Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 41 on the porch and 40 on the cable news channel. The high temperature today is supposed to be 60. It was raining hard when I left for my daily walk and it rained Hard and lightly while I was walking. I did wear a complete set of rain gear except for my feet. I have a spare pair of shoes I can use tomorrow while today's dry out :)

    Cannabis users are more likely to feel deceived and alienated by others, study finds
    By Alexandra Thompson Health Reporter For Mailonline
    Published: 10:24 EST, 17 January 2018 | Updated: 17:51 EST, 17 January 2018

    Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden
    Bojan Pancevski, Malmo, January 21 2018, 12:01am, The Sunday Times

    Scientists are worried a mysterious “zombie” disease killing deer could spread to humans
    January 20, 2018 10:37 am

    Mystery of dog who travelled 113 MILES on train and even changed at Manchester
    By Vickiie Oliphant, 06:59, Mon, Jan 22, 2018 | UPDATED: 07:56, Mon, Jan 22, 2018

    Alabama Rot MAP: Where is Alabama Rot in the UK? 'Dog's black death' reaches record levels

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    I was wondering if You used the Microwave Grill plate since the grill marks are so light.
    The Meal does look really tasty.

    I was given a delayed delivery bottle of Dante Robino Malbec 2016 from Mendoza, Argentina, Not being a wine connoisseur I have no idea if it will be good, Meh or bad :)
    I did use the microwave grill(s) for dinner last night. The veggies were done in two batches in the round grill and my chicken was done in the rectangular grill, so there were three separate grillings done in the microwave. First I grilled the carrots and bell peppers, put them in a bowl, and set them in the oven to stay warm at 170 while grilling the mushrooms and zucchini, which then joined the other veggies in the bowl in the oven while I grilled the chicken breast. Of course while all this was going on, the potatoes were easy to make during other intervals.

    As you can see, J got about twice as much of the potatoes and veggies and I had just enough to complement my tasty chicken breast, so this was one of those nights where I didn't make two completely separate meals.

    I am not familiar with that PARTICULAR Malbec, but do like Malbec in general and it's near the top of my favorite red wine varietals. It's a dry red that goes well with just about anything and is also quite nice just for sipping on it's own. Serve at, or slightly below, room temperature to get the best flavor.
    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You were cooking dinner for a while. I wonder if a Grilling pan that sits on two burners would work better or if the splattering would be a pain in the neck.

    Thank You for the feedback on the wine. In general I am not a drinking person :)
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    45 out there now with an expected high of 52 and no chance of precipitation.

    Lilo has been shot, and we've all been fed. Well, not J as he doesn't generally eat breakfast. He might have breakfast for lunch or dinner, but usually nothing in the early morning.

    Need to get out to the grocery for a few things.
    It would appear that Your weather is quite different than ours for Tuesday...
    Yours is cooler and dry and ours is wet and warmer, There was a fair amount of fog around the state earlier.

    Good Luck with the shopping
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Quick Hi!
    Burnt ole middle finger on my left hand yesterday cleaning up after dinner.
    Do NOT after cleaning your cast iron skillet and setting it on a high gas heat burner use a pot holder to set skillet in the oven and then bare handed pick up stove grate. (to get at a couple bread crumbs on the burner liner)
    Talk about not thinking! Lost in a fog...all damn day. (why? later) It is a quick release method I suppose. Not badly burned, immediately put all left hand fingers in cool water for about 5 minutes. WHY an all day fog? Hmmmm. Took me awhile to put 2+2 together..but here it is.
    I had Sesame Chicken and Broccoli Saturday evening...the 'chicken' came from the 'mock meat' section of the menu. Everybody raves about their Sesame Chicken....so it turned out to be delicious, but it was seitan 'meat'. Meaning flour boiled leaving the gluten strands that are then shaped and cooked. WHO can't eat gluten??? Oh Yes I Did. That has happened once before, after eating English Muffins for several days straight...

    Oh, well..could have been much worse!
    Hi Valerie
    I suppose it could have been worse, You could have had the side effects and poor tasting food :)

    Did the Cool water do the trick ?
    I got lost in the internet this morning...found a great new vegan and GLUTEN FREE web site! Fell into the reading recipe's hole and barely made it out! Finally tore myself out of the C**G website and knew if I didn't come here directly I'd not make it....

    Quite cloudy/overcast. The rain isn't supposed to start until 4-5p. and its gonna be or near be 60 today...but not sure its going to be car washing weather. Will stick my nose out about 2p. and see what I think.

