juicy, 9 patty Triple Triple Burger with record speed, and you could walk away fuller and RICHER. The contestant who finishes the 9 patties, 9 slices of cheese, lettuce, tomato and bun in the fastest time nationally wins $3,330.

    I found this to be a interesting read
    After visit to Confederate monuments, 5 Richmond teenagers from low-income housing share thoughts about removal
    From staff reports Sep 16, 2017
    Friday morning, Richmond Cycling Corps took five of its members, ages 16-17, on a tour of the Confederate monuments in Richmond.

    The purpose, according to a RCC Facebook post, was so the young men, all from Section 8 public housing, could "formulate their own opinions" about the monuments before Saturday's expected rally at the Lee monument by a small pro-Confederate group out of Tennessee and "the media frenzy that's going to ravage through Richmond tomorrow."

    After the tour of the monuments, 17-year-old Daquan Morton, with input from the four other RCC youth, wrote what RCC posted on its Facebook page Friday night, which appears below.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey! Good Morning! (well it Was morning a little bit ago) :)
    Hockey game done, and lost, :(, home and I've just finished lunch, heading shortly to the gym, and maybe some outdoor stuff, but guessing not...its warming very quickly out there...so tomorrow may be just fine!

    Guess we pretty much covered the toaster ovens yesterday...LOL..I didn't see Ed's answer to Rogers post, so I put my big foot into the conversation...and today I see Ed's post.
    I will say that I had a Black & Decker that I totally wore out, and Benjamin wanting to be the 'good' roommate bought a much more 'sophisticated' and larger one...and the day he moved out I put it in the trash!!, went to one of the big box stores and bought another little Black & Decker!! They (toaster ovens) really do a nice job, and produce much less heat than running an oven in the summer. I think you need one!! :)

    Supposed to be on St. Simons Island Oct. 3rd....and having doubts that it will happen? Same mess as last year, (which was at the end of October)...hurricane damage. I understand they are letting a few people on the island, and that they expect to be open for vacationers next week. Then I watched the news and weather while I had my lunch....there MAY BE another hurricane headed there too....what the heck???? My condo on Hilton Head just reopened yesterday...I've had that condo for 20 years, and the only hurricanes have occurred in the past 2 years. And of course not in the spring when I go. :)

    Ok, gym time!!! Get it done, then I can loaf. (I did get my emails down to 3 unread as of breakfast this morning. Which only leaves 8500+ to either trash or file...I'll never get those caught up. I know certain defeat when I see it!

    Hi Valerie
    The weather forecasts are talking about Maria becoming a large Hurricane and taking much the same course as Irma :(
    I was wondering why You did not donate the larger Toaster Oven rather than trashing it ?
    Oh, Roger, Yes...I do believe the touch pad has a LOT to do with weird stuff happening to my posts!!

    I had a suspicion might be the cause based on my usage of laptops.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger, your brother might be OK with that one you found on Amazon, since it can toast in what looks like a "traditional" way. I didn't notice whether it can broil or just bake but if it would do what you want, then it sounds like a pretty good deal and seems to have a pretty good overall rating.

    You could try reminding your brother that the "traditional" way of cooking toast was to hold your bread on a stick over the fire or mash the slices down on top of the hot wood stove but I suspect he doesn't want to go THAT traditional. :)

    While my toaster oven looks a lot like the one I linked to, it does have some apparent differences. The left hand dial on mine is not for setting the toast darkness, but for selecting whether to toast, warm, bake, or broil, and the assumption, I guess, for toasting is that you time the first few passes manually and then learn how long to leave it in for any particular kind of bread.

    Honestly, I've never found a regular toaster that could really be counted on to consistently toast the same type of bread the same way EVERY time, but seemed to, once in a while, just go berserk and either overtoast it or undertoast it, though I could usually find a setting that seemed to work most of the time. I still had to keep an eye on it to keep from having burned toast.

    My toaster oven does share the fully removable baking rack with the cool grip handles, which was one of the reasons I chose it when I saw it. I believe it was about the same price as the one linked to and I did get it at Target, as one of the reviewers stated.

    Other than the left dial being different, it looks very similar to the one pictured.
    Hi Ed
    When I say traditional I was saying the way he has always done things. He does not like changes :)

    I hope so, I did order it and then later on decided I did not need it $30+tax worth and it was too late to cancel so I shall have one anyway as I do not do returns...

