Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
    A pound of meat: Soldier food in the 18th century.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
    Simple Soldier Cooking without utensils

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member




    Answers to the next two in their spoilers, Just click the Spoiler :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out doing some walking this Morning + 1 cent, The temperature this morning was 55 degrees on the porch and 58 degrees on the cable channel.

    I will be heading back out later to go to the bank for $ and then on to CostCo as I am out of Kleenex, Frozen veges, Fruit and I am getting low on Protein Shakes and want to pick up one of their roast chickens as Protein for today and tomorrow :)

    With pop tax repealed, Preckwinkle says up to commissioners to fix budget
    Hal Dardick Contact
    Family calls rifle, pressure cooker a misunderstanding in arrest near O'Hare
    By Tony Briscoe, Chicago Tribune, October 12, 2017

    Freshman Quarterback Dismissed From Team After Kneeling During Anthem
    October 10, 2017 7:49 PM
    Filed Under: Albright College, Reading Pa.

    Weird one to me
    Unsent text message passes for will in Australia
    AFPOctober 11, 2017

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 70 out there now with an expected high of 87 and 20% chance of rain.

    Need to get some laundry folded, and might get out to the store for eggs and a couple of other things. J likes jumbo eggs and they were out of that at Ingles when I was there. We do have a few left though so it's not critical.

    Ready to start my third mug of tea.

    Hi Ed
    I may be strange but If they are out of Jumbo I would just get the next smaller size and be done with it. They Extra large or Jumbo I'm sure they taste alike :)
    OK. Earlier I said it was terrific Tuesday, but that was yesterday. Today is wonderful Wednesday!
    I noticed that, I am also pretty sure I have done that in the past too.
    I think it's a shame that just having a pressure cooker in your trunk is suspicious now. If there's nothing else to indicate that it's being used to make anything untoward or illegal the assumption should not be that it is intended for an IED, but rather that the plan is to..oh, I dunno, maybe COOK SOMETHING in it? That, after all, is what it's made to do.

    I mean, a steak knife can be used to hurt someone but I don't get suspicious of someone headed to a barbecue with a set of steak knives.

    A hammer can be used to hurt someone and I suppose a screwdriver could too. Yet I have both in my automotive tool kit. No intention of using any of the tools to hurt anyone, I can assure you.
    I agree, In the article it did say that the Pressure cooker showed signs of having been used and that the Gun was in a Gun case.

    There have been Knife attacks as well as hammer attacks in the last year or two. Will they be the next big items to need a background check ? :)

    vehicles have also been used in attacks. Or to me many, many common items can he used as weapons
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday!

    67 out there now with an expected high of 86 and 0% chance of rain.

    Still need to get that laundry out of the dryer. LOL.

    I did get drizzled on while walking so I'm calling it 100% chance of rain

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! Gym, Groceries, washed my greens and the celery, fixed a pita sandwich for lunch...hungry now, tired, but will shortly be re-heating some my veggie soup, and ????? something.

    I received an email from my fav. food Doc....thanking me for asking about him and his family's safety with the fire in Santa Rosa. He owned 3 houses, one for himself and Mary, and one each for his 2 daughters...they are OK, houses, cars, etc all burned. He escaped in his pajama's Mary had on shirt and pants, and managed to grab a computer and her phone. They are my age. Wouldn't that be awful...to be old and lose everything you owned??? Makes me understand how lucky I am, and is yet another reason to be grateful.

    Oh, yesterday I went to the International Market and while they didn't have my black salt, they did sell me some really tasty falafel!!! A mile from my house!! Whoop whoop!!! its a miracle!

    Roger asked about the black salt...its actually pinkish in color, and has sulfur in its makeup, giving it an Egg flavor. Great for making tofu eggless salad! Should be here Friday. Taking bets on what lunch will be! :)

    We set a high temp record today...and they think may do the same tomorrow. Summer came back for a long stay...

    Need to feed Tom E. and then its bed time for me. I'm tired, and my ankle hurts, and I'm on the threshold of becoming crabby!


    Hi Valerie
    I have been watching that disaster unfold, How terrible :(

    I'm guessing that it is different than the Pink salt that is used for preservation.

    I need to run, I just looked at the Clock, Hopefully I'll be back on later.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
    I think most of this video is overblown nonsense as most of the "grossness" of the foods mentioned isn't as gross as inferred, and a lot of it isn't as common as inferred.

    Marshmallows: It's never been a secret how gelatin is made, nor that gelatin is in most modern marshmallows, as well as many other foods. If that does bug you, you can find vegan marshmallows at many health food stores, if you want to pay the higher price.

    Ready meals: Honestly, don't see all that much "grossness" in that segment. Again, it's no secret that ready meals aren't always made from the freshest or healthiest ingredients.

    Ice cream: They strongly suggest that most vanilla, strawberry, and raspberry ice creams contain castoreum. They start off saying some, then many, and then say that the next time you enjoy vanilla ice cream, thank a beaver, as if ALL vanilla ice cream contains castoreum. Well, it doesn't. Read the ingredients of what you buy. You should be doing this anyway. I don't eat a lot of ice cream, but I do read the ingredients and honestly haven't seen castoreum listed in a long time...

    Beer: Isinglass in beer seems to be more of a thing in Britain but not so much elsewhere. And, like before, they start off saying "many" factories add isinglass. Many is a rather vague term. 10? 20? 3000? Then they say "beer contains the juices", suggesting that ALL or at least most beer contains this, which is not supported by the prior statements. Again, check your ingredients.

