Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and 15 cents. The temperature this morning was 23 on the porch and 32 on the cable news channel, a little higher than yesterday. Today's high is supposed to be around 50.

    Pelosi: $1,000 Is ‘Crumbs’ For The Middle Class [VIDEO]
    Amber Athey, 11:43 AM 01/25/2018
    Pelosi previously blasted the bonuses as “crumbs” earlier in January, insisting that they are “pathetic” gifts that mean little to workers.

    The next generation of smartphone cameras could see through walls

    Enviros Push Meat Tax
    Posted by ATR on Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

    California Considers $1,000 Fine for Waiters Offering Unsolicited Plastic Straws
    This sucks.
    Christian Britschgi|Jan. 25, 2018

    Is the humble sandwich a climate change culprit?
    By David Szondy

    California Considers $1,000 Fine for Waiters Offering Unsolicited Plastic Straws
    Posted by Christopher Abbott on Thursday, January 25th, 2018

    Burrito-Seeking Drunk Driver Busted, Cops Say
    Bank drive-thru lane mistaken for a Taco Bell

    January 22, 2018
    Florida Man, 23, Arrested For Fried Chicken Attack On His Girlfriend

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Roger!
    Interesting observation...train cats off the table and all they would learn is now not to be caught! Sorta like kids!!
    Well I slept an additional 6 hours after my 'early morning post'...It was short because I was using my iPad..and had no intention of getting up, going to the dining room just for the lap top!!!

    Much has been done this morning...all of it routine/daily stuff. I did microwave a sweet potato and 'cook' some frozen spinach (stove top)...that an a cup of decaf and a banana has been breakfast. Planning of going to Sweet Tom's after seeing Tyler and having my H/A's cleaned.

    I have a bag of mixed grains that I picked up at Costco, after tasting it made up! Hope to cook a batch for the coming week.

    OH ED! got my weekly menu and cooking instructions from CFDG today, and they are doing some roasted romanesque! (hope I spelled that correctly) Paired it with a garlicy tahini dressing...Next time I see a head in a store, I will have to buy it!! :)

    Time to head for the shower and let Tom E the two black footed, bossy, whiny cat back into the house...


    Hi Valerie
    I prefer a real keyboard too :)

    It would appear that the free tastings work, My brother bought a couple of the Jimmy Dean's breakfast cups after a free sample w/Coupon at the Grocery Store.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! 47 out there now with an expected high of 57 and 70% chance of precipitation.

    J and a friend may be going this afternoon to look at orchids, at a small commercial grower in Woodstock. No, not THAT Woodstock. :) I don't know if I want to go or not. I may stay home and nap.

    I still haven't done laundry but it hasn't turned critical yet. Breakfast this morning was leftover pizza from last night.

    Cats still awaiting feeding.
    Hi Ed

    There is rain in the forecast for tonight heading into tomorrow :(

    Funny You mention Woodstock, Back then I was working in Newark, NJ and I was thinking of going there until I heard that the NY THruway was closed due to it.

    There is nothing wrong with good and tasty leftover Pizza for breakfast.
    Which makes me wonder if You have ever had a breakfast Pizza, That is a Pizza topped with Eggs, Potatoes, Etc. ? My brother mentioned that he had them off of the food truck sometimes when it had any left when it got to where he was working.

    Enjoy the Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Early Hockey....lost by one goal. Dirty reffing. Several much larger guys on the other team...seemed intent on injuring our littler players...and doing it 'legally'. Yet it was their goalie and one of their offense men who went down...both ok,,just a bit shaken. NO chicken fried Tofu at Whole Foods, John's Creek. Somehow didn't think they'd be so accommodating as to have it on the hot bar two weeks running!! Oh, well.

    Slow day at home. Not much accomplished...laundry sorted for a load or two tomorrow, I did get cat's boxes cleaned, and sweeper run, and a nice rainy afternoon nap!

    Tomorrow I'm cooking...a box of tofu, (to be decided tomorrow as to how/what), a mixed grain from a package that is tasty and I get to control the salt, herbs, etc. a huge salad with lots and lots of fresh/raw veggies, my Besan Gravy with mushrooms for this coming week. Steam some broccoli and some carrots. May even quick cook a couple beets in the IP, and the beet greens looked pretty good, so I'll probably make a mess of greens of some sort as well.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Sunday! 51 out there now with an expected high of 55 and 100% chance of precipitation.

