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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! I'm here.
    quite the busy day...started off to meet my niece for lunch...fortunately looked at the gas gauge...so had to stop and get gas..then made record time to the restaurant, and she was late!! We did have a great lunch, and then the fun began. I had a number of stops I wanted to make, and for each one, except the one to Pike Nursery (plant place) I made every WRONG turn you could make!!! It was almost, almost funny. But I got all those errands done, came home dropped off stuff, back in the car and went to Publix for watermelon and sparkling water...(and there were a few more things that hopped into my cart...while walking thru the store I realized I had enough steps for the day...so no gym.
    Watched the news...was interested in knowing what "Maria" was up to (destroying Puerto Rico), and not causing us down in the southern states...so, looking good for being on St. Simons in two weeks....
    Ate a rather haphazard dinner, listened to my pod cast tonite, and fed Tom E. And I'm ready to head for bed!!!

    I did not find Swiss Chard plants the size I wanted...the ones they had were large and ready to eat size?? So I bought a packet of seed. I'm not very good from growing things from seed, so we'll see how this works out... I planted the 'rainbow' chard several years ago, and sometimes there was enough, cooked, to eat a small portion, other times, it got mixed in with other greens. Yesterday at Whole Foods, I saw raw chard cut into strips on the salad bar. Bought just a little bit, and it wasted fine raw. Will run that by google to be sure that chard doesn't have a bunch of nasty oxalates or some other thing that might not be good to eat in quantity...if I don't find anything, that would be an ideal way to eat some of this chard that I'm planning to successfully raise. :smiley:

    Roger, I know I shouldn't have but I laughed a bit too long over the poor turtle crawling out of the blue basin only to have it fall on him....poor ole turtle. I've had days like that!!

    Other stuff I need to take a better look at or read tomorrow

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking this Morning and + 0 Cents. The temperature this morning was 73 on the news channel and 71 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    Interesting Links ?, I found it interesting :)

    Suspect in Starbucks robbery may sue man who stopped him

    By Dianne de Guzman, SFGATE Updated 7:40 am, Wednesday, September 20, 2017

    b]Ransomware hack targeting 2 million an hour [/b]
    Shannon Vavra 17 hrs ago,

    Smart billboards are checking you out – and making judgments
    By Tim Johnson, September 20, 2017 5:00 AM

    Wow, Not Good
    For weeks, Equifax customer service has been directing victims to a fake phishing site
    by Dani Deahl and Ashley Carman Sep 20, 2017, 1:17pm EDT

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





    Bomb Disposal Humor, Just a bit skewed :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I did some walking this Morning and + 5 Cents, The forecast rain failed to make it to my part of NJ, It did rain along the NJ Shore. There was a moderate breeze courtesy of Jose. The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    5 cents! Wow! You're rich! You're wealthy! You're socially secure! (to quote - or probably misquote - Daffy Duck from a cartoon where he tries to claim a cave full of treasure)

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Diabetes spikes among Mississippi children and no one knows why
    Sarah Fowler, The Clarion-Ledger Published 6:00 p.m. CT Sept. 16, 2017 | Updated 2:50 p.m. CT Sept. 18, 2017

    There has been a lot of research into causes for type 1. Some speculation is that an as yet unknown disease may cause the body to simply shut down the pancreas, and some think there may be something in the environment or food/water that causes an issue with that organ but there almost has to still be a genetic factor as well, since all the children aren't coming down with it. Perhaps it's a combination of genetic and external factors.

    I know with type 2 that people still have the misconception that it's always brought on by overeating, particularly of starchy foods, but while it's true that this can aggravate the condition or even seem to cause it, there are people who can gobble up whatever they want with no issues while others, at some point in their aging, find that they have to watch their carbs more and more closely if they want to keep it under control. Even if you can stave off symptoms, you may never be diagnosed as diabetic but that doesn't mean that it's not lurking there, waiting to pop out if you lose control and start overindulging.

    There is also a mis-conception that you can "cure" type 2 by a strict dietary and/or supplement regimen, along with exercise, but this isn't the case. You can sometimes control the condition, but it's not a cure. The same goes for "reversing" diabetes. It's not reversed, it's just well controlled.

    Unfortunately, these methods don't necessarily work for everyone either and some people who already watch their carbs and do all the "right" things still develop type 2 that can't seem to be controlled without medications and/or insulin, so, again, there's got to be a genetic factor there.