    I never had that problem with a toaster. The one we use currently I just set the time to max as I like my toast on the darkish side.
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    62 out there now with an expected high of 87 and 0% chance of rain.

    Need to call the vet and have Lilo checked over. She's been having some apparent musculoskeletal difficulties with walking (the hind legs) and control, especially, of one of her legs. She's a Manx so it could be related to that since they are known to sometimes develop issues with age, as the spine can be odd at the rear and arthritic or other conditions can develop with age.

    She also seems to be drinking a lot of water and not eating as much as normal, though she does eat. Some of this could also be stress and/or too much scuffling around with Kiara, though she was showing a few issues with the one hind leg before Kiara moved in, but we just thought she had sprained it.

    The vet, at that time, did discuss some shots that I could give her at home, every other day, and hopefully we can go that route or perhaps some prednisone every other day.

    She is nearly 15 years old so may also just be old age in general starting to set in.

    This morning I locked Kiara in the master bedroom to keep her from bothering Lilo, at least for a while.
    I hope it is nothing serious with Lilo.
    Emmy tries fruits from around the world. I don't seem to find these in chronological order though. I have tried Durian fruit myself, but could never afford a whole one.
    Mangosteen! J and I have eaten these too, and let me tell you, you need to get them and eat them before they have time to get hard and almost impossible to open up! We weren't impressed enough by the flavor to want to buy and eat any more after our first few, but I seem to remember it as being somewhat like a lychee in flavor. I could be wrong.
    I have found both of the above available on Amazon when I was curious regarding price. I have not seen them available locally.

    Good Luck with Lilo
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Interesting ? Link, I found it interesting :)
    Devour our juicy, 9 patty Triple Triple Burger with record speed, and you could walk away fuller and RICHER. The contestant who finishes the 9 patties, 9 slices of cheese, lettuce, tomato and bun in the fastest time nationally wins $3,330.

    I found this to be a interesting read
    After visit to Confederate monuments, 5 Richmond teenagers from low-income housing share thoughts about removal
    From staff reports Sep 16, 2017
    Friday morning, Richmond Cycling Corps took five of its members, ages 16-17, on a tour of the Confederate monuments in Richmond.

    The purpose, according to a RCC Facebook post, was so the young men, all from Section 8 public housing, could "formulate their own opinions" about the monuments before Saturday's expected rally at the Lee monument by a small pro-Confederate group out of Tennessee and "the media frenzy that's going to ravage through Richmond tomorrow."

    After the tour of the monuments, 17-year-old Daquan Morton, with input from the four other RCC youth, wrote what RCC posted on its Facebook page Friday night, which appears below.

    Have a Great Monday

    When I was younger, I found those eating contests rather interesting, but now, being more educated and more informed about eating problems generally, and the overall health of Americans today, I find them appalling!

    I looked at the picture of the burger and know, for 100% sure, that I'd never see the money. For one thing, there is just no way in heaven or the other place that I could even finish that pile of food, unless I were given a two or three days to eat it in stages, so I might set a record for the slowest eating, but not the fastest!

    I have felt all along that the monuments, per se, are not the problem. Should they have been erected in the first place? Since they were erected, mostly, to glorify something that shouldn't have been glorified, I'd say that they should not have been erected in the first place.

    But since they are there, they could be used to educate on why these people were famous, and why these people were wrong, to do what they did, that got the statues erected.

    Tearing them down/destroying them accomplishes little, in my opinion. Resolving the societal issues that make them a problem is the key and I don't see that actually happening in my lifetime. Sadly.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    We have an appointment for tomorrow to take Lilo to the vet. She is walking mostly OK this morning, albeit slowly. I've been helping her as necessary, and made sure she got her cosequin, which I usually sprinkle on her food, by popping it down her throat. Here appetite today has also been OK but I gave her a leftover appetite stimulant that we had from Ariel's final illness.

    Tomorrow we'll see more of what's what and whether this is just a worsening of Manx syndrome, which she's always shown some signs of, such as the odd, hopping gait, though she's never really shown any other signs of problems from it.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Interesting ? Link, I found it interesting :)
    Devour our juicy, 9 patty Triple Triple Burger with record speed, and you could walk away fuller and RICHER. The contestant who finishes the 9 patties, 9 slices of cheese, lettuce, tomato and bun in the fastest time nationally wins $3,330.

