Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 52 on the news channel and 47 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer.
    Now that I am home I checked the Backyard Thermometer and it has gone up to a blazing 52 degrees.
    I wore heavier Gloves, I could feel the cold through the light gloves I wore yesterday thus the heavier gloves :)

    Some more interesting Links :) Hopefully ?
    The Vermin Occupying Capitol Hill
    Pest control service has been coming to the House every day for the last 15 years

    Alex Gangitano, Posted Oct 2, 2017 5:04 AM

    Skipping breakfast may double risk of hard arteries: study
    Kerry SHERIDAN, AFP October 2, 2017

    Asteroid the size of a HOUSE to skim past Earth at one-eighth the distance of the Moon
    If it were to enter the Earth's atmosphere, it would have a similar effect to the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013
    BySophie Curtis, 11:58, 3 OCT 2017

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Morning..news considered I'd shudder to call it good.
    I've seen the peppermint/Dementia story before. Causation/Correlation may not be the same, but often it does point science in the right/new direction.
    O was not upset...somebody clued her in before she got here, so she knew she'd missed seeing her uncle. She DID however remember that I'd promised to let her look thru my make up for any that looked 'interesting' to her... well, that's one drawer I won't have to clean out again for awhile!!! LOL! She was surprised and thrilled to find things like Smash Box products and Urban Decay...
    We played Monopoly while Jack worked!! Nate left the game early to go play with his stick and street puck...Olivia had the most money when the game ended, but Gram owned a LOT of property. So we called it a draw (though most likely in the end I'd have won....(my story and I'm sticking with it!) LOL!

    Two days and we head for the beach. Looked at the weather, and I see 4 days of rain! Which is ok...just remember rain coat and umbrella. And switch lunches from cold foods like salad, to toasty warm things like soup! (Dinners are eaten out or take out...no cooking!) I've got enough books on my Kindle app that I could stay 6 months! Marietta will be happier with movies and magazines! Poor old Doug will be stuck in lectures and classrooms all day.

    Ok, I need to get some work done around here...I just ate, but need to call Tom E. for his breakfast. Bet he's enjoying this breezy and quite cool morning...


    Hi Valerie
    Speaking of Kindles I have installed a program that can convert from many formats to eBooks for the Kindle or other eReaders. It can even manage the Kindle books, add or delete or view on the screen of the computer. It does allow me to use places such as https://www.gutenberg.org/
    Project Gutenberg Mobile Site. Project Gutenberg offers over 54,000 free eBooks: Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read

    It sounds as if You had a good visit.

    Have a Nice Day and Vacation
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, I've upgraded my MacBook and my iMac to High Sierra. Neither one exploded...
    Hi Ed
    I'm guessing that is a OS upgrade?

    Nice that it went well, Did it take long to do?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 60 out there now with an expected high of 79 and 0% chance of rain.

    Need to get out to the grocery today for a couple of things. Or tomorrow. We'll see. Running update on my Windows 10 Virtual Machine in the background of the iMac. That is always slow in the VM. Not terribly fast even on the Surface when I run it there, but better than the VM.

    I've eaten. The cats have been fed, and the dishwasher is running. Oddly enough I have no laundry lurking in the dryer as I actually got it all folded and put away.

    I've consumed about 250 ml of water so far for the day, but I'm also starting now on my first big mug of tea. Since I usually have 2 to 4 mugs of tea in the morning, that is a significant portion of my daily fluid.

    Once in a while I'll actually make some coffee, but if so it's generally in addition to the tea.

    Now to find some funnies or interesting food videos...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    This looks kind of awesome, but evil...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Some more interesting Links :) Hopefully ?
    The Vermin Occupying Capitol Hill
    Pest control service has been coming to the House every day for the last 15 years

    Alex Gangitano, Posted Oct 2, 2017 5:04 AM

    I think they've been targeting the wrong pests...

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Skipping breakfast may double risk of hard arteries: study
    Kerry SHERIDAN, AFP October 2, 2017

    Well, then I guess I'm good on that score!

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Asteroid the size of a HOUSE to skim past Earth at one-eighth the distance of the Moon
    If it were to enter the Earth's atmosphere, it would have a similar effect to the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013
    BySophie Curtis, 11:58, 3 OCT 2017

    Have a Great Tuesday

    Hopefully their attempt to shift its course won't turn it TOWARD the earth...I say if it ain't gonna hit us, then leave it alone!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Well, I've upgraded my MacBook and my iMac to High Sierra. Neither one exploded...
    Hi Ed
    I'm guessing that is a OS upgrade?