    Dinner for you and J looked great Ed. I'd eat with J of course :). And the jokes, etc were all good...that poor bird...I'd seen that meme before but I couldn't see what was really happening...it just looked like the ball had exploded. Nope!!!
    Not that I like heights or cold weather but you'd have to bribe me with enough money to be richer than Bill Gates to make me climb that stalactite!!! YIKES!


    Who does not fall into the Internet and not resurface for a while ?

    I had to reset things this morning to get the internet working on this computer, it is the only one connected wirelessly.

    Poor bird, bad Timing for sure. Since I am afraid of heights I would not be climbing that either.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You were cooking dinner for a while. I wonder if a Grilling pan that sits on two burners would work better or if the splattering would be a pain in the neck.

    That is exactly the reason I rarely use a stovetop grill/griddle. Maybe grilled cheese sandwiches on the stovetop, as there's really no spatter issue there. It's also rare for me to fry chicken (or anything else that spatters a lot) because I hate cleaning up that mess.

    I'm sure I could get similar results from a stove top grill/griddle, especially if I get one with the ridging, which could give lovely grill marks and keep me from having the food sit in its own juices, to some extent anyway. But spatter. And then the separation of meats and veggies would be less pure, since it would be all one surface and I'd have to clean it between items. Even if I had two, the meat could spatter onto the veggies if I was cooking both at the same time.

    Overall cooking time wasn't bad at all, as the microwave grills cook food very quickly. The carrots were baby carrots so they were ready to roll, and it doesn't take me long to chop up a bell pepper. The mushrooms were already sliced, but again, how long does that take? I could have sliced portabellas about as quickly as taking them out of the box, and zucchini is a quick slice as well.

    Preheat for the veggies was about 2 minutes and cook time wasn't long at all. Preheat for the chicken was 3 minutes and cook time was 4 1/2 minutes total on the chicken, with a 5 minute standing time. And of course the mashed potatoes were being prepared simultaneously while other things were cooking and standing. All told, maybe 20/30 minutes plus cleanup later, but cleanup was also only about 5 minutes.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Thank You for the feedback on the wine. In general I am not a drinking person :)

    I'm sure you will enjoy the wine. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 37 on the porch and 41 on the cable news channel. The high temperature today is supposed to be in the 40s.

    Dog Alerts Owner To Propane Gas Leak Inside Long Island Home
    January 20, 2018 at 10:11 pm

    In-N-Out employees can work their way up to $160,000 a year with no degree or previous experience
    By Melia Robinson, Published 10:41 am, Monday, January 22, 2018


    How Canada's addiction to road salt is ruining everything
    Bringing down bridges, melting cars, poisoning rivers; it's hard to think of something salt isn't ruining
    By Tristin Hopper, January 22, 2018

    Rare Stephen King works destroyed in Maine bookstore flood
    By Michael Schaub, Jan 22, 2018

    This Rare Bear Who Called the Crash Warns Housing Is Too Hot Again
    By Prashant Gopal, January 22, 2018

    Alabama rot: Is deadly fish and frog disease the cause of ‘dog black death’?
    A VET is investigating a hopeful breakthrough in the fight against the deadly Alabama Rot plague that has stricken more than 120 British dogs.
    By Stuart Winter, UPDATED: 13:34, Mon, Jan 22, 2018

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You were cooking dinner for a while. I wonder if a Grilling pan that sits on two burners would work better or if the splattering would be a pain in the neck.
    That is exactly the reason I rarely use a stovetop grill/griddle. Maybe grilled cheese sandwiches on the stovetop, as there's really no spatter issue there. It's also rare for me to fry chicken (or anything else that spatters a lot) because I hate cleaning up that mess.

    I'm sure I could get similar results from a stove top grill/griddle, especially if I get one with the ridging, which could give lovely grill marks and keep me from having the food sit in its own juices, to some extent anyway. But spatter. And then the separation of meats and veggies would be less pure, since it would be all one surface and I'd have to clean it between items. Even if I had two, the meat could spatter onto the veggies if I was cooking both at the same time.

    Overall cooking time wasn't bad at all, as the microwave grills cook food very quickly. The carrots were baby carrots so they were ready to roll, and it doesn't take me long to chop up a bell pepper. The mushrooms were already sliced, but again, how long does that take? I could have sliced portabellas about as quickly as taking them out of the box, and zucchini is a quick slice as well.

