Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Whee! I see from your articles that there will be another falling space station! Well, it will hit where it hits and nothing I can do about it so no sense in my worrying much about it.

    The new treatment possibility for Alzheimers could be very exciting. One of my aunt lost her husband to that a couple of years ago.

    Not sure how much the tomato shortage will affect me personally, as I don't eat many tomatoes this time of year anyway. By late Spring/Summer I expect the shortage will be less severe, if there's still a shortage at all.

    We Americans do love our meat, don't we? I actually eat less meat than I used to, but it's definitely still on the menu.

    We have NOT been enjoying the cold snap here in Georgia. It's colder than a witch's...er...than a brass...um. Well, it's just *KITTEN* cold!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I'm back! Oh, you didn't know I was here? Sneaky today, I am.
    I tried to do the readings before the news came on, and got most of it read...and then Ted called. We chatted about this and that, and my lunch was sitting here getting colder by the minute, and finally he got around to 'it'....he'd been out to the Apple store this morning and had purchased a new iPhone. (8 I think he said). He was setting it up, and all went seamlessly, smoothly, whatever...:) Said it fits into his old case (and I'm quite glad, as its a very nice leather case!
    His Husky is loving this cold weather. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to O's gymnastics tonite....I'm guessing yes. The only really uncomfortably cold time will be when its over, and I have to get into a very cold car. Leaving here since my car is garaged, is not the problem, it will be about 45-50 degrees in the garage, and no wind. But, coming home....hmmmmmm.
    The true test of a good Grammie/bad Grammie will be Saturday early morning, when I drive 45 minutes to sit in a cold ice rink, while my car sits outside and gets bone chilling cold...that will be the real test.

    A few odds and ends to finish from yesterday,
    Tom Cat is crazy nuts. He's begged to go outside 3 times this morning. I've been setting a timer so that I make sure I get him in before he freezes.

    I finally got some good Clementines! And I'm eating 2 of them with my lunches every day. (and an apple with dinner, and banana breakfast) :)

    I'm going to tackle the chores, hop thru the shower, and then decide if I'm going or staying home.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 13 on the porch and 11 on the cable news channel. We Ended up shoveling the sidewalks and driveway last night around 6PM when the snow was done falling. I picked up my coffee and the winds were blowing with a wind chill of Zero or colder. The walking was good except where the sidewalks were still snow covered. I am guessing 6 to 8 inches fell around here and much more in parts of South NJ. I was very happy to get back home this morning :)

    Woman, 67, who battled blood cancer for five years 'recovers after treating it with TURMERIC' in the first recorded case of its kind

    Shropshire chef offers resignation over 'spiked vegan' post
    3 January 2018

    Witness Tells Police He Saw Restaurant Manager Shoot Cook In Case Related To Yelp Review

    Elgin Man Told to Stop 'Slumber Parties' for Homeless During Cold, He Says
    Updated at 5:52 PM CST on Jan 2, 2018

    America’s Power Grid Is Showing Signs of Strain During Brutal Cold
    By Jim Polson, January 2, 2018, 4:05 PM EST

    PetSmart Employee Attacked By Dog Being Groomed

    Have a Great Friday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 16 frigid degrees out there now with an expected sunny high of 35 tropical degrees! Sounds like a great day for sunbathing!

    I've been up for a while but busy getting breakfast. I could have eaten leftovers, but decided on mac and cheese instead.

    Last night I baked boneless, skinless chicken thighs, purchased at Aldi, in a creamy mushroom sauce enhanced with a bit of rosemary.

    I had a tray of ready made cornbread stuffing that I got at Kroger, marked down to half price, and I baked that alongside the chicken.

    Adding a steam-in bag of Publix brand frozen, small green peas completed dinner nicely. I have at least two, maybe three meals left of this.

    It was a multi-grocery collaboration, with Eduardo creating the main course! I didn't have anything from Ingles, or Trader Joes, but I think it was still a great combination. The mushroom sauce/gravy was great on the stuffing and a light butter sauce added to the green peas finished them off nicely, and I opened a bottle of my "Christmas" wine that wasn't really ordered for Christmas, but just because it was a great deal. The Château Élan Muscadry Blanc was just about a perfect pairing with the food. It was almost as good as Christmas dinner all over again, but less rich.

    Plenty left for two large, three medium, or even four (fairly small) meals left. I admit I kind of pigged out last night and ate more of it than I really should have, it was so good. But then that sort of thing always seems to be when it's all fresh out of the oven, doesn't it?

    Lunch today will be assembled from the leftover foods.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Dollar Tree food. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Starring Clint...er, Larry Wolfe.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Low carb microwave mug cake battle. I'll admit to a high carb, eggless, chocolate mug cake recipe that I think is the bee's knees, but I don't make it often. Might try out his winner and see how it compares.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 23 out there now looking for a high of 31 with no chance of precipitation.

