Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    I love basted eggs but would NOT label them as "no flip over easy" so the title of this video kind of bugs me. They aren't OVER anything if you didn't flip them over!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Four year old infomercial I don't really recall. Wonder if this WONDER GADGET is even still available? Doesn't look all that great to me...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The YTD money found is still unchanged at 14 Cents. The temperature this morning was 35 on the porch and 36 on the cable news channel, That is higher than yesterdays temps.
    I finally counted the money I found last year and came up with $7.95 :)

    There is snow in the forecast and it appears that where I am the forecast is for 1 to 3 inches of a heavy snowfall. The forecast was for snow to start yesterday afternoon, However it did not happen. This morning there was a light rain falling that turned into a mix of rain and snow and then to snow while I was walking, Somewhere around 6AM and by the time I arrived home the sidewalks and streets were turning white.

    About a dozen people arrested for feeding the homeless in El Cajon park

    Non-believers call on God when faced with a crisis - despite insisting they're not religious
    One in four atheists or agnostics resort to prayer when personal crisis strikes
    But less than half of all people who do pray think that God hears their call
    This is according to a poll by ComRes for Christian aid charity Tearfund
    By Alex Green For Mailonline, Updated: 03:48 EST, 14 January 2018

    The mindless attack on letting kids have ‘best friends’
    By Karol Markowicz, January 14, 2018

    Oregon’s ‘radical’ step: allowing motorists to pump their own gas
    By George F. Will, January 14, 2018

    A brawl broke out at a Bay Area restaurant over a missing phone. It was in the lost and found.
    By Dianne de Guzman, SFGATE Updated 9:00 pm, Sunday, January 14, 2018

    Giza Pyramid mystery chamber may hold Pharaoh’s 'meteorite throne'
    Published time: 13 Jan, 2018 15:51
    Edited time: 14 Jan, 2018 07:53

    Agency that sent false missile alert in Hawaii gets death threats
    By Amanda Woods,
    January 15, 2018

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Woman charged after impersonating officer to get Chick-fil-A discount
    Talk about being cheap

    People will do anything to save a few cents. I suppose it makes cents to them. But if the uniform policy would "blow her cover" then why would she blow her own cover by identifying herself as an agent? That part sort of blows her story doesn't it?
    HI Ed
    That is a really good point that had not occurred to me.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Wait...they must be numb, but you can't transport them on ice? Well make up your minds!
    RogerToo wrote: »
    And let's sue any parents who smoke because they might be depriving future generations of their wisdom by never reaching old age. And let's sue everybody who does anything slightly dangerous to protect everyone from themselves. America is really too litigious. There are plenty of reasons for worrying about climate change but a lawsuit of this sort isn't going to go anywhere and is a waste of time and energy, in my opinion.
    When did something any government do have to make sense ?

    Not to mention that the lawsuit costs taxpayers money too.
    Well, I got to PetSmart and Aldi today. I bought a 30 can box of cat food, which will last 15 days. Dinah eats a whole can, while Lilo and Kiara get half a can each. Then each gets a varying amount of kibble, Lilo getting a quarter cup (more if she eats all that), Dinah getting a third of a cup (yes, she's a little piglet but an ACTIVE little piglet), and Kiara getting about a third of a cup.

    Kiara is on her last bag of kitten food as she'll be officially a CAT in February and really is probably already a cat, but there's still a bit in the bag so she can eat it. We placed her birthday in February based on her estimated age at adoption, so it's really rather up in the air. She could be the same age as Dinah. Dinah will ALWAYS be a kitten to us as she's so petite. I woke up this morning with Lilo and Dinah both at my side, on the bed with me.

    Right now we have THREE bags of kibble. Kiara's kitten food, Dinah's "adult cat 1 to 6 years (grain free)," and Lilo's kidney function and antioxidant rich senior kibble. Kiara will be transitioned to the same food as Dinah and they'll stay synced up, barring any medical necessity of change for either of them, for life.
    I suspect that the box was also heavy...
    Whee a whole two weeks of food. Why waste the food if Kiara is willing to eat it.
    Aldi had placed the German bean soup in the main soup area, but it is clearly marked as a SEASONAL ITEM so I figure when it's gone, it's gone. I bought two more cans to put back for future meals, and two cans of a hearty vegetable soup of the same brand and size, because they sounded good when I read the ingredients. J and I have four soup meals there for cold days, as each can is two nice servings, and I'm sure we will be having some more cold days!

