Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
    British Army ration pack. Sikh Hindu menu.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm here...enjoyed reading some of the posts...hopefully will get back to the others this afternoon...and the video's too.

    "Hi Valerie
    With reference to the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution link are things becoming that bad down there?"
    I think Ed would agree that is 'uncommon', but it also depends where you are in our fair city...just like any other city. I'd say in this case somebody was holding a grudge and intended to scare the bejeebers out of them.

    I got a late start this morning...then spent at least half an hour trying to weigh a very uncooperative and strong cat!!! Sorry, but this may take a few days....hoping I survive! LOL!!

    Coffee's cold, I need a shower, and I have no salad or any king of greens, fresh veggies are 2 turnips, a couple of parsnips and a small handful of multicolored carrots left over from the soup..(which I didn't think was nearly a delicious as that guy did), and I think there is some cabbage....bottom line, I really do need to visit Kroger!!


    Hi Valerie
    I find it a sad commentary that anyone would shoot at a house let alone with a entire family in it. I am glad to hear that it is not a common happening.

    Did You escape unscathed from the Cat weighing ?
    It was a busy day, shopped at Costco and Kroger. So, I spent a $ or $$$! Flea med for Tom E. was nearly $70 but that's for 6 months...about $10 a month. Better than having fleas on the beast or in my house though!

    Didn't find any apples that I wanted at Costco, nor at Kroger. Kroger did have an apple I've not eaten before...Autumn Glory. Will let you know when I eat it.

    Oh, crud...Just reported on 7p news on ABC....CDC says this years flu vaccine may only be 10% effective. Sure glad I didn't have to pay for that!

    I think Tom's outside..guess I'd better call him. He zoomed out thru the garage when I was bringing groceries into the house.

    One of the sample stations at Costco had a bag of Ancient Grains with rice...it tasted good, so I bought a bag... Will let you know if its still as good here as it was at Costco when I was tired and hungry! :)

    And an email from a Democrat Senator who said the new Tax reform bill will be passed tonite, because there aren't enough Democrats to vote. Guess we'll know by tomorrow how bad it really will be.

    I really didn't need to see the python in the kitchen pix!!!! If I'd seen that it might have been the last time I ventured into the kitchen...ever.

    Ok, cat time...


    If I said I was unhappy with the last tray of Apples from CostCo, they were a bit mealy and that made me wonder if they were left over from the previous year. Currently I have one Pear, One Banana and a bunch of Citrus on hand so tomorrow I plan to stop at the Grocery Store and / or Produce store depending on the time of day and peruse their fruit selections.

    I wonder why the Democrat Senator felt the need to send that email. I suspect there is something behind it as I do not think the Tax Reform will be passed.

    It was a bit strange, OTOH a Python is a common type of pet snake :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
    Better to see a fox while out walking, than to see a python!

    It's rare to see a fox near populated areas. I've seen maybe 3 or 4 wild foxes in my time and they usually disappear from sight fairly quickly.

    The disallowed ads in the metro system thing is just being overly PC in my opinion. I'm sure some people will jump on that as being indicative of the "war on Christmas" but it really isn't. Just someone being overzealous in attempting to keep ads within the guidelines. Guidelines that have nothing to do with Christmas.

    Being already diabetic, I doubt that the occasional use of mouthwash will make me any worse diabetic...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did say Ariel...I meant Kiara, though if Ariel were still around and in good health, I've no doubt she would have tried to get it too. LOL.
    Hi Ed
    That happens to all of us.

    That airline meal looks better than what they serve these days from what I have seen reported. When I used to fly years ago even the economy meals were not too bad.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday!

    50 out there now with an expected high of 65 and 50% chance of rain.

    Laundry to fold, and cats to feed. Sink has been cleared though.

    I'm sipping my first mug of tea now.
    I wish our weather was that warm :(
    A chance of rain this evening into tomorrow, I am hoping that the forecast I saw showing it out of here by the time I head out to walk is correct and that the other one showing it lingering on is wrong.