    Definitely need to do laundry today, and this time no more waiting! Breakfast was the last of the pizza and lunch will be leftover fried rice from last night's dinner out. J has Thai basil fried rice with fried tofu and I have combo fried rice. I ate all the shrimp out of it last night but there is still plenty of the rest of the meats left.

    Fried rice is another rare treat for me because CARBS. But last night that was really the only thing on the menu that was calling to me and since we wandered around two large Goodwill stores afterward, and I wandered around an Aldi store near one of the Goodwill stores, then walking from it to the Goodwill store, I think I burned a good bit off.

    I found some interesting cast iron at the first one. One medium frying pan which MAY be a size I already have but I haven't yet compared, as the "new" one is still sitting on the counter. It looks like it's never been used! It is pre-seasoned but I may give it a second seasoning, after giving it a rinse. It was not particularly cheap, but then it's apparently brand new, and is good, heavy, cast iron! If nothing else, it should be a great size for making the occasional corn bread.

    Then a couple of small, round, shallow egg or pancake pans, each big enough to hold only one (maybe two, remember SHALLOW) eggs or individual pancakes, that I thought were cute, and one small, grilled cheese size, square pan, a bit deeper, that could certainly hold several eggs, but will need to be scraped (some cooked on gunk, not well cared for) and re-seasoned, along with the little round ones.

    At the second store, there was a Christmas tree shaped tiny, shallow pan that could be used to make a Christmas tree shaped scrambled egg or, one at a time, small Christmas tree pancakes. It, too, has a small amount of rust and will need to be re-seasoned. I think after I get some Brillow pads to scrap with, the oven may be full of cast iron for a while!

    Need to clear the sink and feed the cats. Dinah, our itty bitty kitty (a little over 7 pounds, and at the weight now where she needs to stay) will certainly not let me forget to feed them!

    One of our friends has dubbed Kiara as our "moo cow" kitty because her coloration is somewhat like a Holstein, so we are calling her our Holstein cat, which certainly sounds exotic! And of course Lilo is our Manx minx.

    I did get out to PetSmart too yesterday, and got some more pumpkin supplement for Lilo, along with a couple of cans of cat food for her to eat on the days when the others get that one flavor that they like fine but that Lilo doesn't seem to care for. Normally, they all get the same flavor every day but if she doesn't like that one I won't force it on her. She eats enough of it to stave off hunger pangs but that's about it and why waste perfectly good cat food, when I can giver her something else she may like better?

    Well, the sink is not going to clear itself and I don't have Rosie the Robot to do the laundry for me...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Worst infomercials ever? Well, time will tell, won't it? I'm sure they can be outdone.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    A griller that fits in your pocket? Well, not really, but that was the first thought that hit my mind when I saw the name. I remember a cast iron sandwich pocket thing we sometimes used when camping, but we never actually made sandwiches, but used sandwich bread to make hand held fresh cherry pies! They would have been better made with pie dough but were surprisingly good made with plain, light bread.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    How attached are cats, to their owners? Does this video actually give the answer?

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    The cat might be feeling boxed in






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 50 on the porch and 50 on the cable news channel, higher than yesterday. Today's when I left to go walking there was a light rain falling, the rain appears to have ended as I approached the house.
    The scale was lower than yesterday morning, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working well so far.

    Three teens face criminal charges after exposing allergic classmate to pineapple juice
    By Brian C. Rittmeyer | Friday, Jan. 26, 2018, 6:39 a.m.
    This seems like a weird allergy to me, Roger

    Loyal dogs guard dead body of their friend after it was hit and killed on a busy road
    Onlookers were amazed as they watched the four canines take up their positions in the middle of the street until the dog's body was moved
    By Gabriel Zamfir, Updated18:23, 26 JAN 2018

    San Jose earthquake brings Bay Area total to 7 in last week
    By Sophie Haigney Published 7:41 am, Friday, January 26, 2018

    Whistling at women & asking for phone number could cost men €350 in France
    Published time: 26 Jan, 2018 11:14

    Rhode Island, Connecticut and Illinois are the 'worst possible states to live in' (but Louisiana and Mississippi aren't much better)
    21-25% of residents were unhappy with these state, according to a survey
    Among the happiest were those in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and Texas
    One Reddit forum poster said CT and RI had an 'inferiority complex'
    By Nick Enoch for MailOnline, Updated: 01:12 EST, 27 January 2018

    Escaped prisoner from Dallas caught sneaking back into prison with snacks, booze, home-cooked food
    Written by Tom Steele, Breaking News Producer, Filed under Crime Yesterday

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Early Hockey....lost by one goal. Dirty reffing. Several much larger guys on the other team...seemed intent on injuring our littler players...and doing it 'legally'. Yet it was their goalie and one of their offense men who went down...both ok,,just a bit shaken. NO chicken fried Tofu at Whole Foods, John's Creek. Somehow didn't think they'd be so accommodating as to have it on the hot bar two weeks running!! Oh, well.

