Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's magnificent Monday!

    27 out there now with an expected high of 46 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Meeting Val this morning for a chip exchange, and to give our adoring public something to talk about. How often do they see a clandestine meeting behind Trader Joe's to exchange what LOOKS like a bag of chips? LOL.

    I need to pick up a couple of things at TJ's while there and Val and I may have a coffee at a nearby coffee shop.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

    Fast Food Myths you may have fallen for


    Greasy food myths?


    How to roast vegetables. At least one opinion...


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Somethings not quite right here





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm sure it's more related to the fact that I microwaved the leftovers, rather than re-baking. It was all just as delicious as the first time around and I may very well try to re-create that casserole again sometime.
    Hi Ed
    That could explain it :)
    For some reason I had expected that You used the oven or Toaster oven to reheat?
    Hmm... I wonder if a couple of minutes in the toaster oven after the Microwave would have recrisped the crust ?

    Howdy y'all. It's magnificent Monday!

    27 out there now with an expected high of 46 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Meeting Val this morning for a chip exchange, and to give our adoring public something to talk about. How often do they see a clandestine meeting behind Trader Joe's to exchange what LOOKS like a bag of chips? LOL.

    I need to pick up a couple of things at TJ's while there and Val and I may have a coffee at a nearby coffee shop
    As long as Your adoring public does not call in the SWAT team :)

    You are warmer than I, You may not think of it as OK but right now that is how I see it :)

    I will be looking at those fast food myths while I eat my Jimmy Deans Breakfast later on as that sounds interesting.

    Stay Warm
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again!
    Its sunny and light wind, and colder than ___________! Its finally above freezing but not by much. Car warmed nicely while I was shopping in Whole Foods...and they HAD MY Chicken Fried Tofu! Gonna be a good day! Picked up a few grocery items, and a whole lot of BOGO soups, (they don't call it BOGO but it is)..and my tofu, and another container of salad add ons that I don't have or am too lazy to fix. Like grape halves, and some really tasty micro-greens, and such.

    Ed...trying to find you....need to set a time so I can give you the Flaming Hot Chips and chat over a cup of coffee, or tea which ever you'll prefer.

    Heading for a nice long nap, to be followed by folding the load of clothes I washed and dried this morning, and some kitchen kp. and whatever else comes my way.

    Loved the pix of the white dog sleeping with the baby, and laughed out loud at the bag of corn that was labeled bananas!!!! (that mistake took a really 'sharp tack'.)

    DId I see the gal drinking what in reality is water out of a Hershey's Chocolate Syrup bottle at the gym here? or from one of my buddies? I so would love to do that! The peeps at the gym that know me would fall out laughing, and those that don't would surely be confused!

    Ok, going to get warm under a pile of covers while I nap!

    Hi Valerie
    At least You got above freezing, Not so us for Sunday. Maybe today it will, The weather forecast is for a bit warmer tomorrow morning, then a possibility of Snow in the late afternoon into Wednesday. They are still hedging on if, when and how much :(

    I like that way of putting it, A really sharp tack :)
    My brother would say it this way. Not the Brightest Bulb in the Chandelier

    Enjoy The day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    I have not viewed that Video, from here it looks like sliced and baked Potatoes ? :)

    FWIW The Breakfast I will be having in a little while, So far I had a banana before I walked, a protein Shake on my return and this will be a 300 calorie item, A bit high so I will compensate for it at lunch or dinner.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Well, Val, I can see where you got the "these chips are HOT" reaction, as they do have quite a spicy afterbite, but J and I did not find them terribly hot. They won't be wasted, but I won't be deliberately buying any either as there is something about the flavor that I find just a bit ... odd. Not necessarily bad, and that may grow on me as I eat them. We'll see.

    I only tasted a couple of them and J only tasted one, as we were having lunch from the hot bar at Earth Fare. I had chicken Parmesan, roasted broccoli/cauliflower, roasted Brussels sprouts, and a small spoonful of penne Alfredo, with mushrooms and spinach.

    For J I got mildly seasoned tofu cubes, roasted broccoli/cauliflower, and a spoonful of the penne Alfredo. He doesn't care for Brussels sprouts so I didn't get any for him. Slightly expensive late lunch for us, and admittedly not the most exciting food, but it was OK and I didn't have to scurry to prepare anything else on getting home.

    Weird Japanese inventions.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, I feel vindicated since you didn't tell me those chips were 'mild'! I really couldn't get past the 'hot' to really taste them, but I suspect it may taste 'odd'..they are made not of potato or such, but made of 'falafel'...or garbanzo bean flour. Just glad they'll be eaten. :)

    I didn't quite come straight home. I knew I'd be on the road almost every day thru the coming weekend. and since Costco is on my way home, I stopped for gas, and decided 'since I was there', I'd pick up some Promise Bread, and a 1 pound clamshell container of salad greens, and so it goes til I checked out at $50. !!