    I also got some red pepper hummus at Aldi and it is just about the perfect foil for the spicy felafel chips. I had a few of them, with hummus, as a lunch appetizer that I really didn't need, but thoroughly enjoyed. The cayenne was still very noticeable, but not nearly as overwhelming to the taste buds, and the hummus complemented the minimal flavor of the chips nicely.

    J probably won't be eating any more of them, but I'll finish them off with the hummus.

    My brother was complaining that he had forgotten to pick up some Progresso Soups and another item when he was in the Grocery Store Sunday, They did not get on his list :)

    Now that he is under the weather he really wishes he had picked up the soup as there is none in the house except a couple of the NS Chicken Soups and they would not be enough for him.
    And...tonight's dinner was...

    Sourdough garlic cheese toast. I made this! OK. I didn't actually bake the bread myself but i put the garlic cheese toast together and toasted it.

    Artisan Pasta (Capunti in this case - Trader Joe's) with Italian Marinara Sauce with Barolo Wine (also Trader Joes).

    Wine of choice: Three Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw) Nouveau, 2017. I'd put this $2.99 bottle of Nouveau up against most imported Beaujolais Nouveau. It's all new wine, made from Gamay grapes, and since it's not aged after fermenting, one doesn't expect much complexity, just a nice fruity taste. As with the Beaujolais Nouveau, this is only available from around Thanksgiving until it runs out, and when it's gone, it's gone until the next year's holiday season.

    I was pleased to see they still had a few bottles at Trader Joe's, as I had not, as yet, had any of the 2017 new wine. I bought 2 bottles. There is now one left. :)
    I love a Garlic Cheese Toast on Italian bread. Not a big fan of Sourdough Bread OTOH it does sound tasty.

    Due to the Holidays past I am still fighting that famous WWII battle, The Battle of the Bulge. This morning weigh in was not as good as I had hoped for with a slight, under a 1/4 pound drop from yesterday.

    My Brother likes the Three Buck Chuck wines from TJs too.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    15 bone chilling degrees out there this morning with an expected high of only 30 and 20% chance of precipitation, presumably in the form of early snow flurries. We did get what looks like about an inch of snow overnight. The yard looks all shiny and lovely and I have little doubt there's ice under that snow in places, especially on overpasses and such. Wouldn't be surprised to hear there's no school today, as this IS the Atlanta metro area and people here just don't do well on snow. No one, anywhere, can really do well on ice, without chains or studded tires and even then it's iffy.

    I don't think I was planning to go anywhere today and if I was, I think I just cancelled any such plans. :)

    One of those cans of hearty German vegetable soup is sounding like a possible lunch today as it's definitely a soup kind of day.

    I left indoor faucets on outside facing walls dripping last night, just in case.

    Now to see just which updates couldn't be installed overnight and why...and get them installed.
    Wowsers, Your morning temps are 20 degrees colder than mine, Lucky You :(

    The snow is still falling and I can see a few tire tracks in it on my block.

    I used to buy and use studded tires in the winter back before Radial Tires became affordable, Now I just stay off of ice and the Radial Tires are enough. If You left the faucets dripping, Then there must be some ice outside. If You ever need to have those changed they make ones that put the valve part inside with a long valve stem outside the house to prevent problems.

    These two Windows 10 computers seem to get updates differently, The basement one is always getting the latest Version changes and this one only gets the security updates. Monday I chose update and shut down then yesterday I had to wait when I turned it on while it finished installing updates :)

    Good Luck with Your Updates

    P.S. looking at those pictures of the Pasta I see I am not the only one that uses a lot of grated cheese and I go lighter on the Tomato Gravy much like You do whereas my brother has it swimming in Gravy. BTW I also noticed that You also pour the Gravy onto the Pasta rather than what they seem to do on the cooking contest shows where they put the pasta into the Gravy and then plate it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Back from seeing my chiro in Decatur GA. Had a good visit, she was pleased with how I'd held up..said she'd see me in a month, or sooner if something is bothering me! :)

    Came straight home, didn't need anything at WF, as I'd just been to a WF on Sunday on the way home from hockey.

    Have had my lunch and am ready for a nap. (Tom E is already asleep in the chair he chose to occupy today. Apparently the couch wasn't enough, so he's added the living room chairs along with the couch as his napping venues!