    Slow day at home. Not much accomplished...laundry sorted for a load or two tomorrow, I did get cat's boxes cleaned, and sweeper run, and a nice rainy afternoon nap!

    Tomorrow I'm cooking...a box of tofu, (to be decided tomorrow as to how/what), a mixed grain from a package that is tasty and I get to control the salt, herbs, etc. a huge salad with lots and lots of fresh/raw veggies, my Besan Gravy with mushrooms for this coming week. Steam some broccoli and some carrots. May even quick cook a couple beets in the IP, and the beet greens looked pretty good, so I'll probably make a mess of greens of some sort as well.


    Hi Valerie
    They sound like real sporting types, Not.
    No surprise that You did not find the CFT.

    Thank You for the reminder, I need to go put the Laundry in.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Sunday! 51 out there now with an expected high of 55 and 100% chance of precipitation.

    Definitely need to do laundry today, and this time no more waiting! Breakfast was the last of the pizza and lunch will be leftover fried rice from last night's dinner out. J has Thai basil fried rice with fried tofu and I have combo fried rice. I ate all the shrimp out of it last night but there is still plenty of the rest of the meats left.

    Fried rice is another rare treat for me because CARBS. But last night that was really the only thing on the menu that was calling to me and since we wandered around two large Goodwill stores afterward, and I wandered around an Aldi store near one of the Goodwill stores, then walking from it to the Goodwill store, I think I burned a good bit off.

    I found some interesting cast iron at the first one. One medium frying pan which MAY be a size I already have but I haven't yet compared, as the "new" one is still sitting on the counter. It looks like it's never been used! It is pre-seasoned but I may give it a second seasoning, after giving it a rinse. It was not particularly cheap, but then it's apparently brand new, and is good, heavy, cast iron! If nothing else, it should be a great size for making the occasional corn bread.

    Then a couple of small, round, shallow egg or pancake pans, each big enough to hold only one (maybe two, remember SHALLOW) eggs or individual pancakes, that I thought were cute, and one small, grilled cheese size, square pan, a bit deeper, that could certainly hold several eggs, but will need to be scraped (some cooked on gunk, not well cared for) and re-seasoned, along with the little round ones.

    At the second store, there was a Christmas tree shaped tiny, shallow pan that could be used to make a Christmas tree shaped scrambled egg or, one at a time, small Christmas tree pancakes. It, too, has a small amount of rust and will need to be re-seasoned. I think after I get some Brillo pads to scrap with, the oven may be full of cast iron for a while!
    Hi Ed
    The precip may have ended, It is now down to 48 degrees on the front porch, cooler than when I left the house at 6AM.

    Laundry is now started :)

    Hmm... I would never have thought of looking in a Goodwill store for cast Iron, I would like to get a small one that can be used as a one egg skillet :smiley:
    Need to clear the sink and feed the cats. Dinah, our itty bitty kitty (a little over 7 pounds, and at the weight now where she needs to stay) will certainly not let me forget to feed them!

    One of our friends has dubbed Kiara as our "moo cow" kitty because her coloration is somewhat like a Holstein, so we are calling her our Holstein cat, which certainly sounds exotic! And of course Lilo is our Manx minx.

    I did get out to PetSmart too yesterday, and got some more pumpkin supplement for Lilo, along with a couple of cans of cat food for her to eat on the days when the others get that one flavor that they like fine but that Lilo doesn't seem to care for. Normally, they all get the same flavor every day but if she doesn't like that one I won't force it on her. She eats enough of it to stave off hunger pangs but that's about it and why waste perfectly good cat food, when I can giver her something else she may like better?