    I found this to be a interesting read
    After visit to Confederate monuments, 5 Richmond teenagers from low-income housing share thoughts about removal
    From staff reports Sep 16, 2017
    Friday morning, Richmond Cycling Corps took five of its members, ages 16-17, on a tour of the Confederate monuments in Richmond.

    The purpose, according to a RCC Facebook post, was so the young men, all from Section 8 public housing, could "formulate their own opinions" about the monuments before Saturday's expected rally at the Lee monument by a small pro-Confederate group out of Tennessee and "the media frenzy that's going to ravage through Richmond tomorrow."

    After the tour of the monuments, 17-year-old Daquan Morton, with input from the four other RCC youth, wrote what RCC posted on its Facebook page Friday night, which appears below.

    Have a Great Monday

    When I was younger, I found those eating contests rather interesting, but now, being more educated and more informed about eating problems generally, and the overall health of Americans today, I find them appalling!

    I looked at the picture of the burger and know, for 100% sure, that I'd never see the money. For one thing, there is just no way in heaven or the other place that I could even finish that pile of food, unless I were given a two or three days to eat it in stages, so I might set a record for the slowest eating, but not the fastest!

    I have felt all along that the monuments, per se, are not the problem. Should they have been erected in the first place? Since they were erected, mostly, to glorify something that shouldn't have been glorified, I'd say that they should not have been erected in the first place.

    But since they are there, they could be used to educate on why these people were famous, and why these people were wrong, to do what they did, that got the statues erected.

    Tearing them down/destroying them accomplishes little, in my opinion. Resolving the societal issues that make them a problem is the key and I don't see that actually happening in my lifetime. Sadly.
    Hi Ed
    I would have trouble eating that burger too. If I had one here at the house I would break it down into 9 servings and freeze most of them :)

    That is a great way to look at it. Use them to educate, They are a part of the historical record...

    Tearing them down is only causing dissension not having them available to use in a teaching moment is not helpful. Burying Your head in the sand about anything You disagree with is a way to wake up one day to a nasty surprise.
    We have an appointment for tomorrow to take Lilo to the vet. She is walking mostly OK this morning, albeit slowly. I've been helping her as necessary, and made sure she got her cosequin, which I usually sprinkle on her food, by popping it down her throat. Here appetite today has also been OK but I gave her a leftover appetite stimulant that we had from Ariel's final illness.

    Tomorrow we'll see more of what's what and whether this is just a worsening of Manx syndrome, which she's always shown some signs of, such as the odd, hopping gait, though she's never really shown any other signs of problems from it.
    Good Luck at the Vet
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Little after lunch? No, a little after my dinner!
    Worked outside in the yard this morning, a little more to do tomorrow. And, I've been to the gym, and unloaded the dishwasher, and washed a load of clothes...they're still in the dryer, I see 'fluffing' in my future. :)
    I ate a durian once, long ago. I remember it stinking to high H3LL, but the flesh is tasty. I don't recall it being pricy, but then I was making nice money...One of my co-workers was from Thailand, and he went with me to Harry's...Which became Whole Foods later down the road, and helped me choose one...then came to the house and showed me how to cut one up...and encouraged me to try eating it! I've not had one since. I think I probably will not ever have another!:) Ted and I bought Mangosteens at one of the stores at Azzi on Pleasant Hill...yep, mild, a lot like lychee's

    Ed, hope the Vet can pull some magic out of his coat pocket and help Lilo. I know of Manx, but not a lot about Manx.
    Which reminds me...I need to feed Tom E. his dinner too...
    Ok, Tom E. now happily chowing down on Chicken and Duck Entree...he'll eat about half, then come harass me for a treat, followed by finishing his Chicken and Duck, and another pestering or two before I invite him back outdoors for the night! He's a pill!!!

    I really hate all of this monument business, I really believe a lot of it is media generated. If you've never been, Monument Ave. In Richmond VA is a beautiful tree lined boulevard with Civil War Generals on their horses statues. All the winning Generals facing North, and the Confederates facing South. I've also been to the Confederate Museum (Richmond as you recall was the capitol of the Confederacy... it was a real thing...it happened. Right or Wrong it is history. You can't make it change by removing all symbolism of the War. Reminds me a whole lot like the burning of history and other books, or the burning (melting) of records from early Rock and Roll, and those things happened too. and in my opinion burning books didn't do diddly squat about changing what was, and it surely did not slow down music!!

    You both know I'll not be in a hamburger eating contest! LOL!!!