    I'm so glad to see that they have the mentoring program for young diabetics and their families. When my younger sister, E, developed type 1 at about age 13 we did not have anything like that, as far as I can recall. When she came home from the hospital (she was in a mostly comatose state, blood glucose almost off the scale when she went in) she had received instruction on how to give herself insulin shots, and how to measure and count carbs, as well as how to check her blood glucose levels with a urine test, as they didn't have handy meters that you could just put a drop of blood into. The urine test wasn't really a great indicator as it couldn't show how much was currently in your blood, but just how much had been filtered out by the kidneys, and then estimate from that. Not the most reliable and besides, who can pee on demand?

    She did, of course, manage to learn how to cope, and my mother learned how to take care of, and feed, a young diabetic. And at about 13, E was mature enough to handle it all. I'm sure it would have been much more difficult at 4 or 5 years old.

    The NutriSystem plan was, I believe, originally developed as much for help with control/staving off of type 2 diabetes as for weight control, as the two can be very much related.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    I found this to be weird
    b]Illegal immigrants storm Pelosi press conference, say Democrats are a 'deportation machine' [/b]
    by Anna Giaritelli | Sep 18, 2017, 2:13 PM

    Sorry for the Political bit, It struck me a weird

    Have a Great Wednesday

    Interesting article regarding the "deportation machine"...I know the illegal immigrants are frightened, and doing what they think they need to do. That's about all I can really say about that subject.
    Hi Ed
    It does seem that things have really improved handling diabetes over the early days.

    That was interesting hearing about the NS plans originally, I suppose that heritage is reflected in their having a Diabetes plan available.
    My wine arrived "OK" in the sense that the package arrived, but when opened it was missing one bottle that I had really looked forward to receiving. I did get the champagne though. :)

    And, of course, I immediately emailed the wine club to inform them that the package was missing that bottle and asking for a replacement or whatever other options they might have for that. I'd prefer a replacement but a credit to my card would be equally acceptable.
    Just from curiosity, was the package tampered with or did it appear to have been shipped with the one bottle missing?
    Well, Lilo does have another (or the same) UTI. They sold me some Clavamox tablets to give her (twice a day) while they culture the urine to see what would be the best, if Clavamox isn't already the best. So in addition to, for a while, giving her a shot every four days at home, I'll be giving her the Clavamox pills twice a day until we get the culture back and then, probably/hopefully, get additional Clavamox to continue the treatment over a full regimen of 10 days or 14, whichever they recommend.

    The missing bottle of wine was priced at only $6.95. It was the cheapest one in the order but I was seriously looking forward to that one as I don't get Bobal very often. At any rate, the wine club responded with a $10 credit to use on my next purchase, whenever that may be. Probably won't be for a couple of months at least, but since it's a bigger value than the cost of the wine, I'm happy with it.

    And they may have one of their 3 bottle or 6 bottle special deals on one that I like so I might not have to buy a whole crate of 15 to use it.
    On the good side there are worse things than a UTI, OTOH nothing found might have been better...

    I have had shortages with NS in the past that NS made good on. When it was a fair amount of frozen they replaced it with the missing item. When It was one Frozen item they offered a 2 for one Non frozen replacement. I was fine with that offer also.
    The Wine Club offer was still likely cheaper for them than shipping one replacement bottle would have been.

    Good Luck with a deal in the future.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 66 out there now with an expected high of 90 and 20% chance of rain, along with a POLLEN ALERT! I think summer wants to go out with a flare!

    The wine crate did not appear to have been tampered with. The way it was packed it would have been obvious if someone had opened it and tried to re-seal it, even though the tape at the bottom was actually broken by the time it arrived. They don't use a heavy enough tape, IMO, and that is often the case, though the way it's packed it still always seems to make it without the bottom giving way.

    But if it had been tampered with, the cardboard would have been somewhat crumpled or bent, as it would have been impossible to have pulled open the cardboard, slide a bottle of wine out, and then tuck the cardboard back in, without further damaging the tape and probably ripping the cardboard or at least leaving it crumpled somewhat.

    It seemed pretty clear that it had been all sealed up in the packing process with one bottle simply missing. One friend suggested that the packers were having a rough day and needed something to unwind. :)

    I'm sure the $10 store credit was a win for the company as well as a win for me, as shipping a single bottle would probably have cost more for shipping than the price of the bottle, and they still give me better value than what was lost. I still regret the missing bottle but I am sure I can get some more Bobal later. Maybe even order some in the next crate!

    I got to the store yesterday, for a few things, including a Taste of Asia Spicy Mongolian Noodle Bowl for J's lunch. I had previously purchased some at Aldi (under their brand name) and he liked them a lot. Since it's unlikely I'll see them again soon (if ever) at Aldi, I happened to see the name brand that Aldi had copied, checked the ingredients to make sure the name brand was also vegetarian, and went for it. It tasted just like the Aldi brand, as expected, and he had a nice lunch. I picked up something for myself from the hot food bar at Publix while I was shopping, and then stopped at Walgreens to pick up a scrip that was ready for me.