    Lunch is just being finished up. LOL!! I suspect dinner will not only be late, but also pretty small too!

    Roger, Ed carried on for us...well, at least for me. He walked from one end of that outdoor mall to the other end...and I drove. I didn't beat him by much, and what we found was our coffee spot was gone. But being hearty and creative souls, Ed backtracked to Barn's and Noble, (and I drove). Had nice Starbucks drinks and relaxed as we chatted! It was fun!
    I hope we can repeat this visit again.

    Ok, time to see if Tom E is ready to come back in...I'm sure he is, and I had to put him out!! But it was just too nice outside for him to stay indoors. Then I'll do some dishes while I watch the evening new casts.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday, which means Lilo gets shot today. Actually she already got shot and wasn't too happy about it, but still took it like a little trooper.

    26 out there now with an expected high of 49 and 40% chance of p.m. showers. Need to get to Aldi today and to PetSmart. I would have gone to both yesterday but since I had picked up lunch from the hot bar at Earth Fare, I came straight home from there and didn't feel like getting back out. I'll slip out sometime this morning, after rush hour but hopefully before the p.m. rains.

    We're expecting a low tonight of a frigid 15 degrees and then a tropical warming trend to 19 degrees Wednesday night.

    I do need to remember to flush the Air Conditioner drain today, as I do in the middle of every month. Maybe I'll do that in a bit after I check mail, get lost on the internet, etc. I have a calendar reminder set and can keep snoozing it until I get annoyed enough by it to actually do the flush. LOL

    Why? Dear lord, WHY?


    Ramen chef reviews instant ramen.


    Red Copper pan review after quite some time of use. Frankly, I've been quite happy with my Red Copper pan, but I'm very careful about how I use it too. I do need to re-season it soon. Maybe I'll add that to today's chores. Now, having said that I'm quite happy with it, I do NOT want the set. I like the one pan, but I would have some trouble being as careful with the whole set, and not sure I could keep all of it in as good a condition, especially the way I stack my pan in the cabinet, set inside each other. I guess I could line them all with paper towels or cloth or something while storing, and then make sure to put it back after. Also, I do NOT put my Red Copper pan in the dishwasher. It's not a lot of trouble to wash by hand and comes clean very easily. I have read reviews of people that feel the dishwasher ruined their Red Copper pan, and, while the box says it can be put in the dishwasher, the insert recommends hand washing.


    Can you really "cheat" the cable and satellite companies with ClearKey TV?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    OK. Second review of the "spicy" felafel chips.

    I had a few more this morning, just before breakfast. Still an OK snack, but nothing, in my opinion, to write home about, which may explain why they were on the WooHoo rack at Kroger.

    To be fair, the heat in the spiciness comes from Cayenne, which is not my favorite hot pepper. The problem with the chips, heat wise, is that the heat/flavor ratio is not good. There is too much heat for the limited amount of flavor in the chips, and you taste the heat more than the flavor, as Val already noticed. If they had reduced the Cayenne a bit and/or increased the other flavor notes, they might have a really good chip. As it stands, it could be improved, perhaps, by dipping it in nice, creamy, hummus, which could, with its olive oil and sesame oil, help to carry more flavor and also mitigate the heat a bit.

    But I really think, as a stand alone chip, these just don't work all that well. If I had some tahini on hand, I'd be making some hummus to test my theory, but I don't happen to have any of that. Aldi usually has hummus available in the refrigerated area at the back, on the far left, so if I get there today, maybe I'll just buy a tub. Watch today be one of the rare times that they are out of hummus...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The YTD money found is 14 Cents. The temperature this morning was 25 on the porch and 26 on the cable news channel, That is higher than yesterdays temps.
    There is snow in the forecast and it appears that where I am the forecast is for 1 to 3 inches of a heavy snowfall. The forecast is for snow to start this afternoon, However looking out the window I see some white flakes blowing past the window.

    LUNAR WONDER Incredible ‘rectangular moon’ sighting sparks alien conspiracy theories – but there’s a scientific explanation
    Sky watcher says he saw the pink moon hover over the sea 'like a giant ice block'
    By Margi Murphy, Updated: 18th October 2017, 10:11 am

    Woman charged after impersonating officer to get Chick-fil-A discount
    Woman charged after impersonating officer to get Chick-fil-A discount

    Talk about being cheap

    Passenger jet with 168 people on board skids off icy runway at Turkish airport and is left dangling perilously close to the SEA
    By Alex Green For Mailonline, Updated: 18:22 EST, 14 January 2018

    Winging it: Impatient passenger leaves delayed plane via emergency exit

    Lobsters must be comfortably numb before cooking: Swiss government

    "children's" climate lawsuit (Juliana v U.S.)