    Preheat for the veggies was about 2 minutes and cook time wasn't long at all. Preheat for the chicken was 3 minutes and cook time was 4 1/2 minutes total on the chicken, with a 5 minute standing time. And of course the mashed potatoes were being prepared simultaneously while other things were cooking and standing. All told, maybe 20/30 minutes plus cleanup later, but cleanup was also only about 5 minutes.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Thank You for the feedback on the wine. In general I am not a drinking person :)
    I'm sure you will enjoy the wine. :)
    Hi Ed
    Good Morning :)
    I watch a some of the Cooking contest shows and they do seem to get grill marks from the stove top grills, OTOH I am sure that the contestants do not do the cleaning afterwards.

    The last time I did a Grilled Cheese I use my Brothers Cast Iron Skillet, Put a dab of butter in first and then the sandwich with a pan of water sitting on it to get that nice crunchy crust.

    I had forgotten that they meat juices can not hit the vegetables :)

    I have seen them using large Portabellas as a bun replacement in those contests too. Not to mention Cauliflower steaks grilled.

    Anyway, Have a Good Day

    Hi Valerie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 35 out there now with an expected high of 51 and no chance of precipitation.

    Might get some laundry done today and there are a couple of things I could buy if I decide to go out. I do want to take a nap, if my nap buddies will cooperate. Yesterday, Kiara and Lilo kept wrestling on the bed instead of just napping with me. Dinah even came by to say hello, but that was right at the beginning, and then she wandered off to the living room. Dinah doesn't usually nap with me, though she did the first day she was out in general population.

    Val, I found some nice Guacamole at Aldi yesterday and we ate some as part of our dinner nachos last night. There are two packets in the box so we can have it again another night without having half of it sitting around turning brown and gross. If you haven't tried the Guacamole there, you might want to give it a try. We got the HOT version but there is a mild version too.

    Tonight I should really grill some more veggies.

    For part of my breakfast, I microwave grilled a couple of all beef wieners. I didn't get them as dark as I really like, but they did have lovely grill marks on them. This was the first time for wieners, so maybe next time I'll give them a bit longer to up the darkness and outside crispiness. Still pleased with the grill so far. I bought some Polska Kielbasa and some smoked sausage to try in it, and some 85/15 preformed, frozen hamburger patties too. Looking forward to seeing how those all come out in the microwave grill! I haven't seen the "right" pork chops for it yet. The ones I did see were far thicker than I normally eat. I could have cut them down, I suppose, but that's a bit tricky and I would tend to get them uneven then. I'll keep looking. also, of course, I haven't yet seen any nice lamb chops in the "used' meat section so haven't got anything but lamb burgers to possibly try in there. Lamb burgers are good, but are pretty lean and hard to get just right without drying them out.

    Need to get the pigs slopped.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    BEST pizza places in America? Somehow I doubt this is very objective. But it is very important research!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Quick Hello...
    There was a lot to read this morning...at least double the normal...and then I realized I must have been MIA yesterday. Sorry.
    Yesterday...went with M to get her new glasses. Then we lunched at R Thomas..delightful as always... home. Jack called, then my brother called...he and Rose may be going to the beach with me...he'll let me know today or at least this week...

    I had a hearing appt scheduled with Tyler, but they called today and could I switch my day to Friday...'Yes I could'...someone needed hearing test for work..today! Curious where she worked? I've had to take dexterity tests, colorblindness tests, etc...but never a hearing test. Not a bad idea though.

    Ed...hope you waited to go to Aldi until today...the new sale has some nice fruit, meat, etc on sale this week. They also had an interesting sounding red wine...from Argentina I think...you can pull up their ad online and have a look.

    Read a recipe in my mail box today...for Sesame Chicken Bowl...sub the word TOFU for chicken and that may well be my dinner or lunch! With all the talk about grilling I may drag out my range top grill, or even the electric one and grill the tofu. Hmmm might be worth the hassle :)
    Or, I could use my grill pan and use the actual gas grill...shouldn't be too cold, depending on the wind factor.

    The pix were all great...loved the baby hugging the 3 puppies was especially adorable!
    Interesting Roger that you don't like heights either...I surely don't. Ed...are you a climber??? or are you 'earth bound' like me and Roger??

    Ok...off to the kitchen...my cup of decaf is almost gone, and not enough to reheat, so I need to make a pot of tea, and clean up the kitchen. I could also pay a few bills, and I need to contact the good folks that manage my 401K from work, and request my "minimum distribution" which I really don't WANT, but am forced to take every year. Oh well....

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    For lunch today I grilled beef patties in my rectangular microwave grill. Two of the particular frozen patties that I bought barely squeezed into the pan, but I did get them both in. After the first side was cooked and they had compressed themselves into smaller patties, there was not any difficulty at all in turning them. Beautiful grill marks and, again, if I hadn't cooked them myself I wouldn't have thought they were cooked in a microwave oven.