    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if You are being eased out of using any of You living room furniture :)

    Congratulations on the Chiro Visit giving You good news
    Stay Warm and Dry
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    My brother was complaining that he had forgotten to pick up some Progresso Soups and another item when he was in the Grocery Store Sunday, They did not get on his list :)

    Now that he is under the weather he really wishes he had picked up the soup as there is none in the house except a couple of the NS Chicken Soups and they would not be enough for him.

    P.S. looking at those pictures of the Pasta I see I am not the only one that uses a lot of grated cheese and I go lighter on the Tomato Gravy much like You do whereas my brother has it swimming in Gravy. BTW I also noticed that You also pour the Gravy onto the Pasta rather than what they seem to do on the cooking contest shows where they put the pasta into the Gravy and then plate it.

    If you have some chicken in the freezer, you COULD make some home made soup for your brother... just saying.

    I can take my pasta with gravy on top or tossed with the gravy, in the pot. The instructions for this particular pasta did say to "toss with your favorite" but I waited until after plating and then tossed my serving in the pasta bowl. I like my gravy thick, not very saucy, and, when meat is included, VERY meaty. This one was pretty nice for a jar and I may buy it again.

    Yes, J and I both like a little pasta with our cheese. LOL. But then, since this was a meatless gravy, the cheese was the only protein in the meal aside from the minimal amount in the wheat ingredients.

    Sometimes I'll brown a little ground meat in a separate pan, drain, and then mix sufficient marinara with it to make my own portion nice and meaty while J has the plain marinara, but both of us love lots of the grated cheese and I'll do that whether the cheese is the only protein or not.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »
    About a dozen people arrested for feeding the homeless in El Cajon park

    So the city has banned "food sharing" on public property. How does that work? No more picnics in public parks in the city are allowed? No more sharing of lunch with a co-worker or family member on a park bench? How doe they define "food sharing" anyway? I understand that the people WANTED to be arrested so they could fight this in court, but I'd also think that now the arrests have happened, people could find ways of getting around it by having a "picnic" or something instead of a "food share" and they just happen to invite some homeless people to the picnic...or something along those lines.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Non-believers call on God when faced with a crisis - despite insisting they're not religious
    One in four atheists or agnostics resort to prayer when personal crisis strikes
    But less than half of all people who do pray think that God hears their call
    This is according to a poll by ComRes for Christian aid charity Tearfund
    By Alex Green For Mailonline, Updated: 03:48 EST, 14 January 2018

    This doesn't surprise me at all.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    The mindless attack on letting kids have ‘best friends’
    By Karol Markowicz, January 14, 2018

    LOL. Let's see them TRY to ban kids from having "best friends" outside of school hours. If I were a parent I'd be giving the school the finger. And I don't mean the thumbs up either!

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Oregon’s ‘radical’ step: allowing motorists to pump their own gas
    By George F. Will, January 14, 2018

    Oh, the humanity! Somehow 48 states manage to allow this without having any major issues from it, and in fact MOST stations are self service around here, or at least have some self service islands. I can't think of any that have ONLY full service islands and very few anymore that have any at all. Around here a "service" station means a station that has an attached garage for minor (or sometimes major) repairs, though for that one usually goes to a shop that is just for repairs and doesn't even have gas. Next thing you know, New Jersey will be making radical moves like this and what then? Anything could happen!

    RogerToo wrote: »
    A brawl broke out at a Bay Area restaurant over a missing phone. It was in the lost and found.
    By Dianne de Guzman, SFGATE Updated 9:00 pm, Sunday, January 14, 2018

    People...what can one say? Not enough information on what actually started the fight. Did someone see another person with a phone that they thought was theirs, or what? If the person's phone had been missing for hours, I'd think the lost and found would be the first option, rather than starting a fight about it.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Giza Pyramid mystery chamber may hold Pharaoh’s 'meteorite throne'
    Published time: 13 Jan, 2018 15:51
    Edited time: 14 Jan, 2018 07:53

    Or it could contain alien technology! Or grain...LOL

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Agency that sent false missile alert in Hawaii gets death threats
    By Amanda Woods,
    January 15, 2018