    Tomorrow is D-Day for my diet plan to lose weight for the Christmas and New Years feast. We are meeting a friend or friends for Thai Food Tomorrow. This one: http://www.thaion22.com/
    Lunch Menu here: http://www.thaion22.com/Lunch Menu 4-page.pdf
    I am not sure what I will eat, Seafood is out as I do not eat it, My Brother says I do not know what I am missing :)
    I do like their Pad Thai Pad See Ew, and the Special Fried Rice, OTOH Rice Noodles and if they are there I will eat them :(
    Better to see a fox while out walking, than to see a python!

    It's rare to see a fox near populated areas. I've seen maybe 3 or 4 wild foxes in my time and they usually disappear from sight fairly quickly.

    The disallowed ads in the metro system thing is just being overly PC in my opinion. I'm sure some people will jump on that as being indicative of the "war on Christmas" but it really isn't. Just someone being overzealous in attempting to keep ads within the guidelines. Guidelines that have nothing to do with Christmas.

    Being already diabetic, I doubt that the occasional use of mouthwash will make me any worse diabetic...
    I see a Fax several times a a year since I started walking, I see Deer usually once or twice a week and Ducks and Geese anytime I am by the Lake or small streams in the area.

    I am so tired of PC, It seems to be taken to extremes so often these days. One person is offended so it has to go is wrong IMO.

    I'm guessing that means You use Mouthwash ? If I remember the main thrust of the news item was the killing of beneficial bacteria and that would seem to mean that a replacement afterwards with something like a ProBiotic might help ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
    edited November 2017
    You don't know what you are missing not eating seafood! (I just had to throw that in...) I don't eat what I think of as "seafood" often, but don't consider fish, even ocean fish, to be "seafood" as I put crab, lobster, shrimp, etc in the "seafood" category, but not fish. And who can afford crab, lobster, and shrimp very often at today's prices?

    I use mouthwash maybe 4 times a year. I don't really like the mouth feel of it, but there is some in the house. I can never leave it in as long as suggested without gagging.

    I'm not sure if a probiotic would help restore mouth/throat bacteria. I do take a probiotic every morning, but just to keep my inner me healthy.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Here is an extra Humor for today
    A funeral procession pulled into a cemetery. Several carloads of family members followed a black truck towing a boat with a coffin in it.

    A passer-by remarked, "That guy must have been a very avid fisherman."

    "Oh, he still is," remarked one of the mourners. As a matter of fact, he's headed off to the lake as soon as we bury his wife."
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    You don't know what you are missing not eating seafood! (I just had to throw that in...) I don't eat what I think of as "seafood" often, but don't consider fish, even ocean fish, to be "seafood" as I put crab, lobster, shrimp, etc in the "seafood" category, but not fish. And who can afford crab, lobster, and shrimp very often at today's prices?

    I use mouthwash maybe 4 times a year. I don't really like the mouth feel of it, but there is some in the house. I can never leave it in as long as suggested without gagging.

    I'm not sure if a probiotic would help restore mouth/throat bacteria. I do take a probiotic every morning, but just to keep my inner me healthy.
    Hi Again
    I do eat a little Sea Food sadly also See Food :(
    I like the McDonalds Filet O Fish, OTOH they always cooked it fresh for me when I at the many different locations I was at for work. I threw one of the Counter Girls for a loop when I asked for a 1/4 Pounder with Extra Meat :)
    The Managers knew my warped sense of humor when she asked can we do that as they Comp'ed the food. I also had no problems getting Carbonated water instead of Soda FWIW.

    Back to Fish I used to buy the Breaded Deep Fried Filet of Flounder at the No Longer in business A&P asking for the best Cooked, IE Darkest Brown, Filet. As well as sometimes Canned Tuna. From what I have observed looking and smelling the canned tuna my brother buys and eats Solid White, It is not as high quality as it used to be and I did not like either of the NS Tuna Entrees I tried. You may notice I lump Fish into the Sea Food category.

    I do not use Mouthwash even once a year, Did pass on the link as it was odd IMO.