    Cleanup was quick and easy. Nice to be able to grill for lunch with such an easy clean up too!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    Ironic :)




  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and No cents. The temperature this morning was 25 on the porch and 23 on the cable news channel. There was a bit of a wind chill while I was walking whenever I was facing the breeze.

    Alabama residents hold candlelight vigil for Taco Bell that burned down
    Video Posted: Jan 23 2018 10:59AM EST, Updated: Jan 23 2018 11:20AM EST

    Middle age sleep problems tied to cognitive decline down the line
    By Lisa Rapaport, January 23, 2018

    Dog bites man, man bites dog, then man is arrested
    Updated Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018 | 1:03 p.m.

    G'day mate: 1.7-billion-year-old chunk of North America found in Australia
    Doyle Rice, USA TODAY, Updated 4:29 p.m. ET Jan. 23, 2018

    Scientists Get Buried In Snow At Davos While Lecturing On Global Warming
    Michael Bastasch, 2:58 PM 01/23/2018

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 35 out there now with an expected high of 51 and no chance of precipitation.

    Might get some laundry done today and there are a couple of things I could buy if I decide to go out. I do want to take a nap, if my nap buddies will cooperate. Yesterday, Kiara and Lilo kept wrestling on the bed instead of just napping with me. Dinah even came by to say hello, but that was right at the beginning, and then she wandered off to the living room. Dinah doesn't usually nap with me, though she did the first day she was out in general population.

    Val, I found some nice Guacamole at Aldi yesterday and we ate some as part of our dinner nachos last night. There are two packets in the box so we can have it again another night without having half of it sitting around turning brown and gross. If you haven't tried the Guacamole there, you might want to give it a try. We got the HOT version but there is a mild version too.

    Tonight I should really grill some more veggies.

    For part of my breakfast, I microwave grilled a couple of all beef wieners. I didn't get them as dark as I really like, but they did have lovely grill marks on them. This was the first time for wieners, so maybe next time I'll give them a bit longer to up the darkness and outside crispiness. Still pleased with the grill so far. I bought some Polska Kielbasa and some smoked sausage to try in it, and some 85/15 preformed, frozen hamburger patties too. Looking forward to seeing how those all come out in the microwave grill! I haven't seen the "right" pork chops for it yet. The ones I did see were far thicker than I normally eat. I could have cut them down, I suppose, but that's a bit tricky and I would tend to get them uneven then. I'll keep looking. also, of course, I haven't yet seen any nice lamb chops in the "used' meat section so haven't got anything but lamb burgers to possibly try in there. Lamb burgers are good, but are pretty lean and hard to get just right without drying them out.

    Need to get the pigs slopped.
    Hi Ed
    I do have to do Laundry in the next few days.

    If I said I also like deep fried Hot Dogs, All Beef naturally.

    The Hillshire brand Kielbasa is a popular brand around here and they are pretty tasty. I do wonder how well frozen hamburgers would grill.

    I can buy thin cut Pork Chops in the grocery stores around here and they are a quick cook. We also have some 4 ounce frozen pork chops in the freezer that came from the store already individually packed in a nice thick vacuum sealed package.
    For lunch today I grilled beef patties in my rectangular microwave grill. Two of the particular frozen patties that I bought barely squeezed into the pan, but I did get them both in. After the first side was cooked and they had compressed themselves into smaller patties, there was not any difficulty at all in turning them. Beautiful grill marks and, again, if I hadn't cooked them myself I wouldn't have thought they were cooked in a microwave oven.

    Cleanup was quick and easy. Nice to be able to grill for lunch with such an easy clean up too!
    I was wondering if the burgers splattered the inside of the Microwave ? I tend to cover things that might splatter with a paper towel.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Quick Hello...
    There was a lot to read this morning...at least double the normal...and then I realized I must have been MIA yesterday. Sorry.
    Yesterday...went with M to get her new glasses. Then we lunched at R Thomas..delightful as always... home. Jack called, then my brother called...he and Rose may be going to the beach with me...he'll let me know today or at least this week...

    I had a hearing appt scheduled with Tyler, but they called today and could I switch my day to Friday...'Yes I could'...someone needed hearing test for work..today! Curious where she worked? I've had to take dexterity tests, colorblindness tests, etc...but never a hearing test. Not a bad idea though.
    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if You had a busy day. I seem to recall taking a balance test and a hearing test for the ICC physical.
    OK, here is a link if You are interested in what tests Truck Drivers have to pass.
    Ed...hope you waited to go to Aldi until today...the new sale has some nice fruit, meat, etc on sale this week. They also had an interesting sounding red wine...from Argentina I think...you can pull up their ad online and have a look.