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Food review:

    Trader Joe's Mango-Os

    This cereal looked interesting. Val asked for a review, so here it goes.

    From the picture, and the name, I, for some reason, had the unrealistic, and totally unfair, expectation that these would have the texture and, largely, the taste of Cheerios but with mango flavor added. This would not have been a disappointment to me at all, as I like Cheerios, and many of the store brand Os that are similar.

    But...from the ingredients listing, and from a closer look at the picture, the expectation was way off base. Besides, one should really never go into a taste test of an unknown with expectations, but rather just anticipation of a, hopefully, good experience and possibly whole new taste.

    I recall the old NS chips that looked a lot like small, round, tortilla chips but tasted NOTHING like them, and being absolutely appalled at the initial tasting, but then, realizing that they didn't claim to be tortilla chips, and weren't made from corn, had to admit to myself that I wasn't being fair. I ate the rest of the bag, giving them a chance to prove themselves without any comparison to tortilla chips and, by the end of the bag, found myself actually loving them on their own merits, and they became a favorite snack. So, of course, NS discontinued them and went to some other Texican style snack that frankly wasn't all that good by any of my standards, and was also a significantly smaller portion size. Sigh...

    But I digress. So, back to the Mango-Os. A very nice, crispy, crunchy texture that holds up very well in milk. I imagine that if you let them sit long enough they'd eventually get soggy, but that would definitely be a bit longer than I generally let a bowl of cold cereal sit, as it doesn't take me long to scarf down a small bowl of cereal in milk.

    The taste? Not nearly as sweet as I feared, but still a tad sweeter than I generally really prefer in a cereal. But it fits into my sweetness range, at the top end of the range. The freeze dried mango bits look like marshmallow bits but certainly don't taste like them and, again, aren't too sweet. Overall, I felt that this cereal tasted good, like cereal, but with a bit of fruit taste. Neither the sweetness or the fruit were overpowering and the overall taste was actually quite nice. I'll enjoy the rest of the box as an occasional treat until it's gone. Perhaps J will try a bowl but I'm not holding my breath on that.

    Would I eat it again? Well, at least to finish the box. Will I buy it again? Not any time soon, but if it's still around I might buy another box sometime in the future, on a whim. It's OK.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday, which means Lilo gets shot today. Actually she already got shot and wasn't too happy about it, but still took it like a little trooper.

    26 out there now with an expected high of 49 and 40% chance of p.m. showers. Need to get to Aldi today and to PetSmart. I would have gone to both yesterday but since I had picked up lunch from the hot bar at Earth Fare, I came straight home from there and didn't feel like getting back out. I'll slip out sometime this morning, after rush hour but hopefully before the p.m. rains.

    We're expecting a low tonight of a frigid 15 degrees and then a tropical warming trend to 19 degrees Wednesday night.

    I do need to remember to flush the Air Conditioner drain today, as I do in the middle of every month. Maybe I'll do that in a bit after I check mail, get lost on the internet, etc. I have a calendar reminder set and can keep snoozing it until I get annoyed enough by it to actually do the flush. LOL

    Why? Dear lord, WHY?

    Ramen chef reviews instant ramen.

    Red Copper pan review after quite some time of use. Frankly, I've been quite happy with my Red Copper pan, but I'm very careful about how I use it too. I do need to re-season it soon. Maybe I'll add that to today's chores. Now, having said that I'm quite happy with it, I do NOT want the set. I like the one pan, but I would have some trouble being as careful with the whole set, and not sure I could keep all of it in as good a condition, especially the way I stack my pan in the cabinet, set inside each other. I guess I could line them all with paper towels or cloth or something while storing, and then make sure to put it back after. Also, I do NOT put my Red Copper pan in the dishwasher. It's not a lot of trouble to wash by hand and comes clean very easily. I have read reviews of people that feel the dishwasher ruined their Red Copper pan, and, while the box says it can be put in the dishwasher, the insert recommends hand washing.