    Nothing wrong with keeping Your Inner Self healthy.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Well there was a post....now there isn't??? Magic of Internet!
    Foxes...would rather see a fox than the coyotes we have. As Ed said, they disappear rather quickly...not the one just past, but the T-Day 2016 Marietta's hubs took the little dog out for a walk, and just as he was getting back to his parents house, (the elders were still living in their home) he spotted a coyote..quickly went into the garage, and then into the house....a bit later there was scratching at the door....it was the coyote! No joke. Guess he was wanting either the dog or the turkey carcass?? No way a fox would have done that!

    I have a few scratches from the cat weigh in...never could get a reading..to much activity from the writhing yowling scratching cat!!

    I still need to go back and watch the kids eat fruitcake and one with Emmy...you all and your cartoons and video's. I am never lacking for reading material or stuff to watch as I eat!!!

    I have to agree with your brother and Ed....seafood is sooooooo good!!! When I lived in N Hampshire I ate my share and enough for you two as well. I could order from the seafood shop OR, being the cheap thing that I am, I could drive up to Portsmouth to the fishing piers and get 'pistols...one clawed lobsters', cheaper than I could buy hamburger at the local grocery....think about that and drool for a bit!! I wouldn't 'kill me' if I ate a lobster, but eating lobster without a pot of butter WOULD kill me! :)

    Got some of the shrubbery at the mail box cut down, a bit more to go...another day....

    Ok, shower time....

    Later, maybe after gymnastics?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
    edited December 2017
    I get an estimated weight for the cats by weighing myself with, and without, the cat and take the difference. Certainly not exact, as the scale won't necessarily give me the same weight twice in a row, with only seconds between weighings, but it gets me at least in the neighborhood of the cat's weight.

    When I weighed Dinah, I got about 6 pounds and at the vet, a day or two later, they came up with 6.5. I figure I was close enough, and she may possibly have gained a tad in the interval. She was eating like a little piglet one of those days.

    Tonight when I was making my rotini with lamb bolognese sauce, Lilo and Kiara eventually got bored with it all and left the kitchen to lounge around elsewhere. Dinah watched the entire process and sat under the table while I ate. She'll probably be sitting there tomorrow when I eat the other plate of it too.

    In good news, she seems to be settling in very nicely and isn't as clingy as she was the first few days. She was following me around EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME, except when confined to the hall bathroom, but by this morning, she finally seems to have decided that this whole house is her home and she can relax and enjoy it without having to be right there with the people all the time. She still enjoys spending time with her people, of course, but is much less needy about it, at least for now. I hope that lasts.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey! Just home from Gynmastics...Tom E. fed, and snacked, and sitting here beside me making racket.....I think he needs some people time...
    Trash at the street...
    Kitchen sink is a disaster....can wait til tomorrow.
    I need to do my aloud reading and I have an 8 minute meditation cued for when I crawl into bed...and then my usual Scrabble play, and 3 games and a jigsaw puzzle...gonna be a late night!
    Ed, that is just what I had in mind for weighing Tom E....problem is my scale seems to think 'we' (me and Tom) should hold still...good luck with that. It won't register as long as he's thrashing around. I've weighed other more 'civil' cats, and puppies, etc with that method...but Tom would have to be rolled up in a towel or something...and I'm not sure its worth the effort since I'm just being curious???
    Ok, Tom E time....

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday!

    55 out there right now with an expected high of 68 and 10% chance of rain. It's the first of the month so I finally have some more money to buy a few groceries and pay some bills and then be mostly broke again, but that's life.

    I do need to get out to the store for a few things, if I can drag myself out. Maybe I could even treat myself to lunch while out!

    Breakfast was the leftover plate of rotini and lamb bolognese from last night. I recall the NS rotini and meatballs being one of my favorites, when I was actually buying food from them.

    Oddly enough, when I did a quick web search, it seems you can buy that NS rotini and meatballs on Amazon! I had never realized you could get NS foods from there. I used to love it when I could go to Big Lots and buy it for half price (or less) when it had technically gone past the sell by coded date, or when they overstocked or changed to a new recipe, or discontinued.

