Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 73 out there now with an expected high of 82 and 50% chance of scattered thunderstorms.

    Need to empty the dishwasher, feed me and the cats, clear the sink and take a nap!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking this Morning, When I started out it was dry, I did hear a light rain around 3:30AM. The temperature this morning was 72 degrees on the porch and 73 degrees on the cable channel and is now up to 78 degrees in the back yard. Once again the Humidity has gone up from yesterday and is now in the oppressive range :(
    Today's forecast is for a high of 81 degrees and rain later today.

    Feinstein: No law would have stopped Las Vegas gunman
    By Mallory Shelbourne - 10/08/17 10:37 AM EDT

    Shock poll: NFL now least liked sport, core fans down 31%
    by Paul Bedard | Oct 7, 2017, 8:00 AM

    NYPD provides 24/7 protection for Columbus statue ahead of holiday
    By Carl Campanile and Shawn Cohen, October 4, 2017 | 9:07pm

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I wonder if Meatloaf gave up the money so Christopher could get his pizza and beer?

    I put the garbage and recycles out on Sunday, so they can pick it up on Monday. They want it out by 7:00 a.m., on Monday, and someone apparently does a drive through so they can make an estimate on how many trucks and/or trips they'll need to make. If I am late getting it out, they will still pick up but they'll also leave me a nastygram, as they apparently also give the trucks a route map detailing where they are supposed to pick up, or something. Getting it out on Monday morning before 7:00 isn't going to happen here, hence the setting it out on Sunday.

    Here in the U.S. McDonalds still puts natural beef flavor in the fries, so I doubt that adding a McVegan to the menu would bring in all that many vegean and/or vegetarians, unless they change their fries as well. What's a nice burger at a fast food joint without yummy fast food fries?
    Hi Ed
    I tend to either put mine out the night before for the garbage or I end up putting it out at the curb as I leave for my walk. They sometimes come by for the garbage before I return home. The recycle we are lucky if they pick up before noon.

    I thought they had removed the Beef flavor at the same time they removed it from the Shortening they are cooked in.
    I never cared much for football anyway, though I could somewhat get into it if physically at the game. High school kids seem to enjoy it so I hate that they are phasing it out so many places. Our high school was so small we didn't have a football team anyway, though we did have baseball, basketball, golf, track and cross country!

    The can of corn might possibly have still been edible, but I'd agree with the worker that it wouldn't be recommended eating after so many years sitting in the metal can. It is rather amazing that it looked so good!

    On the explosive substance, must have been a slow news day. The clickbait headline leads the reader to believe that what was found was the same (as in EXACT SAME BATCH) as that used in NYC, as if they came from the same place and might have an actual link. OK...so the shooter had some quantity of a substance readily available, easy to get and/or make, that is often used for target practice...this same explosive compound happened to have been used in a terrorist bombing in NYC. While vaguely interesting, I fail to see any importance to that "link" as he might well have been using it, as other gun enthusiasts do, for target practice! Making a news story from that seems, to me, to really be reaching.
    You are most likely correct. I view that as part of the reason so many distrust the news organizations anymore.
    I apologize, I had not read the story that carefully before posting the link, Oops :(
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 73 out there now with an expected high of 82 and 50% chance of scattered thunderstorms.
    We have already hit the 100% rain a far as I am concerned with the 3:30AM rain and the wet streets and sidewalks while I was walking.
    Today we are supposed to get rain from the remnants of the now Tropical Storm Nate.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Oh my goodness! Emmy sure does find some strange things!. I've never had sweetsop Ed...have heard of them though. I may have to keep my eyes open to see if I can find one!
    Hockey game was a sad loss. You'd think these little guys had never played together before....and I understand they played about the same yesterday, and had the same results. Poor coach...gonna be a lot of practice this week!

    After the game I stopped (in the rain no less) at Whole Food...bought a few thing, including some grains like Millet and Amaranth, and some crackers, a small cup of their hot soup, and they didn't have any tofu..but I picked up some grilled veggies like eggplant, peppers, squash etc to use in a sandwich tomorrow, etc, etc, etc!
    Oh, and I got gasoline for $2.27 at CostCo. I watched on the way home and gas ran $2.59 to $2.39, so I was glad to see my Costco price!
    Hi Valerie
    Strange, I thought they were doing good last year too.