    Skittles: Carmine or Natural Red #4. This segment is fairly factual. Yes, this item is in some foods, and if you don't want to eat it, then read your ingredients. Again, they say that there are a LOT of companies that use it. Well, that's fair. They don't suggest that all red foods contain it, and do tell you what to look for. I'll let them have this one.

    Jellybeans: Shellac. OK. This particular shellac is made by insects. So is honey. Honey is made by bees. It's delicious, nutritious and the bees are not harmed by our using some of their honey, as long as we don't take too much. This shellac is taken after it is produced by the bugs. We don't kill the bugs to get it. Various kinds of shellac are also used in non-food items. But the fact that it's used in non-food items is not relevant to anything. Salt and baking soda are used in many non-food items but are used in a whole lot of our foods and no one is at all disturbed by this. I have no issues with eating this shellac.

    Canned mushrooms: You know, the maggots got into those mushrooms BEFORE they were canned. By and large, they were not developed enough to be noticeable. The canning process, in itself, is not adding maggots or increasing the number of them. Want to get real on this one? Any fresh or canned fruit or vegetable may contain some, that have not developed enough to be seen by the naked eye, or noticed when eaten or digested. So if you don't want to ever worry about that, then just don't eat anything. Good luck learning how to photosynthesize though, and by the way, you don't really want to know what's in the water you're drinking.

    Packaged beef: zOMG! PINK SLIME! This has been brought up before and, as they say, IF (I say IF) it's not processed correctly, then it may contain harmful pathogens. Well beef, in general, if it's not handled correctly, may contain harmful pathogens. This is true of ANY MEAT PRODUCT if it's not processed and handled correctly. "Pink slime" is designed to remove the harmful pathogens so the meat isn't wasted. If I can't see it in my meat, I don't care if it's in there. If this bothers you, don't even think abut how hot dogs and bologna are made.

    Salad dressing: zOMG! Titanium dioxide! It's a chemical but it's also, at least in this case, a NANOPARTICLE! That's a scary word! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! YOU MUST COMPLY! Oh, wait that's a Borg nanoprobe. Never mind. While there is some evidence (more research is needed) that some nanoparticles in food can contribute to bowel problems for some people, there is little evidence that titanium dioxide is problematical for most people. Yes, it's also used in sunscreen and paint. No, that doesn't make it a "non-food" chemical. It's just a chemical, with many uses, some of which have to do with food, and some of which don't. Yes, by all means, make your own salad dressing if you're worried about it. But be sure to carefully read ingredients in all the things you're making it with. And by the way, ranch dressing, the one they were so worried about the titanium dioxide in, can NOT be made by mixing honey, vinegar, eggs, and salt, the recipe they suggest. Oh, and by the way, are those eggs, which would probably be used raw, homogenized? Can you say "salmonella"? I knew that you could.

    Pringles: They're not actually made from potatoes? Well, potato flakes are made from potatoes, so yes, I think Pringles are, in fact, made from potatoes, as well as other ingredients. And they don't claim to be made from sliced potatoes anyway, and don't claim to be potato CHIPS. The video strongly suggests that there is more non-potato in Pringles than potato, and while that may be true, there is still more potato than anything else. The first listed ingredient is dried potatoes. They also call the cooking and flavoring process the "weird part" as though cooking something in hot oil, drying it, and then spraying flavor on it are weird. What's weird about that? It's called frying. Certainly not the most healthy way to cook something but it can sure make some tasty food! As for the processing removing any nutritional value...well, does anyone actually EXPECT Pringles to have any nutritional value? I sure don't. And zOMG! Here's a dangerous chemical! Acrylamide! I'll even grant that it can be a dangerous chemical. But ALL POTATO CHIPS AND CRISPS contain acrylamide. That's right. Not just Pringles. According to the American Cancer Society, on their page about acrylamide: "Acrylamide is found mainly in plant foods, such as potato products, grain products, or coffee. Foods such as French fries and potato chips seem to have the highest levels of acrylamide, but it’s also found in breads and other grain products. Acrylamide does not form (or forms at lower levels) in dairy, meat, and fish products."

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    So far my accomplishments for the day are Gym and grocery..(needed cilantro and a small tomato)..so as you can see my day is going very slowly, and about to get slower still..soon to be taking a nap!
    Its O's gym day, so there's that and getting the trash to the street...
    Should do it for this day.
    Enjoyed the cartoons this morning...and the fried beets. I may have to try that, sans the bacon grease. Maybe a spritz of spray oil, and some oven time would work?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!!!
    Going to bed now......see you much later in the day!!!
    (no I don't know why I'm still awake tonite. Its been a great evening watching O doing her gymnastic things, talked for nearly 2 hours with my brother, etc....)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 70 out there now with an expected high of 79 and 20% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and put away and get the sink cleared into the dishwasher. But also need to get the cats fed, which will probably come first.

    Possibly a trip to the grocery today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
    Japanese can ration taste test.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
    I have serious doubts about whether I would have eaten any of this one...just because of the age.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out doing some walking this Morning, The temperature this morning was 51 degrees on the porch and 50 degrees on the cable channel. I did wear a sweatshirt and heavier gloves due to the cooler weather.

    I did make it to CostCo yesterday for Kleenex, Frozen veges, Fruit and a Chocolate Protein Shakewhich was the only flavor in stock :( I also picked up one of their roast chickens as Protein.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,724 Member
    25 foods that they say we are eating wrong...