    Can you really "cheat" the cable and satellite companies with ClearKey TV?
    Hi Ed
    I shall have to look at that Satellite TV, Clearkey TV. OK I looked and all it is, is a Over the Air (OTA) antenna, Thus it does not allow You to Cheat the Cable company or the Satellite TV companies Per Se. If You are in a strong signal area and have a TV with a Digital Tuner and You would be happy with on the Local TV channels then it could save You money. Where I am I would need a Rooftop TV antenna, I have a free Powered TV antenna in the house that came from my Satellite TV company a while back when they were having a dispute with a local network station. It seems anymore that if it isn't the Satellite TV company it is the Cable company having a dispute over rates when their carriage contract expires.

    I think You are correct and that the Insert tells the truth better than the Box does.
    OK. Second review of the "spicy" felafel chips.

    I had a few more this morning, just before breakfast. Still an OK snack, but nothing, in my opinion, to write home about, which may explain why they were on the WooHoo rack at Kroger.

    To be fair, the heat in the spiciness comes from Cayenne, which is not my favorite hot pepper. The problem with the chips, heat wise, is that the heat/flavor ratio is not good. There is too much heat for the limited amount of flavor in the chips, and you taste the heat more than the flavor, as Val already noticed. If they had reduced the Cayenne a bit and/or increased the other flavor notes, they might have a really good chip. As it stands, it could be improved, perhaps, by dipping it in nice, creamy, hummus, which could, with its olive oil and sesame oil, help to carry more flavor and also mitigate the heat a bit.

    But I really think, as a stand alone chip, these just don't work all that well. If I had some tahini on hand, I'd be making some hummus to test my theory, but I don't happen to have any of that. Aldi usually has hummus available in the refrigerated area at the back, on the far left, so if I get there today, maybe I'll just buy a tub. Watch today be one of the rare times that they are out of hummus...
    Bad news for me, It seems my brother has come down ill, Likely the flu. If so I may catch or have caught it as from what I gathered from the news reports You are contagious before You experience symptoms :(
    Wish Me Luck.

    My iPod announced this morning on the screen and in my ear "Low Battery" so it is now on charge and this time I am using iTunes with it to sync new content. If I do not want to loose my place in in the book that I am listening to I use the USB charging port on the USB hub.

    Spicy foods are something I would not buy as the manufacturers seem to equate Spicy with Hot, Why I do not know.
    IMO You can have heavily spiced foods that are not Hot.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »
    LUNAR WONDER Incredible ‘rectangular moon’ sighting sparks alien conspiracy theories – but there’s a scientific explanation
    Sky watcher says he saw the pink moon hover over the sea 'like a giant ice block'
    By Margi Murphy, Updated: 18th October 2017, 10:11 am

    When...the...moon hits your eye like a square pizza pie, that's amore...or maybe aliens?

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Woman charged after impersonating officer to get Chick-fil-A discount
    Talk about being cheap

    People will do anything to save a few cents. I suppose it makes cents to them. But if the uniform policy would "blow her cover" then why would she blow her own cover by identifying herself as an agent? That part sort of blows her story doesn't it?

    RogerToo wrote: »
    Passenger jet with 168 people on board skids off icy runway at Turkish airport and is left dangling perilously close to the SEA
    By Alex Green For Mailonline, Updated: 18:22 EST, 14 January 2018

    Looks like one of the engines DID make it into the Black Sea!

    RogerToo wrote: »

    Maybe he just really had to ... go?

    RogerToo wrote: »

    Wait...they must be numb, but you can't transport them on ice? Well make up your minds!

    RogerToo wrote: »

    And let's sue any parents who smoke because they might be depriving future generations of their wisdom by never reaching old age. And let's sue everybody who does anything slightly dangerous to protect everyone from themselves. America is really too litigious. There are plenty of reasons for worrying about climate change but a lawsuit of this sort isn't going to go anywhere and is a waste of time and energy, in my opinion.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ok, I feel vindicated since you didn't tell me those chips were 'mild'! I really couldn't get past the 'hot' to really taste them, but I suspect it may taste 'odd'..they are made not of potato or such, but made of 'falafel'...or garbanzo bean flour. Just glad they'll be eaten. :)

    I didn't quite come straight home. I knew I'd be on the road almost every day thru the coming weekend. and since Costco is on my way home, I stopped for gas, and decided 'since I was there', I'd pick up some Promise Bread, and a 1 pound clamshell container of salad greens, and so it goes til I checked out at $50. !!

    Lunch is just being finished up. LOL!! I suspect dinner will not only be late, but also pretty small too!

    Roger, Ed carried on for us...well, at least for me. He walked from one end of that outdoor mall to the other end...and I drove. I didn't beat him by much, and what we found was our coffee spot was gone. But being hearty and creative souls, Ed backtracked to Barn's and Noble, (and I drove). Had nice Starbucks drinks and relaxed as we chatted! It was fun!
    I hope we can repeat this visit again.