    Someone pushed the "wrong button" during a shift change over? Really? Death threats are a bit much, but I would say that the agency needs to make it a bit more difficult to accidentally push the "wrong button" like that...not so difficult as to make it a problem during a real emergency of course, but not so easy either.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Lunch on this frosty day. Harvest Vegetable Soup, from Germany, via Aldi. Val, I think you'd like this one too. As with the bean soup, it's marked as a seasonal item so get it while it's hot, so to speak...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! My eyes are getting heavier by the moment. Just wanted to say its WHITE everywhere outside. I took two pix from inside the 40 degree garage. At the garage there was a set of kitty tracks, and a fairly sized bird also. Other than that what looked to be about 2.5 inches of snow...and my poor cul de sac neighbor from Dominican Republic (and who shall remain nameless and refered to as the Dominican House. I was introduced...just don't recall)
    THey have a big van and at first I thought he was trying to drive...but, on watching, he was apparently returning from somewhere (maybe) and was tring to get his vehicle back up the somewhat steep driveway. A nice person would have grabbed a bag of kitty litter and a bag of course sand...and some long dead wood ashes and helped. BUt it was COLD like in the teens and wind from Hell..and I was in my jammies and robe and house shoes, etc. I did go out into the garage again later, and the van was at the house. :)

    So glad I saw Ed YESTERDAY... I also bought a can or the Veg. Hearty Soup from Aldi's...I just haven't tried either of them! LOL!!! So, knowing Ed's opinion I am sure I'll be eating one of them soon.

    Roger, you may have, and keep this white stuff that looked like Marshmallow frosting. Also, I'm with Ed...if you have some chicken in the freezer, an onion, some pasta and a bit of salt for seasoning you can make your brother some Chicken Soup...

    Ok, my nap is going to begin before I can get my head on my pillow if I don't say....


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 15 tropical degrees out there again, but with an expected high today of 42 balmy degrees! No chance of precipitation. Sounds like a good day for sunbathing.

    Might get out today, if I feel like it, but might just doze all day, or as much as I can. Didn't really sleep all that well and the cats got me up at 5:00. Could possibly have gotten back to sleep but it just wasn't feeling like it so I got on up and made some baconized mac and cheese for breakfast. The cats approved.

    Lilo is in my lap, and Kiara is lying on a box next to my keyboard. I think Dinah is probably on the kitchen table but can't quite see that from here.

    Yesterday all the cats were especially frenetic. Kiara and Dinah chased each other all over the place, running into things, playing with any toy they encountered on the floor, and Lilo, saving her madness for later, was playing like a kitten at bedtime! She's also the one that woke me up this morning. I don't know if the cold weather somehow energized them or what, but they all had a good time yesterday. When Dinah wasn't chasing around with Kiara, she was on J's desk or bugging him to dangle a string for her while he was trying to work.

    No mail delivery, again, so today we may get three days worth of mail all at once. The package I was initially expecting yesterday, also didn't come. No surprise there, considering the condition of the roads, and this being Georgia. There was an update to the delivery that said now the 18th to the 19th and that at 8:45 last night it supposedly arrived at Smyrna (local really, as it's in the Atlanta metro area) from Columbia, SC. So there's a chance it MIGHT get here today, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make it until tomorrow. They have now said if I don't get it by Saturday, to let them know. You may be sure I will, should that much delay happen.

    Its one of those microwave searing grill sets that we saw tested by Mr. White, as he seemed to think it worked pretty well. I'll give it my own review after I cook my first steak in it. They also make a rectangular one and I added that to the order. I think I'll use the rectangular one for meat and the round one for just vegetarian stuff so that J and I can both enjoy the use of them. I may test the round one on some hash browns to see if it works for that.

    OK. Time to find interesting (hopefully) videos on YouTube.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 15 on the porch and 18 on the cable news channel, That is lower than yesterdays temps.
    The snow in the forecast yesterday was forecast to be 1 to 3 inches of a heavy wet snowfall. What we ended up with was less than an inch and more than a coating. Most of it melted away by 2PM.

    King Tutankhamun’s dagger came from outer space
    Edited time: 2 Jun, 2016 15:34

    Grounded: Nearly two-thirds of US Navy’s strike fighters can’t fly
    By: Christopher P. Cavas   February 6, 2017

    Soda Tax Sticker Shock Grips Seattle
    By Jeff Reynolds January 15, 2018

    Suppressing a sneeze can be dangerous, doctors warn
    AFP•January 15, 2018

    Amazon's creepy plan to put a camera and microphone in every BEDROOM with launch of its £120 Echo Spot 'smart alarm'
    By Press Association and Phoebe Weston For Mailonline
    Updated: 11:42 EST, 16 January 2018