    Read a recipe in my mail box today...for Sesame Chicken Bowl...sub the word TOFU for chicken and that may well be my dinner or lunch! With all the talk about grilling I may drag out my range top grill, or even the electric one and grill the tofu. Hmmm might be worth the hassle :)
    Or, I could use my grill pan and use the actual gas grill...shouldn't be too cold, depending on the wind factor.

    The pix were all great...loved the baby hugging the 3 puppies was especially adorable!
    Interesting Roger that you don't like heights either...I surely don't. Ed...are you a climber??? or are you 'earth bound' like me and Roger??

    Ok...off to the kitchen...my cup of decaf is almost gone, and not enough to reheat, so I need to make a pot of tea, and clean up the kitchen. I could also pay a few bills, and I need to contact the good folks that manage my 401K from work, and request my "minimum distribution" which I really don't WANT, but am forced to take every year. Oh well....

    Just curious, Did the recipe for the sesame chicken have it breaded and deep dried like they do with the Chinese Take out locally ?

    I could pull out the George Foreman Grill thing that my brother brought with him. He claims it is a easy cleanup :)

    I guess there is no choice so why not enjoy the 401K money.

    The gas and electric bill that came was as bad as I had expected it would be due to the very cold weather, $139 higher than the previous months bill, I may have to pull some money out of my small savings account if another bill comes in before February 14 :(

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 30 out there now with an expected high of 56 0% chance of precipitation.

    Still might get some laundry done soon. Might get out the door at some point today too, to pick up a few things. Lilo is almost out of her pumpkin supplement for her canned food.

    I've eaten and the pigs ... er cats... will be fed shortly.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    I do have to do Laundry in the next few days.

    If I said I also like deep fried Hot Dogs, All Beef naturally.

    The Hillshire brand Kielbasa is a popular brand around here and they are pretty tasty. I do wonder how well frozen hamburgers would grill.

    I can buy thin cut Pork Chops in the grocery stores around here and they are a quick cook. We also have some 4 ounce frozen pork chops in the freezer that came from the store already individually packed in a nice thick vacuum sealed package.

    I was wondering if the burgers splattered the inside of the Microwave ? I tend to cover things that might splatter with a paper towel.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hillshire brand is popular around here too. I used to see a lot of advertising for them but since I don't watch much television (at least not with commercials) and really skim past most of the advertising online and in my few print magazines, I haven't really noticed so much lately.

    We also have thin pork chops available, and I'm sure I could have had the butcher at Kroger thin slice some for me, but I was just looking at the "used" meat section for bargains. They had some chops, but they were over an inch thick. Probably would have been great, but I don't need to eat a chop that big! I generally prefer half an inch or so for grilled, and the quarter inch thin are great for a quick breakfast chop. I suppose I could have cooked one of the huge ones and then cut it in half for two meals. But they were also pre-seasoned. Some of the pre-seasoned stuff they sell there is quite nice, but some isn't really seasoned to my taste and you can't know until you cook it and eat it. I'd generally rather season my own.

    My burger patties were done from frozen. The package said not to thaw them, so I didn't. I was quite pleased with the results, overall. Not dried out, and quite tasty. Served on low carb, high fiber 100% whole grain bread with only 40 calories per slice, so two slices of bread wasn't a major carb hit at all, and only one carb serving.

    Nothing splatters the microwave oven when using the grills. A minor bit of splatter while turning the food or putting it in, but it's not IN the microwave while I'm doing that. Then the ceramic over metal dome cover goes on and is on the grill the entire time it's in the microwave, so any splatter gets caught on the underside of the dome cover. It easily washes off the cover with mild soap and a soft sponge.

    As mentioned, once you remove the grill to the stove top, and uncover it, there may still be some splattering going on but it's not nearly as bad as if you'd cooked it the entire time on the stove top, uncovered.

    Last night Eduardo invented a sort of fajita enchilada casserole. A little red enchilada sauce on the bottom of a baking dish. Grilled bell peppers, onions, and zucchini, with hot pepper jack cheese sprinkled on, sandwiched between two layers of soft corn tortillas, topped with the rest of the enchilada sauce and a hearty sprinkle of colby jack cheese, then baked at 350 for half an hour until the cheese was golden brown.

    The veggies were prepared fajita style, but fajitas use flour tortillas, so I decided instead of rolling up anything, I'd just casserole it all with corn tortillas, plenty of cheese, and enchilada sauce, and the end result was quite nice. J loved it and so did I.

    Well, let's find some interesting and/or funny videos...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...