Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Me after reading all the news today...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Sleepy and tired...had a great time at the beach...none of the rain fell except one night when sleeping! My kinda rain! Ate very, very well...afraid of scales tomorrow. May wait til about Wednesday!!! LOL!
    Heading for bed...hockey tomorrow morning. May get up in time....maybe not.
    Be back to read 4 days worth of posts from y'all!!!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    74 out there now with an expected high of only 76 and 100% chance of rain, which is already happening.

    Looks like we brought in our "windfall" cluster of ringless honey mushrooms just in time last night, before they got all soggy in the rain!

    G was visiting yesterday and noticed the rather large cluster growing at the base of an old black cherry stump.

    We thought, for a moment, that they were hen/chicken of the woods but they just didn't look right for the platform mushrooms that most people call that, and determined that they are (probably) ringless honey mushrooms.

    We split the clump (two or three pounds!) with G. After all, she DID notice them. But none have, as yet, been eaten. We are performing a spore print test (takes 12 to 24 hours) before taking that step, just to make sure of our identification.

    If that comes out right, then G, J and I will all be preparing a few test mushrooms in our two kitchens, to try this evening or tomorrow, and then having a mushroom feast in a day or two, assuming the test tastes good. Taste can be a bit acrid on some wild mushrooms, but if we don't care for the taste we'll just toss the rest. Didn't cost us anything, so it would be no loss after all :) G says she is pretty sure she has golden chanterelles growing in her yard but she hasn't pulled any for definite ID as yet. I told her she should do that because golden chanterelles are delicious, and it would be a shame to waste that free food, if they are, indeed that kind.

    Looking forward to tasting the mushrooms.

    Need to get out in the rain (blech) at some point today to get the garbage and recycles down to the curb. Maybe there will be some periods of non-rain or at least slack rain.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Another fairly useless vintage gadget.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2017
    As I went walking this Morning it was dry outside when I started, while walking I had a few sprinkles occur and as I neared home a light rain started. The temperature this morning was 74 degrees on the porch and 74 degrees on the cable channel and is now up to 76 degrees. The Humidity has gone up from yesterday :(
    Today's forecast is for a high of 81 degrees and rain into Monday.


    McDonald's Is Testing Out A Vegan Burger
    Sadly for U.S. veg-heads, it's currently only in Finland.

    10/07/2017 03:55 pm ET, By Hilary Hanson

    Football's decline has some high schools disbanding teams
    By BEN NUCKOLS, Oct. 06, 2017

    corn yesterdayFood bank opens can of sweetcorn 35 YEARS past its expiry – and you’ll never guess what it looks like
    The Green Giant Niblets corn from 1982 was donated to Cardiff Foodbank by someone who likely forgot to check the date
    By Tom Michael, 5th October 2017, 11:07 pm, Updated: 7th October 2017, 1:06 am
    'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia
    Friday 6 October 2017 01.00 EDT

    Explosive possessed by Stephen Paddock may have been used in NYC bombing
    By Mike Brunker Las Vegas Review-Journal
    October 5, 2017 - 5:54 pm, Updated October 6, 2017 - 8:32 am

    Have a Great Sunday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Another take on the Rollie egg cooker. She had better results than that guy who apparently didn't follow the instructions or maybe had a faulty device. Still seems a silly gadget.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! 76 out there now with an expected high of 80 and 0% chance of rain, but it looked awfully damp out there a while ago on the cars. Heavy dew perhaps.

    I've been up since about quarter to six, but distracted by all sorts of things. The cats and I have, of course, been fed. I just finished unloading and cataloging today's wine delivery. 12 bottles. 2 each of six different kinds, and with my coupon (the one they gave me for stealing that one bottle the last time) I got a really good deal on this shipment. Just $4.99 per bottle after the coupon.

    I didn't need more wine right now but the deal was just too good to pass up and I got several kinds I haven't tried before, so I have that much more variety now.

    I had to laugh at the last bottles that I pulled out though. Back Seat Blonde. Wine with Nice Legs. 2010.

    I think that's just a little bit sexist...LOL. But if it better have nice legs if it's been in the bottle for 7 years. I don't generally let my white wines age that long, but we'll see how this one is. I will put one in the cooler for use soonish.
    Hi Ed
    That sounds like a great price for delivered wine.

    Sexist, Nah :)
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    74 out there now with an expected high of only 76 and 100% chance of rain, which is already happening.

    Looks like we brought in our "windfall" cluster of ringless honey mushrooms just in time last night, before they got all soggy in the rain!

    G was visiting yesterday and noticed the rather large cluster growing at the base of an old black cherry stump.

    We thought, for a moment, that they were hen/chicken of the woods but they just didn't look right for the platform mushrooms that most people call that, and determined that they are (probably) ringless honey mushrooms.

    We split the clump (two or three pounds!) with G. After all, she DID notice them. But none have, as yet, been eaten. We are performing a spore print test (takes 12 to 24 hours) before taking that step, just to make sure of our identification.

    If that comes out right, then G, J and I will all be preparing a few test mushrooms in our two kitchens, to try this evening or tomorrow, and then having a mushroom feast in a day or two, assuming the test tastes good. Taste can be a bit acrid on some wild mushrooms, but if we don't care for the taste we'll just toss the rest. Didn't cost us anything, so it would be no loss after all :) G says she is pretty sure she has golden chanterelles growing in her yard but she hasn't pulled any for definite ID as yet. I told her she should do that because golden chanterelles are delicious, and it would be a shame to waste that free food, if they are, indeed that kind.