    Nice that it went well, Did it take long to do?


    About an hour for each machine. Not bad compared with the usual time for Windows 10.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited October 2017
    And...of course, these two just seem to go together.

    EAT IT


    Followed by FAT

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Today is packing, small laundry load, maybe a trip to the grocery??? and dinner OUT. Run dishwasher, take cat food to Sara, unlock side door to porch. Tom E will be fed on the porch. I've been feeding him there for a week...he's a bit 'stubborn' about Where he eats...grrrr. I only hope that 2 days of cat food on the porch doesn't bring on a herd of raccoons.....
    Will take time out to watch the noon news, hopefully I'll not get indigestion.
    I've been reading and watching almost everything this morning...too many things to comment on!!! Some day Ed, you can, over a cup of coffee or tea at the Forum, explain to me why you have Windows and Mac programs running on two machines??? You can teach me at Kindergarten Level so I understand at least half of it! :)
    Roger I do believe that Great Dane was walking the little tyke!, and doing it very carefully. They're wonderful dogs....just SO danged BIG!!!
    OK, I've gotta get this day started, will try to get back here again later today...if not, you'll know the days chores got knotted up and I'm still trying to get everything done! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited October 2017
    Some day Ed, you can, over a cup of coffee or tea at the Forum, explain to me why you have Windows and Mac programs running on two machines??? You can teach me at Kindergarten Level so I understand at least half of it! :)

    Well, the easy answer is that I'm an aging nerd who just likes to keep up with the major operating systems, and even one slightly less major (but definitely a player) as well.

    I currently have Mac OS High Sierra on my iMac and my MacBook Pro. In addition, on the iMac, I have created two Virtual Machines that run under the Mac OS, but only when I boot one or the other of them to do something on it. The virtual machines are never both running at once, as that would drag the system down terribly. And neither one is just "up" to be up. If I'm not updating or "playing" (read that - doodling around with the system, testing how things run, keeping up to date with my knowledge base, and/or testing out how well a given app or game runs) on one of the virtual machines, then they are not active. They do take quite a bit of the system memory to run, and even running one of them will slow down the iMac.

    Now...why TWO? One is my Microsoft Insider developer's copy of Windows 10. I get to see new stuff before most people and it helps me maintain my knowledge to help less nerdy friends when they have questions. I always used Microsoft Windows when at work for the government and just wanted to keep up with it.

    The other is Ubuntu Linux, 64 bit version 17.03 (I think...the .03 may be incorrect and that VM isn't running right now to check) and again, this is just to keep up with my knowledge of the UNIX/LINUX operating systems, which are, by the way, MUCH friendlier than they were when I helped maintain UNIX boxes at the IRS, in my earlier years.

    Later on, I received a small, Dell mini computer that isn't very powerful, and probably would absolutely crawl if I tried to run Windows on it. So I run the latest 32 bit Ubuntu Linux, version 16.04 on that one, so I have two versions available to play with Linux.

    And just fairly recently, we found a pretty good deal on a Microsoft Surface 3 pad computer, that can also be docked and used as a somewhat low powered desktop. This came with Windows 10 pre-installed, the HOME version, as opposed to the PRO version that is installed in my virtual machine. I also use my "insider" status to get some updates a little early on the pad, but I have it on the slow ring, which means I don't get them until they are fairly stable with maybe just a few kinks left to work out. So this gave me two Windows machines, with slightly different versions of the operating system.

    The pad is nicely portable, with or without the bluetooth keyboard I have to go with it, and I can draw or write directly on it with the Surface Pen. I got a nice folio type case and intend to usually use it when traveling, like when we stayed downtown during DragonCon, as it's quite small compared to my MacBook Pro, being only a 10.8 inch screen rather than 17 inches. Also much lighter in weight and I don't need a big computer bag or backpack to tote it.

    On either Windows machine, the pad or the virtual machine, Microsoft gets reports of any kinks I discover, as well as feedback from me on how useful (or annoying) any new features and/or bugs are. I honestly don't give a lot of feedback, but still wanted to be in the insiders group just because I'm a big old nerd!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 60 out there now with an expected high of 81 and 0% chance of rain.