    Ok, time to see if Tom E is ready to come back in...I'm sure he is, and I had to put him out!! But it was just too nice outside for him to stay indoors. Then I'll do some dishes while I watch the evening new casts.


    Hi Valerie
    I find that sort of thing can happen quite easily at CostCo or the Grocery Store :)
    That is why I try and go in with a shopping list in mind and try to stick to it avoiding impulse buys.

    We have a bookstore near here that also has coffee for sale in it, I did not think it was Barnes and Noble, It appears I was wrong.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited January 2018
    Well, I got to PetSmart and Aldi today. I bought a 30 can box of cat food, which will last 15 days. Dinah eats a whole can, while Lilo and Kiara get half a can each. Then each gets a varying amount of kibble, Lilo getting a quarter cup (more if she eats all that), Dinah getting a third of a cup (yes, she's a little piglet but an ACTIVE little piglet), and Kiara getting about a third of a cup.

    Kiara is on her last bag of kitten food as she'll be officially a CAT in February and really is probably already a cat, but there's still a bit in the bag so she can eat it. We placed her birthday in February based on her estimated age at adoption, so it's really rather up in the air. She could be the same age as Dinah. Dinah will ALWAYS be a kitten to us as she's so petite. I woke up this morning with Lilo and Dinah both at my side, on the bed with me.

    Right now we have THREE bags of kibble. Kiara's kitten food, Dinah's "adult cat 1 to 6 years (grain free)," and Lilo's kidney function and antioxidant rich senior kibble. Kiara will be transitioned to the same food as Dinah and they'll stay synced up, barring any medical necessity of change for either of them, for life.

    Aldi had placed the German bean soup in the main soup area, but it is clearly marked as a SEASONAL ITEM so I figure when it's gone, it's gone. I bought two more cans to put back for future meals, and two cans of a hearty vegetable soup of the same brand and size, because they sounded good when I read the ingredients. J and I have four soup meals there for cold days, as each can is two nice servings, and I'm sure we will be having some more cold days!

    I also got some red pepper hummus at Aldi and it is just about the perfect foil for the spicy felafel chips. I had a few of them, with hummus, as a lunch appetizer that I really didn't need, but thoroughly enjoyed. The cayenne was still very noticeable, but not nearly as overwhelming to the taste buds, and the hummus complemented the minimal flavor of the chips nicely.

    J probably won't be eating any more of them, but I'll finish them off with the hummus.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Back from seeing my chiro in Decatur GA. Had a good visit, she was pleased with how I'd held up..said she'd see me in a month, or sooner if something is bothering me! :)

    Came straight home, didn't need anything at WF, as I'd just been to a WF on Sunday on the way home from hockey.

    Have had my lunch and am ready for a nap. (Tom E is already asleep in the chair he chose to occupy today. Apparently the couch wasn't enough, so he's added the living room chairs along with the couch as his napping venues!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    And...tonight's dinner was...

    Sourdough garlic cheese toast. I made this! OK. I didn't actually bake the bread myself but i put the garlic cheese toast together and toasted it.

    Artisan Pasta (Capunti in this case - Trader Joe's) with Italian Marinara Sauce with Barolo Wine (also Trader Joes).

    Wine of choice: Three Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw) Nouveau, 2017. I'd put this $2.99 bottle of Nouveau up against most imported Beaujolais Nouveau. It's all new wine, made from Gamay grapes, and since it's not aged after fermenting, one doesn't expect much complexity, just a nice fruity taste. As with the Beaujolais Nouveau, this is only available from around Thanksgiving until it runs out, and when it's gone, it's gone until the next year's holiday season.

    I was pleased to see they still had a few bottles at Trader Joe's, as I had not, as yet, had any of the 2017 new wine. I bought 2 bottles. There is now one left. :)



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    15 bone chilling degrees out there this morning with an expected high of only 30 and 20% chance of precipitation, presumably in the form of early snow flurries. We did get what looks like about an inch of snow overnight. The yard looks all shiny and lovely and I have little doubt there's ice under that snow in places, especially on overpasses and such. Wouldn't be surprised to hear there's no school today, as this IS the Atlanta metro area and people here just don't do well on snow. No one, anywhere, can really do well on ice, without chains or studded tires and even then it's iffy.

    I don't think I was planning to go anywhere today and if I was, I think I just cancelled any such plans. :)

    One of those cans of hearty German vegetable soup is sounding like a possible lunch today as it's definitely a soup kind of day.

    I left indoor faucets on outside facing walls dripping last night, just in case.

    Now to see just which updates couldn't be installed overnight and why...and get them installed.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...