Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger...yes, they (hearing aids)(but I knew that going in) are pricy, and I've had cheaper ones, but these offer so many ways to adjust to MY ears, my way, etc. I think it will def. be worth the price. Will take nearly 2 years to 'replace' the money spent back into my account. Doable.
    Batteries, quarterly cleaning, quarterly filter changes, all the appt.s I need to get them set up just for me, etc are all "FREE". Love the idea of free batteries. I'm almost out of the ones for my one HA (hearing aid). So there won't be much waste.

    My install of High Sierra went beautifully. I don't think I've ever had a more seamless install.
    Hi Valerie
    I'm now curious, Filters ?? As well as free batteries for how long a period ?
    Leaves on the other hand...omg...with only one quarter of the front yard blown, the pile was over knee deep and a good 8 ft long...deep enough there were several times that I shuffled into them and by keeping my feet heel to heel I could advance the leaves 'around the corner of the house to the kitchen side yard...from there its blow the leaves into the woods. At one point while 'wading' in the leaves I almost lost my balance, and got the giggles. Of all the times I've actually fallen, I've never had a serious outcome....would be my luck to fall into a 2-2 ½ inch pile of leaves and break something!!! On the other hand...falling into a big pile of leaves would transport me back to being a kid and flaying around like a 6 year old!

    Off to the gym. While blowing leaves with a hand held Toro Blower, may build a few shoulder and arm muscles...it does next to nothing for cardio. So, today will be not only leaves, but cardio as well. Makes for a well rounded exercise day.
    I've read my 10 minutes and a few more minutes to end a chapter in my book.
    yesterday's dried clothes are folded and put away, and today's laundry is washed and flying around in a nicely heated drum! Dishwasher got unloaded, and I guess that's about all other than feeding Tom E. Cat, and fixing myself a big brunch salad, and a bowl of the split pea soup that I made the other day....

    For now...

    I do not ever recall Falling or jumping into a pile of leaves whether because I never did or a memory failure :)

    If holding something in one hand built muscles my left arm would have bulging muscles from holding the coffee cup while walking 7 days a week. I tend to drink it over a period of one+ hours.

    I am currently waiting to hear the buzzer from the washer to tell me that I can throw the laundry in the dryer where it to will be tumbling around in the dryer in sympathy with your laundries plight :)
    If I wasn't so darned busy Ed, I'd have you save that last serving! Sounds delicious! Leaves are now officially OVER until every last danged leaf has dropped. I was at about half what I wanted to do today, and Lu my neighbor stopped me and said she was going to blow the leaves in her yard...Lu's down hill from my yard, and has NO trees,so its rather obvious where the leaves in her yard came from!!!! Did I mind if she blew them into her back yard....what a great idea!! I was about on my last leg, and told her I'd get the rest of ''my yards" leaves tomorrow, and later when I looked she'd blown all the leaves into her back yard! So, all I have left is the garage side of the house....whew! I will have to do the front again to get all the leaves from some of the flower beds that didn't get blown very well, and those last leaves still in the tree. Or maybe just leave them...its not a lot. We'll see!!

    I'm heading to bed...its 10 o'clock, and I'm really tired.


    If I said I see nothing wrong with leaving leaves on the lawn as long as they are not to thick a coating or left there too long. The other option is to run the mower over them to mulch them into the grass.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, I think I shall make Root Soup!! With veg broth of course, and pondering what to use instead of the egg. I know there are 'egg replacers' available...buy I'm thinking maybe some potato...potato's a root, right??? It must have struck a chord with my German ancestors. I still have about enough split pea soup for two meals...so probably make some Friday. Aldi's has rainbow baby carrots for $1.39...that would be perfect. And should I run upon a celeric I may buy one if not either the turnip or a rutabaga would do. MMMMMM!

    I have that last load from yesterday still in the dryer, so no doubt you'll beat me to an empty dryer.

    And speaking of orchids....3 of mine are putting out bloom stalks. So I should have January Orchids in my kitchen window! The one I just bought last month will tag alone maybe this fall? and about a month ago Marietta gave me her orchid as it never blooms for her...so I'm hoping it blooms pronto, cuz I told her that if it bloomed, I'd 'loan' it back to her to enjoy.

    I know nothing else...just responded here, as my Mac starts a new page, I'm sure its from Roger, so thought I'd post about the Root Soup now, cuz if I open a new page I can't go back and check something, or remember something I wanted to respond to..
    Soooo, Off to page 271 and hopefully cartoons and more funnies and an update on Roger's journey around NJ!