    Nice a 12 cent to 32 cent price savings on gas.

    I am waiting for the whole foods that is coming somewhat near me to be finished, they seem to be using turtle labor. Although being on a busy highway it will mean a drive to get to it.
    It started pouring rain, and I have a mad and VOCAL Tom E. sitting beside me right now. I dried him off as best I could when he came in the door...but apparently it is my fault that it rained???

    Wow! Really old corn! I don't think I'd eat it...probably would't hurt you, but just the thought...nope...first I'd wonder it the can was steel and tin coated, or just steel?? Guess it wasn't acidic enough to 'eat thru the can'. Still...nope!

    I'm going to nap for about 45 minutes...I'm crashing...not much sleep last night, and now that after lunch heavy eye misery...will sleep it off! Will leave Tom E. in the house, as I don't think I have even a small chance of getting him back out the door. And why he chooses to sleep on the roof, when there is a nice dry screened porch, with several 'beds' and lots of straw to sleep in is well beyond my reasoning......

    That's it, You arranged the rain just to aggravate Tom E. :)

    I think cans used for food have had a coating for many, many years.

    Cats being cats is the only reason I can think of :)
    OK, My brother says that cats like high places where they can look for Prey to pounce on.
    Oh Roger...loved seeing Meatloaf with the pizza and beer money...that was funny...as was Pop Goes the Weasel, and the joke about the tanning beds...May have to share that one with the gym kids tomorrow. :)

    I'm glad You enjoyed them. My brother sends them faster than I can post them so I try and skim off the cream of the crop.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    A recent article abut the french fries still mentions the beef flavoring, which also includes some milk ingredients. So the fries are definitely out if one is vegan or even vegatarian.


    And the McDonalds site itself states that they use beef flavoring. I have many vegan and vegetarian friends, and tend to keep a close watch on this kind of stuff. They all avoid McDonalds because of this. See the question about flavoring in the fries.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    OMG that ELEVATOR!!! LOL!! Shared the emoji cartoon with my computer boys, the grands and my brother!
    I don't eat at Mickey D's...so I didn't know they flavored the french fries, etc. So, thanks Ed for that!
    Roger I hope your weather cools off a bit and the rain from Nate doesn't mess up your walking for tomorrow.

    Gave up 3 vials of blood to be tested before next week's Doc visit...then ate my breakfast and drank my coffee in my car while I waited 17 minutes for Best Buys to open so I could get my lightening cord replacement...it was 'interesting' . One of the employee's showed me where they were, and mentioned that the 6 ft long cord was on sale, and cheaper than the shorter cord...so I got the long one...went to pay and the cashier said that will be $21.?? and I said?????really. How did a $13 cord end up costing 21 bucks. Well, supervisor arrived and price on display was checked...and it was sold to me for $13 + tax. Glad I was paying attention.
    Then went to the gym. Stayed busy eating lunch and 'this and that' around the house til it was too late to take a nap! :)

    Tomorrow I sleep in...no excuses!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking this Morning, The temperature this morning was 68 degrees on the porch and 69 degrees on the cable channel and is now up to 71 degrees in the back yard. The Humidity is still up, And is now described as in the oppressive range and was also described as Tropical on last nights weather forecast :(

    Neighbors revolt against tiny houses and say they will destroy property values
    By Steve Harrison, October 09, 2017 7:58 AM

    South Korea developing graphite 'blackout bombs' to paralyse North's electrical grid
    By Julian Ryall, 9 October 2017 • 5:27am

    Christopher Columbus Statue In Little Italy Defaced Again On Columbus Day
    October 9, 2017 10:41 AM

    Americans Face a Rising Risk of Dying Alone
    More older people are living on their own, and fewer have close relatives to help them out as they age.
    By Ben Steverman, October 9, 2017, 5:00 AM EDT

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    What's the other part ?

    You had one job :)



    Bike Path Surprise
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    A recent article abut the french fries still mentions the beef flavoring, which also includes some milk ingredients. So the fries are definitely out if one is vegan or even vegatarian.


    And the McDonalds site itself states that they use beef flavoring. I have many vegan and vegetarian friends, and tend to keep a close watch on this kind of stuff. They all avoid McDonalds because of this. See the question about flavoring in the fries.