    In fact, it was at Big Lots I first discovered the NS system, buying some of the snacks and lunch bucket/cups to try. I liked them, so bought more at Big Lots, and then checked out NS online and joined. I don't remember how many years I was on the subscription plan, but eventually I got tired of the decreasing lunch foods that I actually liked, the cost, and the repetitiveness, even growing tired of the ones I did like. Of course some of that "getting tired" was because they kept dropping items I really liked and adding in new ones I didn't like so much. It got down at one point to where there were only about 5 or 6 lunch items that I would eat, and having them over and over really got old.

    The same thing happened to the snacks/desserts menu, though I will grant that some of the new ones were quite nice, but changing things, like the zesty crunchy snack mix, to a new recipe when I preferred the old one were, in my opinion, bad moves. I understood that they wanted to make the snacks more "filling" and longer lasting in that sense of being satisfied, and, honestly, the serving sizes of some of my favorites, like the popcorns, were sometimes rather on the small side, but still...the zesty crunchy snack mix just didn't taste as good after the change and had a somewhat unpleasant mouth feel sometimes. I ordered it sometimes anyway, just for a change up but usually regretted it as each time I got reminded why I had stopped ordering it, though the original recipe had been my favorite NS snack.

    At the time I didn't feel that I could afford much in the frozen line when it was introduced and, frankly, I could see some changes to the nutritional stats on some of the new (and reformulated) items that, in my opinion, would slow down weight loss and could make maintenance difficult, if overbought and over-consumed. Some of the newer items didn't really seem to fit the NS standard nutritional stats at all, but those stats too, I guess, evolved over time.

    At any rate, the original plan had worked well for me and the changes in menu selections and plan execution didn't seem a good fit for me or my wallet, and I decided making my own food was the way to go from there on. For a while I'd order small boxes of some of my favorite snacks and desserts, with the occasional meal item (sometimes to try a new product or order an old favorite, if any were left) but some, such as the Fudge Graham bar, I could get a comparable item (in nutrition AND taste) much less expensively, at most grocery stores.

    Now I haven't even bought any Fudge Graham bars (definitely one of my favorites NS items) at the grocery stores in a long time.

    Hmmmm....maybe one of those could be my next treat? Probably best to just stay out of that area. I don't need to be hooked on Zone Perfect Fudge Graham bars again. I seem to recall that Target made their own brand that were even less expensive but still quite comparable to the Zone Perfect or the NS. NS was ridiculously expensive for those, but I found the Zone Perfect and the Target ones quite affordable and just as good.

    Well, enough rambling on. I need to clear the sink, check on the aluminum foil "cat traps" on the kitchen counters (Dinah has turned out to be a counter/stovetop jumper - Kiara is, to some extent, but didn't jump on the kitchen counters, just the bathroom counters and the kitchen table, but she was THINKING about the kitchen counters, I could see her eyeing them) and see about feeding the cats. I had read that foil on the counters and stovetop could help train the cat to NOT jump there and it seems to be somewhat working.

    Dinah started out jumping, easily and thoughtlessly, to the counters and/or stovetop whenever she felt like it and since I have put out the foil, Dinah has jumped once, to the stovetop (stove was not on) and panicked when hitting the noisy foil, quickly jumping back down, and once to the sink counter, with the same result. I'll keep the foil on for as long as I can stand moving it back and forth so I can work, and hope she learns to stay off them.

    I wouldn't care about her jumping on the counters, other than that I work with food there and don't need her help, but I am terrified that she might jump on the stove when it's hot and badly burn herself. For now, if the stove is on, I am in the kitchen, keeping an eye on things. When I'm done, the foil goes back over the stove, as soon as it's cool enough to do that.

    Later, gators!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
    Emmy tests grilled cheese toaster bags.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,323 Member
    edited December 2017
    Silly me! I always thought onions were "made" by farmers, but apparently not. How It's Made: Onions.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking again this Morning. The temperature this morning was 37 on the porch and 45 on the cable channel. I did see a bit of frost on the cars down by the brook while I was walking.