    Looking forward to tasting the mushrooms.

    Need to get out in the rain (blech) at some point today to get the garbage and recycles down to the curb. Maybe there will be some periods of non-rain or at least slack rain.
    Our chance of rain had become definite rain here :)

    I never heard of a spore print test, OTOH considering that there are Mushrooms that can kill or make You ill it makes sense to verify what they are.

    Chanterelles are not cheap as I remember .
    So if they really are I agree, harvest them.

    BTW I did not know Mushrooms could get soggy.

    Your garbage and recycle goes out together and on a Sunday? Ours are picked up by different trucks, City for garbage and County for recycle and on different days too.
    Another fairly useless vintage gadget.
    So true, it is not that hard to scramble eggs. I wonder how many they sold ?

    I have seen Black Chicken on Iron Chef and it did not look like anything I would eat.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Sleepy and tired...had a great time at the beach...none of the rain fell except one night when sleeping! My kinda rain! Ate very, very well...afraid of scales tomorrow. May wait til about Wednesday!!! LOL!
    Heading for bed...hockey tomorrow morning. May get up in time....maybe not.
    Be back to read 4 days worth of posts from y'all!!!
    Hi Valerie
    Welcome Home. You were lucky with the weather from the sound of it.

    I was not happy with the scales this morning, I had expected to be the same or down, not up one pound over yesterday, It has to be water retention IMO. Hopefully :)

    Good Luck getting caught up and the Hockey
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    edited October 2017
    I wonder if Meatloaf gave up the money so Christopher could get his pizza and beer?

    I put the garbage and recycles out on Sunday, so they can pick it up on Monday. They want it out by 7:00 a.m., on Monday, and someone apparently does a drive through so they can make an estimate on how many trucks and/or trips they'll need to make. If I am late getting it out, they will still pick up but they'll also leave me a nastygram, as they apparently also give the trucks a route map detailing where they are supposed to pick up, or something. Getting it out on Monday morning before 7:00 isn't going to happen here, hence the setting it out on Sunday.

    Here in the U.S. McDonalds still puts natural beef flavor in the fries, so I doubt that adding a McVegan to the menu would bring in all that many vegean and/or vegetarians, unless they change their fries as well. What's a nice burger at a fast food joint without yummy fast food fries?

    I never cared much for football anyway, though I could somewhat get into it if physically at the game. High school kids seem to enjoy it so I hate that they are phasing it out so many places. Our high school was so small we didn't have a football team anyway, though we did have baseball, basketball, golf, track and cross country!

    The can of corn might possibly have still been edible, but I'd agree with the worker that it wouldn't be recommended eating after so many years sitting in the metal can. It is rather amazing that it looked so good!

    On the explosive substance, must have been a slow news day. The clickbait headline leads the reader to believe that what was found was the same (as in EXACT SAME BATCH) as that used in NYC, as if they came from the same place and might have an actual link. OK...so the shooter had some quantity of a substance readily available, easy to get and/or make, that is often used for target practice...this same explosive compound happened to have been used in a terrorist bombing in NYC. While vaguely interesting, I fail to see any importance to that "link" as he might well have been using it, as other gun enthusiasts do, for target practice! Making a news story from that seems, to me, to really be reaching.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Another magnificent waste of money! I actually tried these. Threw them away after one try...too messy to use and clean up, don't work well, and a jumbo egg won't fit anyway!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh my goodness! Emmy sure does find some strange things!. I've never had sweetsop Ed...have heard of them though. I may have to keep my eyes open to see if I can find one!
    Hockey game was a sad loss. You'd think these little guys had never played together before....and I understand they played about the same yesterday, and had the same results. Poor coach...gonna be a lot of practice this week!

    After the game I stopped (in the rain no less) at Whole Food...bought a few thing, including some grains like Millet and Amaranth, and some crackers, a small cup of their hot soup, and they didn't have any tofu..but I picked up some grilled veggies like eggplant, peppers, squash etc to use in a sandwich tomorrow, etc, etc, etc!
    Oh, and I got gasoline for $2.27 at CostCo. I watched on the way home and gas ran $2.59 to $2.39, so I was glad to see my Costco price!

    It started pouring rain, and I have a mad and VOCAL Tom E. sitting beside me right now. I dried him off as best I could when he came in the door...but apparently it is my fault that it rained???

    Wow! Really old corn! I don't think I'd eat it...probably would't hurt you, but just the thought...nope...first I'd wonder it the can was steel and tin coated, or just steel?? Guess it wasn't acidic enough to 'eat thru the can'. Still...nope!

    I'm going to nap for about 45 minutes...I'm crashing...not much sleep last night, and now that after lunch heavy eye misery...will sleep it off! Will leave Tom E. in the house, as I don't think I have even a small chance of getting him back out the door. And why he chooses to sleep on the roof, when there is a nice dry screened porch, with several 'beds' and lots of straw to sleep in is well beyond my reasoning......

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh Roger...loved seeing Meatloaf with the pizza and beer money...that was funny...as was Pop Goes the Weasel, and the joke about the tanning beds...May have to share that one with the gym kids tomorrow. :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    More vintage kitchen gadgets!