    Hi Ed
    Interesting, I knew about that back in the 80s & 90s. I Also recalled that they had pulled the Beef Fat from the shortening, My recollection of that was a No fat push by some organization.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    edited October 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! I slept in somewhat this morning. Lilo woke me early, but I went back to bed. When I woke again, later, she was back beside me in the bed so whatever she had wanted to do, I guess she did, then she came back to the bedroom and snoozed beside me again.

    It's a foggy 72 out there now with an expected high of 86 and 20% chance of rain.

    I slept in because I didn't get much of a nap yesterday, partly because of the delay waiting at Walgreens for my flu shot. I honestly think that they forgot to tell the pharmacist I was waiting, or they told her and she forgot. About 45 minutes after I paid (well, insurance paid, my cost was $0) and sat down, I commented on FaceBook that I hoped I'd at least get the shot the same day I was rung up for it. It was close to an hour when they noticed the steam coming out of my ears and apologized for the delay.

    At any rate, I did get my flu shot, so that's done for this season. Then we had the regular Orchid Society meeting last night. As hospitality chair, I made the coffee, as usual, set up the drinks and a light snack of cheese and crackers. I had cleverly purchased two relatively inexpensive ten slice packs of cheese at Ingles, and since they were sandwich slices I was able to convert that to 80 cracker sized slices. We had 40 slices each of Muenster and Swiss, along with three different kind of crackers, Glutino, Club, and round, buttery Ritz style. At the end there was very little waste. I threw away two Glutino and two of the round, buttery Ritz style crackers. But since the cheese didn't run out until I ate the last slice as I was breaking down the hospitality table, I think everyone got as much to eat as they wanted.

    In addition to the cheese and crackers, there was an evil Amish apple cake that another member brought, that I ate more of than I should, and I woke up this morning with a carb hangover as a result. But that was my first waking and I took two Ibuprofen before laying back down and felt quite a bit better when I did finally get up for real, and even better after I ate. There was no cake leftover either, but that also lasted until I was ready to break down the set up, when someone slipped the last two pieces into a folded up napkin and took them home for her breakfast.

    And, of course, there was some leftover coffee to dispose of. I hate that I have to pour out coffee, as it's not exactly inexpensive to make, but it really doesn't keep that well and I won't drink it. So I dump it, rinse out the insulated urns, and bring them home to fill and carry to the next meeting.

    Sipping my first cup of tea for the morning now.

    Maybe some laundry later, and possibly, but not likely, a run for a few groceries. That's more likely tomorrow or Thursday though.

    The Lara Lynn (Ingles) brand Muenster cheese was quite nice. I probably ate more of that than I really needed last night too, and have added that to my list for my next shopping trip at Ingles. I think it makes a nice change from American or Cheddar and would probably make delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. I may check out their Havarti as well, as I know I generally like that for grilled cheese too. The Swiss was good too, but not exceptionally so. I'd definitely eat it again though, as the price was right. It would go nicely on a ham sandwich.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    OMG that ELEVATOR!!! LOL!! Shared the emoji cartoon with my computer boys, the grands and my brother!
    I don't eat at Mickey D's...so I didn't know they flavored the french fries, etc. So, thanks Ed for that!
    Roger I hope your weather cools off a bit and the rain from Nate doesn't mess up your walking for tomorrow.

    Gave up 3 vials of blood to be tested before next week's Doc visit...then ate my breakfast and drank my coffee in my car while I waited 17 minutes for Best Buys to open so I could get my lightening cord replacement...it was 'interesting' . One of the employee's showed me where they were, and mentioned that the 6 ft long cord was on sale, and cheaper than the shorter cord...so I got the long one...went to pay and the cashier said that will be $21.?? and I said?????really. How did a $13 cord end up costing 21 bucks. Well, supervisor arrived and price on display was checked...and it was sold to me for $13 + tax. Glad I was paying attention.
    Then went to the gym. Stayed busy eating lunch and 'this and that' around the house til it was too late to take a nap! :)

    Tomorrow I sleep in...no excuses!

    Hi Valerie
    It has to be strangely shaped passengers using that elevator :)
    I'm glad You found some of the humor useful.

    I am a little surprised that the Lightening cord has gone bad. My brother was able to use the older iPod cord for many years before it finally gave up the ghost. What it showed then was Unrecognizable device plugged into the computer in Windows 7.