    Might get out to Aldi today, but not desperate for anything and it's COLD out there so might not.

    I had bacon mac and cheese (not low carb, I used REAL macaroni) for breakfast. Maybe the eggs, bacon, cheese and potato idea for lunch. Didn't feel like coping with all that early this morning.
    Hi Ed
    Today's plan is to go nowhere since I walked already and my brother has no plans to anywhere. The roads are OK, however since we need no groceries or anything else, why bother.

    Bacon Mac & Cheese, Yummy IMO and the other sounds tasty too.
    My brother brought home a couple of Jimmy Dean cups to try. Simple Scrambles from the refrigerator case that have a small cup of eggs, a packet of Meat inside of a cardboard cup that You start cooking the eggs in using the microwave, Then You mix in the meat and finish cooking and TBH they tasted good.
    In this particular instance, greens meant a mix of of half collards and half kale. Here in the south greens can mean mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens, kale, really pretty much any of the edible leaves in that family, aside from cabbage, which we just call cabbage for some reason. Maybe because that's what it is?

    Often if a food is just labeled "greens" on a menu, it may be a mixture of whichever leaves were available at the market, again, aside from cabbage, or it may be just collard greens. And most of us who like greens aren't that picky about which ones we eat, as long as they're cooked right, though some people claim to love one type and not care at all for another.
    Thanks for that explanation. We had Canned Collards, and a couple of other greens that my brother turned into a soup. They were something that had been given to us.

    If I saw Greens on a menu I would expect them to be only Collards, I would expect that anything else should be marked Mixed Greens.
    To me the taste of any of them by itself is similar, but each does have a distinct flavor of its own. I happen to like all of them, which is why I am one of the "not picky" ones when it comes to greens. I do, of course, expect collard greens on my plate if that's what is listed, but I probably wouldn't send it back if it wasn't.

    Collard greens, specifically, are the green leafy vegetable for New Years in the south, but for those who don't like collards, there is cabbage that is often prepared instead, or one of the others in the family. I've even heard of people having spinach for their New Year greens but in my opinion that is really stretching the envelope. I like spinach but let's keep it in its place!
    Since I tend to be somewhat conservative in my foods I would likely want the greens to be collards.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 16 frigid degrees out there now with an expected sunny high of 35 tropical degrees! Sounds like a great day for sunbathing!

    I've been up for a while but busy getting breakfast. I could have eaten leftovers, but decided on mac and cheese instead.

    Last night I baked boneless, skinless chicken thighs, purchased at Aldi, in a creamy mushroom sauce enhanced with a bit of rosemary.

    I had a tray of ready made cornbread stuffing that I got at Kroger, marked down to half price, and I baked that alongside the chicken.

    Adding a steam-in bag of Publix brand frozen, small green peas completed dinner nicely. I have at least two, maybe three meals left of this.

    It was a multi-grocery collaboration, with Eduardo creating the main course! I didn't have anything from Ingles, or Trader Joes, but I think it was still a great combination. The mushroom sauce/gravy was great on the stuffing and a light butter sauce added to the green peas finished them off nicely, and I opened a bottle of my "Christmas" wine that wasn't really ordered for Christmas, but just because it was a great deal. The Château Élan Muscadry Blanc was just about a perfect pairing with the food. It was almost as good as Christmas dinner all over again, but less rich.

    Plenty left for two large, three medium, or even four (fairly small) meals left. I admit I kind of pigged out last night and ate more of it than I really should have, it was so good. But then that sort of thing always seems to be when it's all fresh out of the oven, doesn't it?

    Lunch today will be assembled from the leftover foods.
    Your Temperatures are better than ours. We are going to have more days of below freezing temperatures for a high. According to last nights weather forecast we last had a day where the highs were above freezing on Christmas.

    I like the Steam in Bags of frozen vegetables from the supermarket too. However the Frozen vegetables from CostCo are cheaper.

    I shall be having Grocery Store Meatballs from the grocery stores hot foods area that have been in the freezer. They will be used for the next two days additional proteins per the NS plan :)

    Stay Warm
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Loved all the kitty cat pictures, especially the one with mom and her "mini-me" in the blinds!

    While I think it's great that curcumin helped that one woman, and hope that further research is done into HOW it helped, I fear that it, like many treatments, is likely to work for some, but not all.

    Sounds to me like the spiked, "pious, judgmental vegan" may simply have been a guest at the party who was not, in fact vegan, but had a lot of friends who are. I believe the restaurant lady was WAY out of line there in judging, and more so in posting what she did. I'm sure the patron who ordered the pizza with cheese knew full well that she was ordering cheese, as if she had actually been a "pious, judgmental vegan" she would have read the menu carefully and/or inquired as to the ingredients and not ordered it.