    Is buying a house just a pipe dream? Concrete tubes just over eight feet wide, with a bench that turns into a bed, could be your solution
    By Sara Malm For Mailonline, Updated: 14:26 EST, 15 January 2018

    Days after Hawaii alert gaffe, Japan issues false alarm about a missile launch
    Reuters•January 16, 2018

    If Anybody is curious, I was
    The cognitive test President Trump did for his medical exam, earning a perfect score - but can YOU do it? Try it out for yourself...
    The president scored 30/30; anything above 26 is deemed normal
    By Mia De Graaf Health Editor For Dailymail.com, Updated: 18:46 EST, 16 January 2018

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    If you have some chicken in the freezer, you COULD make some home made soup for your brother... just saying.

    I can take my pasta with gravy on top or tossed with the gravy, in the pot. The instructions for this particular pasta did say to "toss with your favorite" but I waited until after plating and then tossed my serving in the pasta bowl. I like my gravy thick, not very saucy, and, when meat is included, VERY meaty. This one was pretty nice for a jar and I may buy it again.

    Yes, J and I both like a little pasta with our cheese. LOL. But then, since this was a meatless gravy, the cheese was the only protein in the meal aside from the minimal amount in the wheat ingredients.

    Sometimes I'll brown a little ground meat in a separate pan, drain, and then mix sufficient marinara with it to make my own portion nice and meaty while J has the plain marinara, but both of us love lots of the grated cheese and I'll do that whether the cheese is the only protein or not.
    Hi Ed
    I would not dare try and cook food for Mr. Picky :)
    I had thought about making soup, I also offered the NS Pasta Fagiola soup which was turned down.

    I used to use a jar of sauce and a over a pound of Ground Beef, Thin cut Pork Chops and Sweet Italian Sausage to make extreme meat sauce for use on a pound of Pasta. Then load the bowl up with Grated Cheese and enjoy in the past.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    About a dozen people arrested for feeding the homeless in El Cajon park

    So the city has banned "food sharing" on public property. How does that work? No more picnics in public parks in the city are allowed? No more sharing of lunch with a co-worker or family member on a park bench? How doe they define "food sharing" anyway? I understand that the people WANTED to be arrested so they could fight this in court, but I'd also think that now the arrests have happened, people could find ways of getting around it by having a "picnic" or something instead of a "food share" and they just happen to invite some homeless people to the picnic...or something along those lines.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Non-believers call on God when faced with a crisis - despite insisting they're not religious
    One in four atheists or agnostics resort to prayer when personal crisis strikes
    But less than half of all people who do pray think that God hears their call
    This is according to a poll by ComRes for Christian aid charity Tearfund
    By Alex Green For Mailonline, Updated: 03:48 EST, 14 January 2018
    This doesn't surprise me at all.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    The mindless attack on letting kids have ‘best friends’
    By Karol Markowicz, January 14, 2018

    LOL. Let's see them TRY to ban kids from having "best friends" outside of school hours. If I were a parent I'd be giving the school the finger. And I don't mean the thumbs up either!
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Oregon’s ‘radical’ step: allowing motorists to pump their own gas
    By George F. Will, January 14, 2018

    Oh, the humanity! Somehow 48 states manage to allow this without having any major issues from it, and in fact MOST stations are self service around here, or at least have some self service islands. I can't think of any that have ONLY full service islands and very few anymore that have any at all. Around here a "service" station means a station that has an attached garage for minor (or sometimes major) repairs, though for that one usually goes to a shop that is just for repairs and doesn't even have gas. Next thing you know, New Jersey will be making radical moves like this and what then? Anything could happen!
    RogerToo wrote: »
    A brawl broke out at a Bay Area restaurant over a missing phone. It was in the lost and found.
    By Dianne de Guzman, SFGATE Updated 9:00 pm, Sunday, January 14, 2018

    People...what can one say? Not enough information on what actually started the fight. Did someone see another person with a phone that they thought was theirs, or what? If the person's phone had been missing for hours, I'd think the lost and found would be the first option, rather than starting a fight about it.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Giza Pyramid mystery chamber may hold Pharaoh’s 'meteorite throne'
    Published time: 13 Jan, 2018 15:51
    Edited time: 14 Jan, 2018 07:53
    Or it could contain alien technology! Or grain...LOL
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Agency that sent false missile alert in Hawaii gets death threats
    By Amanda Woods,
    January 15, 2018

    Someone pushed the "wrong button" during a shift change over? Really? Death threats are a bit much, but I would say that the agency needs to make it a bit more difficult to accidentally push the "wrong button" like that...not so difficult as to make it a problem during a real emergency of course, but not so easy either.