    Not much on the agenda today.

    I must have eaten something that disagreed with me yesterday because just as I was finishing up dinner prep, I felt really ill and had to lie down. I had to get J to take the curried potato puffs out of the oven and then told him to just eat some of them and the deviled eggs I had already finished making and enjoy.

    After a while I threw up, then laid back down for another hour or so and then felt better enough to go and at least straighten out the kitchen and give Lilo her Clavamox before going back to bed. And I ate one piece of deviled egg.

    When I got up this morning all the rest of the deviled eggs were gone so I guess J really liked them. He had also eaten a decent amount of the potato puffs before I put the rest into the fridge last night. I warmed one up and had it for part of my breakfast. They turned out pretty well.

    Probably a nap today, at least.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    10/03/2017 Not 100%

    I went walking this Morning + 21 Cents. The temperature this morning was 52 on the news channel and 47 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer.
    Now that I am home I checked the Backyard Thermometer and it is still 47 degrees.
    I wore the heavier Gloves after seeing the outside temeratures :)

    Links You may find Interesting,
    First Public Domain AudioBooks

    Next Public Domain eBooks

    Some more interesting Links :) Hopefully ?
    By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, 2 October 2017 • 10:00pm

    As loyal donors age, industry on lookout for young blood
    Originally published September 30, 2017 at 5:33 pm Updated September 30, 2017 at 6:34 pm

    End of the TV remote could be nigh as scientists invent technology to change channel using gestures
    By Telegraph Reporters, 2 October 2017 • 12:01am

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Today is packing, small laundry load, maybe a trip to the grocery??? and dinner OUT. Run dishwasher, take cat food to Sara, unlock side door to porch. Tom E will be fed on the porch. I've been feeding him there for a week...he's a bit 'stubborn' about Where he eats...grrrr. I only hope that 2 days of cat food on the porch doesn't bring on a herd of raccoons.....
    Will take time out to watch the noon news, hopefully I'll not get indigestion.
    I've been reading and watching almost everything this morning...too many things to comment on!!! Some day Ed, you can, over a cup of coffee or tea at the Forum, explain to me why you have Windows and Mac programs running on two machines??? You can teach me at Kindergarten Level so I understand at least half of it! :)
    Roger I do believe that Great Dane was walking the little tyke!, and doing it very carefully. They're wonderful dogs....just SO danged BIG!!!
    OK, I've gotta get this day started, will try to get back here again later today...if not, you'll know the days chores got knotted up and I'm still trying to get everything done! :)

    Hi Valerie
    It sounds like it will be a busy day today. I find that many days the news is not might cup of tea.

    I can understand why Ed might do that. I find that there are many programs for windows that have a much larger selection of choices at all price points from Free and Shareware to paid. I started with DOS before windows was out and have stayed with Windows as the hardware was so much cheaper than equivalent Apple hardware.

    Good Luck with the Cat Food
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Some more interesting Links :) Hopefully ?
    The Vermin Occupying Capitol Hill
    Pest control service has been coming to the House every day for the last 15 years

    Alex Gangitano, Posted Oct 2, 2017 5:04 AM

    I think they've been targeting the wrong pests...
    Agreed :)
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Skipping breakfast may double risk of hard arteries: study
    Kerry SHERIDAN, AFP October 2, 2017

    Well, then I guess I'm good on that score!
    That used to be me, I did not have breakfast for the 30 years I worked the last two jobs I had prior to retirement.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Asteroid the size of a HOUSE to skim past Earth at one-eighth the distance of the Moon
    If it were to enter the Earth's atmosphere, it would have a similar effect to the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013
    BySophie Curtis, 11:58, 3 OCT 2017

    Have a Great Tuesday

    Hopefully their attempt to shift its course won't turn it TOWARD the earth...I say if it ain't gonna hit us, then leave it alone!
    Once again, I agree, if it ain't broke, don't fix it !
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Well, I've upgraded my MacBook and my iMac to High Sierra. Neither one exploded...
    Hi Ed
    I'm guessing that is a OS upgrade?

    Nice that it went well, Did it take long to do?