    Ok, Tom E is now sleeping on the couch. I'll get my dinner dishes rinsed, etc, and that load of clothes fluffed and folded, and then I'll wake him and invite him outdoors. Tomorrow I have a Chiro appointment, need to gas the car, want to see if I can find Swiss Chard plants to grow, and buy seed if I can't find the plants...also some lettuce seed. One year my DIL planted a galvanized tub of just green leaf lettuce...it was beautiful all winter. (I"m hoping to find 'Rainbow Chard' as they will be planted up by the mailbox) I've planted Chard there before and they look pretty all winter. And there's already a nice sized Rosemary growing there, which stays green all winter as well...


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Rainbow chard IS very pretty. And very tasty too! I would have trouble keeping it as a decorative plant unless I had a great deal of it that I could harvest for food as well.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    63 out there now with an expected high of 88 and no chance of rain.

    I'm expecting a crate of wine today, and, of course, we have to take Lilo to the vet. So if I'm not home to sign, I'm sure they'll come again tomorrow. Hopefully, they'll come while we're here. I also need to get to the grocery store but that can wait until I'm sure the wine is safely delivered, or until delivery has been attempted anyway...

    This crate includes my first annual free bottle for being a member of the founders club in my wine club that claims not to be a club but is really one anyway.

    The free bottle is a $49.00 bottle of French Champagne. I know that's redundant, as all true Champagne is French, but there are upstarts in the U.S. who have the temerity to call themselves producing CALIFORNIA Champagne and NEW YORK Champagne, which just would not fly in Europe, as these would have to, properly, be called just sparkling wine. Internationally speaking, if it's not produced in that specific region of France, it's not Champagne, even if it did use the same grapes and is sparkling.

    The rest of the crate, 14 additional bottles, is all wines I've selected from the available reds, whites, and pinks that they list online.

    I rarely do a "build your own" crate, only doing so normally when they have a special sale, with extra reduced prices for a limited selection. I can usually find 15 bottles that I know I'll like (or can give some as gifts) then and save on them, sometimes getting a few that I don't usually have.

    Normally, they have a number of pre-selected (they call them "curated") crates with varieties that someone there has decided are a good deal, and you can usually select all red, all white, or mixed (white includes the pink in those cases, if any pink is included at all, which is, itself, rare) and it will be a selection that may be 3 each of 5 varieties, 15 mixed with 10 or so different wines, 2 bottles of some of them, or perhaps 5 each of 3 varieties. I can usually wait until they have a really great deal on one of those and save a lot.

    And sometimes they'll have a 3, 6, 8, or 12 pack of selected wines, at an extra discount, but usually it's 15 bottles per crate as the shipping is included and it's more cost effective to send a larger crate.

    On this "birthday" order I also used my 5% kickback from all the wine I bought in the anniversary year and so am getting 15 bottles of wine, all selected personally by me, except for the free Champagne, for only $56 and change. Pretty good deal!

    I heard the toaster oven ding so the rest of my breakfast is ready.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited September 2017
    Mandarinquats vs. kumquats. Yep, I've tried both of these before. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited September 2017
    Pepino melon. OK, pretty sure I've tried this one and the name does sound familiar so probably.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking this Morning and still + 0 Cents, Oh well on the good side The Grass was dry and I have now mowed the lawn ahead of the forecast rain with a moderate breeze courtesy of Jose. The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 71 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    It is a cloudy day with no Sun showing. The clouds are related to Jose's approach and the forecast indicates rain and wind due to Jose's passing off of the NJ coast.

    Interesting ? Link, I found it interesting :)
    Hackers Have Successfully Hidden Malware In Popular PC Cleanup Tool

    September 18, 2017 11:49 AM
    12 foods you can buy in bulk that will last until the end of world
    By Hannah Maluth, Published: Sept 18, 2017 7:34 a.m. ET

    THEME PARK TRAGEDYThrillseeker, 21, ‘killed by moving coffin’ as he walked through a haunted house fairground ride
    The victim was reportedly hit by machinery inside an attraction called 'Buried Alive' at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park
    By Tom Michael, 17th September 2017, 9:25 pm, Updated: 18th September 2017, 3:39 pm

    For eight months, a Lenexa man’s body sat in a KCI parking lot. His family asks why
    By Ian Cummings, icummings@kcstar.com, September 17, 2017 2:53 PM

    Have a Great Tuesday