    My best guess is selective enforcement of the food sharing law.

    I know my Aunt out in California had problems pumping gas into her car and had to have her Husband take her car for fuel.

    I know Lost and Found would be my first place to look. OTOH I suspect that some people tend to violence instead of thinking things through.
    Violence seems to be the first thing some people think of. Example:
    Woman fatally shot outside Mott Haven bodega
    Updated: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 7:26 PM EST


    A 36-year-old woman was fatally shot outside a Mott Haven bodega.

    Police say Shaquana Button was shot in the head around 11:30 p.m. outside the East 149th Street store.

    Surveillance video shows the argument inside the bodega that led to the shooting. In it, a man can be seen approaching Button, and the two appear to have a heated exchange, with pushing and shoving. Another angle shows a man stepping between the two arguing. Minutes later, the man arguing with Button exits the bodega but goes back inside. Button was eventually shot outside the store.

    Witnesses tell News 12 the fight may have started over a cigarette.
    and http://connecticut.news12.com/story/34845682/police-man-shot-in-bridgeport-over-cigarette
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 15 tropical degrees out there again, but with an expected high today of 42 balmy degrees! No chance of precipitation. Sounds like a good day for sunbathing.

    Might get out today, if I feel like it, but might just doze all day, or as much as I can. Didn't really sleep all that well and the cats got me up at 5:00. Could possibly have gotten back to sleep but it just wasn't feeling like it so I got on up and made some baconized mac and cheese for breakfast. The cats approved.

    Lilo is in my lap, and Kiara is lying on a box next to my keyboard. I think Dinah is probably on the kitchen table but can't quite see that from here.

    Yesterday all the cats were especially frenetic. Kiara and Dinah chased each other all over the place, running into things, playing with any toy they encountered on the floor, and Lilo, saving her madness for later, was playing like a kitten at bedtime! She's also the one that woke me up this morning. I don't know if the cold weather somehow energized them or what, but they all had a good time yesterday. When Dinah wasn't chasing around with Kiara, she was on J's desk or bugging him to dangle a string for her while he was trying to work.

    No mail delivery, again, so today we may get three days worth of mail all at once. The package I was initially expecting yesterday, also didn't come. No surprise there, considering the condition of the roads, and this being Georgia. There was an update to the delivery that said now the 18th to the 19th and that at 8:45 last night it supposedly arrived at Smyrna (local really, as it's in the Atlanta metro area) from Columbia, SC. So there's a chance it MIGHT get here today, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make it until tomorrow. They have now said if I don't get it by Saturday, to let them know. You may be sure I will, should that much delay happen.

    Its one of those microwave searing grill sets that we saw tested by Mr. White, as he seemed to think it worked pretty well. I'll give it my own review after I cook my first steak in it. They also make a rectangular one and I added that to the order. I think I'll use the rectangular one for meat and the round one for just vegetarian stuff so that J and I can both enjoy the use of them. I may test the round one on some hash browns to see if it works for that.

    OK. Time to find interesting (hopefully) videos on YouTube.
    I'm not sure I could call any day with a morning temperature of 15 degrees thrilling :)

    Something the Cats ate ?

    The roads are that bad yet ? Wow !

    Now I'm curious, You can not just wash something and then use it for Vegetarian?
    I know that many Jewish households have a separate set of cooking and eating items for one specific Holiday and that using them other times means a long cleansing Ritual. That is how I understand it anyway.

    I do confess to being curious as to what a real persons testing will say and not something seen on TV or YouTube.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! My eyes are getting heavier by the moment. Just wanted to say its WHITE everywhere outside. I took two pix from inside the 40 degree garage. At the garage there was a set of kitty tracks, and a fairly sized bird also. Other than that what looked to be about 2.5 inches of snow...and my poor cul de sac neighbor from Dominican Republic (and who shall remain nameless and referred to as the Dominican House. I was introduced...just don't recall)
    They have a big van and at first I thought he was trying to drive...but, on watching, he was apparently returning from somewhere (maybe) and was trying to get his vehicle back up the somewhat steep driveway. A nice person would have grabbed a bag of kitty litter and a bag of course sand...and some long dead wood ashes and helped. But it was COLD like in the teens and wind from Hell..and I was in my jammies and robe and house shoes, etc. I did go out into the garage again later, and the van was at the house. :)
    Hi Valerie
    I'm feeling tired currently as I woke up early once again and could not fall back to sleep.
    I never had much luck using Kitty Litter or Speedy Dry trying for traction. Sand after shoveling or Rock Salt would be my preference.
    So glad I saw Ed YESTERDAY... I also bought a can or the Veg. Hearty Soup from Aldi's...I just haven't tried either of them! LOL!!! So, knowing Ed's opinion I am sure I'll be eating one of them soon.