    I have caught that sort of issue before also. The other day my Brother went to the Grocery Store for Ricotta Cheese to use while making a Lasagna. The Larger container was on sale cheaper than the smaller one :)
    FWIW I had a 1 by 3 inch slice and it was delicious. He used the cheese, Some Grated cheese, lots of Hamburger and Mozzarella Cheese. He also took a shortcut and used No Cook pasta which also avoided the problem of cooking the pasta or breakage. Then since he had plenty of Ricotta and some of the sheets of pasta left over from the Lasagna to make Manicotti.

    IOWs it pays to look at the prices and when they get rung up too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! I slept in somewhat this morning. Lilo woke me early, but I went back to bed. When I woke again, later, she was back beside me in the bed so whatever she had wanted to do, I guess she did, then she came back to the bedroom and snoozed beside me again.

    It's a foggy 72 out there now with an expected high of 86 and 20% chance of rain.

    I slept in because I didn't get much of a nap yesterday, partly because of the delay waiting at Walgreens for my flu shot. I honestly think that they forgot to tell the pharmacist I was waiting, or they told her and she forgot. About 45 minutes after I paid (well, insurance paid, my cost was $0) and sat down, I commented on FaceBook that I hoped I'd at least get the shot the same day I was rung up for it. It was close to an hour when they noticed the steam coming out of my ears and apologized for the delay.
    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if Walgreens is just as poor with regard to customer service as CVS is :(

    There is a chance of rain in the forecast, OTOH it is a beautiful day outside, The sky has a few traces of clouds showing currently and plenty of Sunshine.
    At any rate, I did get my flu shot, so that's done for this season. Then we had the regular Orchid Society meeting last night. As hospitality chair, I made the coffee, as usual, set up the drinks and a light snack of cheese and crackers. I had cleverly purchased two relatively inexpensive ten slice packs of cheese at Ingles, and since they were sandwich slices I was able to convert that to 80 cracker sized slices. We had 40 slices each of Muenster and Swiss, along with three different kind of crackers, Glutino, Club, and round, buttery Ritz style. At the end there was very little waste. I threw away two Glutino and two of the round, buttery Ritz style crackers. But since the cheese didn't run out until I ate the last slice as I was breaking down the hospitality table, I think everyone got as much to eat as they wanted.

    In addition to the cheese and crackers, there was an evil Amish apple cake that another member brought, that I ate more of than I should, and I woke up this morning with a carb hangover as a result. But that was my first waking and I took two Ibuprofen before laying back down and felt quite a bit better when I did finally get up for real, and even better after I ate. There was no cake leftover either, but that also lasted until I was ready to break down the set up, when someone slipped the last two pieces into a folded up napkin and took them home for her breakfast.
    I always loved Ritz crackers Plain or with cheese or Peanut Butter between two slices :)

    Mom always did that sort of thing too, Then whatever it was languished until thrown out...
    Sipping my first cup of tea now.

    Maybe some laundry later, and possibly, but not likely, a run for a few groceries. That's more likely tomorrow or Thursday though.

    The Lara Lynn (Ingles) brand Muenster cheese was quite nice. I probably ate more of that than I really needed last night too, and have added that to my list for my next shopping trip at Ingles. I think it makes a nice change from American or Cheddar and would probably make delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. I may check out their Havarti as well, as I know I generally like that for grilled cheese too. The Swiss was good too, but not exceptionally so. I'd definitely eat it again though, as the price was right. It would go nicely on a ham sandwich.
    Sadly we have to do a run to the recycle center, when they did the pickup last week they missed two blocks and You can guess who is one one of them :0

    I do like Swiss in a Ham & Cheese Sandwich.

    Good Luck With the chores
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    I must admit that these are kind of cute, but really? A tool just to make radish mushrooms?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    I never really understood the appeal of a machine that ONLY cooks hot dogs. Hot dogs? Like they are difficult to prepare otherwise?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Well...I like jerky, when it's relatively tender and not so tough and chewy that I'll break a tooth on it. And I HAVE been called a jerk. And worse...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,746 Member
    Now I'll admit to liking an espresso once in a while. And I have two ways to make it. My pod coffee/tea/espresso machine does a nice job of it so doubt I'd be interested in this device. My cute little stovetop mini-percolator espresso maker also does a nice job, but I rarely use it because I have to pay more attention to the timing and, being an old man easily distracted...hey look! A squirrel!