    Oh...loved the Jack Benny video. Yes it made me laugh!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hopefully the Orchid Society went well.

    I'm somewhat curious as to how the vet visit went, Did the needed sample happen ?


    ALL of the sudden auction plants we took to the meeting were sold. This pleased us immensely as that meant we didn't have to bring any home for future dispersal. We do have some plants left, as we didn't bring them all, but what's left isn't that much and can go another time. Probably next month.

    Lilo's visit Sunday did, indeed, result in the needed sample happening. The doctor called today with the results and said NO BACTERIA, apparently, present in the urine. Just a trace of blood, but since they collect with a needle (I didn't know that) there is sometimes blood from that.

    She did suggest waiting a week or so after finishing the current round of antibiotics, and doing a urine culture to make sure all was OK. Lilo has, I think, three days left of the Zeniquin. So in about 10 days we'll go back for that.

    I give Lilo her Tuesday shot myself.
    Hi Ed
    That sounds like a Good day in more than one way.
    Dinner tonight was simple. Eduardo whipped up some pasta e fagioli because it sounded good. Vegetarian "no chicken" broth, cannellini beans, diced carrot, garlic powder, onion powder, several good shakes of Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy (maybe about 4 teaspoons?), ditalini, tomato paste (at the end), and a splash of garlic and chili infused olive oil to help carry the flavors.

    It was quite tasty and there is at least one good serving left. The ditalini will have absorbed most of the water and gotten too soft, but that will still be tasty.
    I have been thinking of having the NS version of that for a dinner once of these nights, OTOH My NS order will ship on the 17th or later and I want to use up the rest of the frozen Dinners to make room in the freezer :)
    Blast from the past! Arte Johnson shows Jack Benny how to tell a joke. Very interesting...
    That is quite the classic pose that I see for Jack Benny...
    I wish they would do him in reruns :(
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    Still need to fold that last bit of laundry that somehow keeps evading me. I think it WANTS to lie around in the dryer.

    It's just some sheets and foldable tees, sock and undies so it's not a big deal but I do eventually need to get it out.

    Lilo has had her pill. Two of those to go!

    I need to get out to the grocery still, sometime before the weekend.

    And, as always, a nap would be lovely.
    I will have to fold my laundry later, right now it is in the final spin cycle of the washing machine. If I fold the T-Shirts while they are warm they stay wrinkle free and since they are colored Pocket Ts that is more or less important to me.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, the cartoons once again were spot on...loved the poor PhD who was 'flipping houses!! I read both the articles about the Oct. deficit, and household debt rising. So, new jobs, mostly entry level for us poor people, and record high Tax dollars collected all in the same time period.... tax the poor, give record tax breaks to the 1% uber rich and what the H3LL do they expect???

    Cleaning and batteries and filters are free for life. :) I have NO idea where or why the filters are or needed...but I'm gonna get new ones every 3 months apparently. I am excited about being able to stream phone calls directly to my hearing aids instead of going thru my phone and then hearing aids...that should be a huge help. I should get them Monday afternoon, and then we've set up 4..yep four more appointments for instructions on how to use them, and what they can do, and how I can adjust them from the phone!!! This is going to be a process! And I'm looking forward to the challenge!!!

    No, I'm with you Roger, I don't mind a few leaves on the yard, its part of it being fall, shuffling thru the crispy leaves and hearing the crunch! And, as a kid I LOVED playing in the leaves! And at my house in TN I used to pile the leaves all up and let the boys play in them. Yep, then the leaves had to be raked again, eh, so what?? Leaves were fun.

    Ok, its almost 10:30, and my breakfast is ready...(leftover sautéed kale & onions, microwaved sweet potato, and a bowl of (Monday's?) split pea soup. MMMMM.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 54 out there now with an expected high of 65 and 0% chance of rain.

    Maybe a little grocery trip today. The dryer is actually empty for a change. Sink is already cleared and cats are about to be fed.