    About an hour for each machine. Not bad compared with the usual time for Windows 10.
    I do not find the Windows upgrades tedious or time consuming :)
    I tend to let them happen when I am done with the computer for the day and select upgrade and shut down. Then when I turn it on the next time I start it a little while before I need it.
    Some day Ed, you can, over a cup of coffee or tea at the Forum, explain to me why you have Windows and Mac programs running on two machines??? You can teach me at Kindergarten Level so I understand at least half of it! :)

    Well, the easy answer is that I'm an aging nerd who just likes to keep up with the major operating systems, and even one slightly less major (but definitely a player) as well.

    I currently have Mac OS High Sierra on my iMac and my MacBook Pro. In addition, on the iMac, I have created two Virtual Machines that run under the Mac OS, but only when I boot one or the other of them to do something on it. The virtual machines are never both running at once, as that would drag the system down terribly. And neither one is just "up" to be up. If I'm not updating or "playing" (read that - doodling around with the system, testing how things run, keeping up to date with my knowledge base, and/or testing out how well a given app or game runs) on one of the virtual machines, then they are not active. They do take quite a bit of the system memory to run, and even running one of them will slow down the iMac.

    Now...why TWO? One is my Microsoft Insider developer's copy of Windows 10. I get to see new stuff before most people and it helps me maintain my knowledge to help less nerdy friends when they have questions. I always used Microsoft Windows when at work for the government and just wanted to keep up with it.

    The other is Ubuntu Linux, 64 bit version 17.03 (I think...the .03 may be incorrect and that VM isn't running right now to check) and again, this is just to keep up with my knowledge of the UNIX/LINUX operating systems, which are, by the way, MUCH friendlier than they were when I helped maintain UNIX boxes at the IRS, in my earlier years.

    Later on, I received a small, Dell mini computer that isn't very powerful, and probably would absolutely crawl if I tried to run Windows on it. So I run the latest 32 bit Ubuntu Linux, version 16.04 on that one, so I have two versions available to play with Linux.

    And just fairly recently, we found a pretty good deal on a Microsoft Surface 3 pad computer, that can also be docked and used as a somewhat low powered desktop. This came with Windows 10 pre-installed, the HOME version, as opposed to the PRO version that is installed in my virtual machine. I also use my "insider" status to get some updates a little early on the pad, but I have it on the slow ring, which means I don't get them until they are fairly stable with maybe just a few kinks left to work out. So this gave me two Windows machines, with slightly different versions of the operating system.

    The pad is nicely portable, with or without the bluetooth keyboard I have to go with it, and I can draw or write directly on it with the Surface Pen. I got a nice folio type case and intend to usually use it when traveling, like when we stayed downtown during DragonCon, as it's quite small compared to my MacBook Pro, being only a 10.8 inch screen rather than 17 inches. Also much lighter in weight and I don't need a big computer bag or backpack to tote it.

    On either Windows machine, the pad or the virtual machine, Microsoft gets reports of any kinks I discover, as well as feedback from me on how useful (or annoying) any new features and/or bugs are. I honestly don't give a lot of feedback, but still wanted to be in the insiders group just because I'm a big old nerd!
    I can completely understand the benefits of small and light.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 60 out there now with an expected high of 81 and 0% chance of rain.

    Not much on the agenda today.

    I must have eaten something that disagreed with me yesterday because just as I was finishing up dinner prep, I felt really ill and had to lie down. I had to get J to take the curried potato puffs out of the oven and then told him to just eat some of them and the deviled eggs I had already finished making and enjoy.

    After a while I threw up, then laid back down for another hour or so and then felt better enough to go and at least straighten out the kitchen and give Lilo her Clavamox before going back to bed. And I ate one piece of deviled egg.

    When I got up this morning all the rest of the deviled eggs were gone so I guess J really liked them. He had also eaten a decent amount of the potato puffs before I put the rest into the fridge last night. I warmed one up and had it for part of my breakfast. They turned out pretty well.

    Probably a nap today, at least.
    Ouch, that does not sound like a enjoyable day.

    I'm glad You are feeling better.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited October 2017
    I knew pretty much about the plethora of available e-books but didn't know that there were starting to be audiobooks available for free. That's pretty amazing.

    I don't think I would be too interested in the using of gestures to change TV settings. I'd probably end up blasting the volume and changing the channel just walking across the room...or worse, the cats would do that.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Kids try 100 years of brown bag lunches. Radish sandwich???

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    After that radish sandwich and the beans and bread lunch...I think we need a nice dessert!