    Need to get some laundry (yes...that same laundry...) put away from the drier. LOL. I'm really going to do it today. I swear!

    Right after I finish making my second cup of tea. I'll let it cool slightly while I get started on the laundry.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited September 2017
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Palm seeds. Well, she's got me on that one. I haven't eaten those.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    And a prison recipe. Smoke oyster ramen? Sounds kind of pricy for prison food...I didn't know they could even get smoked oysters in prison!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Interesting Links ?, I found it interesting :)

    Suspect in Starbucks robbery may sue man who stopped him

    By Dianne de Guzman, SFGATE Updated 7:40 am, Wednesday, September 20, 2017

    b]Ransomware hack targeting 2 million an hour [/b]
    Shannon Vavra 17 hrs ago,

    Smart billboards are checking you out – and making judgments
    By Tim Johnson, September 20, 2017 5:00 AM

    Wow, Not Good
    For weeks, Equifax customer service has been directing victims to a fake phishing site
    by Dani Deahl and Ashley Carman Sep 20, 2017, 1:17pm EDT

    Have a Great Thursday

    I suspect that the suspect (I like that turn of phrasing) won't get far with that silly lawsuit. Now if he had slipped on some spilled coffee or cream, he might have a case...

    I received one of those Herbalife emails but knew I hadn't ordered anything from them and didn't need to look at the fake invoice that was attached. The proliferation of hacking has become almost frightening in its volume. I'd like to think that, having worked for years as a computer security expert, I'm "immune" to such things and will never ever be fooled into clicking on them. Let's hope that this turns out to be true.

    Those smart billboards can judge me all they want. I've reached an age where I don't give much of a *KITTEN* what anyone thinks of me. LOL. And they can pitch what they want but there, too, I'd hope I'm smart enough not to fall for that.

    That Equifax snafu just keeps growing. For a while, the page that they directed you to FROM THEIR OWN HOME PAGE, took you to a site that Google flagged as infected. I don't now if it really was, but it certainly didn't add any confidence in the opinions of Equifax. And now this. Equifax hasn't informed me (as yet) that my information was compromised, but it wouldn't be the first time. I use two factor confirmation where I can to help secure my little bit of stuff, but honestly they wouldn't get much from me even if they did steal my identity as there just isn't that much to get. They'd do better looking for bigger fish...

    OK. That drier "refresh" sounds like it has finished so I'm going to put away clothes now. REALLY!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Ok. I folded that *KITTEN* laundry! LOL. And Lilo has had her morning Clavamox.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good busy Morning!
    laundry ready now for the dryer..sweeper run in hall way, bar, front entrance, laundry, kitchen all nice and tidy.... I've eaten a banana...
    More to do, as its trash to the curb day, and O's gym night. Plus there are seeds to be planted and dreams to dream about red, yellow, white, orange chard!!

    I have a safety issue with billboards that have the ability to change like that. I really think they are a bigger distraction than say trying to eat and drive, or some of the other stuff they'll ticket you for...(I do support ticketing people who text while driving, and even at stop signs) But those bill boards are usually interesting enough to make you more than glance at them.

    Equifax may become the very next curse word to emerge on social media. Ed, do you remember Kat from Howard's NS site? She's already had an attempt on her identify. BOA caught it and notified here that someone was applying for credit on her account. While there's nothing in my past or present that would interest anyone, stealing your identity gives them the info to file income taxes in your name... and it takes the IRS 10 - 14 months to resolve the issue, meaning any money you might be due will be quite late!!

    Ok, time to move laundry and get this day moving again! OH...first how I got the pudding scared out of me this morning....'thanks Alexa'...I was messing with the phone app for Alexa and requested some music...no big deal..I just wanted to see if it work....well it worked! Only by the time I left my bedroom, I'd forgotten about it, and with my deaf ears, I was in the hall way turning off the house alarm, and I could hear this alarming 'noise' .... not quite a truck noise, not a well functioning motor noise from the A/C, etc. Yep, I was able to hear the bass sounds of some 60's rock music from the Bose speaker in the living room.... I also asked her to alert me at 10 a.m. we'll see very shortly if she does that!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Home from the gym, laundry folded AND put away, watched the end of the noontime news at home, and soon heading for the kitchen and some lunch!!!
    The rest of the day looks like a couple of u-tube nutrition programs to watch, and O's gym.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    And the rest of the fruit series, beginning with Lychee.

    Yes, I've had these.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Groundcherries. I have NOT had these and may have to look for them the next time I'm at the farmers market.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    And finally, the regular (not red) dragonfruit. I've had this too. Very expensive.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