    Welcome to December :)

    Cataclysmic 'super eruption' is MUCH closer than we thought, warns latest research
    ByStephen Beech, 13:36, 29 NOV 2017, Updated13:41, 29 NOV 2017

    Not 100% accurate headline IMO
    Survey: Americans no longer prefer male bosses
    By Jane Burnett Nov 29, 2017

    WhatsApp down: Messaging app breaks for users across the world
    By Shehab Khan, Thursday 30 November 2017 20:55 GMT

    Smartphone Addiction Creates Imbalance in Brain
    News provided by Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
    Nov 30, 2017, 05:00 ET

    Man Sues Kennywood, Says He Got Eye-Eating Parasite While On Raging Rapids Ride
    November 29, 2017 9:36 PM By Julie Grant

    SoCal tenants fight rent increases on single-family homes
    By Melissa MacBride, Thursday, November 30, 2017 09:31PM
    Lots of Luck since no rent control on single family home rentals
    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well there was a post....now there isn't??? Magic of Internet!
    Foxes...would rather see a fox than the coyotes we have. As Ed said, they disappear rather quickly...not the one just past, but the T-Day 2016 Marietta's hubs took the little dog out for a walk, and just as he was getting back to his parents house, (the elders were still living in their home) he spotted a coyote..quickly went into the garage, and then into the house....a bit later there was scratching at the door....it was the coyote! No joke. Guess he was wanting either the dog or the turkey carcass?? No way a fox would have done that!

    I have a few scratches from the cat weigh in...never could get a reading..to much activity from the writhing yowling scratching cat!!

    I still need to go back and watch the kids eat fruitcake and one with Emmy...you all and your cartoons and video's. I am never lacking for reading material or stuff to watch as I eat!!!

    I have to agree with your brother and Ed....seafood is sooooooo good!!! When I lived in N Hampshire I ate my share and enough for you two as well. I could order from the seafood shop OR, being the cheap thing that I am, I could drive up to Portsmouth to the fishing piers and get 'pistols...one clawed lobsters', cheaper than I could buy hamburger at the local grocery....think about that and drool for a bit!! I wouldn't 'kill me' if I ate a lobster, but eating lobster without a pot of butter WOULD kill me! :)

    Got some of the shrubbery at the mail box cut down, a bit more to go...another day....

    Ok, shower time....

    Later, maybe after gymnastics?
    Hi Valerie
    I understand that Coyotes love to eat dogs and cats.

    I wondered if You had battle scars from trying to weigh the cat. FWIW there was a news item on last nights network news.
    Sorry, Garfield: Science says dogs are smarter than cats
    Dec 1 2017, 7:25 am ET
    Half of you will love this, and half of you will hate it: An international team of scientists says its research strongly suggests that dogs are smarter than cats.

    A paper accepted this week for publication in the journal Frontiers in Neuroanatomy reports that dogs' brains have more than twice as many cortical neurons — the cells linked to thinking, planning and complex behavior — than cats' brains do.
    The rest of the article by following the link :)

    I watch Ed's Youtube links or read news links while I eat too.
    Hey! Just home from Gynmastics...Tom E. fed, and snacked, and sitting here beside me making racket.....I think he needs some people time...
    Trash at the street...
    Kitchen sink is a disaster....can wait til tomorrow.
    I need to do my aloud reading and I have an 8 minute meditation cued for when I crawl into bed...and then my usual Scrabble play, and 3 games and a jigsaw puzzle...gonna be a late night!
    Ed, that is just what I had in mind for weighing Tom E....problem is my scale seems to think 'we' (me and Tom) should hold still...good luck with that. It won't register as long as he's thrashing around. I've weighed other more 'civil' cats, and puppies, etc with that method...but Tom would have to be rolled up in a towel or something...and I'm not sure its worth the effort since I'm just being curious???
    Ok, Tom E time....


    Now if I could just get my Brother to put his dishes to soak washing them would be a breeze. So I know what a sink disaster looks like. They end up in a pile under the faucet, How hard would it be to turn the water on also ?