    I think putting any of the blame for the restaurant shooting on negative Yelp reviews is just wrong. While the reviews may (or may not) have bothered the restaurant owner, he is still ultimately responsible for his own actions and the "blame" lies strictly on him. He and the cook could have worked things out differently, including the cook finding employment elsewhere.

    I can understand the city's concerns with the unlicensed homeless shelter. I can also understand why he doesn't just open up the other part(s) of the house to them, which might comply if he let them sleep in the living room and/or any spare bedrooms, and limited occupancy to the legal limit for the home. He "knows them well" but doesn't apparently trust them well enough to let them into his own living quarters. Is a puzzlement. WWJD?

    I am hoping that the brutal cold won't last the whole winter. Some places might well run out of gas. If electric weren't so expensive, it would make me wish for the house I grew up in, which was one of the popular, at the time, "all electric" newfangled houses.

    I would never want to be a PetSmart groomer. Imagine having to deal with animals of all sorts of temperament and not, presumably, being able to partially sedate them! If I had animals that needed grooming, I'd take them to my vet, who also offers grooming service, and specifically allow partial sedation if necessary, I think. Not that my pets would likely need that.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    I occasionally buy bags of grocery store meatballs, and used to buy BIG bags from Sam's. I presume CostCo has big bags too, but haven't actually looked for them. While they are nice for a snack or even to make spaghetti and meatballs, I just find them too much of a temptation when they are around. I will tend to zap half a dozen on a whim and eat them with ketchup, even if I don't NEED to eat anything. So it's rare for me to buy them and I only do it when I want a special treat. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to buy the giant bag at all. LOL.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    As I sit here thinking thru my replies, I have a cat sitting beside me, yowling his fool head off. Little goof ball..he's already had 'cat time' on my lap in the rocker, he's eaten, and against my better judgement he's been outside, what else????

    Oh, my word...any intelligent Vegan would have known that pizza has cheese on it. Even a 'smart' Vegan would have known to ask...I think the whole thing is BS, but that the cook should have known better than the post she made on fb. This kind of thing is exactly why I, and a whole bunch of former Vegans will not identify with Vegan. There are many groups at least online that identify as Whole Food Plant Based...which is a mouthful, but more accurate in its description.

    Meatballs...I was never particularly into meatballs. Perhaps because my Mom never made them? but whatever, I've bought frozen when the 'littles' wanted Gram's meatball sandwiches. I will also admit to buying them fresh from the hot bar at WF. Tried one, and I have to admit it was delicious! So, go figure!

    Saw my "hello Valerie" from Roger....usually that means I didn't post...went back and checked, because I was certain I had at least written a post...and indeed it did post a bit after 1p.m. yesterday! Nothing earthshaking so no be deal... and I did indeed go O's gymnastics class last night. It was cold. :), but I and all the others wore our coats so we were comfy til we went outside after....

    curcumin....the active ingredient in Turmeric..interesting article...but. As Ed mentioned studies need to be done. And some have been done..but mostly from the anti-inflamatory angle. Its hard to get the money to do studies on fruits, vegetables, spices, etc. because they cannot be patented, so the drug mfg's etc. aren't interested. Sad but true. Money speaks louder than cures these days.

    I think I mentioned several times already, but I am more than ready for warm spring breezes and blooming flowers, butterflies, and baby birds!!

    Oh, and I vote with Ed...loved the kitten in the blinds and Mom looking like she'd like to disown him! (or her) :)

    Clock just chimed 11..which is correct, FINALLY! The battery was losing power, and its been 'off' by several hours for days now...replaced the battery, and fiddled with it til it had the right time, and the correct number of chimes....so, got that little chore done. :)

    I think I will 'vacation' indoors today. Like a rainy day at the beach...read a book, do a puzzle, anything except going outside...which it turns out was all that Tom E. wanted. Crazy Cat!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday!

    21 out there now with an expected high of 38. No chance of precipitation.

    Might actually get out to the store today for a few things.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Low carb southern corn bread dressing? To find the recipe, switch the video to YouTube and look below the video. You might have to click "show more" to see it.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Low carb pumpkin pie battle. To find the recipe links, switch the video to YouTube and look below the video. You might have to click "show more" to see them.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Range Mate Pro. Microwave grilling? Let's see how well it works. Wow. I may have to get one of these!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Very early for me....early morning hockey game this morning.
    Eating my breakfast, and I need to get that cat back inside. Too cold for him to be out anyhow, but he carried on something awful, so I let him out about 10 minutes ago. Now he's in being a pest!!! LOL!

    Trying to ward off a case of the sniffles. Vit. C fruit, and tablets! I do not want to be sick.

    Hope Roger is safe on his walk, or smart enough to stay home..News showed awful pix of the snow and wind.

    Ed, I'll look at the low carb video's later today. I can't wait to see 'low carb french fries'...that has to be good.