    Here's a recipe that looks really simple and easy for vegan "cheese" that uses no soy and no nuts, and requires no soaking!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    That Poor Bat





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 48 on the porch and 51 on the cable channel. Once again no money was found :(
    OTOH I did find some drizzle as the heavy rain had passed through by the time I left the house :)

    Tiny houses are trendy _ unless they go up next door
    Scott Mcfetridge, Associated Press, November 14, 2017

    Mysterious loud 'boom' heard across North Alabama; NASA unsure of origin
    By Emma Simmons and Patrick Thomas, WBMA

    Amazon’s Cashierless Store Is Almost Ready for Prime Time
    By Olivia Zaleski and Spencer Soper, November 15, 2017, 6:00 AM EST
    Updated on November 15, 2017, 11:25 AM EST

    Southern California smog worsens for second straight year despite reduced emissions
    By Tony Barboza, Nov 15, 2017 | 3:00 AM

    WHEN PIGS FLY Woman kicked off flight after her emotional support PIG became too rowdy
    By Danny Collins, 16th November 2017, 10:56 am
    Updated: 16th November 2017, 11:03 am

    Have a Great Thursday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger, the cartoons once again were spot on...loved the poor PhD who was 'flipping houses!! I read both the articles about the Oct. deficit, and household debt rising. So, new jobs, mostly entry level for us poor people, and record high Tax dollars collected all in the same time period.... tax the poor, give record tax breaks to the 1% uber rich and what the H3LL do they expect???

    Cleaning and batteries and filters are free for life. :) I have NO idea where or why the filters are or needed...but I'm gonna get new ones every 3 months apparently. I am excited about being able to stream phone calls directly to my hearing aids instead of going thru my phone and then hearing aids...that should be a huge help. I should get them Monday afternoon, and then we've set up 4..yep four more appointments for instructions on how to use them, and what they can do, and how I can adjust them from the phone!!! This is going to be a process! And I'm looking forward to the challenge!!!

    No, I'm with you Roger, I don't mind a few leaves on the yard, its part of it being fall, shuffling thru the crispy leaves and hearing the crunch! And, as a kid I LOVED playing in the leaves! And at my house in TN I used to pile the leaves all up and let the boys play in them. Yep, then the leaves had to be raked again, eh, so what?? Leaves were fun.

    Ok, its almost 10:30, and my breakfast is ready...(leftover sautéed kale & onions, microwaved sweet potato, and a bowl of (Monday's?) split pea soup. MMMMM.


    Hi Valerie
    Good news that You enjoyed the Humor, Hopefully today's are good too.

    I guess that means better sound from phone calls for You?
    4 Appointments to learn how to use them, Yikes :)

    I like hearing the crunch too. I also think the sound from walking over gravel is neat.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Dollar Tree burger.
    Hi Ed
    I have eaten them, they were OK, Well technically it was the Cheeseburger :)

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey! Quick hello and stopping at Aldi for those rainbow colored baby carrots ($1.39) and then on to O's gymnastics. Marietta and I had a great lunch and much chatter. :)
    Got that last little bit of leaf chopped up with the lawn mower... so a good day, and tomorrow I will be making root soup! Looking forward to that!
    The Dollar Food hamburger will keep me Vegan for a very long time. I think there's a lot more of that out there and at higher prices than we realize. yuck

    I've seen Chucks recipe for Vegan carrot and potato cheese. I have the recipe, but I've never made it...one day. We have a lot of winter ahead of us for 'kitchen time'

    Ok, gotta go or my 'Root Soup' tomorrow is gonna be nearly root free soup...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Emmy eats Brazil. As it takes her 26 and a half minutes, she may be eating all of Brazil!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited November 2017
    Things cats do that would be creepy if we did them.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday!

    36 out there now with an expected high of 64 and 0% chance of rain.

    I'm supposed to meet with the county's lawyer sometime this morning to go over the plans for installing a sidewalk and re-sloping part of the lawn and driveway.

    They are offering us a bit of money for the trees they have to remove and for the right of way. I think it should be more but not much arguing I can do on that. I don't think you can fight county hall any better than city hall, and besides, city hall is in on this deal too. It's just that the county is paying for this particular stretch in their joint agreement.

    If it were up to us, there would be no sidewalk as we don't see a need for one.

    On the plus, at least two of the trees are trees I've been wanting to take down anyway, though I'm not telling them. Since they are paying US for the trees that I would have had to pay to have removed we win on that one for sure!

    Also, they'll be re-sloping and re-doing the bottom half of the driveway, which could use some work though we hadn't anticipated having quite that much done to it.

    Not sure where we're supposed to park while they are doing all this though, or how we're supposed to get in and out. I'm sure they have all that planned though for as minimal an impact on our ability to come and go as possible.

    And I need to get out to a grocery store sometime today. Maybe Aldi.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    I've just noticed that our custom designed wedding bands are being featured on the web page of the jewelry store that made them to our specs! They had told us they wanted to do that. I guess they liked the design a lot. Look here to see our bands!