    I have a sneaky suspicion that if You rolled the cat up like that it would not go well for You when the unrolling occurred :)

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I get an estimated weight for the cats by weighing myself with, and without, the cat and take the difference. Certainly not exact, as the scale won't necessarily give me the same weight twice in a row, with only seconds between weighings, but it gets me at least in the neighborhood of the cat's weight.

    When I weighed Dinah, I got about 6 pounds and at the vet, a day or two later, they came up with 6.5. I figure I was close enough, and she may possibly have gained a tad in the interval. She was eating like a little piglet one of those days.

    Tonight when I was making my rotini with lamb bolognese sauce, Lilo and Kiara eventually got bored with it all and left the kitchen to lounge around elsewhere. Dinah watched the entire process and sat under the table while I ate. She'll probably be sitting there tomorrow when I eat the other plate of it too.

    In good news, she seems to be settling in very nicely and isn't as clingy as she was the first few days. She was following me around EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME, except when confined to the hall bathroom, but by this morning, she finally seems to have decided that this whole house is her home and she can relax and enjoy it without having to be right there with the people all the time. She still enjoys spending time with her people, of course, but is much less needy about it, at least for now. I hope that lasts.
    Interesting, I'm guessing You have a non balance beam scale. The Balance beam scale I use does give the same results if I climb on and off :)

    That does sound like good news, Re: the cat settling in :)
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday!

    55 out there right now with an expected high of 68 and 10% chance of rain. It's the first of the month so I finally have some more money to buy a few groceries and pay some bills and then be mostly broke again, but that's life.

    I do need to get out to the store for a few things, if I can drag myself out. Maybe I could even treat myself to lunch while out!

    Breakfast was the leftover plate of rotini and lamb bolognese from last night. I recall the NS rotini and meatballs being one of my favorites, when I was actually buying food from them.

    Oddly enough, when I did a quick web search, it seems you can buy that NS rotini and meatballs on Amazon! I had never realized you could get NS foods from there. I used to love it when I could go to Big Lots and buy it for half price (or less) when it had technically gone past the sell by coded date, or when they overstocked or changed to a new recipe, or discontinued.
    Hi Ed
    Today I need to go to the post office and have something weighed and then Lunch with friend(s) as one may or may not make it.

    One thing NS has done is put some of the Lunch and Dinner Entrees into a pouch including the Rotini & Meatballs which I like too.

    I had looked at Amazon, I was not impressed by the price since I would have to pay 100% of the posted price vs buying on the NS site where I can use the Discounted Gift cards. As long as I order extra with my Autodelivery shipping is free there too.
    In fact, it was at Big Lots I first discovered the NS system, buying some of the snacks and lunch bucket/cups to try. I liked them, so bought more at Big Lots, and then checked out NS online and joined. I don't remember how many years I was on the subscription plan, but eventually I got tired of the decreasing lunch foods that I actually liked, the cost, and the repetitiveness, even growing tired of the ones I did like. Of course some of that "getting tired" was because they kept dropping items I really liked and adding in new ones I didn't like so much. It got down at one point to where there were only about 5 or 6 lunch items that I would eat, and having them over and over really got old.

    The same thing happened to the snacks/desserts menu, though I will grant that some of the new ones were quite nice, but changing things, like the zesty crunchy snack mix, to a new recipe when I preferred the old one were, in my opinion, bad moves. I understood that they wanted to make the snacks more "filling" and longer lasting in that sense of being satisfied, and, honestly, the serving sizes of some of my favorites, like the popcorns, were sometimes rather on the small side, but still...the zesty crunchy snack mix just didn't taste as good after the change and had a somewhat unpleasant mouth feel sometimes. I ordered it sometimes anyway, just for a change up but usually regretted it as each time I got reminded why I had stopped ordering it, though the original recipe had been my favorite NS snack.
    I never have seen NS at Big Lots, OTOH I have been in one of those all of Once. I used to be able to pick up cheap NS foods being sold by users on the old NS site, Not happening anymore sadly.

    I do like most of the frozen items and the most of the non refrigerated items, When I signed up I did the frozen after my first delivery to add variety, I think that has helped me avoid burnout on their foods.