    Well, the sink is not going to clear itself and I don't have Rosie the Robot to do the laundry for me...
    It sounds as if You are the dishwasher the same as I am for the house.
    Worst infomercials ever? Well, time will tell, won't it? I'm sure they can be outdone.
    Are there any good Infomercials ? As far as i can tell from the ones I did see, they are all selling the best thing to happen to the world. A careful inspection and dissection of them reveals that they are full of lies by omission and semi truths.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hmm... I would never have thought of looking in a Goodwill store for cast Iron, I would like to get a small one that can be used as a one egg skillet :smiley:

    I've seen some small ones on Amazon. 3.5 inch or 5 inch, I guess depending on whether you want to make a single egg for a biscuit sandwich or a mini-omelet, or maybe a thinner scrambled egg, for a bread sandwich, or two or three eggs at once, or just a small entree for dinner.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hmm... I would never have thought of looking in a Goodwill store for cast Iron, I would like to get a small one that can be used as a one egg skillet :smiley:

    I've seen some small ones on Amazon. 3.5 inch or 5 inch, I guess depending on whether you want to make a single egg for a biscuit sandwich or a mini-omelet, or maybe a thinner scrambled egg, for a bread sandwich, or two or three eggs at once, or just a small entree for dinner.
    Hi Ed
    What I am thinking is that it would be nice to cook a single egg in a size that fits a slice of bread to make a Egg & Cheese Sandwich and maybe use as slice or two of the precooked bacon from the freezer to have a Bacon and Egg or Bacon, Egg and Cheese sandwich. I have a Mid-morning snack per my NS meal plan that is a SC & a PF and that type of sandwich would work for me. This morning I opened a small can of Chicken Breast and made a Egg Salad that I split into to portions on the 40 cal per slice 647 Italian bread :) I will use the other half of that tomorrow.

    Thanks for the Suggestion

    P.S. my other option would be to take a look at prices and then take a $5 off or 20% off coupon to Bed Bath and Beyond and see which way is cheaper :)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Saying Good Morning! while its still morning!
    I think I got my small Lodge cast iron skillet at Walmart! (and like Ed, I keep them in the oven) which causes some 'lifting exercises' to be done before using the oven..Preferably BEFORE turning ON the oven. :) My MIL used to make some really excellent fried chicken...and it was always in her 'iron 'chicken' skillet'. I don't think that skillet was used for anything else... :)

    I don't know how laundry became a 'Sunday' chore, since none of us work...so its not for cleaning clothes for the coming week... but I am joining you with at least one load of laundry today...

    I am chilled. to the bones. 51 raining degrees is not comfortable, and I haven't turned up the heat, so its only 66 IN the house... I may need to go correct that shortly, or I'm likely to begin shivering!!!

    So, turning up the heat, and heading to the kitchen. Breakfast was only a banana, so I may need to also round up something else to eat. Somehow a sweet potato sounds warm and tasty!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Tonight's vegan dinner of spicy grilled vegetables. The microwave grill isn't all that big, so it was cooked in batches and held warm in the oven until all were done. Spicy grilled carrots, onion, cauliflower, potato, and mushrooms.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 40 on the porch and 39 on the cable news channel, lower than yesterday.
    The scale was lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is still working well so far.

    Connecticut’s Mayors ask Hartford to save them from collective bargaining.

    Super Bowl brings massive security resources to Minneapolis

    The rise of the 'gym party' for adults - how getting sweaty replaced getting sloshed
    By Lucy Holden, 27 January 2018

    Investigation spurred after photos show raw meat being wheeled into 99 Ranch Market with Costco cart
    By Michelle Robertson, Updated 7:10 pm, Friday, January 26, 2018

    this is a weird one to me
    Conservatives are more attractive than liberals, study finds
    Posted Saturday 27 January 2018

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Saying Good Morning! while its still morning!
    I think I got my small Lodge cast iron skillet at Walmart! (and like Ed, I keep them in the oven) which causes some 'lifting exercises' to be done before using the oven..Preferably BEFORE turning ON the oven. :) My MIL used to make some really excellent fried chicken...and it was always in her 'iron 'chicken' skillet'. I don't think that skillet was used for anything else... :)

    I don't know how laundry became a 'Sunday' chore, since none of us work...so its not for cleaning clothes for the coming week... but I am joining you with at least one load of laundry today...

    I am chilled. to the bones. 51 raining degrees is not comfortable, and I haven't turned up the heat, so its only 66 IN the house... I may need to go correct that shortly, or I'm likely to begin shivering!!!

    So, turning up the heat, and heading to the kitchen. Breakfast was only a banana, so I may need to also round up something else to eat. Somehow a sweet potato sounds warm and tasty!


    Hi Valerie
    I wonder if that helped with the Chicken ? It became my Sunday Chore when I did not get to it Friday or Saturday and realized I was down to a one day supply of clean clothes :)

    66 degrees would be chilly for me, I keep the house around 74 degrees. Nothing wrong with a Banana and it's nutrients.

    Have a Nice Day