    Roger, you may have, and keep this white stuff that looked like Marshmallow frosting. Also, I'm with Ed...if you have some chicken in the freezer, an onion, some pasta and a bit of salt for seasoning you can make your brother some Chicken Soup...

    Ok, my nap is going to begin before I can get my head on my pillow if I don't say....

    No Thanks, I'm not interested in any more snow for the rest of the winter.

    I'm thinking about using the NS soup myself since my brother turned it down.

    Enjoy Your Soup
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    I'm not surprised that you didn't find any money on this morning's walk. People who have any cents...er sense...are probably not out and about in 15 degree whether! LOL.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    King Tutankhamun’s dagger came from outer space
    Edited time: 2 Jun, 2016 15:34

    Maybe space aliens brought the dagger. :)

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Grounded: Nearly two-thirds of US Navy’s strike fighters can’t fly
    By: Christopher P. Cavas   February 6, 2017

    Sounds like the typical military overspending to me. Spend it all quickly, without quality checks, go back later and spend more to fix what's wrong...ad infinitum.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Soda Tax Sticker Shock Grips Seattle
    By Jeff Reynolds January 15, 2018

    I'd be interested in how the council calculated that it would net the city 15 million in new tax...er FEE dollars, while at the same time reducing consumption of sugary drinks. Did someone attempt to compute how much less people would consume in sugary drinks and then compute the tax, sorry, FEES on what would still be consumed or, more likely, compute the tax, er FEES, based on what was currently being sold without consideration of how much less would presumably be consumed?

    In either case, did they include the lost sales, and taxes...sorry, FEES, to nearby towns and all the illicit trade that is sure to ensue? And did they make it illegal for people to bring in drinks from nearby towns, even for personal consumption, without paying the tax...er FEE on it?

    I doubt they'll see anything NEAR 15 million in additional revenue and will likely, instead, see a major LOSS of tax or fee revenues due to lost sales, while nearby cities and towns will see a boom in drink sales and taxes.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Suppressing a sneeze can be dangerous, doctors warn
    AFP•January 15, 2018

    Don't let THIS happen to you!


    RogerToo wrote: »
    Amazon's creepy plan to put a camera and microphone in every BEDROOM with launch of its £120 Echo Spot 'smart alarm'
    By Press Association and Phoebe Weston For Mailonline
    Updated: 11:42 EST, 16 January 2018

    Well, in this country the NSA probably already has one in your bedroom, so no big deal...

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Is buying a house just a pipe dream? Concrete tubes just over eight feet wide, with a bench that turns into a bed, could be your solution
    By Sara Malm For Mailonline, Updated: 14:26 EST, 15 January 2018

    Oddly enough, I saw a video on this just last night. Looks a bit cramped for me but I could see it as a relatively inexpensive vacation home, or rental, in the woods, maybe on a mountain, or near a beach.

    I love the descriptions on the illustrations. Especially the the part with the "strange and a bathroom" as I was wondering for a moment if they left a word out. Strange WHAT and a bathroom? LOL.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Days after Hawaii alert gaffe, Japan issues false alarm about a missile launch
    Reuters•January 16, 2018

    Well, as someone pointed out in the Hawaii version...if the ICBM is really aimed at you, might as well just bend over, tuck your head between your knees and kiss your *KITTEN* goodbye...but still, getting the public upset over false alarms is never a good thing.

    RogerToo wrote: »
    If Anybody is curious, I was
    The cognitive test President Trump did for his medical exam, earning a perfect score - but can YOU do it? Try it out for yourself...
    The president scored 30/30; anything above 26 is deemed normal
    By Mia De Graaf Health Editor For Dailymail.com, Updated: 18:46 EST, 16 January 2018

    Well he did claim to be a stable genius. But then we all know what we can find in a stable, don't we? A horse's *KITTEN*...