    I do take one of my brothers 100 calorie Microwave popcorn's now and then and they seem to be OK compared to the NS ones and a bit lower calorie too.
    At the time I didn't feel that I could afford much in the frozen line when it was introduced and, frankly, I could see some changes to the nutritional stats on some of the new (and reformulated) items that, in my opinion, would slow down weight loss and could make maintenance difficult, if overbought and over-consumed. Some of the newer items didn't really seem to fit the NS standard nutritional stats at all, but those stats too, I guess, evolved over time.

    At any rate, the original plan had worked well for me and the changes in menu selections and plan execution didn't seem a good fit for me or my wallet, and I decided making my own food was the way to go from there on. For a while I'd order small boxes of some of my favorite snacks and desserts, with the occasional meal item (sometimes to try a new product or order an old favorite, if any were left) but some, such as the Fudge Graham bar, I could get a comparable item (in nutrition AND taste) much less expensively, at most grocery stores.

    Now I haven't even bought any Fudge Graham bars (definitely one of my favorites NS items) at the grocery stores in a long time.
    I agree some of the newer items seem to be higher calories, one of the Dinner entrees is 300 calories vs 200 to 270 for most of them.

    I usually order only frozen Breakfasts with a occasional non frozen item and pick up my pancakes and waffles at the dollar store being cheap AKA Frugal.
    Hmmmm....maybe one of those could be my next treat? Probably best to just stay out of that area. I don't need to be hooked on Zone Perfect Fudge Graham bars again. I seem to recall that Target made their own brand that were even less expensive but still quite comparable to the Zone Perfect or the NS. NS was ridiculously expensive for those, but I found the Zone Perfect and the Target ones quite affordable and just as good.

    Well, enough rambling on. I need to clear the sink, check on the aluminum foil "cat traps" on the kitchen counters (Dinah has turned out to be a counter/stovetop jumper - Kiara is, to some extent, but didn't jump on the kitchen counters, just the bathroom counters and the kitchen table, but she was THINKING about the kitchen counters, I could see her eyeing them) and see about feeding the cats. I had read that foil on the counters and stovetop could help train the cat to NOT jump there and it seems to be somewhat working.

    Dinah started out jumping, easily and thoughtlessly, to the counters and/or stovetop whenever she felt like it and since I have put out the foil, Dinah has jumped once, to the stovetop (stove was not on) and panicked when hitting the noisy foil, quickly jumping back down, and once to the sink counter, with the same result. I'll keep the foil on for as long as I can stand moving it back and forth so I can work, and hope she learns to stay off them.

    I wouldn't care about her jumping on the counters, other than that I work with food there and don't need her help, but I am terrified that she might jump on the stove when it's hot and badly burn herself. For now, if the stove is on, I am in the kitchen, keeping an eye on things. When I'm done, the foil goes back over the stove, as soon as it's cool enough to do that.

    Later, gators!
    Aluminum foil "cat traps", that is a new one to me. I can understand not wanting the cats to jump onto a hot stove, that could end real bad.

    It may be a nuisance but You have to do what You have to do despite the inconvenience sometimes.

    Good Luck with the No jump training.

    As You can see by what I wrote, You are not alone in looking for less expensive alternatives. I Love the NS Lunch Melts and have tried the Lean Pockets and Hot Pockets which as less expensive and not as tasty however so I stick to NS for them. I like the 200 calorie Grilled Chicken Sandwich and the 250 Calorie Hamburger from them and have not really found a good substitute. I could use grilled Chicken from elsewhere on the 647 bread, I prefer them on a Bun and have not found low calorie buns that I would buy more than once :(
    Emmy tests grilled cheese toaster bags.


    Hmm, Something I never heard of, I have to watch that one. I like Grilled Cheese, make it using two 40 calorie slice of 647 bread and two slices of 40 calorie Velveeta. The preferred method is to use a skillet, preferably a cast iron one with a dab of butter and a weight to hold the sandwich down while it grills. OTOH if they come out OK that way why not.
